How Marlon Brando Love-Tortured Rita Moreno | Rumour Juice

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“Lust of my life,” Rita Moreno described  Marlon Brando , even though their on-and-off   relationship nearly cost the legendary  actress her life. Did you know Moreno almost   died because of him? Today, we’ll dive deeper  into the scandalous and incredibly dangerous   romance that roared in Hollywood in the 50s. Rita Moreno is a living legend. The Puerto Rican   actor acted in major blockbusters and on-stage  productions throughout her more than 60-year   career. Her romantic affairs with Hollywood actors  made for a very storied past. But it was Moreno’s   turbulent, on-and-off relationship with Marlon  Brando that marked the glory of her career.   That story was all about passion and tragedy. During the Golden Age of Hollywood,   both Moreno and Brando were two of the  biggest movie stars in the industry.   They crossed paths and started working together  on the film set, where Brando played Napoleon.   Moreno, who was only 22-years-old at the time,  was immediately taken with the icon-to-be.   Soon afterwards, the pair became involved in a  romantic relationship that lasted eight years.  “Just meeting him that first day sent my body  temperature skyrocketing as though I had been   dropped into a very hot bath, and I went into a  full-body blush,” Moreno wrote in her 2013 memoir.   She believed it was a raw, pure feeling.  She couldn’t believe that love came   into her life so unexpectedly. After they madly fell in love,   Moreno couldn’t imagine herself with anyone  except for Brando. She thought he was the   best man she had ever met. “To say that he was  a great lover — sensual, generous, delightfully   inventive — would be gravely understating what  he did not only to my body, but for my soul.”   Moreno’s obsession with Brando lasted  for years - until their romance got   extremely dangerous. It turned out that  Moreno played with fire all these years.  She was obsessed with Brando from the moment  they met, but he cheated on her repeatedly,   even marrying twice and fathering children with  his wives during their love affair. Years after   their relationship ended, Moreno admitted she  couldn’t stay away from the charismatic actor,   despite Brando breaking her heart all  the time. “I was becoming addicted to   the challenge of winning him over and over  again,” the legendary actress revealed.  Moreno later reflected on  their tumultuous relationship,   “He broke my heart and came close to crushing my  very spirit with his physical infidelities and,   worse, with his emotional betrayals.” Though  Brando was a great lover and made her feel things   she hadn’t with anyone else, she saw that the  actor would become a different person at times.   His actions hurt her over and over again. What's more, in her attempt to make the   actor jealous after his infidelities, Moreno  started dating Elvis Presley. So how did it   happen that the veteran actress pursued a vendetta  against Brando with the King of Rock and Roll?  After finding lingerie in Brando’s house,  the agonized actress received a phone call   from Colonel Tom Parker, Elvis’ manager.  He said the legendary performer would be   extremely pleased to meet her. So, She  agreed to go out on a date with Elvis.   Moreno later shared the details of that moment,  “And I thought of those panties, and I said, ‘Yes,   I would!” She also wrote in her book that no one  could possibly make Marlon Brando more jealous.  And the glorious revenge plan worked out. Rita and  Elvis got caught in the spotlight. It made Brando   furious about his girlfriend's infidelity. She  shared the details, "He started to throw chairs.   He was so angry. It was wonderful. And I just  sat there as he threw chairs and carried on."  Wait, but what about the relationship with Elvis?  The passion wasn’t even remotely on the same level   as with Brando. Although they went out several  times, Moreno got quickly bored with Elvis,   “He was sweet but boring. He was  sweet, but he was a country boy.”   When Brando found out about her affair,  she was pleased with his intense reaction.   That plan was all about getting  him back. Guess what happened next?   Yes, Moreno found herself back in Brando’s  arms shortly after her romance with Elvis.  Sadly, the pain of the relationship  began to catch up with the actress.   Brando, the notorious womanizer, returned  to her life and brought her lots of misery.   A tipping point came when Moreno learned she  was pregnant with his child. Her dreams that   Brando would suggest getting married didn't  turn out to be true. Instead, he got furious.  To Moreno’s shock and horror, Marlon  immediately arranged for an abortion.   He knew that it was an illegal procedure, but  still risked her life. He wasn’t there for her   after the surgery and arranged for somebody  else to pick her up after the abortion.  But things didn’t go as smoothly  as the couple had thought.   Moreno soon started bleeding and had to be rushed  to the hospital to have another surgery. It turned   out that the fetus wasn’t properly removed from  her body. Luckily, she survived the tragedy.  Shortly after her abortion, Brando filmed  Mutiny on the Bounty fell in love with his   co-star Tarita Teriipia. They later married,  leaving Moreno absolutely devastated from   another display of Brando's infidelity.  It felt like an unbreakable betrayal. Brando's constant infidelity took its toll on  Moreno's mental health. No wonder she was so   anxious. Her suffering reached its peak when she  thought suicide was the only way to cope with   all the pain. Moreno had recently wrapped what  would become her star-making role in West Side   Story, but behind closed doors, seeing him  with yet another woman was all too much. She recalled in her book, "I was alone  in his house, waiting for him to arrive,   when my pain became intolerable. 'How can  you keep taking him back?' I asked myself.   'He hasn't just had one woman. He's  had legions! It will never stop!'" She attempted to overdose on pills after Brando  returned from filming. "I went to bed to die.   This wasn't a revenge suicide, but a consolation,  an escape-from-pain death," the actress recalled.   She swallowed a bunch of his sleeping pills  in one gulp, trying to escape the pain. If it weren't for Brando's assistant, the  actress might have never opened her eyes again.   Moreno was at the point of no  return. So what did she do?   The EGOT winner learned how to distance herself  from Brando, rigidly setting her boundaries. As   he jeopardized her life with neglect,  Moreno could no longer stand that man. Much to Moreno's dismay, seven years later,  she was cast alongside Brando in The Night   of the Following Day. "We do this scene, and  we do the dialogue, and I haul off and smack   him in the face, and he hauls off and smacks  me back," she remembered. That moment opened   an old wound. It reminded Moreno of the  time when Brando took advantage of her. "Pond scum came to the surface and I started  screaming at him, and they never stopped filming."   That situation also gave the actress much-needed  closure, relieving the pain from the past.   Although she admits it was childish to  deal with trauma in the way like this,   Moreno was satisfied she got even with Brando. How did she manage to come out of that dark   and hopeless obsession with him? The answer is  simple - she owes it to therapy. She struggled a   lot before she started liking herself. Maybe, her  low self-esteem was the reason why the actress's   relationship with Brando lasted so long? She  opened up about personal vulnerabilities, saying   "I went into therapy wanting to get better,  knowing that in some way I had a sickness.   And the sickness was Rita hates Rita." Moreno went on to have a great love with   her husband of 45 years, Leonard Gordon. But her  fascination with forming a serious relationship   faded away after her husband's death. She has  not remarried. The iconic actress considers   herself too independent and self-reliant  to tie the knot again. "I didn't realize   how desperately I needed to be on my own. I was  punishing myself by not being on my own. It was   brutal," she said later in the interview. Today, she can accept how special she is   and how much she has meant to so many people.  Unexpectedly, the bond between her and Brando grew   stronger as they matured, up until Brando died. Every now and then, he'd call Moreno and would   say to her, "'You were the only woman in my life  who was able to make that right turn." What did   he mean by that? That she wasn't addicted to him  anymore, that she finally got rid of his control.   The actress simply didn't need him anymore.  She learned how to find dignity within herself.  The New York Post reported that the only piece  of movie memorabilia found in Brando's home   after his death was a picture of him in the  1969 film The Night of the Following Day,   where he's locked in a passionate  embrace with a naked Moreno.  It's been a decade since Moreno started  living as a widow. It amazes her how many   people assume she is lonely. "I love being  by myself," the 90-year-old actress shared.   "It's not hard to be alone. In fact, it's  great, if you like the person you live with."
Channel: Rumour Juice
Views: 81,085
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Keywords: Marlon Brando, Rita Moreno, Elvis Presley, West Side Story, Movita Castaneda, Anna Kashfi, The Night of the Following Day, marlon brando interview, marlon brando young, marlon brando woman, rita moreno interview, rita moreno young, rita moreno husband, rita moreno 2021, Rumour Juice, Story about celebrity
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 36sec (576 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 21 2022
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