Al Pacino – How The Godfather of Hollywood Lives and How Much He Earns

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Al Pacino is a legendary theater and film actor,   director and screenwriter. He is called  one of the most famous actors of our time.   The roles he embodied on the screen became  iconic, and his name is a household name.  Al Pacino – how the Godfather of  Hollywood lives, and how much he earns.  Alfredo James Pacino was born on April 25, 1940 in  Manhattan in the East Harlem neighborhood of New   York City. His parents were Italian-American and  got married when they were very young. His father,   Salvatore Pacino, worked as an insurance  agent, and his mother, Rosa, was a housewife.  When little Alfredo was only two  years old, his parents separated.   Rose and her son moved to live with their  parents on the outskirts of New York. The   South Bronx area is not considered safe even now,  and even less so back then. Until he was seven,   Alfredo was forbidden to leave the house  alone without adult supervision. At that time,   his only way to escape reality was going to  the cinema in the evenings with his mother.   And in the afternoon, the boy enjoyed retelling  the plots of the films he had watched to his   grandmother. Alfredo fantasized a lot, mimiced  and acted out scenes from the films he had seen.   In some way, Pacino's passion for cinema  arose during this period of his life.  Soon Alfredo went to school and  was allowed to leave the house.   At school, he continued to fantasize and amaze his  classmates with stories about fictional journeys   and adventures. Friends called him" Sonny", and  later the nickname "Actor" stuck to Alfredo.  Teachers noticed the boy's acting abilities,  so they urged him to join the school theater,   and also entrusted him to read passages  from the Bible during services.  However, the young daredevil's behavior  was extremely far from exemplary.   He often started fights and quarrels. At  the age of 9 he started smoking, and until   1994 he could smoke up to 4 packs a day. Beside  that, at the age of 13 he became addicted to   alcoholic beverages and even marijuana. But  the future actor never used any heavy drugs,   as two of his close friends died of an overdose. When Alfredo was 14 years old, he visited the   theater to watch Chekhov's "The Seagull". The  young man was so impressed that he decided to   attend the LaGuardia High School of Music  & Art and Performing Arts in New York.  But still, the future actor was not  particularly interested in studying – he   failed almost all exams, except for English,  and was expelled from school at the age of 17.  Because of this, Alfredo had a conflict with  his mother, and after a serious quarrel,   the young man left home. Over the next few years,  he took on various jobs, working as a bellboy,   janitor, waiter and postman. Alfredo sought  to earn money to pay for his acting training.  At first, he simply took private lessons  and acted in small theater productions.   Often he had nowhere to spend the night, sometimes  he slept in the theater, other times - at his   friends' or girlfriends' places. He became a  part of the New York underground theater scene,   performing skits with a friend in public  places for a symbolic reward from the audience.  When Alfredo had saved some money,  he joined Herbert Berghof's studio.   Here, Alfredo met the English  actor and teacher Charlie Lawton,   who became not only his  teacher, but also a best friend.  In early 1961, Pacino was arrested for three  days. The police noticed him, dressed in a black   mask and gloves, at the wheel of a car that was  strangely swerving about. By the way, he didn't   know how to drive. During the search, the police  found a weapon hidden in the car. Only some time   after it turned out to be a theater prop. Yet the  actor learned to drive only after he was 25 years.  The year 1962 was not easy for Al  Pacino. His mother died of leukemia,   and Charlie Lawton was taken by kidney  cancer. A year later, his grandfather,   James Gerardi, who had always been an important  part of the actor's life, also passed away.  But these struggles did not break Pacino – he  continued pursuing his goal. He performed in   various theaters, and in 1966, after numerous  attempts, he finally entered the famous   Actors Studio, which is located in  the Clinton district of Manhattan,   also known as Hell's Kitchen  because of the high crime rate.  Here, Al Pacino took the course of Lee Strasberg,  who preached the Konstantin Stanislavsky system.   As the actor later recalled – it was an exciting,  amazing time, a real turning point in his life.  Since 1967, Al Pacino has been making a career  on stage. In 1967, he played a whole season at   the Charles Playhouse theater in Boston. For $125  a week, he took part in a production of Clifford   Odets' "Awake and Sing!" By the way, during this  period he came up with his memorable alias "Al".  Both back then, and all his life,  the handsome beloved of many women,   Al Pacino tried not to advertise his personal  life. While participating in the production of   "America, Hooray" by Jean-Claude van Itally,  Al Pacino met Jill Kleiberg. They got into   a relationship that lasted several years. In 1968, Al Pacino became part of the New   York theater "Astor Place", where he played  a street punk named Murphy in the production   of "The Indian Wants the Bronx". The play  was performed 177 times, including on tour   in Italy in the city of Spoleto. Al Pacino  was named Best Actor of the 1967-68 season.   It made its Broadway debut the following year. Al Pacino began to get his first small film   roles while studying at The Acting Studio.  With the success on the theater stage,   interest in him as a film actor increased,  but the roles he got so far were second-rate.  In 1969, Al Pacino received a role in the  full-length film "Me, Natalie". His performance   got noticed. In addition, he attracted the  attention of one of the best agents and   producers at that time, Martin Bregman, which  led to their long and fruitful collaboration.  In 1971, he got the role of a drug addict in  the film "The Panic in Needle Park". By the way,   Robert De Niro was also a candidate for this  role. The director saw only Al Pacino playing   this role, which greatly upset De Niro. At the same time, Francis Ford Coppola   noticed Pacino and offered him the role of Michael  Corleone in the film "The Godfather". The film was   based on the novel of the same name by Mario Puzo. The producers were shocked by the director's   choice. Coppola turned down many famous  actors, including Robert De Niro, opting   for Pacino. Rumor has it that Robert de Niro  still can't forgive the director for this choice.  The producers considered the actor too short  for this role. When reviewing the footage, they   constantly asked the director the same question:  "When will he finally start ACTING?". They also   tried to force Coppola to fire the actor. It  wasn't until they saw the scene in which Michael   Corleone kills the police commissioner that they  realized Coppola's brilliant directorial insight.   For this role, Pacino received a $35,000 fee. "The Godfather" quickly acquired the status of   an iconic film. Al Pacino was nominated for an  Oscar for Best Supporting Actor and a Golden   Globe for Best Dramatic Actor. On the set of The Godfather,   Al Pacino met Diane Keaton. By that time,  his previous relationship had already ended   and the young actor plunged head first into a  new one. But after 2 years, the couple broke up.  In 1973, Al Pacino played in the film "Scarecrow".  By the way, he and the actor Gene Hackman,   in order to get used to the role, pretended to  be tramps and hitchhiked all over California.  In the same year, Pacino took  part in the film "Serpico".   The film is based on real events and tells the  story of police officer Frank Serpico, who opposed   the system and wanted to expose the corruption of  his colleagues. The funny thing is that Pacino got   so used to the role that one time returning home  from filming, he fined a driver for speeding.  By the way, the film was shot  in reverse chronological order.   First, they filmed the scenes where Pacino's  character has long hair and a beard, which   gradually got shorter and shorter. This was done  to achieve authenticity in the character's image.  For this role, Al Pacino was again nominated for  an Oscar and won the Golden Globe for Best Actor.  In 1974, Al Pacino returned to the role of Michael  Corelone in "The Godfather 2". For this film, the   actor received 500 thousand dollars in fee and 10%  of the box office revenue, and was again nominated   for an Oscar and a Golden Globe as Best Actor. For the next film, "Dog Day Afternoon," which   tells the true story of bank robber John  Wojtowicz, Al Pacino was again nominated   for an Oscar. Interestingly enough, during  filming, it was terribly cold outside the bank,   but according to the script it was supposed  to be summer. The actors used ice to freeze   their mouths so that their breath wasn't visible. In 1977, the drama "Bobby Deerfield" was released,   where Al Pacino played the lead role. Once again,  the actor was nominated for a Golden Globe.  During the filming, Pacino met Martha Keller. The  girl became his new love, and although their long   relationship didn't end with a wedding, the  couple managed to become real friends. They   often talked on the phone and were aware of each  other's lives even many years after the break-up.  Alongside filming, Pacino continued to  participate in theatrical productions.  The next film with the actor was "...And  Justice for All" was released in 1979. For   this film, Al Pacino received a $1 million fee. The image of the honest lawyer Arthur Kirkland was   met with positive reviews from critics, the actor  was again nominated for a Golden Globe and an   Oscar for the fourth time. Ironically, the award  was given to Dustin Hoffman for his role in the   film "Kramer vs. Kramer", which Pacino declined. By the way, the actor often refused offers.   Among his possible projects were films like  "Angel Heart", "Pretty Woman", "Apocalypse Now",   "Born on the Fourth of July", "Star Wars". However, in the 80s, Al Pacino's career suffered a   decline. Several not-so-successful films followed.  In 1980, the film "Cruising" was released,   which tells a story about a police officer who  works undercover among New York homosexuals.   In order to most reliably show the world of gay  masochists, director William Friedkin and Al   Pacino visited gay bars in New York. In general,  the filming process was accompanied by protests   from underrepresented communities, and the film  itself incurred the wrath of said communities.  His next film, the comedy "Author!  Author!" was also heavily criticized.  In 1983, Al Pacino played his iconic role of  the Cuban drug lord Tony Montana in the film   "Scarface". This film wasn't received well by  critics, but the audience loved it. The story   of becoming the druglord of a cocaine empire  brought in $45 million at the box office.   Al Pacino was once again nominated for  a Golden Globe. By the way, Al Pacino's   partner in the film was Michelle Pfeiffer,  who was considered a sex icon of the 80s.  Also, during the shooting, Al  Pacino seriously burned his hand,   which caused the filming to be  suspended for several weeks.   During one of the final scenes, the actor  grabbed the barrel of a machine gun.   Of course, the cartridges were blank, but the  barrel was very hot. Later, Al Pacino admitted   that this role became the main one in his life. In 1985, the film "Revolution" was released.   It was coldly received by critics  and failed at the box office.   The producers blamed the failure on the actor,  who was even nominated for a Golden Raspberry.  After that, Al Pacino disappeared from  the world of cinema for a long four years.  The actor plunged into the depths of  depression and started abusing alcohol.   As Al Pacino later admitted, the decision to  take a break in his career wasn't planned.   He was dissatisfied with several of his  works and decided to return to the theater.  On October 16, 1989, the avid bachelor Al  Pacino fathered a daughter, named Julia Maria.   The girl's mother was Ian Tarrant,  a teacher of acting courses.   Their relationship ended some  time after their daughter's birth.  However, the actor has always maintained  a relationship with Julia Maria.   Nowadays the girl is a film producer. The actor's return to the screens began   with the film "Sea of Love". The film, in which Al  Pacino played a detective hunting a serial killer,   received good reviews. For this film, the  actor was nominated for a Golden Globe.  Funnily enough, in the scene where Al  Pacino's character is flirting with   Ellen Barkin's character, the actor was rudely  pushed away by a completely random passer-by.   This wasn't in the script, but the director liked  the improvisation and included it in the film.  The beginning of a new decade was very  productive for the actor. In 1990,   the film adaptation of the comic book "Dick Tracy"  was released. And for that Al Pacino was again,   for a sixth time, nominated for an Oscar, as  well as for Saturn Awards and a Golden Globe.   By the way, Madonna also appeared in the film. The third part of "The Godfather" was very warmly   received by the audience, although the filming  process wasn't easy. A number of actors refused   to participate in the project, which affected  the script. Also, Francis Ford Coppola intended   to film a fourth part, in which Andy Garcia  and Leonardo DiCaprio were supposed to play   the lead roles. However, the filming never took  place due to the death of the screen writer.  For reprising the role of Michael Corleone, the  actor received a Golden Globe nomination and a $5   million fee. By the way, the actor initially  requested $7 million and only after hearing   the director's threats to start the film with a  scene of his funeral, agreed to reduce the fee.  In the same year, the film "The Local Stigmatic"  was released. The film was shot with the actor's   personal money, and for a long time Pacino  wouldn't release it, showing it only to friends.  In 1991, Al Pacino and Michelle Pfeiffer played  the lead roles in the romantic comedy "Frankie   and Johnny". Interestingly enough, "Star Trek 6:  The Undiscovered Country" was filmed at the same   in the next pavilion. And when, according  to the script, Pacino had to open the door   and pretend to be very surprised, he did it  perfectly. After all, director Garry Marshall   had Kirk and Spock standing outside the door. In 1992, Al Pacino appeared in the film "The   Americans", for which he was nominated  for an Oscar as Best Supporting Actor and   received a fee of $1.5 million. And finally the same year,   the film "Scent of a Woman" brought Al Pacino  the long-awaited Oscar and Golden Globe.  The sensual drama won over of the audience. And  the actor himself was scrupulous when preparing   for the filming. To be compelling as the blind  Colonel Frank Slade, Pacino attended a school for   the blind. He tried not to let his eyes rest on  anything, so that the acting would be authentic.  In 1993, Al Pacino, along with Sean Penn,  starred in the film "Carlito's Way".   The role of the former mafia Carlito  brought the actor a $6 million fee.  In 1994, at the Venice Film Festival, Al  Pacino was awarded the Honorary Golden   Lion for an important contribution to cinema. In 1995, the drama "Two Bits" and the crime   thriller "Heat" were released, where the actor  first appeared on screen with Robert De Niro.  In 1996, Al Pacino starred in the dramatic  thriller "City Hall". He also acted as a producer,   director and actor in the theatrical  documentary drama "Looking for Richard".  In the same year, he met the actress and singer  Beverly D'Angelo, who became his loyal companion   for many years. They were a beautiful  couple who always caught the public eye.  In 1997, the actor embodied the image of  Satan in the film "The Devil's Advocate".   The audience was delighted with the chemistry  between Pacino and his partners Keanu Reeves   and Charlize Theron. But that reaction could  have been different. Initially, the film was   planned to have much more special effects, like it  a blockbuster. But Al Pacino refused that kind of   project five times. And only when the script  was rewritten, the actor agreed. But Pacino   doubted whether he could play Milton decently and  suggested Robert Radford or Sean Connery instead.   By the way, Keanu Reeves refused part of the  fee so that Al Pacino could star in the film.  In the same year, the actor portrayed a mobster  nicknamed "Lefty" in the film "Donnie Brasco".  In October 1997, the British magazine "Empire"  named Al Pacino fourth in the list of the   100 greatest movie stars of all time. In 1999, Al Pacino appeared in the drama   "Any Given Sunday" and the thriller "The  Insider", based on real life events.   The story covers one of the largest scandals  of the 20th century, in the tobacco industry.  In 2000, the drama "Chinese Coffee" was  released, where Al Pacino played the main role   and also worked as the director. Interesting fact, Al Pacino refused   to lend his likeness for use in the video  game "The Godfather". The developers were   forbidden to use the character and voice of the  actor. But the creators of the game "Scarface:   The World Is Yours", based on the film "Scarface",  got his consent to use Al Pacino's character.  In 2001, the actor, along with Kim  Basinger, appeared in the crime drama   "People I Know" and received a Golden  Globe for his contribution to cinema.  And on January 25, 2001, Al Pacino became a father  again. He and Beverly D'Angelo had twins, a girl,   Olivia Rose, and a boy, Anton James. It  should be noted that the actor recognized   the children only after a DNA test. Unfortunately, 2 years after the birth   of the twins, the couple broke up. And  in order to see the children more often,   Al Pacino moved to California. In 2002, he starred in Christopher   Nolan's "Insomnia" and in the science fiction  drama "Simone", for which he received $11 million.  Next year, Al Pacino appeared in the  crime comedy "Gigli", for which he was   nominated for a Golden Raspberry, and in the  thriller "The Recruit" with Colin Farrell.  In 2003, Al Pacino played the role of a  lawyer in the HBO miniseries "Angels in   America". For this role, the actor received a  Golden Globe as Best Actor in a mini-series,   as well as an Emmy and an Actors Guild Award.  In 2004, Pacino played the role of Shylock  in the drama "The Merchant of Venice".  Next year, the actor, along with  Matthew McConaughey and Rene Russo,   starred in the film "Two For The Money". In  2006, for his role in the film "88 minutes",   Pacino was again nominated for a Golden Raspberry. In 2007, the actor played the role of the casino   owner in the crime thriller "Ocean's Thirteen". In 2008, Robert De Niro and Al Pacino reunited   on the set of the film "Righteous Kill". In 2010, the actor took part in the filming   of the TV movie "You Don't know Jack". The  film is based on real events. Al Pacino   played the role of the doctor Jack Kevorkian, a  well-known pathologist who practices euthanasia.   This role again earned the actor a Golden  Globe, an Emmy, and an Actors Guild Award.  In 2011, Al Pacino starred in the comedy "Jack and  Jill", for which he received a Golden Raspberry,   and the thriller "The Son of No One",  in which he replaced Robert De Niro.  By the way, in 2011, it became public that  Al Pacino had unpaid taxes in the amount of   $188,283. It turned out that the actor's business  manager Kenneth Starr was the perpetrator,   who also tricked Uma Thurman and  Sylvester Stallone. In total,   he stole about 30 million. Pacino was acquitted,  and Starr was condemned to 7.5 years in prison.  At this time, the relationship between Al  Pacino and the Argentinian actress Lucila   Sola became public. They met back in 2005 at a  party and for a long time stayed only friends.  Their attitude towards each other and  sincere love made fans wonder if Pacino   was ready to abandon his bachelor status. In the following years, the crime comedy   "Stand Up Guys", the film "Phil Spector",  the dramas "Salomé", "The Humbling",   "Manglehorn" and "Second Chance" were released. In the 2015 film "Misconduct", Al Pacino for the   first time, worked together with  Anthony Hopkins. Unfortunately,   the film still failed at the box office. In 2017, the thriller "The Gallows" and   the biographical drama "The Pirates of  Somalia", based on real events, were released.  Al Pacino was also undergoing changes in his  personal life. He broke up with Lucila. By   the way, her daughter Camila is still on good  terms with Pacino and perceives him as a father,   even after he parted with her mother.  Now the girl is dating Leonardo DiCaprio.  However, the legendary actor does not  lag behind his adopted daughter – he   had an affair with an Israeli actress,  musician, and author of several books,   Meital Dohan. The couple weren't together  for long, in early 2020 they broke up.  In the 2019 film "The Irishman", Al Pacino  once again worked alongside Robert De Niro.   By the way, to bring together Martin Scorsese,  Robert De Niro, Al Pacino and Joe Pesci,   Netflix paid $105 million. For this role, Al  Pacino was nominated for a Golden Globe and an   Oscar for Best Supporting Actor,  and also received a $20 million fee.  In the same year, Quentin Tarantino's film "Once  Upon a Time in ... Hollywood" was released,   where Pacino played a cameo role. In 2020, the actor took part in the   series "Hunters", for which he received  another nomination for a Golden Globe.  By the way, during the broadcast  of the award, which was held in an   online format due to the pandemic, Al Pacino  dozed off, which was captured on video.  At the moment, the shooting of the  thriller "House of Gucci", which also   involves Jared Leto and Lady Gaga, is underway.  The drama Axis Sally is in post-production.  Such films as "King Lear" and "The Trap" have  been announced with the participation of the   legendary Al Pacino, and Benicio  Del Toro also plans to take part.  Al Pacino's net worth is now $120 million. His  income consists mainly of fees for participation   in films. He also signed a contract with HBO  for a salary of $10 million for each film.  The actor has his own studio Chal Productions. The  first word of the name consists of two parts: 'Ch'   is the first part of the name of his friend  and acting teacher Charles Lawton, who was   his partner when they opened this company,  and 'Al' is the name of the actor himself.  It is also known that Al Pacino starred in an ad  for the Australian coffee brand Vittoria coffee.   In the video, which lasts 30 seconds, the  actor confesses his love for coffee and   recommends this particular brand. Al Pacino currently lives in   New York and Beverly Hills. In New York, the actor has a   large house. Although it is not known what the  actor's mansion looks like. But Pacino recently   decided to sell the guest house located nearby,  putting the price at $3.3 million. The snow-white   mansion occupies an area of 1320 square ft, the  rooms inside are designed in a rustic style.  It is also known that for a long time  the actor lived in an apartment in   New York with a view on Central Park. The  property is now on sale for $ 2.7 million.  In California, the actor lives in a mansion that  previously belonged to writer Jackie Collins.   By the way, Pacino rents this house. And even after this house and the one   next to it were sold for $30 million  in 2016, Al Pacino remained a tenant.  Al Pacino is not an avid driver. For a long  time, he drove a 1988 Lincoln Town Car,   which he bought after filming one of the films. Now, for everyday driving, Al Pacino uses   a Lexus LX, Range Rover Vogue, Rolls-Royce  Phantom, Mercedes-Benz SLS and Cadillac CTS.  What do you think, if Al Pachino hadn’t  been in the role of "The Godfather",   would he be this successful? 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Channel: MixShow Star News
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Keywords: mixshow, how al pacino live, al pacino biography, actor, al pacino, what happened with al pacino, godfather, movies, actors, celebrities, entertainment, al pacino childhood, al pacino now, al pacino where is he now, al pacino 2021, hollywood, al pacino movies, alpacino, alpacino movies, how much he earn, how he lives, how much al pacino earns, how al pacino lives, al pacino godfather, al pacino house, al pacino interview, al pacino acting
Id: IvRtHrekCOM
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Length: 30min 18sec (1818 seconds)
Published: Wed May 26 2021
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