How Diane Keaton Survived Al Pacino Breakup | Rumour Juice

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Did you know that Al Pacino and Diane Keaton  were crazy in love back in the days? The   renowned actress was obsessed with her charismatic  colleague, but that relationship went downhill.   Here's a closer look at their love story,   including how Keaton's  ultimatum led to their demise. It was a true Hollywood story. Al  Pacino and Diane Keaton met on the   set of The Godfather in the 1970s.  At the time, Keaton was in her late   twenties, while Pacino was in his early  thirties. Both were relatively unknown. Actors immediately felt onscreen chemistry going  offscreen. In a recent interview, Keaton shared   that her attraction towards Pacino was instant  and powerful, “I was mad for him. Charming,   hilarious, a nonstop talker. There was an  aspect of him that was like a lost orphan,   like this kind of crazy idiot  savant. And oh, gorgeous!” The pair had an on-again, off-again relationship,  with Keaton and Pacino breaking up and finding   their way back. Over a span of two decades, Keaton  also dated some of the biggest Hollywood stars,   including Warren Beatty and Woody Allen. But  in the late 1980s, she was back with Pacino. A special kind of chemistry brought  together these two Hollywood Goliaths.   Both celebrities became an overnight success  after the release of The Godfather in 1972.   Both were eager to plunge into  the vibrant world of acting.   Young and aspiring, rising Hollywood stars were  ambitious dreamers. Later in life, Keaton would   blame them for unrealistic expectations and a  naive attitude towards a romantic relationship. But while they were together, they were  powerful. Keaton even helped Pacino overcome   some of his anxieties. Once, he was leaving  their house for the interview. He usually   got pretty uncomfortable in situations like that.  Keaton was extremely encouraging and empathetic,   trying to make him feel better  about himself. No doubt,   she was engulfed in love with Pacino. So,  what could go wrong at the end of the day? Pacino and Keaton ended their romantic  relationship sometime after The Godfather Part   III. When he wouldn’t commit  to marriage, Keaton recalled,   she gave him an ultimatum, and their  relationship was over. “I worked hard   on that one. I went about it in not a  perfect way,” she said in the interview. While filming The Godfather III, the pair shared a  villa in Rome. Al Pacino's friends and associates   thought he would finally marry Keaton. However,  that was not meant to be. The situation between   them reached a crisis point while they were  in Italy. The main conflict seemed to be that   Keaton wanted a long-term commitment, while  Pacino couldn't imagine his life with her. "I wanted more, lots more,' Keaton admitted, "I  wanted him to want me as much as I wanted him. I   wanted him to love me." On their trip to Rome, she  told Pacino, "Marry me, or at least commit to the   possibility." The actor's response was negative,  but they got together again later. It resulted in   a row of breakups. "Poor Al. Poor me — I never  stopped insisting,' she described that time. Once they were back in the U.S., Keaton was hit  with the news of her father being diagnosed with a   brain tumor. Five months later, Keaton was sitting  in a therapist's office - Pacino ended things with   her for the last time. He walked off without a  backward glance. Although Keaton struggled to   make things work for so long, she couldn't come to  terms with the possibility of being away from him. In an interview, Keaton revealed that she was  heartbroken after the couple called it quits.   Despite that, she always felt attracted  to Pacino. She shared the details,   "Al was simply the most entertaining man  … To me, that's the most beautiful face.   I think Warren was gorgeous, very pretty, but  Al's face is like whoa. Killer, killer face." Years after their breakup, Keaton  would consider her attitude towards   the situation impractical - she just  had an insane idea of what love means.   Today, she believes partners should make a  good team to build a long-lasting romantic   relationship. "I told myself I wanted to, but  I didn't really want a man that I could have.   I wanted the dream," she revealed the  details of her romance with Pacino. Keaton couldn't find the way to the actor's heart,   who was more of a career-oriented person  at that time. It turns out, marriage   wasn't a part of the plan for Pacino. So it was  extremely challenging for him to compromise. As Keaton said, "He was even less inclined to be  realistic than me. So that poor guy. I don't think   he was really that interested. And I don't think  a long-term happy marriage would be easy for him."  Keaton, who’s now 75, has shied away from  romantic relationships in recent decades,   sharing in an interview, “Let’s just  get that straight. That one’s important.   I haven’t been on a date in, I  would say, 35 years. No dates.”  A lack of managerial skills made Keaton go  through lots of unhappy romantic relationships.   She recently opened up about her inability to  nurture a romantic connection with somebody. "I needed as much as they needed, and that's  not a good mix. I didn't choose wisely for   a long-term partnership where we could weather  experiences together and be there for each other,"   Keaton reflected. It seems as though she  was searching for flame and passion that   could never end in something reliable  she so desperately needed at the time. Interestingly enough, the award-winning academy  actress never married. As the years went by,   Keaton reinvented her attitude towards marriage -  she became more focused on her professional life.   As someone who often portrays successful,  career-oriented women on film,   it seems the actress' life is an  instance of life imitating art,   as Keaton once told People  she wasn't built to be a wife. "I think that I'm strange," Keaton said in  a recent interview. Diane believes she's the   only actress in her generation who has been  single throughout the entirety of her life.   Keaton added she lacks a nurturing  capacity so often needed for the marriage.   "I don't think it would have been  a good idea for me to have married,   and I'm really glad I didn't," she noted,  "and I'm sure they're happy about it, too." Wait, but what about Al Pacino? Did he  finally find the right person to wed? Even though Al Pacino has been romantically  linked to several women over the years,   very little has been made of his love life. But we   know for sure that Pacino remained one  of the Hollywood most wanted bachelors. Aside from Keaton, Pacino has dated Beverly  D'Angelo. Best known for her role in the   Vacation film franchise, she had been in a  relationship with Pacino for seven years.   While the couple never got married, they  were committed. Beverly even underwent in   vitro fertilization and gave birth to Al's  twins. Pacino was also linked to Lucila   Polak (  - 0.54), his girlfriend of ten years,   before they split up in 2018. Based on the stories that Diane Keaton has shared  about her off-and-on relationship with Al Pacino,   it seems as if he has an aversion to getting  married. That said, in the years since Pacino   rose to fame, he has been romantically linked  to lots of different women, but none of these   relationships were about marriage. Meanwhile, Keaton became a single   mom to two kids in her 50s – she decided it  was time for a different kind of love story. She said that becoming a mother helped  her become a better person. “It made me   realize that I was completely  self-involved. I’m an actress,   after all. I didn’t have anyone to tell me how  well I was doing, or if I was doing it right.” Some might think it’s unusual that Keaton became  a mom in her 50s, but it was a change for the   better. Keaton made it clear that children  are the most important people in her life.”   The loves of my life are my children and  my mother. I don’t feel as if I need a man.   Don’t get me wrong, I love men … but I have  kids and my work. That’s fine with me.” Both Keaton and Pacino never settled down, but  they cherished their long-lasting friendship   more than anything. When Keaton received  an AFI Lifetime Achievement award in 2017,   Pacino paid an emotional tribute to the Annie  Hall actress. At the ceremony, he called her   “Di” and cheerfully recalled how she used to make  him laugh before one of his numerous interviews.  And if that wasn’t moving enough for you –  he then closed the speech by telling her,   “I love you forever.” In her memoir, Keaton wrote,   "For me, the Godfathers, all three of them, were  about one thing — Al. It was as simple as that."   The relationship between Keaton and Pacino  was based on a shared experience of the   acting world and a respect for each other's  craft. It seemed supportive and healthy.   Although they couldn't go the distance with  their romance, both built illustrious careers. In retrospect, it seems that avoiding  marriage was the right choice for the   couple. Keaton plunged into her family life,  raising kids and working hard. Pacino kept   up with the Hollywood career and became  a father himself. But even today, they   continue to cherish that affection for one other.  Dreams about getting married never came true,   but maybe that's because they're  way better off as great friends? Could it be a better scenario than a  messy and painful romantic relationship?   Let us know what you think about this love  story, and stay tuned to discover more!
Channel: Rumour Juice
Views: 672,334
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Keywords: Al Pacino, Diane Keaton, The Godfather, Beverly D'Angelo, Lucila Polak, Woody Allen, Annie Hall, al pacino godfather, al pacino interview, Al Pacino 2021, al pacino girlfriend, diane keaton interview, diane keaton godfather, diane keaton 2021, diane keaton children, diane keaton husband, Rumour Juice, Story about celebrity, Mack & Rita, mark & rita cast
Id: V2NAWYTmcp8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 24sec (564 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 17 2022
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