How Much Can I Finish in One Day? Diamond Painting

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[Music] hey guys it is tuesday january 12th and it is a gloomy rainy day here in vancouver as it often is and i just feel like doing some diamond painting today i'm not feeling particularly creative like yes you are creating something when you make a diamond painting but it just tells you what to do you don't have to plan everything and you know you don't have to think too much which is great that's what i love about diamond painting it's like i'm making something but i don't have to think too hard about choices and stuff i just do it so i thought i would challenge myself to do as much as possible in one day without going too crazy like i'm not going to go late into the night or anything but just have like a good uninterrupted day of diamond painting i wanted to get a whole bunch of it done over the holidays but i ended up just doing nothing a lot of days like just completely lounging and so the only thing i did over the holidays was organize all my little containers i got all the all the drills out of the plastic bags except for excessive ones that don't fit like the extra ones that don't fit into these containers but every single color is in a jar now so it's easily accessible ready to go so that's the one thing i did but that was about it so i just kind of want one day where i really go at it especially since i do this in live streams every now and then too it's just a perfect live streaming activity but i don't get very far i don't like don't get much progress done because i'm stopping to chat and all that so i thought today'd be a good day to just do a nice big chunk of it so i'm working on the at peace diamond painting or not at peace wow me doesn't even know the name of her own artwork my petal dance artwork this one that was turned into a diamond painting i'm working on this one it is quite large and you know some decent progress on it i've just been taking it easy with this one slowly chipping away at it but today we're gonna make some better progress maybe i can turn my light on now was making everything look extra blown out before yeah there we go that's some better lighting so this is the chunk i was working on in the last live stream and i never quite finished it there are the stars here and the arms so i want to do that first oh and this little section here i was purposely avoiding the head so i can save it for last so then after i'm done that i might move on to this section here and try to do a big chunk of that today so we'll see how far i can get the first interruption is going to be in probably an hour to an hour and a half when i eat breakfast you'd think i'd do that before i start but i'm just not hungry yet plus my coffee keeps me full a little longer in the morning so that interruption will come later for reference it is currently 10 31 a.m i think what i'll do is i'll do no music during the real time parts and then whenever i do a sped up portion then i will add music so we get a little a little bit of both there's this one lone gem right here with no other ones around it i have this tape to mark where the clear plastic ends but i don't have a piece right here i think i was going around the light brown yeah okay i was gonna switch to my top cam to show you my inside of my little container i guess this kind of works i uh one of my cables stopped working for my camera so i'm down to one camera or i have to just switch the cable between the two cameras the replacement cable should be coming tomorrow i believe but in the meantime we'll just deal with what we got can want this i want the one with the multi-placer oh yeah yeah love that thing let's go with the biohazard one at least that's what i call it this one right here light box on i don't need many big rows for this chunk right here because there's really only this one row up on our arm though there's a bigger section of this color i was saying this in a recent live stream but part of me feels bad when i do these diamond painting centric videos i guess because it's different than what i'm you know what i'm used to with before with my art videos like my channel was mostly drawing although i would do crafty stuff here and there too and then now that i've gotten into the diamond painting i'm like do people even like this like are they bored of it are they sick of it do they hate how i'm just doing like piece by piece in these videos instead of doing an entire one in one video but then i have to remember my diamond painting videos are some of my more popular ones and i get asked all the time when i'm doing more so like the signs are all there that you guys really like them yet i still keep doubting myself i don't know and about doing them piece by piece i've been told by my viewers that a lot of people will do little chit chat videos like a whip and chat i think they said i mean i'm sure different youtubers who use different terms but people will just kind of work a little bit on it while chatting and you're not expected to complete a whole one in one video and i'm like okay that makes me feel a lot better okay i think i'll kick it into my first time lapse chunk complete the arm and the stars and then we'll carry on now that i'm looking back i can see all the signs [Music] somehow [Music] impossible [Music] me [Music] it's funny how easily a life can be torn [Music] okay that chunk is done it's not quite as satisfying as usual because it's not a straight line here this is curved i love when i do a nice rectangular piece and finish it off and this next chunk is not going to be rectangular either because we're going to do the same thing and hug along the head i actually used a blade for it last time i went along like this wait let's see i stuck down a few extra ones back here just since i had them i just really like saving the face for last okay wait let's actually cut down here because there's one of these sideways bracket things might as well do that one instead of leaving one lonesome one when i go to do the head there's p's and s's with the y is more like psi wait where did i leave off and then for the rest of this i found it's easier if i lay the tape down before i cut the clear plastic so i can have a straighter line okay and then we should be able to peel all this up and snip along the tape line oops suppose i could have used the knife for this part too although i will cover this section i'm not going to go to quite yet since i'm left-handed i'm going to start here get some of the gems down so that by the time i move over to this side i have something to rest my hand on and there's a whole bunch of this color the percent so i'm going to start with that one as i tend to do i'm gonna get so much use out of this and i think it's breakfast time though i'm getting hungry what is this why are the letters so huge did they change this they're massive they taste different too like they're not bad but this was one of my favorite cereals they've tainted it okay now for a little angle switch oh my webcam though is covering the corner get the percents i mean it actually might make sense to do some of these colors since this is the lower section okay yeah maybe let's do that just to switch things up i usually start with the most abundant color let's do down arrows oh yeah you just hear stuff falling over then i hear a minute ago oh i know one thing i wanted to talk about is that i have started playing dark souls my sister has loved the dark souls games and she convinced me during my friday stream to give it a try we didn't have much time to play it that night because it was already getting really late but we got in like a couple hours about and we played it again on sunday for a little bit and then i played a bit by myself last night just to kind of level up and get used to things some more because i got i found a new weapon that was similar to my old one but i liked it more so i had to kind of grind a bit to level that up and i'm feeling a little more confident with the combat and stuff like that so yeah it's very fun it's a hard game like you die a lot in that game but i like the challenge so i'm actually really enjoying it and i'm probably going to play a bit of it tonight too which is part of the reason why i don't want to do this till i go to bed i also don't want to kill my back by diamond painting until i go to bed if you overdo it you're gonna hurt yourself and you're probably gonna see some dark souls in upcoming game streams finally something that's not fall guys or animal crossing that's like all i've been streaming on game days been animal crossing men fall guys it's because they're just so good oh and then pokemon i've kind of abandoned it's funny because i thought i was just trying to go for dex completion right now and so i'm like okay i just have like the final bits to do which is kind of annoying and so i've been putting that off and then i remembered i never finished the crown tundra dlc so i'm like oh so i actually have more to do than i thought but i guess i'll start speeding this up again i'm going to go back to watching friends while working on this i was scared because friends was going to be going off netflix at the start of this year at least here in canada and moving to crave tv and i was sad about that and then christian was like we get crave tv for free since we have shaw cable so i'm like oh okay so we're good so i'm able to continue watching it so that is what i'll do while i continue on with this oh i need a big section i grabbed one too many here we go [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] ashes [Music] so here's where we're at i did all the colors except the percent one and now there's just that one color left it's a lot of space but it's just one color so that's the next step okay i poured way too many in here it's funny because i can probably do this color in the same amount of time it took me to do the other ones combined oop okay grabbed sort of the edge here it still worked and once i get to the upper section where there's no other colors oh that's going to be fast another broken plate another called off date we never seem to get it right another heart attack was that we can't take back we are the reason opposites attract once you slam the door [Music] you make me [Music] every night it still feels right even [Music] [Applause] is [Music] baby let's talk until we're fine you've been in bed for days empty without me you say can't you [Music] he just made it through and i love the way i feel for you [Music] baby [Music] [Music] is okay you guys it's time for a quick break to make hot chocolate and yes with my keurig i got roasted in the comments for making hot chocolate with water we don't buy jugs of cow milk unless i really need it for a recipe or something usually i just substitute water we do buy oat milk and i've used it with my hot chocolate mix before but it's just i use it for cereal and that's it i just it does not taste good i don't want to sip it i don't want so yeah i use my keurig for hot chocolate it's very nice very convenient and sometimes i actually like what i'm gonna do right now i actually brew coffee and then add the hot chocolate mix to it so it's kind of like a mocha thingy so we'll just do 10 ounces normally would do 12 for coffee but i need to leave room for this this is much more convenient than keeping milk just for hot chocolate this lasts like two months in the fridge milk goes bad after like a week and it's hazelnut flavor like come on it's better in every way it's still like a creamy beverage so i think it's it's fine but not lean into coffee grounds i'm so paranoid i'm going to stain this thing because all my pastel cloves get stained very rapidly if it's later in the day i don't do it it has coffee just because i don't want to be up all night but it's early enough that i should hopefully be okay do a couple scoops of this small yeah like that okay i don't know if i can one hand this no i can't i can't i have some dishes to put away and more to wash later today but that's future bailey's problem look at that it's creamy it's dreamy it's delicious it doesn't even make sense why i think about you it was only one night only that time and it's not my style to be caught up in the middle like this cause now i dream about you i was probably too drunk it's blurry but i've got the image of you running circles in my mind right now and it could fade away [Music] but what can i do and it would be all right to let me down rather we try then let these feelings slide so i'm gonna die [Music] but we know that we will both be lying i wish i didn't want you i was doing just fine the way that it was then you had me these emotions didn't want them but i guess they don't suck with them [Music] and the section is done let's shine the light shine the light okay this looks way better in person than on camera rude question i say oh oh twinkle twinkle little gems even the area where i haven't done it yet is twinkling i don't think that would pick up on camera maybe oh there look at her face look at her face see glittering it's because the canvas is glittery too it's all glitzy so yeah it's 4 30 currently my neck hurts my back feels okay though i noticed at one point i kept going like this i would do it because i was trying to see like with the multi-placer i'm trying to see where i'm putting them down so my head was like this the whole time really not good for ya just gotta do the other side now even it out but yeah like do i carry on i mean i guess i do it's only 4 30. i'm kind of curious about the collar area i think i'll do that but i'll cut off the whole section here and focus on this to get these parts done first just grab all the colors that are in this section and if there happens to be a bit of it over here do that too but i'm not necessarily going to finish that chunk today okay you had to go curly on me ugh how far down am i going now either way some of it's gonna get cut off i suppose why am i hearing dinosaur noises there and i'll cover this section but i'll lift it if i need to get under there for certain colors and i forgot to hit record i'm an idiot well i just did all the little black dots i love all the sounds associated with diamond painting like the little gems and the sticky sounds it's also great oh yeah that's the stuff oh this is not there we go but what can i do [Music] is [Music] it doesn't even make sense what i think about you it was only one night only that time and it's not my style to be caught up in the middle like this [Music] me [Music] [Music] is all righty it's now 709 so i've been going for about eight and a half hours and yeah i finished that one chunk i didn't think i would completely do it but you know i was just on a roll this is close to half done that's exciting oh my god i'm so happy with the progress i made look at the top wait if you crop it like this it's just finished pieces oh my god i need more days like today where i just kind of do that all day it's really nice to just shut my brain off and go at it and i'm gonna go do some dishes now i'm not gonna bore you with footage of that there's something there that wasn't there before the dishes are done and i'm about to eat this chicken salad it's like the pre-made salads you could buy at superstore it's like this huge family size one so i had some of this yesterday and then some more today and it's a rotisserie chicken shredded on top lazy man's meal six balls no more i must have you at eight well i did not play any dark souls but we did watch the first three episodes of bridgerton that's a show i knew i wanted to watch but actually pay attention to so didn't want to play while watching i like it so far it's all right i'm a sucker for that kind of stuff like fancy costumes fancy buildings romance plot what can i say what can i say okay but we are off to bed now so i'm ending it here thanks for watching and i'll see you guys in the next one [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Baylee Jae
Views: 157,020
Rating: 4.9495764 out of 5
Keywords: baylee jae, baylee, bumble baylee, art, vlog, studio vlog, art vlog, creative, arts & crafts, crafts, canada, vlogger, pink, cats, diamond, diamond painting, diamond dots, craft, speedpaint, chat, WIP
Id: s080Vz5gudw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 11sec (1631 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 13 2021
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