HOW MUCH DO I MAKE?! GOT SCAMMED BY WHO?! | Scarra Reacts to Gbay99's Dignitas Documentary
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Channel: scarra
Views: 323,719
Rating: 4.9371085 out of 5
Keywords: Lol, League of Legends, Scarra, teamfight tactics, team fight tactics, tft, scarra team fight tactics, scarra teamfight, scarra teamfight tactics, scarra tft, teamfight tactics gameplay, tft gameplay, teamfight tactics op, tft guide, teamfight tactics guide, teamfight tactics build, teamfight tactics strategy, scarra reacts, gbay99, scarra gbay99, gbay99 dignitas, scarra reacts to gbay99 dignitas, scarra dignitas, scarra scammed, scarra money, how much does scarra make
Id: jBZY3k26N_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 15sec (4875 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 25 2020
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