How Metroid Dread evolved the series

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i will terminate all enemies so this is the secret weapon you are an enemy that view is clear destroy destroy so i know i may be a little bit late to the party with making a review for metroid dread considering it's been some time since its release and everyone else out there has already shared their thoughts on the game but there is a personal reason as to why i hesitated making this video until now and that is that i wanted to be as honest as possible with you when talking about this game in the context of a review i was just a bit too hyped for dread that i felt it would have easily clouded my judgment and we all know there was no way for me not to be super excited since it was a proper sequel to one of my favorite games of all time that was heading in such a cool direction with its story and gameplay so i decided to wait a little while in order to avoid sounding super biased if you may additionally by waiting out a bit on making this video it gave me enough time to properly enjoy dread on my own leisure and have a couple of playthroughs to get fully acquainted with all of its aspects sort of like letting it simmer in my mind if you may so i could best gather my thoughts regarding it and it's a good thing i did just that because man is it going to be tough for me to talk about metroid dread without sounding like a complete blinded fanboy especially when you consider that is the long-awaited continuation of metric fusion which has been the last entry in the timeline since 2002. this was no side game no spin-off no special story but the long rumored and highly anticipated metroid 5. a concept that director yoshio sakamoto has had in his mind for almost 15 years but finally now has the tools and dedicated team to help him make it a reality and man was the weight worth it just like fusion this game starts with a short prologue to help newcomers and casual fans get up to speed which i don't mind since it's been close to 20 years since fusion's release but i think we have all heard it enough times at this point so i'll just give you the nutshell version instead needless to say spoilers ahead and enter the rest of this video so the federation finds out that the floating gelatins from the previous game are still alive somewhere else and so they make these super strong killer robots to hunt them down but oh no the robots go missing and everybody's rightfully spooked so now the one and only samosa has to go to the strange planet to find the robots and eat all the gelatin in order to save the universe but instead she finds this bird person who took samosa's existence very personally and was going to kill her until he didn't and now she has to escape to the surface before adam starts buying the newest crypto with her credit card samus i just purchased 15 000 brick magic coins they're gonna cost us so much when metroid 6 comes around i really have to say how much i love this setting for the game instead of having to find an evil source deep inside a planet we're instead left inside unknown territory and have to fight our way out while trying to stop whatever evil lurks in planet zdr it's almost as if in the older games we had the comfort of an escape route if things went south we could always go back to the sanctuary that is our ship for a brief relief but dret takes that solace away to make us feel more helpless than ever before yet at the same time this intro gives us enough mysteries to the plot that makes us want to immediately continue playing to find their answers are the x parasites really alive for was it all a hoax what happened to the enemies and why they're now hunting us what truly happened on this planet and who is this evil chozo that confronted us and what is their plan it's such a simple and efficient way to keep players on their toes and engage with the story and the game knows where the right moments to give us more lore so it doesn't affect the gameplay's pacing but also gives each story beat its own time to breathe which results in a surprisingly smooth gameplay experience that never gets stale which also applies to the gameplay as there really isn't a moment where it becomes boring or repetitive since each area is not only visually diverse but also has you managing different mechanics and puzzles to navigate through their environments which gives each section its own distinctive feel via destroying the environment in alteria changing the flow of magma to open new paths and cataracts finding ways to navigate through perennials waters or restoring the power to the labs in daeron each area will have you tackle things a little bit differently as you try to find more routes and power ups to help you escape planet zdr but the main thing most of these areas have in common are the ominous emi zones special areas devoid of all other life for the robots patrol to hunt you down as they have been reprogrammed by ravenbeak to complete his goals before getting my hands on dread i was a bit skeptical that these sections could potentially hurt the game's flow by either being too repetitive and annoying or extremely forced in for the sake of a gimmick and thus take away from the exploration that defines the series but fortunately this isn't the case and if anything the emi zones are beautifully implemented into your progression where they just feel like another natural part of it these zones take over large sections of the map but you'll be essentially jumping in and out of them in short bursts to reach different locations so you are rarely forced to spend too much time in them but man the time you do spend in them are extremely tense the developers really stroke a perfect balance with how many times you have to deal with the emmy to the point that they don't feel like they overstayed their welcome but are still relevant enough to the gameplay loop that it doesn't make you question why they were added in the first place and the fact that each comes with their own power-ups and different gimmicks to their rooms makes them feel very distinct from one another what helps drive the tension is the enemies powerful ai as it allows them to adapt to your movements on the fly and making it possible for them to keep a close distance on you so you can't easily outrun them this is complemented with their amazing hearing rage that allows them to detect you from afar setting them into patrol mode and so sometimes the best way to avoid the robots is to keep them moving before they pin you down which forces you to make decisions on the fly thus continuing to add more pressure as they're able to effortlessly follow you on the maps they are the proper evolution of the sax from fusion and although there is no way for you to stun the robots compared to the doppelganger the only way they can kill you is with a grab unless you're playing in dread mode which helps keep things balanced and knowing that your pursuer is an unstoppable machine really helps make you feel powerless against them even the process of taking them down isn't something too straightforward as their armor plating still takes time to destroy and the omega cannon takes a while to charge the killing blow so you never really feel too safe or strong as to stop fearing the emmys throughout your adventure i never felt like they were unfairly difficult to avoid well except for maybe the purple one when you don't have the gravity suit for the underwater sections and the fact that the robot can see through walls but it's mostly all about trying to stay calm and maneuver around them which fortunately is something rather easy to do thanks to samus's amazing controls and movement options this is by far the most fun it has been to control samus in any game she just feels so fast and agile letting you traverse through the world so effortlessly and one thing that really helps with this is a new slide feature that lets you easily dodge certain enemies or terrains while keeping your momentum as well as being able to use the melee counter while on the move or even on the air so there is little to no reason to stop moving which makes for some excellent pacing the controls allow for a much deeper range of movement that facilitates many possibilities to go through the areas or trying to avoid the emmys that make it more fun than frustrating to go through their zones and maneuver around them but what elevates this even further is the arsenal of new items you get at your disposal and how they help you with regular combat and exploring the world you have your usual suspects like the screw attack power bombs and space jump but it's the new ones that this game introduces there are my favorites like the storm missiles that finally nail down the seeker missiles from prime with a smooth lock-on that probably tracks their target the return of the diffusion beam from other end works wonders with giving your charge beam a bigger blast radius that can even hit through some walls or the amazing flash shift that lets you warp horizontally a few times to avoid attacks or get some extra air time this last one is probably my new personal favorite power up in the series it's not only a good tool to avoid damage but it's also a great way to close a gap on your targets or even get some extra breathing room and i'm not gonna lie that i get a kick of just using this in the air and seeing samus go forward and back and then forward and back and then go forward and back then put one foot forward sorry wrong game series but all these abilities lend themselves to give you ironically enough one of the strongest versions of samus ever that might make you feel a bit overpowered at some point especially with how the game suddenly gives you both super missiles and the plasma being close to each other but i never really felt that same level of power creep that you get from other games in the series where suddenly nothing can stop you and part of this is because the game starts throwing stronger enemies at you that make you reconsider your approach to combat altogether something that is best seen with the game's amazing boss fights that take into full consideration the abilities at your disposal they can be quite challenging but never reaching to the point where it feels unfair as every mistake felt more from an error of my part for not recognizing a pattern of attacks or not using my abilities to properly dodge them but this also makes for some of the most fun fights in the franchise which have the same level of detail that makes me love the fights from the prime series however what races these encounters to the next level aren't just the cool moments with the moving camera that take you deeper into the action the cool designs that tells you a story of each of the bosses or the intense action that keeps you on your toes but it's the fact that most of them have ways for you to quick kill them which adds to the amazing replay value of the game and serve as the ultimate reward for the players who are thinking outside the box i guess another thing that really adds to the spectacle of the fights is just how beautiful this game looks in general with its fluid animation to give each creature so much character and life the lighting creating beautiful atmospheres that captivate your eyes and that the signs and the creatures and environments really make cdr feel like a planet with proper history especially with all the little details hidden in the backgrounds which when all put together makes for some of the best art direction this series has ever seen one of my personal favorite smaller details is how the areas more or less foreshadow the bosses that you're going to fight later in their backgrounds you can see a translucent corpus in the early sections of arteria many pink tentacles are breaking through the scenery of burenia which belonged to the boss drogiga the empty hawks of the chosen armor and ellen warn you of the exalt you're seen in the area you can hear crates roar through cataracts before you reach his room you find a production line of the robot soldiers in one of the early emmy rooms and the remains of experiment c57 disappear from the lab in daeron once the ex-parasites are set free all of these elements come together to create a foreboding atmosphere that encapsulates the late motif of the game and truly makes you feel uneasy about what you might encounter next which is something i rarely feel from other games and really helps attention to the story through its already wonderful gameplay this helps dread generate its own image and stand apart from the other installments in the franchise especially with how the developers refrain from using an abundance of nostalgic elements in it now properly allow its big mysteries to take center stage in her mind to the point of it making us reconsider a lot of the things we thought we knew about the series i can't truly put into words the great sense of catharsis that i got from seeing that almost everything i theorized about the chosen memories turned out to be true but the fact that it was told to us by a living breathing chozo is just after 35 years of exploring their ruins learning their history fighting for their legacy and stopping some of the creations we finally get to see how proper chozo take the scene and interact with samus which was amazing to say the least especially since samus replies to him in their native tongue how cool is that and i quickly started loving this bird while the moment with quiet rope is just one giant exposition dump it does a great job at not only recapping the events of the chosen memories for anyone who didn't get a chance to play samus returns but also helps deepen the lore by revealing more light on their mysterious race like the fact that there used to be two different choseo tribes and that the one who attacked us earlier ravenbeek with his mocking tribe sought out more power he wanted the metroids as an ultimate creature to help them achieve their goals this simple detail immediately made me reconsider a lot of the things i took for granted from the series like say where part of mother brain's delusion could have originated from by following a mocking's ideal or the nature of those mysterious statues and zero mission or how did these two tribes interact on sevis which is what prompted me to make my previous video on the matter either way quiet reveals to us that ravenbeak is trying to extract samus's dna so he can create an army of metroids so he reprograms the enemy to hunt you down and extract it from your body which not only makes for a cool story beat for the series but also helps add more tension and stakes to the overall narrative i know that for the longest time some fans were hoping that a sequel to fusion would be centered around the bad apples within the galactic federation and how they would try to shift the blame on samus for what happened on the bsl station as they tried to extract her metro dna for their evil purposes but i think that what we got at the end is much more impactful not only to the story of the series but also its protagonist to be able to accomplish such a feat as this would not be an easy task considering its samus we were talking about but having the villain be a power hungry chozo is much more fitting not only because it's easier to believe that ravenbike could easily overwhelm samus but also what this goal ends up saying about the mocking in general and how it could affect samus on a personal level we have normally known the chozo to be these vanilla people who wish to bring peace in space while sharing their technology but here comes ravenbeak to break that image by showing us this wasn't always the case with a species that is also known for being a powerful warriors but then you had the idea that it's somewhat implying that he could have been altering history by hiding what really happened in chosen memory 11. and the fact that even after losing his planet and people to the ex-parasite didn't force a change of plans or seem to affect him at all really helps sell how sinister this overlord really is and how far he is willing to go to accomplish his goals this is one of the things that really elevates raven because of villain for me he's not only powerful physically and mentally but his resolves and beliefs are equally as unshakable which makes him a menace much greater than what we have ever seen especially with the fact of him being a choso has much more implications to the overall lore of the franchise and even samus's own origins hinting at some possible darker paths that maybe not even she remembers it's needless to say that he is my favorite villain from the series out of all the overwhelming enemies and number of doppelgangers that have pushed samus to her limits i think none have come close to that allred that ravenbeak was able to create in only one game because you eventually realize that the story of zdr is not just of the tragedy that befell the chozo but ravenbeak's own survival and battle against unwinnable odds just like the ones samus has managed to do in the past which puts the two in perspective in terms of their overall strength and resolve as well as hinting that the two share more in common than one we know through the environments the game starts painting a picture for you about how difficult ravenbeak struggles were on the planet after his return from sr 388. yet this also starts to hint a deeper connection with samus because this is a similar struggle she was able to overcome in fusion although her own efforts paled in comparison to the laws and scope of ravenbeak's own plight having to sacrifice his own empire and people in order to keep the mocking ideal alive this connection makes the twist reveal that it was him the one who donated the mocking genes to samus all the more frightening in a way it's thanks to ravenbeak's genes and the combat training she received from the chozo to be one of the many reasons to why samus is as powerful as she is and it makes you think in retrospective that this evil force has allowed her to complete many of her missions which helped save the galaxy and it's something you can sense she is trying to hold back in dread as it's feeding that killer instinct of her metro dna that is slowly seeping into her body if you technically think about it samus wasn't fully able to defeat ravenbeak in the end of the day even after acquiring more items in cdr than what she initially had that chosen still managed to get the upper hand just like at the beginning of the game that is until samus lets herself be consumed by her mocking rage which feeds the metro dna in her and allows her to become the very same monster she has been fighting against all these years which adds a lot to her personal story samus's journey to survive in zdr led her to seek out more power she doesn't stop once she collects the weapons and abilities she once lost but she continues to seek out more in order to defeat ravenbee thus in a way embracing her mocking lineage by allowing herself to be consumed for their lust of power which led to her metroid killer instincts to finally take over but this is a topic which i could do more justice by making a separate video about it so if you would like to see it let me know in the comments i think this video is already long enough as it is the surprise of the metroid suit and the abilities is one of the coolest things ever seen in the series that in a way it's also poetic in its own form since both samus and the metroids were created by the josephs and it was because of their own heroes which in a way led these to become their eventual downfall at the end of the day metroid means ultimate warrior in the chosen language and man if samus wasn't the textbook example of that before then she literally became it in the flesh well although i've been singing nothing but praises to this game so far it doesn't mean there aren't a few areas where i feel that it falls a bit short nothing too great to alter my overall enjoyment of metroid red or would keep me from recommending it to others since they're mostly nitpicks at the end of the day but i wanted to mention them nonetheless because i believe it's only fair to do so since there's no such thing as a perfect game and if anything it's also a way for me to show that i'm not just being completely biased towards the game because it happens to be an amazing title that is part of my favorite franchise ever the first thing that kind of saddens me is that for all the build up and slower pacing we get at the beginning of the adventure the end part really comes out of the blue and is overall more rushed in comparison which makes it feel like the game suddenly ends you get to see the build up and foreshadow of some cool story elements that are just revealed a few moments later and thus they feel a little bit less impactful because none of them get a time to breathe in your mind so by the time you start processing that samus is starting to awaken something more sinister inside of her you immediately get to see it in action a few minutes later against the red emiyana chozo soldier which kinda deflates the buildup if i'm being honest this sudden change in pacing starts the moment you arrive in hanumia which makes it not feel like a proper area because of how small and how little time you actually spend in it when compared to the other zones which has made all the more apparent when you need to collect all of its items for the last chozo archive so it feels like the area was left unfinished as a whole i mean the red emmy the final one you have to face with the strongest ability in the game doesn't even get a proper zone for you to interact with it or even a boss fight of sorts so you don't even get the satisfaction from destroying it like the other ones and thus really undermines the powerbomb's feeling as a reward especially considering how devastating the power up is and how little time you actually get to use it before the final battle unless you go for a hundred percent of course this also ends up affecting the fight with a golden chosen soldier you face before going into itarash that the game refers to as an elite you end up seeing a foreshadow of it when you first arrive in hanuvia and considering it's the only one clad in this color and that it's featured on the 10th chosen archive that it would have a different fight or new techniques to use against you but nope it's just the same fight as any other red chosen soldier except you have to break a shield with the grapple bee which ends up leaving you wanting a little bit more it's more or less the same thing that ends up happening with a metroid suit we see in the end while the series is kinda known for giving you one super cooled overpowered ability that you can only use at the end of the game nothing comes as close to being as groundbreaking as the metroid armor and the fact you only use it on the final escape sequence makes you wish there was just a little bit more of the game at the end for you to enjoy the new look and abilities especially considering that the previous area didn't have much going for it in the first place if anything this suit would have been something cool to include as a reward for completing the game or collecting all the endings and archives or heck even finishing the new dread mode difficulty being able to replay the game but wearing the metroid armor as a minor cosmetic change for your journey something similar to what they did with the original metroid prime where they gave you the fusion suit as an expensive bonus or something like the fusion mode in samus returns i think most of us feel this way because of how quickly things happen in hanuvia for the reasons i explained earlier so maybe if this whole portion of the game was a bit longer and had a proper gameplay addition then i think it would help alleviate this feeling that a lot of us have towards the ending sections of the game but then again when you look at the overall map of zdr you end up noticing this empty portion here where an area could easily fit which has led me to come up with an idea of what they could have implemented as an extra end game content which could take place after the fight on itarash and probably help him mitigate this problem which i could also make into its own separate video another missed opportunity is with how they didn't fully explore how samus would react to this mission as a whole for pretty much the entire game she's all serious and angry if you may even when talking with someone like quiero which don't get me wrong is on character for samus but to see her being her usual stoic self towards someone you may associate as a family member makes her feel a bit monotone especially with how she doesn't seem to react or emote much to other things in the game like when she discovers the ex-parasites fights one of them mimicking the body of a choso to then seeing them escape from ellen and begin infecting the planet her reaction is that of not caring that much at all it's the same when ravenbeak makes his reveal about their connection or learning that she's being hunted for her dna which are big moments that would evoke some sort of an emotional response from her part but her body language doesn't seem to convey almost anything i know that samus is supposed to be a ghost in a shell for the players to get immersed in the world but when the story is treating her as an actual character you can afford to give her a little bit more personality by showing a diverse set of emotions especially since they wrote some perfect moments to showcase this in the narrative it almost feels like if she were a robot set to a badass only mode as if they were trying to course correct after other m but to a severe level when it would have been a great opportunity to show some of her emotions in a similar level to metric prime 3 and how expressive sam has felt in front of several scenarios showing things like anger or fear or even slight confusion while still retaining that powerful determination which comes as a surprise when they clearly use the 3d environments and models to their benefit for creating awesome set pieces in dread that take us closer into the action which shows it wasn't something owed to any sort of technical limitation in part of the game or the console at the same time i have to be honest to say that i'm a bit on the offense with how i feel about the xperia sights returning as a main threads in metroid red on the one hand the fusion fanboy side of me was super excited to see them return especially because the developers used them as a way to explain why the enemies you have been facing all this time are suddenly stronger as the remaining wildlife quickly gets overrun by the hostile parasites which once again adds yet another layer of dread to the story and really paints a picture of how devastating they can be in the wild which is what led the chozo to create the metroids to protect themselves but on the other hand i can't deny that the fact you're just fighting the x-parasites for the later portion of the game to kind of undermine what could have been a unique image for dread it would have been nice if a few of the chosen soldiers you thought weren't just x doppelgangers because it takes away from the morality conflict it could have caused inside samus showing through some body language from being forced to take down members of her adoptive kin i know that mercury's team wanted to make a fusion remake at first but i feel like the parasites end up stealing the spotlight of the game's new villains to the point where they kinda overshadow ravenbeek himself since you don't get to see him again until the end of the game and heck we don't even get the chance to see an emmy take them down in a cutscene or in their designated zones to show how efficient the robots are against them in the first place i think that if they kept the x contained to just be inside of ellen and they gave us a reason to come back and fight the core x for an ability then it would have been enough to show the horrors of what the parasites can do and serve as a little moment of nostalgia just like what they did with craig and the red prince star remake that played on quiet ropes monologue i know this is more of a personal nitpick but after waiting for so many years to see the aliens in action not being able to interact with them a little bit more feels a tad underwhelming since all that remains of them are the ex-double gangers who don't count because they technically aren't jozo and even then they'll end up fighting the same way regardless of the area or their armor color however you do get a great feeling for their culture and history through the backgrounds of areas like virenia and ellen which are very pleasing to the eye and drive my imagination into figuring out what are exactly the details i can see in them and it's also cool to see the contrast between these two locations which really sells a catastrophe that befell the planet and impacted ellen especially when you compare it to how it once used to look like and another thing i wanted to mention which is probably the smallest nitpick i have and that you have most likely already heard from others by now but it's the fact that the music as a whole leaves a little bit to be desired for it being a metroid title it's not to say it's bad or that it doesn't do the game justice and it's also a bit unfair to compare to the classic tunes we've heard in the past but i feel as if the soundtrack lacks a little bit more personality and presence something that even the more subtle soundtrack of fusion managed to capture in some of its pieces or by the way it played with sounds to create a horror atmosphere also i may be the only one to think this but are the loading screens at tat too long maybe it's something they actually have fixed with a new patches since release that i just haven't noticed but some of the elevator and train sequences take a little while to load which can feel as a bit of a pace killer considering how fast the rest of the gameplay loop feels although they do make for a great opportunity to take a quick break from all the action and lastly i really wish we had the opportunity to see samus without her helmet at some point in the game and i'm honestly surprised this wasn't even an after credits reward for completing the game fast enough dread is the first time the series goes hd and in samus returns mercury's team created possibly one of my favorite looks for the character ever which i had hoped to see on the switch so not to even get something like helmet-less samus as a reward for collecting all the endings is a bit of a shame especially with how much focus is on her eyes during the cutscenes helmet-less samus is one of my favorite looks for the character ever and with how much i love the new design of the power suit and dread i was kind of hoping to see this combination return for post-credit treats also not being able to skip the prologue on a completed save file can be a bit annoying when wanting to replay the game for the hundredth time which is something i honestly hope they add as a feature with a patch down the line but those are really the only negatives i could come up with at the time that in my opinion don't really affect the enjoyment i have with the game and they're easily outweighed by the sheer amount of things that dredd just gets right in a game that focuses on exploration it's super important to give your players all the information they may need to know where to go next with little to no involvement from the part of the developers it's something that games today don't really do much anymore as they settle for using things like way marks to indicate where to go next or linear level design to keep players from getting lost which at times can make them feel cheap or lacy but this is something that the developers excelled at with the way they handled metroid red there are many times where you will easily get lost for a while but never to the point where it feels frustrating and this is because the level design itself is guiding you by leaving hints in the environment about what you could be doing next that end up rewarding you for paying close attention the guys on mercury's team masterfully shape the world into being your guide so you never feel quite lost while also not making the way to progress super obvious which ends up giving you a great sense of satisfaction when you discover a new route that leads you to find a new power up boss fighter cut scene to reward your efforts which makes for an addictive and satisfying gameplay loop it also helps that each time you return to an area they are slightly different than before or have you explore a completely new section that makes them stay fresh while keeping the players on their toes about what they may encounter next the obvious example of this is when you return to arteria to find it being a frozen wasteland with the eyes blocking certain routes which makes you relearn the area for a bit but you also get a similar effect in berenia where one time you will exploring the upper facilities and then later on you'll be struggling to navigate through its dark watery habitats the level design in itself is very open-ended with multiple secret paths disruptible landscapes and some visible paths that invite you to explore and discover alternate routes as you play around with your abilities some of which let you arrive at places earlier than intended ending in complete sequence breaks that even let you quick kill some of the tougher enemies thus creating a great incentive to replay the game i don't have to say why it's so cool to have intentional sequence breaking back in a metroid game it's one of the things that made zero mission and super so iconic and some would even say it's a defining feature of the franchise in its exploration but dret made this much simpler with how easier it is to use the speed booster in shine spark as well as having more forgiving timing and some of the tricks or even the way they incorporated this into actual boss fights which is a good thing at the end of the day because it allows anyone to feel like a pro or leaving enough room for the hardcore crowd to push the limits of the game's mechanics but the sequence breaking here feels much more special to me because it gives otherwise rather pointless items like say the spin jump and cross bombs or as i like to call them bomberman bombs much more mileage since you have to rely on them to make some of the skips a little bit easier to accomplish and it's here where you start seeing the full potential of your last used abilities it's very awesome that your entire arsenal feels multi-purpose and relevant in this game serving as a tool in navigation combat and even puzzle solving that gives even the oldest of items some new life with what they can do in the game honestly dread by itself was already one of my favorite games in the series but these last few points of its gameplay is what really elevates it as being one of the best in the franchise in my opinion something i'm more confident saying now since i've had plenty of time to replay the game since its release and trust me i still can't put it down so if you were to ask me today where would i put dread on my personal tier list of metric games well honestly i have to put it on the top alongside my personal favorites fusion and echoes this game is the natural progression for the 2d series and pretty much every aspect that really makes it the giant leap that fans have been waiting for and if anything it's leaving some big shoes to feel for future installments and other games in the genre everything just perfectly comes together to create the pinnacle metroid experience that feels on par to what super metroid did so many years ago and i wouldn't be surprised if other developers took note from it or see dread go and inspire a whole new wave of games just like how its predecessor has done before it i can't imagine the sense of catharsis someone like sakamoto must be feeling right now after having some of these ideas floating around in his head for years and then struggling to even get a team to help them bring them to life but the wait was worth it because the end result was the creation of one of the defining games of this generation metro dread isn't simply one of those games that you will see people praise for a few months as being one of the best ever to then suddenly disappear into the shadows but instead it's a unique experience that will remain in our minds for a long time and will hopefully stay in the spotlight that it deserves for years to come and if those sales numbers are anything to go by then i am sure we haven't seen the last of the series just yet even after prime 4 eventually comes out which makes me extremely happy to know that dread has been a gateway for many players to jump into the series that i adore so much and that the game is having a similar effect on them to what the original prime had with me so many years ago needless to say this is the perfect title to start the metric franchise as it showcases everything that made the series so iconic and it contains some of the most fun gameplay i've had in years and the new modes added after release give dread even more replay value by being intense challenges that test your skills and fortunately it's an experience that doesn't overstate its welcome or demand too much of your time to fully appreciate i just can't finish wrapping my head around that we finally got a sequel to metroid fusion in the form of the highly rumored metroid red that many thought was a dead prototype and that it was everything and more that i ever wanted of a 2d metric game to me it still feels like a dream and goes to show that what the series may lack for in quantity of titles it will always make up with its impeccable quality i know some of you probably wanted to see me gush about this game like the little fanboy that i am but i don't know i just can't bring myself to go out of character and just be like have you seen how cool samus deals that finishing blow to corpus and you can just slide on their enemies and place it so quickly you can now even keep your speed booster when wall jumping and it's so fast and it lets you do so many tricks and you can even kill a boss with it some of the bosses turn into corex floating around and they work just like the ones from fusion but in glorious hd holy no did you see that it's an evil chosen clown and armor fighting samus using iron abilities and he manages to miss her look at samus writing the experiment box like if it were nothing while firing missiles at its face oh my gosh we finally got the answers to chosen memory 11. and the chosuo in it is now our main antagonist who wants to hunt samus down finally closure in catharsis after years of waiting oh the flash chef is so fun i can get extra air time and look i can zoom around the place i can put her character from marvel baby remember the time we finally got to see samus talking with a chill so he was the sweetest and purest bird in the entire galaxy who was like andrei new favorite side character oh and samus then replies to him in their native language because of course she would know it she was raised by them on sevis how cool is that man the enemies are just so scary with their creepy noises and the way they just move around it's so uncanny and it sends a shiver down my spine and then they chase you triggering that primal fear in me man it's so cool that in the final fight against raymond b he just uses the same attacks and strategies as he did in the intro of the game and the bird is using the freaking hyper beam like if it were just any other sword look it's great my boy is finally back in the game and he's such a menace now with all of his new attacks and samus can just jump on his head and fire missiles into its mouth oh my god that was so cool man the chosen surgeons are so awesome especially with how their armor looks just like sam as his own various suit and the way they have this composed form until the ex-parasites turn them into these monsters is really unsettling oh remember that time reverend big just grew freaking wings and started attacking you in the air like that one panel in the manga and when you cut off one of them he rips the other one like if there were nothing oh this bird is so metal i love it oh and the hand glow thing turned out to be salmon's awakening her metric powers as she proceeds to freaking suck the life out of the chozo soldiers it's so cool and then raven big reveals that he was one of the donors for samus's chosen dna and then you realize that maybe part of her stream has been an evil force of nature all along and the fight becomes even more personal as she's trying to prove that she's not like him and samus just thinks about how this bird is responsible for destroying her family and she just unhinges and goes feral on him look at how angry she is while trying to drain his life force wait what is that that sam has just become an actual metric to defeat raven beak and this watermelon devil joe suit is so freaking cool and she has a hyper beam to fight this giant x parasite that's a combination of all the other bosses and instead of eating it she just decides to obliterate it with a hyper me because she's clearly had enough this is a clear example of why i love this series so much metro great is the best game i've played in years since before and every reason you haven't picked this up you stop wasting your time and do yourself a favor by getting yourself a copy it's better than any other game you're thinking about playing and it doesn't take too much time to complete so go ahead and buy it to tell nintendo we need more masterpieces like this i give it a 20 out of 10. there was real bird magic in it uh sorry about that don't know what came over me hey there i hope you enjoyed this video now while i normally would already be working on the next script i kind of wanted to take this opportunity to ask you guys essentially what would you like to see next from the channel well i do have a few more topics that could make for interesting videos regarding dread i don't want to give you guys burnout from the game so i'll be making a poll on the community tab to see if you guys would like me to keep talking about dread a little bit more or maybe jump into another game for a little while i've had some ideas in my mind for a while now regarding some cool topics i think you guys might be interested regarding some of the other metric games but let's say that metroid dreads certain reveal threw a massive powerbomb on my plants all together alternatively i also mentioned in my previous update video that i wanted to do one or two videos regarding other franchises that i like to kind of help break the monotony so maybe this could be the perfect moment to do that and just do one video regarding another franchise that i like that could hopefully also bring you guys some entertainment so please make sure to check the polls on the community tab and feel free to leave a comment with things that we like to see me explore in the future your ideas are always welcomed and i appreciate the feedback lastly i can't say it enough but your support really means everything to me and as long as i can keep you guys entertained or happy with whatever i make then consider myself fulfilled with these videos but until next time please stay safe and thanks for watching you
Channel: The Orpheon
Views: 55,659
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Metroid, Samus, Chozo, Orpheon, Crocomire, Nintendo, Ridley, Luminoth, Dread, Review, Analysis, Look, gameplay, mechanics, sequence, break, Quick Kill, Raven Beak, Criticism, Shortcomings, Switch, Mercurysteam, Fusion, Corruption, Prime, Quiet Robe, EMMI, Tricks, Secrets, Story, Enviorment, Looks, Art, Pros, Best, Perfect, peak, animation, comedy, jokes, SA-X, Dark Samus, FFXIV, Alexander, history, lore, details, power-ups, abilities, Z-57, Kraid, X Parasites, BSL, progression, timeline, Mechanics, Ending, Metroid 6, Music
Id: 9NYIJU8d0sc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 14sec (2534 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 14 2022
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