How Menopause Changes Your Brain | Dr. Lisa Mosconi

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menopause is actually a neuroendocrine transition state which means it's a neurologically active phase during which your brain is impacted just as much as your ovaries are in some ways more because when your brain is impacted then you have all the symtoms that prompt fear in many women who have no clue what is happening to them and when women talk about having half lashes and ni sweats and depression and anxiety and insomnia and brain fog and lapses and forgetfulness or panic attacks or even skin crawling Sensations if you don't know why you're having those symptoms it is legit to really worry that there's something really bad happening to you in your brain those symptoms are in fact symptoms of menopause that have nothing to do with the ovaries those are neurological symptoms that are prompted by your brain because menopause is in fact changing your brain
Channel: Rich Roll
Views: 18,062
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Id: yLRtRlGysk0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 0min 59sec (59 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 12 2024
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