Vance Joy finally explains that Michelle Pfeiffer line | Your Morning

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all right so it is the song that launched countless YouTube covers including one by Taylor Swift Vance Joy's Riptide is sitting at 191 million views on YouTube and now he's back with his new single lay it on me and a second album in the works I had the chance to catch up with Vance when he was last stayed in Toronto take a look okay so lay it on me you heard that before yes not like that not like that it's the title of your new single [Music] talk to me a little bit about it I wrote it at the start of this year I was in Malibu I was actually doing a co-writing session with a guy called Dave Bassett and I didn't really know what was gonna come out of that session as you never really do and I went in there I started playing a guitar riff that I liked but I had kind of given up on because I just could never make a song with this particular riff and he was like I like that and then we decided we'd try it out and he sang a couple of melodies that I liked and I had some lyrics in my phone I had an idea for a chorus and then over about two or three hours we kind of pieced the song together and had a song [Music] so speaking of single you're a single guy on tour right now yeah I always wonder about the dynamic between musician and fans what's that been like for you when you meeting people backstage you're like well maybe we could have dinner maybe I shouldn't have dinner with you because you're a fan there is there as your separation for you I think it's hard with fans because they have an idea of who you are it's hard just to kind of move beyond just being at home or just normal people and so I think and there might be an expectation that you know it's just a bit might be a bit much I know that if I was if I was like meeting someone that I really liked their music say if it was Brandon Flowers or something could lead singer of The Killers and I think it's a super cute guy I mean I I personally like girls but I'm just trying to think of what it'd be like yeah I would still be nervous if Brenna feels like hey let's go good to know I'd be like because there's the expectation right yeah I couldn't I couldn't be myself and I think there's always that energy of like hard it's hard to kind of just be like let's deflate this energy of excitement and it's just nervousness because I imagine when I've met people are idolized like when I got to tour with Taylor Swift I found it hard to just kind of like just chill you know and just be like yeah I feel like from that for that side of my life friends or friends or if it's someone that sorta does music or at least someone where it's maybe someone that works in music where there's not like a expectation or at least that sense of nervous there's not that fandom kind of thing [Music] so you mentioned you're on tour with Taylor Swift as we know I want to ask you about how that happens I just do does she call you like what was that first meeting like with her and what were you thinking oh I heard from my managers that it was potentially a possibility and I was like I would love to do it if this could I think a lot of things are always kind of like possibilities and so I said of course I would be so happy to do this be a dream come true to get to open for you but and then when it solidified and it was actually a real thing we organized to meet I got to go backstage while she was at the Late Show David Letterman she was performing and I got to go back to the greenroom briefly and meet her and she gave me a big hug and she was like thank you so much and she was very complimentary of my music and I was like you kidding me I was in New York from playing my own show and she was there she just released 1989 and it had kind of you know exploded and as her albums do and I got to meet her parents and she introduced me to her band and I was just like this is cool and I guess said that was the that was the vibe for the rest of the tour she was very friendly and very including your aunts yeah it's became exploding and in riptides [Music] such a good song on everybody's playlist have to ask you about a line though the michelle pfeiffer line [Music] okay so what tell me the backstory there it wasn't so much a conscious thing of thing like what is a what is a good actress name to check in there which I feel like it never works is when you're trying too hard and for me it was I'm a fan of her and I think the movies that must have made an impression on me were she was Catwoman in the second Batman yes and she was kind of crazy and mesmerizing in that and also in The Fabulous Baker boys and she's so good and so so striking and amazing and then I was writing the song and it was like a stream of consciousness and I just honestly just came out do you still love playing that song life is it tough to sort of recreate that for yourself every time you're on stage playing mm-hmm it is a little bit tough like to because you get distance from it and I think when you release the song especially if it's a song that is popular people kind of own it and it's you're like wow I wrote that I forget that I wrote that I feel like I'm you know you're not planning a cover you're playing your own some but I guess the way to beat any kind of feeling of loneliness when you're on stage is just to look at people and just engage with someone that's like authentically like loving it or like you see someone singing along or happy in years like this is fun like people having fun and I'm just I'm providing the music for the for the dancing and the scheme so okay I got to ask you about the Tim Tam slam mmm is this a thing this isn't just wait wait oh we have the Tim Tam I get it I'm gonna talk about these are delicious Australian biscuits comb Tim Tims but um I think it's you take a bite out of one corner yeah and you take a bite I should do this yeah so you take a bite out of one and it on the opposite okay well we've turned the Tim Tam into a straw so you put your mouth on over one edge that you've bitten and you suck the tea through the Tim Tam it melts the Tim Tam chocolate I mean is the whole thing in our mouth I don't know this seems a bit aggressive crazy our part later okay a little bit milk so fast I got so excited I did I couldn't use it it's really good it's a good piece yeah it is good we're slammed add hey Cheers thank you this is delicious yeah I wouldn't even know that the cameras on right now a little little taste in your morning right okay thanks for being here thank you okay let's land this land all right that was a lot of fun Vance joy sophomore album nation of two will arrive in February of next year
Channel: CTV Your Morning
Views: 388,336
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vance joy, interview, michelle pfeiffer, riptide
Id: CEb5HiAzT04
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 29sec (389 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 26 2017
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