How Many Celebrities Can I Rick Roll in 24 Hours? - WORLD RECORD

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today we're going to see how many celebrities i can rick roll within 24 hours of time and we're going to see if we can make a world record out of this that's right so each celebrity we're going to be contacting i'm going to be doing it through instagram since it's the only social media platform which allows you to be able to essentially contact anyone you want there's no restrictions on who you can message at any time so it's a perfect opportunity to be able to get in touch with the most famous people on there and get them to be rick rolled by me what i'm gonna do is disguise a very clever message which is gonna be customized to look extremely sincere for the specific person that we're contacting and i'm gonna have a nice link just inconspicuously attached to it which is going to be all covered up and definitely not previewable and once hopefully when the person clicks the link expecting to receive something that they were told would be nice as some kind of fan art or fan creation they'll be redirected to of course the famous rick roll video so we're gonna get straight into it and see how good [Music] hey how's it going my name is dallas aka inference and that's right we're going to be trolling as many people as possible here on instagram and we're going to be trying to rick roll as many celebrities hopefully within 24 hours now i'm going to have a timer set up so that we can basically monitor from this point right now uh exactly how far we have left to go okay so we're going to be starting right now we have 23 hours and 59 minutes remaining to now go ahead and do all this so here's the list we're going to be doing okay so the first thing we need to do is actually get a link which works that doesn't preview in instagram dms first of all search up the rickroll song it's going to take this link and we can't just go to any normal link we definitely can't just paste it in there because first of all they'll probably know a normal url shortener still previews in an instagram dm that's no good because we can't have them be seeing what's what they're going to be clicking on so this is a special one which is going to not preview because i tested it out so we're going to copy this all right so will smith uh seems like a good place to start it doesn't really matter exactly uh what we say because we're gonna just copy and paste this to a whole bunch of people so i'm just gonna wing this right now hello i know you don't know me but i'm a huge fan and i've been working on this fan art for so long and i would love to have you check it out all right we're gonna we're gonna make the link in the below in a separate thing because it's not gonna work if it's right here they can't copy it please reply to should be praying uh we're gonna be looking for a heart emoji where's the heart emoji already all right and let's do the trick we're gonna send that now now we have to send the link right below and what we're gonna do is get rid of the https as i said before send that all right we got that going for will smith now [Music] nasa seems like a good target to to choose so hello i love what you guys do i'm an aspiring scientist and i made this invention that i've been working on for a long time i made this rocket invention please check it out and of course exclamation marks three this time and uh two pranking emojis one heart and we're gonna go ahead and send that send that good old link right there okay now we're gonna go ahead and target some of the big musicians the uh bill billy eilish is gonna be the first one we're gonna do three praying emojis now we gotta have it be extremely convincing obviously so i'm just pasting the same link over and over again [Music] i just realized that a lot of them could probably block me too instead of just not responding at all all right now we're going to naturally all right now we're going to national geographic i keep saying natural geographic hello i love what you guys do i'm an aspiring geographical scientist and i made this uh not rocket invention i made this uh automatic plant growing invention and i've been working on it for such a long time it's my dream to have it be seen by national geographic all right we got that one sent [Music] kim kardashian seems like a good uh choice being almost the number one biggest instagram profile omg hello you don't know me but i'm a huge fan and i've been working on this fan art for you for so long and i think it's perfect it's my best artwork i've ever made so far i would love for you to check it out all right now and that one reminds me of uh neil degrasse tyson who is a scientist with this one we could just like repeat the same thing we said to nasa obviously because while it's like pretty much the same thing all right so this uh looks pretty convincing to me i'm gonna go ahead and send that one there i'm gonna send the url as usual and if we just take this url and copy it and paste it it goes straight to there you just simply can't click it like right on instagram that's the problem which might be the thing that would uh make it so some of these people don't actually see this now who's similar to nia degrasse tyson you might ask bill nye the science guy so clearly we're gonna go to bill nye i'ma literally copy and paste the same message to him all right now we're gonna move on to some youtubers we're gonna start out first with mr beast you can actually call mr beast apparently there's an option called call i don't know what this means it seems a little bit too personal for my taste i'm a huge fan as well as an aspiring money giver away or give a giveaway i would love for you to check it out joe biden is now the president of the united states which is a good opportunity for me to rick roll him i didn't know what else to say i'm an aspiring person dream is one of the biggest youtube channels in the whole world right now they also have an instagram account this is not a verified account for some reason even though it has 2 million followers as you can see uh by a like count it definitely is dream and this one we're going to put a lot of effort into if you could feature this in a video i would literally die and i'll always support you not one not two not three four praying emojis that should be convincing okay so this one is going to be one of my favorites drama alert and lots of you know drama alert from youtube obviously but believe it or not they have an instagram account hi i've been a fan for over 10 years and i'm a huge supporter i found some very big youtube news from this youtuber you haven't covered yet and it's very important mark zuckerberg who actually owns facebook which owns instagram so this should be interesting hello you don't know me but i'm a huge fan as well as an aspiring software engineer and i've been working on this fan art for so long i think it's perfect it's my best artwork i've made so far i'd love for you to check it out pretty short simple straight up just like all the others now we have a person by the name of tommy in it a somehow unverified instagram account with one and a half million followers i'm not actually sure what they do in particular and i don't know why they're famous so i'm just going to act like a very excited fan and now i'm going to put six emojis in there because to be honest with you just four ain't cutting it anymore like we need to put six it's more of a chance that they'll actually just see the thing and they'll be more convinced to look at it if i'm if i'm that sincere looking ksi is a youtuber i don't know what exactly the famous for either except for just doing all kinds of things boxing uh music gaming i mean literally anything so copy paste same thing there you go okay so now we're going to save the rest for tomorrow i have a list of like 20 more to do and then i'm going to leave it overnight i'm going to wake up tomorrow see if any of them replied and for the first half of this video that i've already shown you i'll just put the replies right after each one and then we're going to review each one that replied uh by tomorrow morning and just see the results because it's already kind of late and they're probably not going to reply until later on anyways not even the end of the day yet and uh 21 hours 34 minutes in and 25 seconds left so uh by tomorrow morning it'll be like 12 hours left hopefully we'll have lots of responses by then so with that being said i'll see you tomorrow tomorrow okay well hey well uh we got the responses uh we got quite a few overnight that i checked and as you can see well um lots of them didn't respond but just holy look at all the people that we messaged it's like a sea of just blue check mark i'll tell you that at least over 50 of them didn't even see the thing uh lots of them actually uh saw it and i got the scene notification or the scene thing whatever we got phil swift who replied with a very confused message i'm not sure if he got the joke if he knows like what rick rolling is or something like that so i tried to explain it to him mark robert or mark rover whatever uh you pronounce it just recently responded right now i don't know why he just gave me a heart i mean maybe he saw the link like you can't click it and go to safari you have to copy it so i don't know if that's a difference or not neil degrassi tyson replied with simply okay you got me thumbs up alright so he was a good sport about it so we contacted phil swift from uh flex tape and everything like that and uh i'm not sure if he got the joke at first because he responded hi flex fan thank you did you send the right link i'll ch i'd like to check it out and i tried to explain to him that it was just a joke and everything like that eddie burback is one that i texted he just simply replied darnit and i said lol he just left me on red lil nos x replied with f [Music] so i'm not sure if that means that that i got him or he he said i don't know what what is he saying kim kardashian left me on red literally the scene and just no reply mark rober simply gave me a heart in response nasa literally the company of nasa left me on red so uh yeah of course they're probably just too busy doing things on the moon and stuff like that to uh acknowledge my rick rolling national geographic came back to me with this response and uh once again not sure if they click the link or if they're just being sarcastic playstation the actual playstation account replied with thumbs up just like neil degrasse tyson except just a plain thumbs up that's that's nice like like i don't know what else to say about and finally we have uh tommy init who actually came back with with a more detailed response that right there was genuinely convincing well played sir so we know we got him for sure 100 on the money we we got him we got him ladies and gentlemen drama alert blocked me okay basically they left me on red thank you dramaalert and i went to their profile i actually still have the profile here and it just pretty much says that they don't have any pictures or anymore like they deleted the account obviously i think it's a little bit more probable that they just blocked me instead of deleting their account after i i rick rolled them um but if i did delete their account i'll never know for sure wow i didn't know that rick rolling could be that dangerous i'm sorry mark zuckerberg left me on red and uh basically i actually got a screenshot because i had the uh the dm open for like a couple of hours and i was just looking at my computer and i saw the corner of my eye that mark zuckerberg was typing i quickly took a screenshot um and he just stopped typing and i accidentally at some point started a voice chat or a voice call and ended it really quickly uh but he just left me already didn't reply at all so so basically all the other people didn't reply mia khalifa didn't reply odds went out james charles uh jack plaque jacksepticeye none of those guys responded we got read by who which is the center for not the center for disease control but like you know the world health organization bill nye did not reply mr beast didn't reply joe rogan didn't reply barack obama didn't reply and yeah i think that's a pretty good accomplishment so that overall counts to be about 15 rick rolls if we assume every single one of them who who let either either sought or responded click the link 15 rick rolls out of the 30 people that we contacted so we only have six hours left which means it only took 18 hours to rick roll 15 people out of the 30 celebrities so i guess that's an official world record i don't think anyone's actually managed to successfully uh uh send a rick roll link to that many people and instagrams in a short amount of time guinness world records please contact me i would like that world record i'm just kidding whatever i'll rick roll you if you don't give me it maybe i could hopefully do something like this again in the future and until then well i'll see you in the next random video idea which you'll never expect coming at all goodbye [Music] you
Channel: TheTekkitRealm
Views: 4,074,919
Rating: 4.9147668 out of 5
Keywords: Thetekkitrealm, Infurness, rick roll, never gonna give you up, world record, 24 hours, rickroll, celebrities, rick rolled, challenge
Id: u_Jl9MsNf-g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 18sec (858 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 28 2021
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