Meme Stream Dream Team vs Throw Machine Gaming | Streamer Show Match at S8 NA LCS 2018 Summer Finals

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right now these are all the champs matt's played his support before i like it he could play mid you got two members of golden guardians on the same team i don't know if that's a synergistic advantage or not but if they're looking at the seating order which mark tells me they should not you should ban i'm a cutie pie's graves jungle that should be the next one yeah maybe i'm a cutie pie is actually did cutie pie actually lane swap to dodge tyler1 that's the real question he would be that travesty i think everyone is looking for that bot lane matchup yeah the two number one league streamers had an urgot band yeah they were watching the album yeah they know it's a meta champ now oh no nunu no willem that's unfortunate do you think we get the draven i hope they go see i think so if it's if it's not banned he's got to go i mean we know we're talking like the cool kid dilemma of like not trying hard but still trying hard enough to impress people right draven is whoa but i still wouldn't i would still prefer to see people on their signature picks i want to see the osu of the dravens here's another question oh there we go is freak even willing to play sport yeah is that a thing he queues bot support okay yeah because i remember a show match in which he and irene were in the bot lane together and i believe they both played eddie carries now irene was like a supportive oh please lock it in baby [Applause] it's yeah it seems like now we're going to queue into the red team's con to see how champs likes going [Laughter] you got to keep the headset on that's a that's a deduction if you take it off i appreciate you i mean uh if you want to kill lane that's going to be a pretty strong one i just don't know about freaks pike i'm kind of hoping that's matt down there or something i think uh so i'm not going to spoil it but i think it may not be uh freaks pike i think oh that's still better for me all of our like actual lcs prep comes in when you randomly throw lcs players on stage like contracts was practicing pike just a lot i heard some rumors i've i had heard we might be getting some ap blitz i had heard pike jungle so could be getting pretty spicy there's a lot of damage coming through so far no tanks allowed no tanks allowed that should have been a handshake agreement my kind of league of legends right there and if you pick a tank it must be a troll build because if you're not doing a troll pick you have to do a troll build there's at least one degree of trolling that must be included with every pick yes that's not very troll all right well we're heading back mid fans band phase two let's hear what the meme stream dream team is talking about regularly wait yes he actually goes so late i swear to god that actually cracked me up though he actually goes tank zion that man would not give a [ __ ] i'm pretty sure they can hear us i swear i just heard you so much louder wait really no you do it wait let's test it if the crowd can hear us like yell or something what am i danny [Music] i'm pretty sure that they just randomly cheered i all right i think first of all that was brilliant i think we know who the shot caller is on that team now it's boy boy he's got it he's the one who came up with that figured it all out i mean he's got that that was a good stretch this is the boy genius for a reason yeah so here's the thing i recently bet against boy boy uh in watching one of his stream games no i was just tuning in with my girlfriend at home we were watching the game and and looking at the team comps i was like there's no way boy boy's team wins this game it just it won't happen unless they get like a 10k gold lead in in the first 10 minutes the game went super late boy boy beasted it and won this game in the most dramatic fashion i will never bet against this man again that speaks to me a lot more about solo queue than boy boy that might be true too but the point remains that mordekaiser though there they got a lot of good stuff going on oh yeah i'm the meme stream team but boy boy in particular when you watch him stream he he's probably the master streamer who you were most likely to tune into him being 4-10 yes it's like 75 of his games but he'll either pull it in the end to get the win or he'll go 12-0 and that averages it a 50 win rate and keeps him in master he also has a budding friendship with tyler1 so i wonder if this uh potential rivalry match will get in the way there's a lot of story lines here who is their joke i guess there's talent jungle is it talon jungle well ryze made yasuo top scar has smite yeah so it might be smite it might be jungle blitz scaro was telling us he was going to be the jungler so that would right you were right and then the seating order did not necessarily take there it is so the positions the memestream dream team may have gotten uh outplayed a little bit in this draft phase where one side was going with troll picks that's a very real-looking tip yeah one team got an actual composition the other one uh yeah a little bit blitz moored jungle talon rise topias one minute but oh tyler one's giving a pep talk i wanna hear this uh look at the pets look at the strategizing that's happening here they are taking this all right here we go red side for the pep talk let's go [ __ ] go oh let me freaking go so if you're talking about washed up lcs players and streamers that's them right i think he's representing i mean scott was on the aed today he cast more than i did so i think he's also wait it's jungle wait john jungkook predators telling with uh that's actually so good yeah what do you start on pike by the way huh like ability yeah uh it doesn't really matter usually e though for jungle play yo what are we gonna do level one guys all righty the stage is set gentlemen we got some crazy comps both teams seem confident though in the fact that they could take away a victory ladies and gentlemen we loaded on to the rift for our show match between the memestream dream team and the throw machine a summoner and uh i think tyler and tyler one has left the game ladies and gentlemen tyler1 has left the game this was all pranked there was no show match ever planned yeah he was just checking that the ulta fork he's worked right up preparing his future fully functional he hasn't played on tournament realm before to be fair i'm pretty sure so he probably is just testing out like what happens on tournament realm when i rage quit he's coming back don't worry about it he has reformed mark yeah confirmed rage quit refs are coaxing him to get back into the game here hopefully we'll have a little sweet talk in just a minute exactly it's going to be all right i mean i would be concerned about losing to mordekaiser blitz bot lane is that right maybe that's maybe that's the i was just told that my head said there was a rage quit key binding on his keyboard somehow wait seriously is that real they're going to talk to me and tell me but you need to hit two buttons right he doesn't want to switch this is an absolute massacre the throw machine three kills to one get him solo oh the easy call on the blitz invade you got to know that's coming this really does remind me of delta fox and challenger you were the coach of that team and the caster of that team right i saw a lot of them five man there's no way there's a sign in this brush pike with e as well five-man stun five-man knock-up wait tyler wasn't even late to the party last year that flashes in did he get a kill i hope yeah he got one did he have any draven stacks before the kill all worth it oh god look at that excitement oh on the lc oh and even connection freak as well on the high fives not leaving him out to dry all right three kills to one an early gold lead for the throw machine we'll see how this manifests within the lane but for now we're gonna jump over to the blue comms see how they're reacting to that [ __ ] try to lane invaders i think they'd be camping though or not all right cutie leave me dude all right just hit [ __ ] hoods from level three okay they don't who you slush i think why the [ __ ] am i so low actually he said how am i solo you face taste entire oh shifter probably hasn't played bot lane in a while walks up to draven zyra level one why am i still alive i have a few thoughts on why you might be so low this is gonna be a tough one you got that double melee lane down there again damage heavy oswell though on the signature pick and here's the thing about a blitz board lane is he said hit a hook at level three if they start hitting any of those they can get kill after kill after kill start looking at snowball yeah but you got to get to level three first which is pretty hard to do against zyra draven it's a tall order tall order and we have to see how good freak is because you can drop one of those plants in front of you and into the block of blitz hook if you're a good player which free is not synonymous with whoa i think tyler1's pink rank was around rank five yeah i thought he got higher 17 as well support leblanc in the mid lane that pike though the pike coming through i mean he started with challenging smite already he's too old too [Music] oh man does he know to hear the reason for this one does he know we're not dragging and explaining yourself does he know what mordekaiser does he knows what he did there's a chance he doesn't know what mordekaiser does he's reporting that tyler dc'd let me pause for you that is because it got hooked that is the most bm that is the best i love this i love this how i really hope i really hope all chat is turned on for this one ooh that'd be nice if we get some alternatives yeah i'd love to see some of that action all right tyler one goes down in the lane phase we said if those blitz hooks start landing they can get ugly fast see if freak over stays in the lane here contracts is down there so you might actually be trying to bait him oh blade on the good good bait here we go a little bit of damage coming through for the pike contracts right man oh my goodness he's just bopping kids right now that's a thing i feel like with jungle pike if you get off to a good start uh it's gonna be real good because oh is that what you do i don't feel like he can clear the jungle pretty much at all okay so i was actually talking about this pick uh with contracts earlier and then he gave me the breakdown of how to play jungle pike all right hit me with the breakdown level two cheese gank or it's doomed i love it i it appears after this fight goes through [Music] the trade the trade kills in the mid lane very respectful but two of them we're gonna get a replay locks here yes let's take a look there's the hook goes through yeah and then we're gonna have a pause and here's the chat he just ran in and died oh my god spice some next level i mean this is why they're good streamers as they entertain and put on a show without a doubt oh looking for the hook now pressure pressure for the meme mainstream dream team now we're gonna hop over to red side com see how they're dealing with all that pressure they can go drake telling top side for sure i'll go mid maybe probably i've been frozen they just awarded our gromp oh get get wrecked nerd no making a beeline for uh i can't kill that word okay blitz probably worded around here all right it's all good and we still have yeah we definitely went to me too hard win i'm walking down here i might run into talent but i think it's fine i can i can try here i'm gonna go for this just watch out for them pushing me hey you guys building away but i can push you and i can come down hell yeah hell yes i can't go track it you know tyler1 has actually been preparing for this he's been inviting his solo queue teams on to discord to actually like practice gobs of joy i mean he called out the double star advantage saying they can win the 2v2 scar is going to go for freedom classic freaky yeah freak's dead yeah class oh contracts coming in i don't think there's much there it's not very surprising to hear the lcs pros having very succinct and focused calms compared to the uh streamer team i think i've multiple former pros on the stream or team that's true did you see the graphic that came up about last pro games for each of them oh i messed it i must have missed that it wasn't recent well yeah but it definitely was not yeah all of them were over two years ago at least oh there it there it is 2014 2014. everyone else is 2014 but shifter who's on support blitzcrank oh well i was just gonna say matt's doing real well uh he's looking comfortable with the cs lead in the bot oh wait yeah in the bot lane sorry that scoreboard is gonna keep messing with me i keep thinking he's against talon yeah they're doing pretty well freaking uh tyler they obviously had a pretty good level one though yeah that's exactly all right we're hopping back over to blue side let's hear what they have to say lcs dude they should uh yeah but i just use it yeah i know i might try to roam bot if i can push midnight it's six seconds okay i'll let you guys i might go by right here okay we would just wait for uh uh i'm gonna just play actually now he's pushing i foreign to say yeah we're we're good to go now i can make sure he doesn't go though okay diane's missing science missing they're going back down uh that was not a call that was listened to i was gonna say the instincts were there from boy boy scion's not here watch out bot lane we shouldn't go you gotta point out too here so while he did do a serious pick solo is going for the lethality scion hero oh the one shot ultimate build if he was gonna do it i would like to see glacial augment to slow him down after you're dead to smackdown kill come through under the turret easy oh stop going down the bot side too freak up pulled in easy kill oh man that was with the roam for matt too looks like they got how you wanted to happen squishy zyra taking the hole even after that disaster at level one i think we're in for how many minutes is this game gonna go i think it won't be very long 24 because there would be so many kills something yeah like catastrophic will happen someone will get blown out in the bot lane and it'll be three turrets instantly i think it's 35 minutes that's long i think i think in between that 30 and 35 minute mark is where we'll see this end i think uh it's kind of set up for yasuo to have a big game right now on the his signature pick as well as kind of being the most fed on his team yeah he's doing well there's the one knock-up i guess with blitz also here but uh gonna be a lot of kind of setup for himself and right we'll see how he's gonna be able to perform i'm waiting to see where contracts goes next on that jungle pike he started out 2-0 and two by the first three minutes we've now gone an extra six minutes he's only picked up one more kill so definitely slowed down following these those early early skirmishes i always gotta watch for the resets though from a pike in these fights and it's a lot of squishy oh nice little dodge there from matt going back with the distortion he's also two levels down so he had to pull that off to not die supports though not a lame but they do have mechanics yeah i had the privilege of playing against mako a couple of years ago when they were on campus i got utterly destroyed by gazette support players do have mechanics definitely do i mean that said yasuo is solo's here pretty good remember the results gonna do a lot of damage if he goes in solo could come over oh if that chain landed i think gotta go get in there gonna try and use it to get out no just go for the 1v3 unlikely the ulti okay contract's not gonna be able to get the cash in there but down to the bottom side they're gonna hook in tyler1 and he's just gone stylezonias you might need that later yeah i'm gonna wait for that to bite him later in the game it's about mental warfare here mark that's true keep track of that as the game goes on these two top laners been mostly isolated aside from the one roam to the top lane from yasuo we got a replay replay of the bot lane as i'm a cutie pie goes low here on the initial engagement but it looks like that basically oh so close actually on the stand aside scar just over the wall the flash hook from shifter right into scara nicely done oh that's the chair lean we need that we need that step back you can visibly see the man tilting right and i think i could hear some hear some of those chat messages updating the client i hope we get another look at that man more more and more action in this mid lane just unrelenting pressure coming out of yasuo towards matt he's pretty low though matt has actually got some pretty good poke down on him shane hits the minion not going to get anything there but these distortions really chunking them out uh yeah uh scarra hovering around so i think he's trying to bait engage or maybe find a knock-up for himself but matt was playing where it's at no flashes on cutie or [ __ ] flashy [ __ ] kidding where's my knight or where's my uh sounds going [ __ ] get out [ __ ] where's my stopwatch you just didn't have the question's been answered will he need it in the next couple minutes the answer is yes takes a death penalty hey i saw that you just died right there what happened this guy is getting his lane baby sad so hard it's like i'm playing against him and so look you he's just crying to contract please count my leg i'm telling you if you put the mic on him right now 24 7 gank my lane without a doubt do you want a 1v1 in the mid lane yeah if i would be dude i'll smash him at any any lane he wants we can do it in the baron pit i'll see what i can do good luck yeah the bear pit sounding pretty good for a 1v1 between a melee champion marksman you're if you're playing especially this area where you can't get off i love it i love it i hope we get that there's also shelly in the pit as well so you have like one environmental hazard i'm sure we can make that happen overlays made our way across the stage to talk to tyler1 maybe make that proposal let's hear it he's pretty focused i'm gonna take this off your ear uh so i was talking to cutie pie cutie pie was talking mad trash says you're getting babysat and wants to meet you in the bearing pit for a one 1v1 i am i'm heading there now tell him to meet me there i'm not kidding 1v1 in the baron pit i'm there tell him tell him we'll chat meet him there we got a 1v1 on our hands boys [Applause] 1v1 on our hands beating the baron pit if contracts cheats on this one i i swear i want some integrity exactly all right here we go [Applause] we have the chat so we can see perfect whoa whoa whoa all right on the 1v1 guys who is responsible for that was that shifter that was just qualified yeah can someone uh probably go and plug his keyboard shifter please oh the turn though this is revenge oh boy i also i just seriously ripped harold's been involved in this whole fight too wait what is cutie dude but cutie's not backing down he's a man he's a man of his word he will fight to the death he'll also die yeah his death uh will come about inevitably to the death exactly and make it a rift nice good team fight clean 1v1 i'm not sure either team really fully understood the rules there but of a duel in the baron pit i'm pretty sure everyone understands the rules they're about as simple as they come all right it looks like we're going to be tossing back to aveli here in just a moment an investigative report on what exactly went down shifter why why what it was a gentleman's agreement 1v1 in the baron pit and why did you interfere i mean we didn't interfere there when we won we just killed contracts he just standing there i dropped the pick he dropped the pick so he knew so it was like a gentleman's handshake there all right there's the full story back to the desk i appreciate it i mean it's a good point to be honest as more actions taking place in the bot lane yasuo are just escaping but uh he did not interfere directly with the 1v1 he may be technically correct we're going to have to have commissioner greeley look into this a little bit later get the rules expert on it and we'll uh we'll get back to you shortly on the ruling there but yeah i don't buy it ma'am it may have skirted oh another flash goal here on freak leading his team in deaths no surprise yeah that's he's making space mark for the enemy providing vision making space i mean i wonder who has the scaling advantage uh i mean does anyone have the scaling advantage when there's never 10 people alive on the map at any given moment like somebody's always dead in this game so i don't think scaling much matters hmm i disagree james i think scaling always matters so the zyra does scale but freak is always dead that's my point yeah i mean that dealing doesn't matter though no missing that one and they are slowly clawing this one back i think yeah i'm surprised that meme stream dream team while being down so much has come back after that disastrous level one all right mid series prediction who wins this game meme dream team ah chat's going with the mainstream dream team i'm glad the shifter is willing to cheat okay all right yeah how many more opportunities will they give him based on this like at least three more their morality knows no banks yes yeah i'll go i'll go uh the throw machine i think the lcs recency will will pay off okay looking at experience there that means azalea you're the tie breaker that's a tough one i'm kind of like in the meme team here feels like it feels like they're trying harder he's trying pretty hard here he's split pushing on ryze against the 80s he actually might be the most meta champion in the game right now like top rise is a pick you see yeah korea very well i mean leblanc may as well true but that's matt mid so i think boys the most barely misses we give him a pass yeah 17 30 into the game 24 kills 12 for each team relatively even gold one turd advantage to the mainstream team team so it is still very much neck and neck as we dive into a replay here of tyler one's attempted escape and the pickup kill boy boy yeah nice attempt by seoul to try and get the body block you're okay you're okay i'm here oh i thought you were [Laughter] he was lied to you can't blame him for that he said he okay he's okay it's not his fault yeah so how many of the deaths are his fault this point none none never there you go because he got dc'ed once right right yep batman it is super winnable though i agree winnable definitely winnable you're always scaling hashtag winnable the dragon gets picked up though by i'm a cutie pie so it's a 6v5 now oh this is bad a 6v3 this real bad oh they're going to push the mid lane shelley's trying to do work installing out this push but here comes the dragon oh man how does the dragon interact with this he'll hit him no it won't even get the shot off wasting valuable time here the push is on though from the main dream team here they got the dragon from board of kaiser because they're gonna shove it down mid lane and freak tyler won and contracts are all dead now they're going for solo oh they are underneath the turret we'll see if this can do anything but matt can't get involved i mean lethality scion not the tankiest pick out that's a lot of damage though look at this oh my undercurrent i think this is what i was popping up oh my god the heels there easy pickup double kill in the bot lane meanwhile in the mid lane two turrets go down for the mainstream dream team using that dragon pickup from the mordekaiser map controls gonna be a thing here wow despite the 4k deficit chat really believes in tyler1 yup you gotta believe contracts trying to get out of the fight you also push it forward picks up one kill kill will be traded back two for one in favor of the blue team again pushing this advantage it's non-stop they haven't backed since that last fight they're still pushing yeah they have tyler's body to help with the turret as well gotta try to defend this but it's uh three men coming up here go solo going here there you go tyler won body blocks for the other team he betrays him and freak is gonna go down he does get knocked out without his sign he throws out the spells he has he picks up a couple not the worst the shutdown kill onto the mordekaiser we'll take it but things aren't looking good for throw machine as of right now okay so the frozen heart boy boy rise yeah oh let's talk about this that's a big threat you don't like frozen heart on rise anymore no boy boys mentality is always about like hyper building one defensive tool if people are slightly like over indexed on one damage type they have two big ap damage exactly so that's what i'm saying but there's slightly more id with the hike in the draven and the scion one shot yeah the two ap players are off roll although matt's leblanc looks a little bit better than freak zyro he's not saying much roosevelt's really good against this ion too and having the attacker early yeah he's stopping his attack speed yeah the autos from sign actually do a ton of damage oh when he's when he's in the when he's in the death form yeah oh the pickup for contracts there and the the gold bounty handed over to freak as well they're gonna need more plays like that if they want to claw their way back into this one i mean freak well he does have six deaths he already has his lead injuries he's got his uh sore boots as well and oh commissioners weighed in here not enough fines for all the rule violations in this show match we'll have to sort through it later yeah we'll we'll dull those out later in the day it's also worth pointing out you know pretty uh thankful to be casting this with you guys here we had jack actually coming out of retirement specifically to cast this match and first time ever here for dash casting why do i have why is my first cast to quadcast that's near impossible you need all this help now you're helping me now you have an excuse all right let's listen in to tyler1's team here let's see how they're doing around the bear god damn they got me on the words i'm coming right just what is he doing though it's only oh indeed all right i'm already calling it coming out can we traded kills across the map with the mainstream gene team pushing in on the middle inhibitor that's typical you try and kill the split pusher but you lose your base for it contracts looking for the pole he's gonna go down for it not much health there against that pole damage yeah you actually saw some good teamwork there uh by the dream team and that's that's one of the biggest differences between like a like low diamond player like freak versus the challenger players just how they play around vision control and misinformation because freak was just kind of trying to get fishing because there's nothing there but it was very clearly a trap to get him down all the way up to 23 kills matching the game time for the stream dream yeah that's just one team too all right popping over to the mainstream dream team see how they're feeling with one inhib down in their face about the whole game fine yes whatever yeah boy you want to do it baron yeah we can wait let me uh let me buy real quick yeah you just tp down oh you could just do it what am i supposed to buy on this channel [ __ ] all right hey what just buy random stuff riley's you want to give yeah baron so we miss our flight oh that sounds great let's do it honestly i'm down wait wait do you want to just do baron say we're doing it see if we can i'm just buying as much armor as possible yeah freak's gonna come word again yeah i'm already here dude yeah look he's gonna try to play me whatever it sounds like they want a lot of one again again yeah another hook coming through that boy boys going straight into the fight all the armor in the world won't help you against the excuse kills being traded back and forth double kill going to i'm a cutie pie as he navigates this fight on the mordekaiser doesn't know what to build but he knows how to plays it contracts doing everything he can to keep his team in the game so they're just running it down mid we'll see freaks about to be up can he make the last stand on the zyra that's the question let's go baby let's go baby brian put out the damage he's not doing it engage throw your spells well they might be waiting for tyler yeah they're going oh one last chance here matt throwing out a little oh i don't know if he likes to take that one back flash is out the zyra old comes down tyler one's up can he carry the team can he carry freak back into this one tp's coming in though oh here we go boy boy back in with all that armor he said he was putting armor specifically to beat tyler one he's on the verge of doing it the last ditch defense here for the throw machine can they avoid throwing one last time contracts is up he was one of the big damage all righty here we go this one's getting tight across the board a lot of low health targets for contracts to go after the zhonya's time's out can he get the kill on the boy boy it's all up to contracts here in the final stages of the game four alive for mainstream team team the nexus three hits from going down will you have it oh and they make sure they get the ace before the game meme stream dream team coming out on top it looks like the boys will make their flight after all and just eg crushing defeat for tyler1 making his debut on the lcs stage a zero percent win right now you can see the greatest accomplishment in any of these guys careers here as they celebrate by far on the stage there is no greater success than winning the show match between the mainstream dream team and the throw machine i mean i don't think there's a collective lcs championship on that entire stage so you got to take what you can get which is this victory right here that's exactly what you get freak headset's still on oh here he goes he's going to be a sportsman i like to see the smiles on the faces when all the fun is said and done i'm expecting a little bit of controversy then he tries to go back for the handshake so not only the handshake question but also the 1v1 question here's a there are a lot of questions that felt like when the game turned right it was pretty close it was for storyline reasons that's where the game turns yes yeah i'm going to say that one more time to that one contentious situation without a doubt without a doubt shifter the culprit there he had a very impressive game on that blitzcrank his scoreline kind of snuck up on me there i mean loki is uh one of the best players in an a despite the fact that he gave up the competitive career a long time ago to go for the focus on streaming but he's always super high rated well freak and tyler1 reminiscing about their short time share together on stage i think they need a little bit more practice together it might need a little bit more it's better to have loved and lost and not loved at all for that bot lane that's why we have you here the inspirational quote you also need to know when to get out yeah and i think oh my tyler1 is about time hard right turn the hole come on man come on yeah to be fair to freak he was off role all right again two challenger players cut him zero slack that guy talks the biggest game out of anybody on that stage he tried his best he did try his best i'll give him that but i'm not gonna cut him slack for the loss yeah i mean he sucks but like it was a hard situation okay fair enough fair enough we are getting ready for an interview on stage so until then you have to deal with us uh reminiscing about that game yeah i i think the the the level one though was pretty phenomenal just in the sense that like come on you got it's solo queue 101. blitz runs straight for that bush you got to be there you got to be there and that's exactly what they did they capitalized on it with the scion but i'm kind of disappointed then in the meme stream gene team for uh you know face checking it in that in that fashion i don't know you just got to commit you don't need to go in for wards don't take it slow don't check that brush with a hook first you just gotta go and you never know how serious anyone was gonna take it how much attention they're actually paying at the start of the game yeah i feel like invades work very hard i mean you need to remember there was a dc on an alt-f4 tyler yeah that was a rage question he wasn't even there at the start of that right right yeah it was actually a bait it was so next level because they think there's no way they're ready for the invade if one of their players is page quitting final thoughts here yeah if we're giving actual solo queue advice if you always fight man invade in solo queue it works 70 of the time there you go that's all right to hear from some of the champions on stage let's send it over to avili for an interview thanks guys i mean there can only be one winner and one loser and here they are i mean congratulations on the win now the first question was the 1v1 and the baron pit was a little contentious so wait wait wait this guy's going to make excuses all right dude it was a white one sorry yes yes i typed in all chat i'm a cutie pie meet bear pit one versus wait okay we 1v1 at the baron pit and then you immediately ran out right yeah run i was waiting what happened i was i was kiting away you cut it out of the bearing where do you want me to kite around the rift harold uh all right so i'm just saying so what one second ma'am and then what did you do you begged your guys tyler one's too good this guy literally gets down okay let's break it up let's break it let's break it up shifter said that he was actually just killing contracts so that it wasn't directed towards you whatever that may be but um i mean there was controversy on your side as well did i not see a handshake to cutiepie at the end of the game no you did not ma'am wrong no i did not shake this man's hand reasoning behind that i do not like this guy hey i like you dude come on we're all playing under the same arena we're all here for league of legends supporting esports can you put aside your 1v1 differences and shake hands on this stage right now as friends and as competitors hey it's nothing personal is there anything that you'd like to say to each other as competitors and as new friends i'll start off by saying don't waste my time you might want to change your stream time man cause i'll be seeing you in solo queue i i hope let me say i hope i see you in solo queue wait what rank are you right now say it i'm a season eight ranked five player formally formerly so what are you right now diamond okay i i'm gonna be seeing you definitely you will i will i will all right it sounds like he took it guys thank you so much for joining us i'm gonna cut this off before it gets a little too spicy analysts what did you think thank you very much thank you thank you to both of the teams for putting on quite a show and uh i mean ultimately look at that we built a bridge between two players that were former formerly contentious and will continue to be safe probably but we got the hands it's just a circular bridge yeah we got the moment we got the moment the handshake moment we can cut out all the other stuff right there they're looking like best friends we've got editors chad we brought freak and tyler one together that'll be the day that'll be the day tyler1 exiting the stage cutie will do that same props to everyone who showed up today uh especially tyler one who just kind of came on his own accord did fan meets outside yeah everyone got excited but there's doing a show match why did he just jump into the show match willing to do it puts on a big show everyone else there as well uh no one wants to be humiliated on a stage or something so everyone had the right attitude went at it and that was that was fun 25. all right yeah thank you to pastry time for being benched that was wonderful that two minutes for roll swap in the middle exactly zero zero and zero did a lot of conversations this guy built a frozen heart there was as much ap on our team as there was a this guy built a frozen heart i'm sure he's upset about him playing his main but to be fair yasuo can only play two champions so it was going to be pretty ugly if he had to pick something else well ladies and gentlemen we can't forget that we had a best of five between two of the best teams in the nalcs to precede all of this and with the victors for today decided let's take a look at the bracket presented by jersey mike subs tsm took third place in 70 championship points with their victory but tomorrow is our title match where team liquid are challenged by cloud nine in the 2018 summer championship huge huge series coming up tomorrow i think cloud9 is so hungry to win with the fact that this is the difference between having to play another best of five in gauntlet and instantly making worlds for themselves absolutely and then doublelift is looking for the back-to-back titles as well he wants to tie bjergsen and overall titles he wants to defend his mvp honor now that he learned he received the award today i'm predicting five games just like we thought we're gonna see five games today but it's for first so it's going to be super high quality it's going to be ridiculously exciting and i think this sets up so much for worlds because people want to have that team that they can believe in going into worlds they want to have that team with a dominant performance and if these teams come out and whoever wins shows a really good set of games i think they're gonna have a lot of fans going in towards worlds the table is set it's high stakes for both of these teams i'm hoping for a five game series just like we had today if you need more league action though stay tuned for the rebroadcast of eu's third place match going live right after this show but for myself the cast is the entire live broadcast crew thank you for watching and we'll see you tomorrow for more of the nlcs finals good night
Channel: EpicSkillshot - LoL VOD Library
Views: 8,488,458
Rating: 4.864078 out of 5
Keywords: Yassuo, VoyBoy, Scarra, Imaqtpie, Shiphtur, Solo, Contractz, Matt, Phreak, Tyler1, T1, phreak tyler1, tyler, show match, Meme Stream Dream Team, Throw Machine, throw, machine, meme, stream, dream, team, imaqtpie vs tyler1, 1 vs 1, baron pit, rage quit, playoffs, play-offs, LoL, LCS, 2018, League of Legends, epic, NA LCS, Season 8, S8, S8 NA LCS, 8.16, lol esports, lolesports, e-sports, league of legends, na lcs, epicskillshot, game, play, match, pro, full game, HD, 1080p, VOD, VODS, fun, funny, mdt vs tmg
Id: 0e18oYu0cmI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 59sec (2519 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 08 2018
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