It's TOO LATE to get your life together in your 30s

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for some reason or another i don't know if it's society if it's the way we're brought up if it's social media our parents we all think we need to have everything figured out by the time we're 25 and if we don't have our lives together by the time we're 30 we're just losers and there's no hope for us i wanted to make this video just to let people know that even if you wasted your 20s and you partied or you drank and did drugs or played video games the whole time or just didn't do much it is a hundred percent possible to turn your life around and make changes in your 30s to improve your life to improve your finances to improve your health to improve your mental health and just be a better person and make more money and live the life you want so a lot of people who watch my videos already kind of know my story but for those of you who might be here for the first time i want to just tell you a little bit about myself i'm 37 years old now i just had a birthday recently yay at 32 years old i landed my first programming job after teaching myself how to code for almost a year before learning how to code i worked a lot of customer service jobs i've been a waiter i've been a valet attendant i've been a bellman i've worked retail and i've done a lot of odd jobs when i was younger i was a juvenile delinquent i was arrested a bunch of times as a teenager i was in trouble all the time and i never really had any direction i did make a few good decisions in my late 20s when i met my wife and we were dating we decided to buy a house together and that ended up being a good financial decision for us but that was probably the only smart thing i ever did was buy a house and fix my credit other than that i didn't do anything i've said it a bunch of times in a bunch of other videos but my 20s was just a big blur of me drinking and playing video games and just wasting my time and my life and right around the time i was 31 years old just about to turn 32 my wife and i were gonna have our first kid at this point i was parking cars at a strip club in las vegas i was making okay money but it wasn't anything i can do for a long time and i really had no future i had no skills outside of waiting tables and parking cars that could bring me in any money i was going to have to figure out how i could make a living and actually have something that i can do for the next you know 10 20 years or so and parking cars for dancers and strip club customers wasn't gonna cut it so after you know a lifetime of just being a degenerate i decided that i was gonna improve my life i decided to pick up a skill that would help me provide my family with a better life and i taught myself how to code and i spent almost a whole year doing that there was a lot of ups and downs there was a lot of times when i thought it was going to be possible but eventually i did land a job as a web developer and i've been working as a software developer now for almost five years if you ask anyone who knows me no one would have expected me to be able to accomplish this i know that when i was learning how to code there was probably a lot of people who thought i was crazy you're crazy you're crazy because i would tell them how i saw people on the internet who said that they did it and i was following youtube videos and doing free tutorials online to teach me how to do it and although nobody said it to my face i'm sure there was a lot of people thinking that i was wasting my time i'm glad that i did it and i'm glad that i decided to stick with it and now that i'm almost 40 i realized something that i wish i would have learned before at any point in time you can change the direction of your life you can do just about anything you put your mind to i remember adults telling me that i remember teachers telling me that i remember my probation officer telling me that when i was 17 years old just coming off of probation right before i moved to las vegas and i didn't listen to any of them i just went about doing the same stuff i was always doing until i was scared straight and i was scared straight because i was having a kid and i didn't want to be a loser dad i didn't want my kids to have the struggle i didn't want to be 50 years old waiting tables and i didn't want to be 50 years old parking cars the formula for how i did it is out there i talked about it on my channel but i don't know how i followed through with it it was a lot of perseverance it was a lot of grit it was a lot of consistency it was just me deciding to do something and sticking with it and that's something that i never really did before in my life because i i was just always that kind of person who would pick things up and put it down and never followed through with anything and i was definitely an underachiever now i realize that i can do anything i want and i'm doing a lot of other things now to try to help myself get ready for an early retirement and make passive income and build different streams of income and make more money i was able to do the learning how to code thing and i accomplished that and now i want to move on to the next thing because for such a long time i was my own worst enemy and i didn't let myself see that all of these things were possible because of my own self-doubts and maybe the way that i was raised to think and the the way that i just never thought in abundance and never realized that all of this stuff is out there for the taking you just gotta work really hard you gotta get up every day and do what you need to do to go get it and that's really the big secret so if you're in your 30s now if you're in your 40s in your 50s and you haven't lived the best life up to this point and you're looking to make a change and you stumbled across this video i hope it helps you believe me when i tell you that if i can do this stuff you can too everyone's advantages and disadvantages are different some of us are worse off than others some of us are better off than others but regardless of your circumstances regardless of your situation with the internet you have the ability to learn anything and do anything you want i try not to do too many of these videos because i feel like a self-help guru here in my garage just bought this uh new lamborghini here and i don't like coming off as that but i do like sharing my story because i'm just trying to let you know that it's possible so go get it alright with all that said thanks for watching and i'll see you next time
Channel: Dorian Develops
Views: 1,621,905
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wasted my 20s, wasted my 20s and 30s, wasted 20s, turning 30 years old, 30 years old, wasted my life, getting my life together, getting life together, life in my 30s, turning 30, personal development, feeling behind in life
Id: IY9FTd1F0Uo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 51sec (351 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 20 2021
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