KNIVES, SAFES & WW2 relics found in the drained canal!

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all right mud lovers how you doing i'm with chris today from addictive bleeps and we've come down to a drained canal again i can't believe how lucky you are to be in this situation look at it it's beautiful it's all drained ready for us to go treasure hunting so hopefully we'll find some good bits we'll let you know what [Music] so just in this canal and there's a huge like sluice gate which is quite cool it's got these big shutters if you peek over the side there's a little drain you can see there that those shots go all the way down so yeah it's uh what a piece of engineering they of course you're not used anymore obviously to lay out some of the water back when it was uh used for the industrial revolution pretty cool it must keep off the structure so we've just found a safe it's an actual safe come take a look there it is must have been dropped from i reckon probably that bridge up there and someone's uh launched it out chris go for it i'm a little bit worried about this old chad because you've already had to save my life once today because whenever i go over there i nearly died i saved your life didn't i you did save my life right okay so you ready for this i am okay this is it oh it's open oh what's the bag in there dude there there's a lot of old got another mobile oh look that's the keypad what's that did on the inside yeah random bag nuts bolts i don't think there's a i'll get your head in there oh is that cool no it can't be nice like a washer or something man that would have been good wouldn't it go on oh hold on what's this that it's a pouch of some sort anything in it i don't think there's anything in it it's like a purse or something man oh i know gutted well a little front bit there yeah i'm going i'm gonna check it oh no nothing there well yeah it was always going to be expected it was going to be ransacked doesn't it oh yeah his purse so this is obviously a safe from someone's house isn't it as opposed to like yeah a shop or something there's another that's another washer who keeps washes in there safe yeah right obviously we're very poor they screwed you to the wall we've only got watches we look at them at night to pretend they're real money [Laughter] no we're done man that was quite exciting though it was it was well hopefully there'll be more stuff to find him come up here with your treasures no oh well there we go safe brav look at safe chris is building us a bridge to other side how deep it goes blimey that's pretty bad isn't it oh no well just think you're not a spike are you so you're not going to go in like that so your surface area is bigger you'll be fine i have a sharp wit but that's about it oh is it like excalibur yes more like uh he-man right so walk the plank such an efficient is that uh san francisco is it is this is this is this the bridge i want my mom is this the bridge we've got to get we've got a yeah this is like three sticks three sticks does not make a bridge chris that's like a chinese proverb become wiser it's all about the distribution of weight this is extreme extreme ginger ninja this is like the mud version of top gear you know when they have to build a bridge over a really dodgy creek distribute your weight evenly that's a good idea you can when you when you touch that it acts like you know like you get the balance beams and the guy the circus guys they hold a big stick it acts similar to that but i was watching videos of crabs yesterday like you do and i realized that they could just glide across things it's because of their distribution like this see now it's working sorry sorry why do you always speak too soon go site put your feet sideways on the thing so it spreads out i made it congratulations thank you so we're right down there by this lock how cool is this there's various pieces of rubbish and quite a few bottles to see if there's anything worth salvaging right by the road as well on the bridge so maybe a few things have been dropped down quite an old bridge this has been here since victorian times although the middle is very precarious very deep yeah let's see what we can find in the mud well this looks to be like a cod bottle it was just uh to sit there so look at me i'm literally sinking i can't have to use my stick to get it out but this is awesome it's well it's yeah victorian cod bowler it's got the maker's mark martial and sons lovely little line on the other shield how cool is that it's gorgeous that's so nice so this is this is a cod bottle we had a marble in there so you smack the marble in the mud will go down there you drink your drink and then once the empties were given to kids they'd often smash the tops off to get into the little the marble inside so we're lucky to finally find them complete and it's got a beautiful motif on that so that is a lovely lovely bottle congratulations congratulations thank you mate so found another bottle reverse uh it looks like it could just be a a beer bottle a bit a plain beer bottle but it's just so deep there in that little bit he has definitely got some ice to it 1920s beer bottle nice shame he's not got anything on it but great condition here we go there's a few bottles here so carry on nicki let's see yeah there yeah well guys i saw a little hooky thing on there and thought maybe a bit of a mechanical industrial but turns out to be a magnet that someone's lost magnificent that's quite a beast i reckon probably a couple of hundred pound weight on that that's some nice one [Music] we playing at chris taking a break yeah man always damn it now the funny thing is i'll go through that in a minute cue benny hill music old hook went over something maybe picture frame hook now look at that old purse bar and unclipped it like that now where's all the money that goes in it eh well chris has got a little coin he's found eyes only 1961 penny oh chat beautiful yes so is the penny what's this mmm wholesome lovely patina they already patina on that where do you want yeah old pillbox just on the river looking out making sure that the uh z germans don't come up without a fight home guard perhaps so i just found this this is a a war barbed wire fence post that'll be screwed into the ground and this would have held the barbed wire up pretty cool fine and there's another one over here as well there you go we found a pill box so all along here they would have held up barbed wire as a form of defense and there actually is loads of them actually as i can see another two pretty interesting these uh metal rings are quite interesting because we think these are probably from barrels and they used small ones at the bottom and then got bigger and uh obviously the wood's deteriorating these barrels behind oh i found this this this was like this alerted me it was a sign from the gods the treasure hunting gods i saw that which alerted me to that which in turn alerted me to that beautiful general service yeah military badge button yeah yeah beautiful that's gorgeous it's confined to find yeah i know it's got a shank on the back so yeah it does indeed 100 complete i could wear that again on my knickers [Music] the creature from the deep [Music] is it too you deep i was just about to do a weave and i realized i've got waders on is it a rolex i don't think so sir it was the same thing that happened before that alerted me to that yep which alerted me to that which then alerted me to that what a beauty that's quite a nice watch isn't it yeah i'm not entirely sure it's uh re-wearable but it's pretty cool isn't it yeah saw my blocking fines yeah man it's not good definitely not a roller so oh well i've had a little bit of luck in the muck over here and it's quite an interesting little marble where'd it go look that one it's like a gobstopper not a beauty that's probably one of the nicest marbles i've ever found and it's that's just dirt so that'll clean up inside we've got um sorry we've got more evidence here of our military presence going back to like the military presence yes little 303 knife yep got myself a knife blimey does it open it might do with a bit of coaxing you need a knife earlier now you got one yeah what a coincidence say that's a crappy quite nice one i reckon i can say to you i try that open when i when i get home soaking wd or something yeah yeah just detecting below this little jetty here we have permission of the landowners they came out and said hello and we asked if it was okay to detect and they said go ahead and this here is it's only a 303 not particularly rare or wonderful find but it does have the date on it 1940 so must have been fired from the guys who was bulleted here in those pill boxes how cool is that wra 1940 303 there's a way to upcycle these somehow that'd be quite cold in it maybe i'll figure out a way to repurpose this nice i later discovered that wra stands for the winchester repeating arms company and they are based in new haven in connecticut in america so these bullets would have been made in america and shipped over to help with the war effort and as you'd expect we are detecting plenty of lead fishing weights and fishing paraphernalia so we're going to take anything like this away with this as well just so you're uh so you're aware trying to clean the river a bit so give something back as we try to do i think it's a guard goose you know i think he's looking after the pill box no one's told him that the war's over you step out of here yeah nice one well we've uh been given permission by the owner to come have a look at their pillbox look look at the vantage point straight over the river not beautiful chris is in there now he loves this sort of thing let's go straight in oh it's full of uh tubs there we go we're inside how cool is that awesome yeah there's a there's apparently a scout heart that use these to make rafts so they've uh decided to store a lot of their wrath making equipment in here pretty cool chris yes mate stick your head through the window thank you very much you guys there what you doing in my house [Music] feet it's got some strange stuff stuck to it it's just obviously just uh it's really on there though yeah nice all coin got these two lovely coins two pennies here from the 40s and they were literally beneath that pillbox can you imagine there was a soldiers here having fun and games skimming their pennies across the water i can what was so clear here you can see to the bottom in certain places so it might be a few things down through waiting little bottle in the 50s that's like a spoon or that that is not or is it just it's a fork it's an old one yeah that's my nice fork nicely aged in the water quite a nice warlock there yeah it's on the river long ago lost this as they were rowing down the river well guys we have here a cod bottle sadly broken but still oh that's a lovely one look at that shield is that a baity no we're talking about uh registered i think it says the trademark there i think that's the city of london emblem oh nice something in the sun's lyle and sons beautiful we've carried a walking up the river right and we've uh found one cod bottle broken sadly but christian's got himself one now broken though uh well we can always do something with him yeah yeah there you go i'll sniff it anyway back to the bottle uh it's all cracked down here though man where is it yeah you can have that i don't want it you know that's got a beautiful like just washed patina on it hasn't it yeah it's quite a severe crack going all the way down it so hold it down right on the river we're searching see our bags are down there is another world war ii pill box how cool is that we spoke to the landowner and he says that we could go in but unfortunately it's locked but knowing chris who watches videos he does some really cool exploration videos so we might be able to put a camera in this little window and have a little look inside and then watch the footage back to see what it's like inside i can hear an echo let's get the other camera out see we can have a poke around right so now i've got the gopro out we can use that to have a look inside i'm going to set up a light around the other window that way we should illuminate whatever's inside so just put the phone in this hole there we go okay you're my light in this one yeah it'd be a good idea so chris on your channel you do plenty of this sort of thing don't you yes yeah i do all of this sticking cameras in holes and scenes i have a thing that i call the stick of truth and i stick it into precarious nefarious holes of all types just to see what's hidden in things and i've put them down like nice templar caves and tunnels and things like that very interesting stuff um but do you want to have a little squish in there old chat do you want to stick your stick in there let me do it i'm not going sideways so not to scratch it and then twist once you're in there all right what can you see my lovers so now we're going straight in anything cool let us know there we go well now we can see what's in there maybe there's some treasure treasure yeah who knows but they've locked the door on this so maybe they're hiding something cold we'll find out and analyze the footage uh nice old horseshoe and the uh the owners told us that before it was a house and before 53 there was a horses inside there and obviously that's come from the horse and it was kept where the kitchen is now so maybe there's a stable there yeah pretty cool i'll leave that on there jetty there so they can decide if they want to take that or not good luck [Music] we are back on the exposed drained river stroke canal and i'm with chris today if i'm addicted to bleeps check out his channel if you haven't done so make sure you watch the video first uh the links will be in the description below we've got loads to do today we're going to be metal detecting a bit of eyes only with the trowel and hopefully there might even be a sniff of a bottle done but we have to find out there's also a secret location we're going to check out at the end so all in all let's get some luck in the [Music] market [Music] well just scouring this little bit here and finding out someone has been practicing their archery and it's actually a 28 incher chris has found this for me look at that little hovercraft how cool is that [Music] [Music] so oh look at that hey yeah look at that one imperial shroud it sounds like it's german if he's german he's obviously a good mate that'll clean up that's a nice little pen knife in there yeah nice one [Music] that's more like it and if you look over there mate there's actually an old boat over there look where we think it might be a brick works they could have um used that as a jetty to unload their bricks let's go and investigate there's a nice bit for sure there we can look at yeah definitely this is where more evidence of the brick works oh yeah a nice uh nice sign of a good area we're in that lovely um lovely embossing on there i think i've seen that one before that's got a little just like a little picture of england and wales oh united dairies london so a cool milk bowl oh we're not cycling but sadly it's too far gone interesting though like that ud yeah united dairies either one for a future larker there's pegs little fish paste or meat paste some good stuff around here chris what you found mate cod ball hey cody you found it that's nice one oh yeah it's got a nice little um motif on there clean that up cut it down beautiful nice one thanks for getting that for me i'll beam no worries next to or close to that cob bottle with the milk bottle over there so look nice but this is uh this looks very interesting nice oh wow oh it's a ginger beer bottle dude oh it's it's beautiful i think it's near perfect side all right it's a peach man you're so lucky home brewed ginger beer hop ale brewery with kind of near the hop farm east peckham kent that's a little it's perfect oh mate i am made up of that welcome awesome oh can i see a ring can you see that see an acorn no no no no no i could see yeah yeah ah damn it don't get ahead of yourself oh that's my day mate i'm happy with that this looks unusual to me little stumpy dude oh yeah that's like that i don't recognize that that's cute isn't it yeah it doesn't say anything on it no but definitely got you're leaking mate i'm leaking yeah i picked up this one earlier um yeah a little registered bottle from lyle crayon tops not particularly but still a nice bottle so we usually find these on the thames these pieces of stuff is staffordshire pottery there's a coin there as well just noticed we'll come back to that but this is a 17th century so this is really old anyway i'll leave that there and see what that coin is for 2p it seems to be the norm at the moment oh maybe it's a yeah it's a another 2b now chris van this nice little bottle a little turn of the century maybe a medicine or whatever nice label on that could have had contained anything but yeah nice little specimen spring is here lonely snowdrops everywhere [Music] so this is the abandoned house that i saw on the maps and it is abandoned [Music] nice but the sink now a little old car here anybody recognize what model this is oh he thought i knew it but is it citroen is it citroen something or rather someone will be out tell us [Music] yeah derelict cars little van oh it's a toolbar express gas canisters in there i know this little pen was so coming a bit further down this path and there's an old just like uh roof to a victorian style pagoda something like that and then your shack at the end of your garden probably though fixing up cars that's probably why there's a couple of cars here bottle stopper yeah hold it old bottle there i think that's only a recent one what's that i found a crown crown oh my god it fits and chris's fans called him glass brick is he a glass brick or a an old car battery ow that was a thorn yeah that's really cool it's really cool actually yeah get enough of these and you can have yourself on those funky glass walls you know that's in perfect nick they're quite valuable we're gonna go and have a look beautiful magnolia tree in bloom oh sorry yeah did you live here might be able to get in because there's no way we're breaking into it but if there is an open door we'll uh investigate we'll do a quick 360 the house and see if there's anything interesting about it it's not particularly old house i'd say it's probably about 1930s 1940s it's a huge chimney out the side of it just by the back door frontal back door there's a very old blacksmith sandville how cool is that so just poking around here and there's an older cast iron bench ends in there there's one and the other one is here i'm ashamed they might be wasted like this old lovely front door how cool is this i've tried it and it doesn't open is it open no no no strange place there's the old back door yeah no one's getting there and i hurried it all windows are boarded up there's an older it's like a little speed boat completely buried and look there's a beautiful pond over there would make a beautiful house another view from the lake and you can see there's a jetty concrete jetty there obviously they were unloading stuff right now but there's not much sign of anything left behind it's all overgrown quite a substantial little jetty though i've reached the edge of the garden lovely big old wall cast iron gate right there so this is the front door again i've tried it but it's locked uh we won't be breaking in there in today although chris may fly his drone up and have a look interesting place though i mean you get inside i'd probably be empty but still some cool stuff around the outside so this is the creepy old house i saw on the map um nothing had changed over five years so the same cars were sitting in the same places so there's a good chance this was derelict and it turns out that it was strangely there's some old trailers here that have got a worry noise on something that's all about maybe they are gonna start doing some work to it so hopefully this place will get a new liquor paint and uh pruned and then some may be able to live here keep an eye on the situation and see if it becomes inhabited again but for now let's go back to do some mud locking what a beautiful place this is rich in history lovely lovely river you hear the birds singing and this is a lovely place to be and treasure's to be found [Music] well chris is unleashing his inner caveman and he's uh setting up a little fire in the meantime i'm just detecting around here this beautiful little creek i've just dug this hole and this popped out it's a 1978 two french frank coin obviously out of circulation now because they use euros but that's a nice little probably an aluminium type coin there oh it's five french tracks i'll do myself short and i've had some other 20ps and stuff but i'm not going to show you that and loads of fishing weights so we're getting the lid out the river and also a couple of coins oh chris found the plate and look at the wonderful craziness in the river a long time well this is just lying there nice little brass handle i might take that i'm not sure what i'm gonna do with it i'll find something maybe make a robot out of it right well this crazy beast is just made of fire so uh we're gonna open a few cans in a minute and sign off and that was a great mud light today chris found the final day of that beautiful ginger beer on insanely jealous did you beard yeah did your beard family juice your beard so there you go my lovers see in the next venture [Music] so here's that lovely cod bottle all cleaned up i can't tell you how hard it was to clean the insides because access is nearly impossible with that marble in the way and here's a few other marsdel and sun bottles who manufactured mineral water in the late victorian to edwardian period in maidstone in kent i do like the lion and shield and cut the broken tops off of these and up cycle them soon to be on my etsy store so check out the link in the description below so i'd like to demonstrate now how these cod bottles work pretty ingenious the stopper would have been tapped and then it would fall into this little cavity there meaning you can then pour your drink there's a little lip there if you don't put the marble in underneath that lip the contents stops coming out however if you manage to get the marble underneath that lip which is just there when you pour it the marble stays put and the liquid comes out but you don't get very much of your money less than a can of coke in there and the kids always smash these to get to the wonderful marble but luckily we have one that's complete i also found a few from the maker d lyle a ginger beer and lemonade manufacturer also from maidstain [Music] here's a picture of daniel lyle looking dapper in the 20s he was also the mayor of maidstone three times and here he is with his wife clara celebrating their golden wedding anniversary in 1924 here are a few other bottles i found recently that i've also cut down and upcycled and will be selling soon don't forget to like subscribe and very importantly click the notification bell so you don't miss any future episodes [Music] and finally this little knife cleaned up really well it folds once more and it'll be coming with me on my next my adventures thanks for watching guys see you soon you
Channel: Si-finds Thames Mudlark
Views: 126,144
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Thames, london, England, uk, River, Mudlarking, mudlarks, archeology, treasure, metal detecting, gold, silver, old coins, Simon Bourne, clay pipes, history, relics, seaglass, mudlark, beach combing, Mudlarking best finds, pipes, ancient, magnet fishing, Victorian, artefacts, find, mudlovers, tesoro, monedas, London Mudlark, river hunters, mud men, tide, Lara Maiklem, luck in the muck, 宝藏, mudlarking without permit, wellies, oak island, thames tours 2020, mudlarking locations, drained canal, medway, funny
Id: jqOVMvwDwJs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 12sec (2472 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 11 2021
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