How Many Years Can Science Add to Your Life?

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Human intelligence separates our species from  other lifeforms in a countless number of ways.   Our ability to use knowledge and reason to plan  for the future has provided us with unparalleled   ability to bring our aspirations to reality.  But our intelligence and foresight comes with   a dark side: the anxiety-inducing knowledge of  that which has always been out of our control,   that none of our planning ability  has ever been able to change;   that we will eventually grow old and die. Humanity has developed numerous psychological   approaches to deal with this truth. We repress  it – denying it or avoiding thinking about it,   we provide meaning to it through symbolism,  philosophy, and religious belief. But there   is another strategy humanity has long dreamed  of that modern science has made possible for   the first time: we can work to change what  has always been true through all of life’s   history; we can try to engineer our life’s  extension and possibly even our immortality. As far back as 210 BCE, China’s first emperor Qin Shihuang ordered a nationwide hunt for an   elixir of immortality. Jumping forward to  the 3rd century AD and continuing for more   than a millenia, alchemists sought to create a  “philosopher’s stone” that could restore youth   and grant immortality… and also turn metals into  gold while it's at it. Perhaps most famous is the   legend of Spanish explorer Juan Ponce de León’s  1513 expedition searching for the Fountain of   Youth, although historians believe this purpose  behind his travels to be a myth. Today, however,   we have a much better understanding of  aging to make a more serious attempt.  Life span is highly variable between species.  Life history theory posits that species evolve   to not live past the point where they stop  contributing to reproductive success. Species   with high reproduction rates, such as rodents  or many bacteria, tend to have shorter lives,   small bodies, and rapidly mature to reproductive  age. Meanwhile species that have less children   but dedicate more effort into ensuring  their success, such as elephants or whales,   tend to reach a larger size and live longer.  There are many exceptions to this general trend,   however. And there are at least two known life  forms that appear to have evolved the potential   for immortality. The Turritopsis dohrnii  jellyfish is less than 1/5th of an inch long,   and under certain specific conditions can revert  to a younger form and rejuvenate its cells,   and repeat the process indefinitely; individual  jellyfish have been known to live over 500 years.   Also of the Cnidaria phylum, Hydra appear to show  no signs of aging, though the oldest identified   individual was only 41. Although not capable of  true immortality, glass sponges are believed to be   the animal with the greatest practical longevity,  with one individual of the Scolymastra joubini   species estimated to be 15,000 years old,  the single oldest living animal on earth.  While hardly in league with a glass sponge, humans  have an above average life span. As of 2019,   before the COVID pandemic, the United Nations  estimated the average lifespan of humans across   the world to be 72.6 years, although highly  variable by nation, with the Central African   Republic having the lowest life expectancy at 53  years old and Japan having the longest at 84. And   globally, women have a longer life expectancy  than men, due to a combination of biological,   behavioral, and environmental factors. But  everywhere and for both sexes average life   expectancy has increased enormously over time,  with the global average being only 29 years in   1800, not much improved from the Bronze Age,  when average life expectancy was only 26.  Thinking in terms of “average” lifespan is  somewhat misleading, however. Life expectancy   at birth has through most of human existence  been dragged down by high rates of infant and   child mortality. Those who did make it to  adulthood were very likely to live decades   longer. It’s estimated that throughout most of  human history, approximately 27% of infants died   before reaching their first birthday, and 46%  died before reaching the age of 15. But over the   course of the 20th century those rates rapidly  declined, driven primarily by the increased   wealth from the industrial revolution and with it  food availability, sanitation, personal hygiene,   antibiotics, vaccination, and developments  in the field of pediatrics. As of 2017,   the global infant mortality rate was only  2.9%, and only 4.6% died before age 15.  The monumental increase in human wealth over  the 20th century has not merely saved infants,   but provided resources to spend on healthcare  and study diseases that affect all ages. The   “Preston Curve” demonstrates that as a  nation’s gross domestic product rises,   so does its life expectancy, primarily  through improvements in health technology.  The longest verified human lifespan – though  still subject to some amount of skepticism   by critics – is of Frenchwoman Jeanne Calment,  who died at 122 years and 164 days old in 1997.   Scientists using a cutting edge computer  model have estimated that at present,   the maximum theoretically possible human lifespan  given our biological limits, even with the best   health and genetics, is 150 years old. That  model, however, assumes no development in   the medical treatments for aging available to  us. That’s a lot of years you can use to like   Beyond Now’s videos and subscribe to our channel,  but we’d love for you to have even more time. The   promise and hope for the future is that humanity  can engineer our way out of our own mortality.  How might this happen? Well, to solve  that problem, scientists first have   to understand what aging even actually is. Biologists have identified twelve interconnected   biochemical hallmarks of aging, all of which  present possible targets to change our fate: “Genome instability,” “telomere shortening,”  “epigenomic alterations,” “loss of proteostasis,”   “deregulated nutrient sensing,” “mitochondrial  dysfunction,” “cellular senescence,” “disabled   macroautophagy,” “stem cell exhaustion,”  “altered intercellular communication,”   “chronic inflammation,” and “dysbiosis.” Some potential strategies to target these   hallmarks of aging are relatively simple and  available to us today. A healthy diet is a   simple intervention most already understand can  improve and extend our life, but certain chemicals   in foods such as the omega-3 oils common in  fish, spermidine common in fungi and green peas,   and various flavonoids which give foods their  color, are all being investigated for their   specific ability to promote longevity through  varying mechanisms. Some of these chemicals can be   ingested as supplements in doses far beyond those  that would be possible to consume in a normal   diet, although it's important to first consult  with one’s doctor on the safety and efficacy of   doing so. Recent evidence has also demonstrated  that caloric restriction through intermittent   fasting, or simply eating less, may be  surprisingly powerful in optimizing intercellular   communication, autophagy, and DNA repair. Temperature is another factor that appears   to have a large effect on aging. One study showed  that reducing the core body temperature of mice   by 0.5 degrees celsius extended their lifespan by  20%. Reducing core body temperature is difficult,   with that study requiring risky changes to  those mice’s brains, but another simpler   strategy showing promise for slowing aging could  be simply lowering your thermostat. An ambient   temperature of 18 degrees celsius (64.4 degrees  fahrenheit) has been shown to help slow cellular   senescence in Drosophila melanogaster fruit flies. Beyond such immediately accessible interventions,   a new class of drugs dedicated to controlling  cellular senescence named “senolytics” are   in early research, and some existing drugs  show promise for possibly being repurposed   as senolytics. For example, the widely  used diabetes medication metformin was   found to give patients sick with diabetes a  longer lifespan than even their non-diabetic   counterparts. Rapamycin is another existing drug  under investigation, with a 2020 study showing   it extended lifespan in mice by up to 15%. Other potential drugs being researched seek   to target our DNA. Harvard geneticist David  Sinclair broke major ground and rose to mass   media attention after finding boosting the levels  of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, or NAD, in   aging mice, helped to repair their DNA, restoring  their blood vessels and ability heal organ damage,   making them look and act younger. In humans too,  the level of NAD in our cells declines as we age,   and NAD is needed by our epigenome to  turn off unneeded genes. Nutraceuticals   that increase NAD such as nicotinamide  mononucleotide and nicotinamide riboside   have already become popular supplements,  though evidence for these supplements’   benefits in humans remains limited thus-far. Genetic engineering is another medical strategy   that might not be quite as far away as you’d  think. Scientists have already manipulated a   gene in mice that extended its life by 50%,  and one in nematode worms that extended its   life by 10 times. As of 2020, scientists have  identified 78 possible genes for study that   could lead to life extension in humans. Taking a look further into the future,   medical scientists, including those working  at the United States Department of Defense,   are studying the use of stem cells and cloning  to grow new body parts – an organic technology   that could be used to replace aging organs.  Stem cells also offer a wide variety of   other possible uses for rejuvenating our  bodies, being able to heal cellular damage   and fix issues with intercellular signaling. Machine technology offers major opportunities   as well. Some futurists have speculated that  developments in nanotechnology may lead to   microscopic nanomachines that could operate on  and repair our cells, including transplanting new   mitochondria into our cells after their original  ones stop properly functioning. Meanwhile,   the “2045 Strategic Social Initiative” is thinking  bigger, hoping to manufacture mechanical organs,   and then eventually manufacture full mechanical  bodies that people can transplant their brain into   at the end of their body’s life. Although the year  2045 may feel like a wildly ambitious timeline,   the initiative also hopes to see a future  in which even the human brain could be   transcribed into a digital incarnation. Whether the mind is uploaded into an   artificial body, or virtual world, or  just kept on a server in the cloud,   this concept offers the ability for people to keep  loved ones in their life long after their death.   Such a future has been widely explored in science  fiction, such as in the Altered Carbon franchise.   But whether copying one’s mind into a new entity  actually counts as true immortality or even life   extension is a matter of philosophical debate.  As with Star Trek’s famed teleporter question,   if a body is destroyed on one side, even if it's  perfectly copied and rebuilt on another, has there   been any continuity of consciousness between  the two entities? Is it really the same person?  If we achieve immortality, be it by biological  or technological means, the world would be a very   different place. While fears of overpopulation  have troubled thinkers since Thomas Malthus,   predictions of resource depletion have  consistently failed to pass. But what would   happen in a world in which no one dies and our  population continues to climb? What would happen   in a world that becomes so crowded there might not  even be enough space let alone food for all of us?  Immortality is likely a long way away. But the  progress on the road to get there – extending our   lives far beyond the current average lifespan –  is something humanity is very likely to experience   much sooner. The first person to live to 125, 150,  or even 200 may have already been born. Perhaps,   if you keep yourself healthy, it may even be you. Is immortality possible?  If it is, would you want to live forever? Join the conversation, and predict the  future with us down in the comments. Beyond Now is a new channel dedicated   to helping people connect with humanity and  the universe’s past, and to inspire them to   dream about the future. We have big plans to  create much more content doing just that. In   addition to liking, commenting, and subscribing,  we hope you’ll also consider supporting Beyond   Now to enable us to continue making videos  and grow our channel by becoming a patron.   Our Patreon offers a community to think big  with other supporters, and to get early access   to Beyond Now videos and bonus content. No matter  how you choose to support us, we truly appreciate   it. We rely on viewer support, and your help  enables us to achieve our goal of spreading   human connection and inspiration. Thank you so  much for watching and supporting Beyond Now!
Channel: Beyond Now
Views: 7,949
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: life extension, life expectancy, life span, immortality, life, death, dying, medicine, medical, technology, science, age, aging
Id: Vq9B8e0sVRc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 22sec (862 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 16 2023
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