Diamond Paint with Me #18: Time Lapse Piggy!

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[Music] hi everyone its Megan and welcome back to my channel who school teacher addicted to diamond painting today's video is going to be a time-lapse paint with me yay again um and today we're working on what I call pig so this time I'm painting is a full round drill with the clear covering but it didn't come with an inventory sheet so I stuck the canvas into my copy machine into my printer slash copy copier and I made my own I just made sure that I copied the the key and the picture what it's supposed to look like in the end and then I got this sweet little piggy face with it so I'll give you all the information first I call it pig I bought this off of Amazon last April of 2018 mm-hmm so I've had it for a while it's been sitting in my queue it was $8.99 which now looking back that's a lot of money for something this size it's a 30 by 40 especially around off of Amazon I just I was a little surprised um mmm it has 13 colors as you can see it's a 30 by 40 like I said um it's a full round drill like I said and all the drills were included there were no sticky grills which I like to make a note of on there as well so then the other things I'm using for this video obviously um the drills that it came with after I did inventory I like to put a little piece of paper in the bag that says the name of the painting of what I refer to it as so I have pig so it matches up with hey um and I just like to put how many colors there are cuz if I am going to use containers I need to know how many containers I need but because this is a pretty decently small rather not so complex painting I just decided I would work right from these bags because the way I'm doing this is I'm doing one color across the entire canvas at a time so I don't really need small containers because I'm not going to be opening and closing them constantly I'm just going to have one bag at a time so that's what I'm choosing to keep them in their little baggie this is how they came which is really nice and these are suitable bags if they weren't resealable bags I would probably put them in bags like this you can get each bag has the number that coordinates with a key and actually the number and the symbol coordinate up until number eight and then it turns to a P and then nine is a nine and then from ten to thirteen are letters so this is a really simple one to do the other things I'll be using I've got a few pens sorry you guys I've got this like cold and ice frog in my throat oops don't roll away okay so these two pens pen grips I made recently just a little tangent side note really quick I call them my unicorn series um I made this one first and then I got a little creative I made this one um this is just made from the rainbow loom they're not like they don't last forever you know the band's deteriorate so mm but I all of mine that I made from the past years still work but I can tell they're not going to last forever um so just a quick little tip for you guys I made this pen grip with five rows of bands I noticed that when I still used it it would push down and it was a little too loose for me and I think the culprit are these like clearish bands I think they slide easier so what I did is I just started to twist it and as I twisted it I noticed that the pen grip got it got it got tighter as I twisted it so and I kind of like the look of it now so if you have a loose sorry if you heard Chris um if you have a loose loom band grip you can always just twist it to make it tiger this one really slides because they're all blue these blue clear ones so I really twisted this one up and it helps a lot I have two retwist it every now and then but it really works well so anywho tangent over I have my single tips as well as this one this is a I twisted this one too I think this is a quick stick yeah so it's not the pick-me-up pen it's the quick stick I like it because it has a narrower tip to it and I just twisted that too because what the heck I like the look of it by the way if you guys don't like how this keeps untwisting I read a comment that said someone commented that you can get taped like at a hardware store that can go on tread but the only problem with that is that I don't know if you'll be able to screw it up anymore to get more tact out of that this end and imagine you would but it would just be harder to do so I might try that with this but this grip also helps to keep it from on screwing as well so then I've also got my three drill tip and my six drill tip at the ready for this project as well as you can see in the painting though since this is a full drill the whole background is pink so there's gonna be a lot of color to lay down in the background so that's when these two pens are gonna come in pretty handy I'm also using a large capacity diamond tray and I have two smaller green boats these are for when I have to lay less color this is for when I have to lay a lot of color so I'll be using this mainly for that pink background so I didn't have to refill it as much but I have two of these because if I do come across any drills that are stuck together I put some in the tray and then I call it the two dish squish and you just squish squish-squish pushing you hear popping and cracking and then you um take it and you're kind of like straight the bottom to get this because the static will make drills stick to this part and then you've got a pretty decent amount of drills that are good to go right here I've also got some wax are you I like these large ones because I use one end for my single tip and then one end for my multi my multi tips that's kind of like what I like to do with it and then I have my washi tape that I'll use around if there's any exposed glue around the outside perimeter of the painting I'll cover it with washi tape so that it doesn't get lint all over it and scissors to cut that tape I also have my light pad on my lap desk I've got some clips to clip my own painting to my light pad I've got my handy-dandy new overhead light that has been working fabulously on both settings I like it but if there's so much natural light right now in my room that I don't think I need that by the way I covered my windows with this privacy film and I'm loving the look of it it's so pretty at nighttime okay I've also have my tweezers over here and I have a garbage cup right here hanging off and I just have a spare piece of washi tape to tape back that clear covering of the diamond painting oh and a couple extra large Clips in case I have to flip anything to the table and of course I've got my trusty handy dandy light pad at the ready so yeah that's about it you guys and I'm going to get started [Music] okay so when I was recording this video I had reported doing the entire background in a few different videos that I then time-lapse now when I was putting them together I accidentally deleted one of the videos and lost it and I couldn't retrieve it so I apologize but as this video is starting you can see that some of the background near the pig's tail is done and so is like the top half so I was really upset by that but what are you gonna do no no sense in crying over spilt milk so we're just gonna keep going and I learned from that mistake [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so I've been playing around a lot with the different drill tips and in my previous time-lapse I talked about how I'm using the six drill tip and the single and the three drill tip the most and that's what I'm doing here as well Here I am I like to play around when I have a lot of color to lay and obviously this is you know I see sixes for as far as the eye can see with this painting so I get kind of played around I'll use the multi tips and then I'll you know do the checkerboard method which is what I'm doing now so I'm just laying down diagonal diamonds I'm sorry about the flashing of the light Pat again I finally figured it out so it will get better and here I'm slowing down to show you what I mean when I say I mute I use the three drill tip to play single and double diamonds I've explained tried to explain that before so I load my pen with three drills and I'm gonna zoom in real close so you guys can see what I do here I'm gonna put my pen down at an angle so that only one of the drills touches the glue initially okay and that's not perfect but that's okay and then I'm gonna go the opposite way which is easier for me and then I get the middle so I'm going to load my pen with three drills again I do it in an angle to get the first one down the opposite angle to get the one on the end down and then the middle ones next so I tried to slow it down for you so you could really see how I do that a lot of you have said that you wanted to learn more about that so I was hoping with slow motion that you'd be able to see it a little bit easier I only slow slow mow it to the end of this line and then I go back to time-lapse but I just wanted to show you how I do that with angling a pen in different ways the reason why I use the three drill tip the most to do this is because I find that I have the most control with the three drill tip I've tried doing it with the six drill tip and I just can't get the right angle to the middle diamonds that I need to with the three drill tip it's just two on the outside and one in the middle and it's much more versatile and user-friendly so that's why I choose to do it that way I've also noticed so I'm doing the checkerboard method right now with this painting but it's obviously not the same as if I were to do a checkerboard with square diamonds so with a checkerboard with square diamonds really helps to keep the diamonds straight because they kind of push against each other in the end and they all kind of line up with the circles with the round diamonds or circle diamonds it doesn't make that big of a difference but it does kind of help you break up the monotony of laying a lot of color and I also noticed that it does help you to Center the symbol underneath the drill so some people say how do you get your drills so straight or your rows so straight and my answer is they're not straight they just look straight because it's on camera and you can't see as close up like with the naked eye as I can and just a side note here you can see how I am using the three drill tips to lay this checkerboard pattern and since I can't just lay them diagonally I have to do that I have two angles a pen in different ways but I also you see my single drill my single drill tip go in the shot at some point - that's because I'm straightening them because not you know every time I lay a drill it's not always perfect so I usually have to go back and fix it and yeah I find that okay go ain't going back to what I was trying to say before is that I get my my drills on my cymbals by centering the symbol underneath the drill when I lay it if that makes sense so instead of relying on you know the individual rows or keeping the rows straight or making sure that they're equidistant apart I just simply Center it I just put the drill as close you know as covering as much of the cymbal as possible I try to slip the symbol AB right in the middle of the drill so that um they end up being straight in the long run and the squares it's kind of more of a necessity if you want to get straight line with a multi drilled tip I mean with a single drill tip sorry I'm using the multi drill tip now in this video so I like to just switch it up you know when I realize that I'm getting tired with one thing I'll try another thing with squares if I'm if I get tired of you know the same thing happening all the time I'll pick up my tweezers and I'll try you know using scissors for a little while and so back it boring and I'll pick up a pen again not boring just kind of mix it up I don't want to you know get too used to any one thing I guess so yeah I'm gonna talk about the background alright everybody so I've completed the pink background of the pig painting poof it was a lot of color but we did it so now all I have to lay down are the drills that go on this precious little piggy and his little blue bandana so let's get back to it [Music] something I noticed that I do when I diamond paint that I didn't always do is that I noticed that I choose the next symbol the way I choose the next symbol I'm going to do is what pops out of my eye or what I see the clearest next so at what I used to do is do any symbol that would make sense to do you know or like I would go by section and then work from like left to right or right to left or however it would work but now that I [Music] have done enough of that I'm painting to realize what works for me I noticed that it really does help me if I can you know see the symbol that I'm trying to lay it saves me a lot of time and it'll save you a lot of time too if you choose symbols that pop out at your eyes the you know the most it saves a lot of time searching for those darn symbols that you're trying to look for that you always miss at least like one of so this the pigskin on this diamond painting was tricky to do because as you can see the background color of the symbols are pretty close you know the ease and the nines and the you know [Music] one other color and even the four is I mean it's slightly darker but it was still tricky to do so my I was kind of dreading the the skin color that's why I chose to do the bandanna next I figured it'd be much quicker to do so yeah and I was talking before about why I prefer the three drill tip not only do I like to use it as a single and a double drill tip but also I find that the the six girl tip which I'm using right now doesn't line up on the symbols as well as the three drill tip does so I don't know why that is but try you guys try it out and let me know what you think because I think that if it's they're too close together I'm the sixth drill tip there's two squished together that's why you see me constantly using my single drill tip to straighten them push them around so that's kind of annoying to deal with someone try to figure out what's going on with that six drill tip and why is so hard it's almost like add them laying down the full six drill tip I have to kind of push it up as I go in order to cover the symbols and I always have to go back with my single drill tip anyway and fix each one and so I'm like this is really is this really shorter though if I'm going back to fix each one is it really worth it so I'm gonna keep playing around with it obviously the more you work at something the better you get at it so I think it's just gonna be one of those things that you have to practice [Music] [Applause] [Music] you know what's he saying to that I like to take breaks with around diamond paintings between my large square projects but another thing I'll equality and other qualities I look for when looking at a brake whip or a brake work in progress is the colors that the diamond painting contains so for instance this one has very delineate 'add lines you know the background is all one color and then you can pretty much see the pigs up you know nose and then the eyes and all that so I look for diamond paintings that are not only round and smaller but also have big blobs of color so that the symbols are easy to find and that I can lay color quickly a lot of the paintings I have are what I've referred to in the past as much having mucked up drill fields which means the symbols are just all mixed up they're very very mixed which is great but it's very exhausting to work on a diamond painting like that for a really long time especially if it's a really large diamond painting so with this pig for instance I could see you know there's weren't very many colors to use in the first place and you could pretty much see other than the light Pink's of like the ease and the nines you could pretty much see you know where the colors were which is a nice great mental break as well I don't know about you guys but those are the two things I look for either you know a round or a special diamond now is what I look for when I want to take a break from ice my beloved squares because I love the squares too but at the same time I'm also really coming around to those round [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] when I have a large space of one color like I did with the backgrounds or like I do with pigs or head with all those ease I tend to fill in as much as I can if I'm in the mood for this way if I'm using multi drill tips to lay color I tend to work from biggest to smallest so I'll use the six drill tips to feel it as much as I can with six at a time and then I'll go back through and I'll fill in you know five at a time or four at a time only you know grabbing five or four drills on my tray that's how I do that and then when that's finished I fill in the rest with three with my three drill tip and then that's usually it because I use the three drill tip as a single drill ship and as a double so that's usually my method if I'm trying to be super super efficient if I'm trying to just break up the monotony and just enjoy myself I do crazy stuff like I've mentioned before I do the pinball method where I just go diagonally diagonally across the field with the same color and I just keep going and going until I have a checkerboard or until I start to fill it in it kind of reminds me of the DVD player the old DVD player symbol when you would have your DVD on pause for so long in the DVD player symbol would just bounce the round of the screen and he watched for it to go in the corner but then it would never do it so that's something I do for fun when I'm trying to you know like I said break up the monotony and spice it up a little bit and then I have to go back through usually and fix the rows people say my rows are so straight but like I said they're really not and you can tell in this video you know because I'm so close up to so many rows of drills that they're not perfect and that's okay you'll drive yourself crazy trying to make every row perfectly straight no one's gonna notice it because when they look at this from a distance they're not gonna be able to see the tiny little circles anyway so yeah I wouldn't worry about that I'm not too worried about it I don't want them to be completely janky because that just leaves gaps on the canvas and gaps are was something I don't like I do not like getting gaps on my canvas it happens a lot with me when I'm laying any light color especially with squares mainly with squares I'll get a gap because I you know lay the whites too far over or something and then the canvas you know the black grid lines on the canvas show through and I've had to kind of figure out how to get my way you know get around that find my way around that problem but it's only mainly with all my white that I do when I with all those you know Harry Potter paintings and everything that I've got all that white just shows any gaps really really clearly so when every year my advice to you if you're ever laying a lot of a light color like white or like a light yellow or really light colors just keep in mind keep checking and making sure that your squares are where they should be and even round make sure the symbols are being covered because it's a lot of work to go back and fix all of the drills that you just laid especially if they've been sitting in the glue for a little while because they're you know more stubborn to move and stay where you try to push them [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so I decided not to talk during that song during the first half of that song because I thought the guitar was really relaxed thank you so I didn't want to interrupt but one thing I did want to talk about a little bit is this cover paper so I have mixed feelings about it I've never done a I've never had a clear paper on a large diamond painting before so I can't speak to any opinion based on the actual experience at that but I have had large paintings with the opaque like the white paper on top and I like it because not only can you see where it starts and stops because it's you know it's a color it's white but you can also cut it very easily to the section that you want to work on I used to fold back the cover paper but now I don't do that anymore now I just cut it off and then put it back on if I need it and then take it off when I'm done laying all the drills on the glue and when all the glue is covered then you don't need the cover paper anymore unless you want to keep dust and hair off of it or whatever but it's just too cumbersome for me so I just end up just throwing the pieces away that I cut off but I know a lot of people don't like the clear paper I don't mind it for small diamond paintings especially partials but I don't think I would like it on a large a larger than in painting like I said I think it would become a little too cumbersome it's I couldn't really cut it very easily and it's hard to see where it starts and stops a lot of people use washi tape as a guide and that's great if you find something that works for you then that's all that matters because whatever works for you is what matters I think by working with the same material for a long time you can learn what works and what doesn't and I just haven't had the chance to work a ton with the clear covering because like I said I only do these smaller part partials or rounds that typically have the clear covering during my in between projects project times so I don't freak with them I guess is what I'm saying I'll do one every few months but now that I'm doing these time-lapse videos and people seem to like them like I'm probably going to be doing them more often than that so I'm still I can't stop thinking about how I deleted that video and you guys missed the whole like I don't even know 3/4 of the background getting filled in that disappoints me a lot but live and learn all I can do at this point is to move on so this video is actually sped up 16 times as fast as what it is normally so that means I'm going pretty fast this is not me in real life guys or maybe it is and I'm just so fast you know this was a good painting to do though I really enjoyed this one it was fun it was really fun I'm gonna let you guys watch just a little bit more and I'm going to talk about some staticy drills and how to fix that problem so I will talk to you in a second ok so I just went to take the number one out of the bag and as I was pouring it I could tell so we had some static issues some some issues with some static electricity so to remedy that problem sorry I'm sort of tilt my desk so it's flat I'm going to take the light pad off for just a moment and I'm going to get just some regular old dryer sheets so I've had this box for a while I'm going to lay it out you probably don't need a whole section of a dryer sheet either but that's what I'm just gonna use for now you dump all your staticky drills onto that dryer sheet I think I dropped one oh yeah I got one on the bed I'm working on my bed right now if you don't already know that I'll just do the whole bag what the heck I've had a lot of leftover colors with this painting so far so I wasn't gonna do all of them but okay so once all your drills are in this dryer sheet you just I sort of fold it in half and I just kind of like rub my way down to open it back up the reason I do it that way is because you want to make sure that each drill is coming into contact whoops with the dryer sheet to neutralize the static I like the static cling so this is actually the same way I wash drills with baby wipes or Clorox wipes this is same thing I do you can also you know like as long as they're in the middle of your dryer sheet you can also kind of just like pinch it so none fall out and fold it sort of and then you can just like kind of go back and forth with it just so they all come into contact with that dryer sheet and then you should be good to go after that okay so let me get them all back to approximately the middle ish and voila hopefully did the trick we'll have to see when we pour it into the boat here's my vote I'm also going to wipe my boat with the dryer sheet I do that every once in a while because with the dry air and everything of the winter I've noticed a lot more static he drills happen and sorry my sleeves have these little like there we go little straps to him second button up my sleeve all right so we'll try this now let's see how it works all right got them all out it's still a couple of course my name is not complete until I spill drills all right there a little clumpy still but I have a feeling that's because of this the softener on the sheet so it should be able to work for what we need it to I'll just tap it a little harder there that's pretty good now all right let's get back to it we're gonna give this little piggy a nose job I just had to stop to say that I crack myself up [Music] [Music] so I normally have a recipient in mind when I do a dynamic painting I like to buy them in paintings with someone in mind so I'm gonna give it to so that I know where it's going once it's finished um and I had a recipient in mind for this and when I bought it last year but I'm not too sure about that anymore because it was child and children's interests can Evan flow with depending on the day so I'm not really sure if she still likes pigs or not but you know I guess I can ask and see if she does like I'll probably so I already gave her diamond painting of a pig it was like a baby pig on a strawberry and I pray I had it framed behind glass or I framed it I guess I should say um and it looked really good and that was around as well so I'm thinking maybe I should just get a similar frame than I did last time and bring this one and then she could have - if this one looks different than the other one but this one you know cartoony and the other one is not so yeah I don't know exactly when it's finished but I will think about it and until I figure that out I put them especially small ones like this I just put in a long shallow bin that I took like a Tupperware container they keep under my bed and all my finish diamond paintings that fit in there that I don't want to hang yet or not sure what I'm going to do with them yet kind of just live in there until they get decided upon so I also score my and I should I'm gonna do a video on this too but I store my current working progress is on a pants I think it's a pants hanger it's some of those hangers of like four different tiers of clips and then I put the whole thing inside of a garment bag that zips to keep the dust and hair and or anything off of it and it seems to be working really well the only thing that I would caution people to is if you're going to hang a pretty wide painting on there obviously only as much as you can only hang as wide as what the garment is you know however why the garment bag is but you just have to move it down because the top corners of the garment bag are curved if that makes sense so you'd have to move it down that's what I had to do I see one of my paintings my Harry Potter castle Hogwarts I guess I should say my Hogwarts painting was getting curved corners because it was right at the top and I thought well why don't I just move it just painting down duh could have been way way simpler and it wouldn't have been bent and it's it's not ruined it's totally fine I can fix it and it's really not a problem but there's my a little bit of advice for you on that I'm storing storing of your diamond paintings completed and not completed yet [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right here's Pig all finished up all together in real-time it took me approximately 14 and a half hours to complete which makes sense because the last time lapse I did was only a 20 by 25 by 20 and this one's a 30 by 40 so it makes sense that it would take me twice as long to do this one so yeah I really enjoyed it it was a lot of pink but you know it was good I really enjoyed this one a lot I don't know what I'm gonna do with this one yet but when I figure it out I will do an update I think there's too much light right now in my bedroom where I am there's a lot of natural light and I don't think it's spark there we go it's catching too much light I think but believe me it's very sparkly so yeah so if you want to take a gander yeah here's my inventory sheet again I'll put this up here in case you didn't or you don't want to rewind it to the beginning yeah so it was 13 colors full rounds 899 from Amazon if you're interested in buying this painting the link is in the description below this video as well as our Facebook group and but I'll talk about that more in a second so look at these extra girls I didn't run out of anything I had plenty of extra especially all the blues and stuff didn't use much of those and they always give you I think 10% extra just in case so yeah I've got plenty of extra for to fill my extra drill containers in case I need more this was the background I had a lot of that extra because there's a lot to start with and 10% is gonna be a lot more than something that I didn't use much of so lots of extra colors I'm just gonna sweep my yeah so that that was pretty much it you guys I really enjoyed it if your again if you're interested in this painting this little pig with a bandana I'll put the link below and if you haven't joined our Facebook group yet diamond painting attics time preschool teacher addicted the diamond painting that link is also in the description below this video and yeah so thanks a lot you guys thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: PreschoolTeacher AddictedtoDiamondPainting
Views: 210,116
Rating: 4.7700453 out of 5
Keywords: diamond painting, dimond painting, diamond panting, dimond panting, paint with me, drill with me, diamond paint with me, dp with me, time lapse diamond painting, time lapse, diamond painting start to finish, drills, round drills, round diamonds, full round diamond painting
Id: JH0ypaax7Kc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 6sec (3186 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 16 2019
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