REVERSE AGEING Is Here - How To Reverse Age At Home (Explained By Doctor)

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binge watch and learn on DRS clips a guy like me who's 30 who is starting to encounter some small aging related things you know like I'm not a stronger athletic as I used to be when I was 22. is there room for me coming in and taking a treatment from you yeah so we have apart from uh you know treating neurological problems we have now over the past four years uh we are now working in the field of anti-aging so I have a separate hospital that's an anti-aging hospital do people mostly come with skin and hair related no no so this is different so that is you know that is like a spa kind of you know we don't do that we do cellular anti-aging so let me explain to you uh like today we have tools there's a simple blood test you can just withdraw your blood and uh okay let me give you a little background so our cells have something called genes you're aware of genes chromosomes they're like an X thing all right so the tip of the chromosome like our nail is something called telomere now when we are born our telomeres are at the maximum size as we age our telomeres become smaller what the telomere does is it protects the gene so you know when the chromosome divides it protects it all right so that gives you the ability to for your body to keep going now when it reaches its end point that's the time the cell can't divide anymore that's cellular death so you can actually with a blood test today simple blood test predict what your age will be you can actually predict it they measure the length of the telephone so you get a telomere length and the telomere length tells you what your cellular age is not what your birth age is okay now the advantage of that is when you know your cellular age second if you do treatments interventions you can have a before and after one sign a cellular age will be could be very different from your birth age it is very thank you my own example okay so I was I I was I'm 60 last I was 60 and I did my telomie I was the first and it showed my cellular age to be 85 and I got a shock I said what 85 and this is you've got to be kidding me and uh then I said okay I've got to do something so I went into my own anti-aging program which used hyperbaric oxygen ozone therapy I did this for 40 days back to back this was this came out jackline actually a lot of things improved a lot of things improved but most important my telomeres in 40 days from 85 came down to 70. okay and in fact the lab refused to issue the report after 40 days they said we can't give you this report because 40 days ago even 85 how do you become 70 you know so people will question the validity of our reporting I said no I did all this then I continued my treatment for another 40 days and I bought it down to 60. so today my cellular age is the same as my biological age using anti-aging treatments uh is it physically painful the treatment then nothing it's not totally non-invasive it's there's nothing there's no nothing it's just pure oxygen therapies ozone therapies gut cleansing uh sorry it's just nothing there's no intervention there's no surgery there is no you don't take bone there's no stem cells in this there's non-stem cell related okay so you just go into Chambers and breathe the air okay that's just one part the breed the chamber is one part there are many other treatments that go along with this you know so it's but it's all nature based it's all what is called there's no intervention you're not doing uh giving anything so there was I was I was happy either now myself ages now the good news here is that this marking of the telomere shows you that your maximum we can live up to 120. so beyond 120 your body cannot our body is programmed up to a maximum of 120. because your telomere so when they do these measurements they do it on a gradation of 120 that's why it was 85 on a scale of 120 Max sure you understand yeah so technically if you could bring it down I mean the good news here is you could possibly live to 120 you could okay that's assuming you don't have a cancer or brain stroke or heart attack or an accident or something so and teaching is a fascinating fascinating field and there is an entire huge conference every year in Las Vegas i i attended regularly on anti-aging you've got some four or five thousand doctors from all over and there is a lot of excitement uh in in this field that you can actually slow down actually the aging process and uh or at least where it is accelerated because of stress lifestyle other things you can bring it under control what will it manifest into on a physical level yeah so a couple of things one suddenly you find your mind is clear okay you're thinking clearly you know what this brain fog which you have very often so the brain fog disappears you know then you start finding yourself physically more active you know you find yourself uh being able to energetically work for long hours okay then you find uh of course at a cellular level things are different and also at a like when you do because along with the telomeres we do everything else we do blood sugar levels cholesterol levels liver function renal function or hormones which study where I elaborate set of tests that we do before and after what we are finding and we have you know this is going to get published in the papers we've just published this into a paper that all these things improve so it's not just telemio's improve telomere is a manifestation that the rest of your body it's a marker is telling you that the rest of your body is improving so we monitor everything so for example I got my mom to do it and of course my I mean I her thing after just a one week program it reduced by one year but I was happy I you know technically I've given my 88 year old mom one more year of Life on whatever you know that's still a lot and then you know so I my mom was among the first time I I had uh my I've got a younger sister who had such severe knee problem remember when she came for the anti-aging she came on a wheelchair okay from Delhi she came from Delhi had to be a scorer in a wheelchair and after this whole program not only she improved she went to vaishno Devi and Klein walked 14 kilometers up and down 28 kilometers for somebody who came on a wheelchair okay to walk 28 kilometers to vaishno Devi is like something here and that that was and she says it to everyone that happened because of the anti-aging treatment protocols she took at our place so you are your question was how does it manifest my real younger sister who came in a wheelchair walked 28 and you know you've been to vaishno Devi it's uphill climb it's a mountain climb up I won't climb down she could do that so that is the difference what will happen to me if I go through it if you happen like I said see there's there's you you you're going to find your mind a little more active you've you've alertness you know what is mindful you're too young to have mind fog but as you grow older sometimes there is a you know what is mindful have you heard that word it's like a brain fog it's like uh you know dulling so suddenly you find your mind shopper and uh now we of course uh our program is for people 50 plus okay because if I tell a 30 year old do anti-aging you know they say what is wrong with you you know I I think a lot of people might would actually be open to it honestly I think people might have very into biohacking yeah but anyway go on yeah no I completely agree that you know they they actually say I mean there is science to show the time to start anti-aging measures is at 30. because that's when you know up to 30 your body is sort of peeking and then there is a slow decline of course depending on your lifestyle diet and a whole lot of other things so that's the time to start doing this and uh it it doesn't have to be you see this is not something it's not like you're in a hospital and things are being done to you and this this is a part of because when you come out of this you understand the value of natural systems of healing okay which I want to just elaborate in a very simple way it's so easy to understand what are the things essential to life other things essential to Health and Longevity the first is oxygen if you don't have oxygen for more than 10 minutes you know if you're strangulated you will not survive more than 10 minutes 80 of all diseases are because of lack of oxygen right so if you oxygenate your body you're going to be uh you're going to be younger healthier so one of the simplest ways to do it is pranayama so in yoga even if you don't do the rest of the yoga if you just do pranayama why see you can't change the air around you can you change the air I'm very happy to see plants here I hope they're natural plants but yeah yeah because the more plants you have what the plants do they produce oxygen and they take your carbon dioxide away but pranayam what happens is you see normally we are breathing now we breathe shallow in pranam you breathe fully so if you can just do pranayama every day in the morning that that will help now of course because you know okay so look at nature in the jungle what do you have you have so much Greenery and very few animals breathing it come bring it to the city suddenly you have so many more people breathing and so much less green and whatever air is there is polluted it's toxic okay so we are breathing there's less oxygen and that too what is there is is polluted so we have to show uh the basis of our anti-aging is hyperbatic oxygen so what is hyperbaric oxygen it's basically right now we are breathing oxygen at one atmosphere pressure this is one atmosphere now when you when you go into a chamber and you give oxygen so at one atmosphere see when you take oxygen it goes into our lungs from our lungs it goes into our blood and the blood carries oxygen to the whole tissue is that easy to understand but in the blood we have two types of cells red blood cells white blood cells and platelets you may have heard of it and then there is the liquid in the blood called plasma so right now what we are breathing only the red blood cell carries oxygen uh in what is called hemoglobin you may have heard of hemoglobin so hemoglobin is the only thing right now which is taking the oxygen we breathe all over the body okay the white blood cells have known and the oxygen the liquid the majority of the blood is liquid that is zero oxygen but when you go in a chamber and oxygen is given Under Pressure the oxygen enters the liquid of the blood so your entire liquid of the blood is full of oxygen and now when that goes It goes everywhere to every look and corner and it improves your overall functioning right so that is now if you can't the ideal thing is for us to be you know to live in nature to live in place where there's more green don't need any of this you know if you're living in a place where there's all Greenery you don't need Hyperbaric you don't need any of this but because we don't have that we are now using modern technology to deliver what nature should deliver so the first thing is oxygenation so whether you if you do pranayama for younger people Hyperbaric may not a lot of sportsmen are taking a lot of you see a lot of film stars and everybody's taking hyperbatic as part of anti-aging so first is oxygen second thing for health is water okay you cannot if you don't have water for a couple of days you won't be able to survive so even people who are fasting you know they gains you fast and all they still have water almost 80 percent of a body is made of water and one of the problems is we don't drink enough water okay so we need to bring between two to three liters of water every day just doing that will seriously help us so oxygen which is important for survival second is water hydrate yourself drink as much water you know because somehow in today's life you just skip it you drink when you're thirsty when you are thirsty and you drink you're already dehydrated so you should be drinking preventatively like the Chinese are very nice system every one or they have Chinese tea and the Chinese my Chinese Curry were telling me it's not about the Tea it's that having every R hot water that's why they can eat anything and they don't have so many diseases because they hydrate themselves using this hot water cold water thing matters uh I think hot water is better overall okay overall hot water is better so first is oxygen second is water the third thing you can't survive without is uh food so again what is good food is natural food whatever nature gave us in fact you know today most in you talk to cancer surgeons and the first Little Rock in the lectures is diet you know the diet has such an important role to play in malignancies and all diseases and that is because we've shifted from nature like you know so you have to imagine life in in a jungle and here what do animals eat natural there's nothing cooked so everything that we cook and eat causes problems because of whatever is added to it so a good idea is to um so I'm giving see I'm a surgeon so I like to give practice I don't give theoretical advice I give practical advice so practical advice is for oxygen do pranayam if you can have as many plants as you can in your house and if you can't do that take hyperbaric oxygen this is practical water very simple two to three liters of water measure it seed that you drink every day third food now if I tell you eat only natural food then you're you know nobody's going to follow it who can eat only fruit salad the natural food is fruits vegetables nuts what a recommendation is to have at least three times a day to have natural food and the rest of the time have your regular cook stuff so just you know like I in my breakfast will have only fruits and tea you know just and then then it's not a good idea to mix cooked and uncooked actually ideally you should have them separate because the digestive parties are separate so if you have three natural meals a day the rest you can have whatever you want uh so long as reasonably healthy so the next thing is uh to deliver all this to the body the circulation okay your body the blood is to circulate for oxygen and food and because we've stopped exercising because we've become sedentary so circulation is slow so even if you have good oxygen and a good diet you know but if it's it's not reaching the body so for circulation you need to exercise anything half an hour 30 minutes of a walk or a jog or a swim or a gym unfortunately now even before exercising everybody's thinking of just a gym you go to the gym and do workout you know anything that keeps your circulation going a simple walk is good enough you could skip you could dance I mean dancing is great anything that builds up you know increases your heart rate a little and gets your circulation going uh so next thing that's important is sleep because sleep is the time of housekeeping all right both for the brain and the body so a lot of our healing actually happens when we sleep all the wear and tear of the body when we are asleep because everything else is shut down there is housekeeping happening even in the brain all that has happened in the day all the stresses and the strains and the problems and the worries the Mind does housekeeping you know it sorts out things it slots them puts things in the right place and everything else now if you don't have adequate sleep what happens is not only is everything all you know a kitchery in the brain but your body also doesn't heal and the body has a great healing capacity so uh if so anywhere between seven to Ideal sleep is sleep when without alarm you know without alarm when you wake up naturally because the Sleep has got to you know there's got a rem and a non-rem it's got a bad sleep pattern so you'll you'll notice if you wake up to an alarm suddenly you wake up feeling weird and suddenly odd and everything so sleep is such an important part you know of of Health it's something we as doctors don't practice this is the only part that we sometimes aren't able to practice because of our lifestyle but now if you can put all this together so simple you know see that your body is oxygenated see that your body is hydrated see that you have enough natural food along with whatever cooked food you have okay if you exercise just about 30 minutes a day keep your circulation going you know if you sleep seven to eight hours you know whatever your body needs you're going to avoid 80 percent of your life's problems okay okay just buy these simple and they are free of cost they don't none of these is expensive none of this cost anything because this is natural this is the way the body is meant to heal now of course if you don't do all this there is medical technology to do it okay but you know you could do all this naturally I want to talk to you about the medical technology there's a conspiracy theory on the internet that says that billionaires of the world get blood transfusions where they use blood from prepubescent children yes is that an actual therapy that's an actual therapy because those kids have highly oxygenized blood absolutely so why do kids have highly oxygenized blood yeah because the younger bodies of course uh what happens is that you know it's like the body is a machine you see when your car is new okay you buy a new car and you know everything is so much better as the car gets older it gets more carbonized things are so there's actually animal experiments they're they're well defined animal experiments you take two rats okay uh you have an older rat and a younger ant and then you just switch the blood of both of them the older ant gets younger the younger it gets older just by transfusing the blood to each other right so there's actual scientific experiments and papers on that so that is actually correct I'm not sure about the ethics of that you know whether this is something you should do or should not do it's not something we practice but it is true that you know this this happens it's not a conspiracy theory it's very real so in the case of these billionaires is the blood from the billionaires being sent to the kids thrown away so in the research model they did it just to show that the reverse also works ah okay thank God I'll be messed up they just throw them they're throwing their blood away and who are these kids we don't know I mean we don't know who they are I mean human trafficking possibly I have no clue we we've only heard about this but I know this not from humans I know it from laboratory experiments that you know in our lectures and conferences we've actually seen data that actually shows that when you do this complete Everything Changes the Heart level you know the whole aging thing sort of reverses by completely alternating blood so I'm talking about laboratory work okay I've heard it happens in people but I'm not aware of it I've never heard of anybody who's taken this is it legal I don't think so wow okay but maybe there's no law that says you can't do it but I don't think it's um you know it's not something we've looked into ever so are there therapies that only the billionaires of the world can afford uh no I think all the therapies available today can be reached by the common man really yeah even on an international level so TRS Clips has all sorts of videos and all sorts of playlists make sure you explore the channel by subscribing and heading to our home page reading through the playlist [Music] thank you
Channel: TRS Clips
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Keywords: the ranveer show, trs clips, the ranveer show clips, ranveer allahbadia, beerbiceps, podcasts, beerbiceps podcast, trs, clips, the ranveer show podcast, the ranveer show beerbiceps, dr alok sharma, dr alok sharma on trs, neurosurgeon, neuroscientist, neuroscience, bio tech, stem cell therapy, anti-aging treatments, autism, biology, science, technology, brain tumor, brain tumor treatment, medical technology, autism patients, dr sid warrier, brain hacks, hack your brain
Id: U-gYTTR3j4A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 54sec (1134 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 22 2023
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