How Mel Gibson lives and what happened to him

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Mel Gibson is a brilliant Hollywood actor,  screenwriter, director, and producer. The   blue-eyed genius heartbreaker won two Oscars and  the Golden Globe Award as Best Director. He is the   father of many children, a philanthropist,  and a millionaire. But at the same time,   mister Gibson is known for his wild debauchery  and many scandals. He was also a favorite actor   of the late North Korean leader Kim Jong-il.  It’s time to unravel all the secrets of the   legendary actor in our video made due to  numerous requests of our subscribers.   How Mel Gibson lives and what happened to him. Mel Columcille Gerard GIbson was born on January   3, 1956 in suburban New York. He was the sixth  child in his Irish catholic family. The boy was   named after St. Mel and St. Columcille, who is  venerated as one of the 12 disciples in Ireland.   His parents, Patricia and Hatton Gibson, were  ordinary, deeply religious people. They saw   the meaning of life in their children, thus the  family turned out to be quite large. They had 11   children in total. It seems that the great future  of Mel was genetically determined, because his   paternal grandmother was an Australian opera star  and his grandfather was a millionaire. He owned a   successful tobacco business in the American South.  The second ingredient in the formula of success   was his parent's boundless love and care. They  did everything they could to support the children.   However, the family couldn't be called well-off.  The father was a conductor on the New York Central   Railroad, where he sustained occupational injury.  Having a high IQ and iron will, Hutton sued his   former employer and got a substantial compensation  of $145,000. Moreover, his sharp mind allowed him   to win $21,000 in an international game show, and  this money was very useful when the USA was about   to enter a large-scale war conflict in Vietnam.  The head of the family didn't wanna risk the   lives of their children, who would be eligible  to be drafted for service to fight in a war,   and he decided to move his family to Australia. Mel successfully graduated high school,   and got a parallel religious education dreaming  to become a journalist. But his sister helped   him a lot to choose his future vocation. She knew  that her brother was very artistic and liked to   prank people. So she applied to Sidney National  Institute of Dramatic Art on his behalf. Gibson   himself was not very eager to go there. The day  before the audition, he got very drunk and had   a fight, and because of that he didn't look  very well. Fortunately, the commission liked   this rough look, and he started his studies,  living with his friends in Sidney. Among these   friends was future Oscar winner Geoffrey Rush. While still a student, Mel appeared in his first   movie, Summer City. This way he earned only  $400. Right after graduation, he started to   receive offers for roles in movies, as well as an  invitation to join the national theater company.   His first steps in this field brought him success:  almost simultaneously two movies hit the theaters,   critically acclaimed movie Tim, and a cult  dystopian movie Mad Max directed by George Miller.   The grim road movie brought fame to the aspiring  actor, and he earned 15,000 Australian dollars   for that role, and eventually, Mad Max turned  out to be the most successful Australian movie,   grossing over $100 million worldwide. At first,  the young actor didn't expect to get the lead   role, because he showed up to the audition after  another fight. His face was swollen because of   the bruises and abrasions, that's why he was  advised to come back a few weeks later to try   to get a role as one of the bandits. After getting  himself together, Mel came back to the audition,   and they offered him to try out the role of Max.  No one realized that this handsome young man was   there before, hungover and beaten. Fate gave Mel one gift after another,   and this time he's got lucky in his personal  life. He met a charming dentist's assistant   Robyn Moore. The couple met in Adelaide. The  actor came there touring with the theater,   but there's also an alternative version, according  to which they met with the help of a dating   agency. Perhaps, he had to use the services of the  professional matchmakers because as a young man,   Gibson suffered from an inferiority complex,  he had a lot of fleeting relationships,   he fought a lot, he drank a lot, and he got  in all kinds of trouble. After another fight,   Mel was on the verge of death, and that was the  reason for him to turn his life around. In 1980,   Mel and Robyn got married. The marriage was very  solid, it lasted for almost 30 years. They had   seven children, five sons and two daughters. Getting a reliable refuge in his wife, Gibson   proceeded to conquer the screens. In 1981, he  starred in Miller's Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior.   The movie was received well by the audience and  praised by the critics, it was mentioned as one   of the best movies of that year. Mel earned  $120,000 for the shooting. At the same time,   he appeared in several successful movies, a  war drama Gallipoli about the hardships of   the First World War, for which Gibson  earned 35,000 Australian dollars,   and Attack Force Z, an action film about the  Second World War, which brought actor 1000   Australian dollars, and a romantic drama  film called The Year of Living Dangerously,   in which he starred with Sigourney Weaver. In the next couple of years, Gibson rocked   Hollywood like a hurricane. He starred in  one top-notch film after another. In 1984,   an adventure drama The Bounty came out, then the  actor starred in the drama film called The River,   which got nominated for several Oscars, and a  drama film called Mrs. Soffel. The popularity   of the actor brought him a one million contract  with a Japanese brewery called Asashi. According   to the contract, the actor was obligated to  regularly appear in public with a beer can.   Gibson was thoroughly fulfilling the obligation,  drinking around 8 cans of beer a day in a row,   and when advised to replace beer with  tea or water, he refused. Probably,   that contract backfired at Gibson, because during  this time he lost his driver's license for 3   months and got a $400 fine for drunk driving. In 1985, the third Mad Max movie was released.   This was the last time Gibson played  that role. Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome   was spectacular and action-packed, and Mel got  1.2 million Australian dollars for the role.   He finally established his presence on the  Hollywood Olympus by playing the lead role in the   cult classic action movie Lethal Weapon in 1987.  The movie brought its creators a bunch of awards   including an Academy Award nomination for Best  Sound Mixing. Martin Riggs, masterfully created   by Mel, is one of the best cinema characters  according to Empire magazine. They filmed   an alternative beginning, depicting the main  character as a less likable person, as well as the   ending. They were included in the DVD release. The success of the first film prompted the   producers to make a sequel, and between the  two parts of the franchise, Gibson starred   in a crime film Tequila Sunrise. After the end of  the filming of Lethal Weapon 2 in 1989, it became   clear that it's not commercially reasonable to  kill this character and the original script was   rewritten to allow another sequel to be made.  There are 4 movies in the franchise in total.   Mel had to refuse the role of Batman to be able  to star in the sequel. However, the magnificent   performance in the first film gave Gibson the  opportunity to fulfill the dream of any actor,   to play Hamlet in the film adaptation of  Shakespeare's tragedy. The scene of Riggs's   suicide attempt left director Franco Zeffirelli  speechless, and he wanted only Mel to play the   lead role. None of the major film companies  wanted to fund the adaptation, so Gibson had   to create his own company to begin the filming.  This is how Icon Production was created. It   produced more than 20 movies. As a logo Mel Gibson  used a fragment of the Virgin of Vladimir icon.   This made Gibson very busy in the 90s. He  starred in Bird on a Wire, Forever Young,   and the action movie Air America. He got  paid 7 million dollars for the latter.   In 1992, the fans saw the next movie about  Martin Riggs. The third Lethal Weapon was a   massive box office success and made Gibson richer  by $10 million. Then the American Western comedy   Maverick thundered at the box offices, and Mel  received even more money for it, $15 million.   Besides, the ambitious Australian man tried his  hand at directing. He filmed his first movie   and played the lead role in it. The Man Without a  Face, despite the hopes, was not successful, which   can't be said about Gibson's next movie. The epic  historical war drama about Scotland's struggle for   freedom Braveheart blew up the screen. The proof  of the appreciation were ten Oscar nominations,   the movie won five of them, including one to Mel  Gibson himself for Best Director. He also won a   Golden Globe for Best Director. The story of the  film creation is full of fun facts. For example,   Mel's character is only 20 years old according  to the script, and the actor himself was 38   at the time of the filming. Initially, the  movie was supposed to be much more gruesome,   but they cut out controversial scenes from  the film to lower the age rating. The animal   rights activists had some issues with the  movie, because they didn't believe that no   horse was harmed during the filming. Gibson  managed to get out of the scandal, he proved   that some horses were mechanical. In 2000, in  a special auction, the sword that was used by   Gibson during the filming was sold for $170,000. In 1995 Mel tried his hand at animation. He took   part in voice acting in two projects: Casper and  Pocahontas. Right after that Gibson starred in two   thriller movies, for which he got $20 million:  Ransom and Conspiracy Theory. In 1998, Lethal   Weapon 4 was released. Mel broke his personal  record again and got $25 million for the role.   Moreover, he signed a profitable advertising  contract with a Japanese company Subaru and   appears in the commercial driving a right-hand  drive Legacy sedan through Stockholm and New York.   By the way, Mel himself chose another Japanese  car, he's driving a modest sedan Toyota Cressida.   At the turn of the century, the fans  saw Mel in another action movie called   Payback and in The Million Dollar Hotel.  He also voiced a character in Chicken Run.   The historical drama The Patriot was praised by  the audience, for which Gibson got $25 million.   It's peculiar that Mel asked to make several  changes to the script: they added another child   to the six children the character had, because  at that moment Mel himself had seven children.   The movie What Women Want holds a special place  in Mel's career. A hoax and prank enthusiast,   he brilliantly played the role of a charming  ladies' man who gained the ability to hear   women's thoughts after being electrocuted. The  comedy film was a smashing hit, getting over $374   million in the worldwide box office. It was ranked  4th among the most successful movies of 2000.   At the same time, Mel got into a huge-scale  pharmaceutical war waged by the United States   Department of Health and Human Services.  It was trying to restrict the consumption   of vitamins by the Americans. As a protest,  Gibson appeared in a video in which his home   is raided by a SWAT team. The actor, wearing a  bathrobe and holding a Vitamin C container says   to the SWAT team: "It's just vitamins". Since the early 00s, Gibson has not been   that active as an actor. He appeared in  such films as Signs and We Were Soldiers,   which brought him $50 million in total, a  musical crime comedy The Singing Detective,   and the TV series Complete Savages. Mel spent more  and more energy and resources on his own projects,   mostly as a director. His 2004 epic biblical drama  film The Passion of the Christ was a really huge   event. The movie shocked the public, depicting  the last 12 hours of the life of Jesus Christ.   The dialogues in this movie were written in  reconstructed Aramaic, ancient Hebrew, and Latin.   Gibson, after the release of the movie, proclaimed  that the Holy Spirit was the real creator of the   film, and he was just a vehicle. He even donated  $100 million to the Catholic church. The filming   process was very difficult, the lead actor was  constantly injured, including a lightning strike.   To make it more authentic, they decided to avoid  using CGI, the job was done exclusively by makeup   artists who spent 10 hours on it. Moreover, the  actor who played Jesus, received real lashes and   carried a real wooden cross weighing 154 pounds.  Thanks to this selfless and rigorous approach,   the movie turned out to be grand. The whole  society was shocked including Pope John Paul II,   who praised the movie, and Gibson's daughter,  Hannah, was so impressed that she even expressed   a desire to take the veil and become a nun.  The phenomenal box office receipts of the   movie was no surprise, it earned $609 million  worldwide. Because of that it is still in the   top ten of the highest-grossing R-rated movies. After the filming, Mel decided to buy the lush   green Mago island, in Fiji archipelago  measuring 8 square miles, for 15 million   dollars. He said he plans on preserving the  island's original condition for recreation,   and he remains true to his words. The satellite  images show only dirt airstrip, Mel Gibson's   mansion in the northern part of the island, and  houses of locals, who are paid by the actor. The next large-scale project of the Icon  company was the mystical movie Apocalypto,   based on the historical myths and legends of the  Maya tribe. Gibson was the producer, the director,   and the screenwriter of the movie. Same as in the  previous movie, Mel tried to make it as authentic   as possible and didn't trust CGI to do the job.  It was filmed mostly in the Mexican state of   Veracruz, and they reconstructed step-pyramids  very close to the original. In the movie,   Mayans are depicted as very cruel people,  which was criticized by many historians,   and representatives of one of the ethnic  communities filed a report to the Human Rights   Commission of the Yucatan state. At the same time,  there was a huge scandal, when Mel was arrested   for drunk driving again. This time, the movie star  acted really inappropriately, shouting Antisemitic   slogans and racial slurs. This stunt almost ruined  Gibson's reputation, but he got away with it,   he publicly apologized speaking about lapses  in judgment he's having from time to time.   After this incident, Gibson retreated into the  shadows for 10 years and didn't film any movies.   Craving for solitude, in 2007, Mel bought a  mansion with a plot of land of 400 acres on   the Costa Rica coast. He has been thinking  about buying a piece of this picturesque   land when he was searching for location for the  Apocalypto shooting. He bought it for $26 million.   This ranch consists of a villa, surrounded by  tropical forest, and a cute backyard. The home   features several classic colonial-style bedrooms,  wood-dominated dining rooms and an on-site pool.   Later Mel tried to sell the house for $35 million.  After all, Mr. Gibson is not just a great actor,   but a good businessman as well, he knows how to  sell. In 2007, he sold another mansion in the   Tudor style in Connecticut for $40 million, which  he bought in 1994 for $9 million. This 15-bedroom   castle-like mansion is surrounded by a stunningly  beautiful garden, and the interiors of the living   room with fireplace, library, and dining room are  strikingly rich and charmingly old-fashioned.   This break from the film industry and property  purchase can be explained by the problems in   his personal life. In the spring of 2009,  there were rumors that Mel's solid family   split up. Allegedly, the spouses had not  been living together for 3 years. Soon,   Gibson showed up to the premiere of X-Men Origins:  Wolverine with a Russian pianist and singer Oksana   Grigorieva. She met Gibson during the filming of  one of the movies, and pretty soon, the smitten   actor became the producer of her album. There is  a theory that the meeting was not an accident,   but was organized by a known in certain  circles matchmaker Peter Listerman, however,   this information is not confirmed at all. After  the joint appearance and the news about Oksana   being 4 months pregnant, Robyn filed for divorce,  and got a half of the net worth of the adulterer,   $850 million. Besides that, Mel has to  pay half of his income to his ex-wife,   and later she got two Malibu mansions worth  a total of $22,5 million. Actually, the break   up fee of the Gibsons is considered to be one  of the largest in the history of Hollywood.   In October 2009, Mel and Oksana had a daughter,  who became the 8th child of the actor. The new   family with newborn Lucy Anne, lived in a $11,5  million mansion situated in Malibu. Mel bought   the house from his friend David Duchovny.  But the family life didn't work out and   after 18 months the couple split up, and a few  months later Grigorieva filed a police report,   stating that she was physically abused by Gibson.  They have opened a criminal case against Mel,   and he received 3 years suspended sentence, a  $400 fine, and a restraining order prohibiting   him from seeing their mutual daughter. Also, the  court ordered him to pay his common-law spouse a   $750,000 compensation, and pay $40,000 each month  until the child reaches the age of 18. Also,   Oksana got a mansion in Sherman Oaks, which  Gibson bought in 2009 for $2,4 million. The   court ordered Mel to pay maintenance costs as  well. But the woman wanted more, so she posted   on social media a recorded phone call between  her and Mel, during which he used racial slurs.   This almost cost the actor his career and  reputation. Many people turned against him,   but not Jodie Foster, Robert Downey Jr., Robert  Rodriguez, and Sylvester Stallone. They helped out   the actor. Thanks to Rodriguez and Stallone, he  managed to appear in such movies as Machete Kills,   where he played a villain for the  first time, and The Expendables 3.   As a result of the loud scandal, the filming  of the action movie Get the Gringo was delayed,   and the premiere of the eccentric drama  The Beaver was canceled. It was planned   to premiere in December 2010, considering the  Oscar nominations, but it was released only in   May 2011. The premiere was a flop, the movie  failed at the box office. To top it all off,   in 2010, the actor got into a car accident, he  crashed his Maserati car against a rock cliff on   one of the Malibu roads. Fortunately, Gibson was  not harmed, which can't be said about the car,   it had to be towed, it was completely totaled.  After this point, the actor decided to drive   a convenient electric Smart car. He's  been driving it for many years already.   Mel tried to forget about the previous  relationship, and in 2012 it was reported   that he's dating athlete Ashley Cusato, but it  didn't last very long. The next period of Mel's   life can be considered a reset. He was completely  inactive both in professional and personal life.   Only in 2016 Gibson renewed his activity,  he appeared in the action film Blood Father,   and then directed Hacksaw Ridge, which brought  him an Oscar nomination as Best Actor, also it   was reported that his new girlfriend, Rosalind  Ross, is pregnant with the actor's 9th child.   On January 20, 2017, the couple had a baby, they  named him Lars Gerard. Thus, Mel has the second   place in the top of actors with the largest  number of kids. Only Charlie Chaplin had more   children than Mel, he had 11. But something  tells us that Gibson may beat this record. In the last couple of years, Gibson appeared as an  actor in such movies as Dragged Across Concrete,   Boss Level, Force of Nature,  Dangerous, and Daddy's Home 2. The most peculiar film he starred in recently is  probably The Professor and The Madman, 2018. This   movie was in production for 17 years. The filming  process was full of scandals and lawsuits. So,   the production company Voltage Pictures  banned the crew from filming in Oxford,   England. The reason given was budget  overruns and lack of time, and as a result,   the filming was moved to Ireland. Enraged,  Gibson couldn't let the company cripple his   film this way, and he tried to ban the  release of the film through the court,   but he failed. In revenge, he decided not  to participate in the advertising campaign. In 2020, there was a premiere of a comedy action  film Fatman, with Mel Gibson in the lead role.   In 2021, Gibson appeared in the action films Agent  Game, Dangerous and Last Looks, and the following   year audiences could see the actor in Father  Stu, On the Line, Hot Seat, Panama, and Bandit. After all the lawsuits and alimony, Mel  Gibson's net worth is now $425 million.   Despite the fact that according  to some open source estimates,   Mel received a record sum of $450 million  for The Passion of The Christ and invested   only $30 million of his personal money.  According to the most recent accounts,   Mel is not sitting idle: Gibson is gonna be  the director of Lethal Weapon 5. Besides,   he will play the lead role in The Continental  miniseries which is about to be released. The most intriguing is the rumor that the  actor is working on the sequel of his epic   film about the life and death of Jesus  Christ called The Passion of the Christ:   Resurrection, where Gibson will act as  director, screenwriter and producer. We tried our best to tell you all  about the life of this brilliant actor,   talented director, and unique person, Mel Gibson. Do you think he'll manage to surprise the world   with a new masterpiece as he did with  Braveheart and The Passion of the Christ?
Channel: MixShow Star News
Views: 1,327,563
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Keywords: mel gibson, mel gibson girlfriend, mel gibson movies, mel gibson apocalypto, mel gibson jesus, mel gibson bandit, braveheart, mel gibson house, mel gibson net worth, mel gibson biography, mel gibson wife, mel gibson child, how mel gibson lives, mel gibson life story, mel gibson car, mel gibson son, mel gibson and robert downey jr, mel gibson and russian pianist, mel gibson and clint eastwood, mel gibson and jodie foster, MixShow Star News
Id: A6dcyPIBLak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 57sec (1437 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 28 2023
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