How Maegor the Cruel Brought Terror to Westeros

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welcome to the second video in my sons of the Dragon series on egg on the conqueror's two sons who also became Kings Anis and maegor part one was all about Amy's and gave the backstory to Anise and maegor's childhood so make sure to watch that video as well to get the full picture of maegor's life this video part 2 will pick up where we left off in part one with the death of King ianis the first Targaryen maegor is often brought up as an example of what not to do if you find yourself sitting on the Iron Throne he was a screw-up just like his older brother Amy's but a different kind of screw-up enes was a weak indecisive and lack the true fire expected of a Targaryen dragonlord maegor had all the fire and strength of a great king but none of the even-handedness or diplomacy required a good ruler Meg were the cruel certainly earned his moniker he was a violent destructive impatient cruel Monarch but was he insane like the Mad King or was he just evil like the Rogue Prince let's find out notably absent from King Annie's funeral was downwards or queen visenya who had left Annie's bedside as soon as he died she immediately mounted vagar and flew across the narrow sea to pentos and brought her son Prince maegor out of Exile the realm needed a new king naturally that new king should be anis's son in Heir aegon who was Sheltering with Reina in the westerlands surrounded by Angry mobs and poor fellows visenya did not care for westerosi custom she thought maegor should have been King over Aeneas in the first place despite being the younger son five years later she still thinks the throne belongs to maegor maegor landed on Dragonstone and visenya crowned him with the iron and Ruby crown of the Conqueror all the Lords and knights present knelt before him and hailed him as maegor of the House Targaryen first of his name Grand maester Garwin was the only man to object claiming that according to aegon the conqueror's own laws Ain is his son aegon should succeed him maegor had a different inheritance policy the Iron Throne will go to the man who has the strength to seize it he replied he then unsheathed blackfyre and took off the maester's head in one swing offering a preview for how he meant to deal with traitors the next day maegor on balerion and visenya on vegar descended on the city of King's Landing citizens began to flee in panic though the warrior Sons had barred the gates maegor raised his Dragon Banner atop visaganya's Hill to stand against a faith militant on the hill of rhaenys thousands flocked to maegor and rosenya proclaimed maegor a true king blood of aegon the Conqueror who was my brother my husband and my love if any man questions my son's right to the Iron Throne let him prove his claim with his body the warrior Sons answered vesanya's call 700 nights in the silver armor met King maegor on visenya's Hill maegor laid the terms he said let us not Bandy words swords will decide this matter the captain of the warrior Sons sir Damon Morgan said Let each side have seven Champions as it was done in andalos of old can you find six men to stand beside you Annie's had taken the kingsguard to Dragonstone before he died megor stood alone he turned to the crowd and called who will come and stand beside his King at first only a simple man at Arms not even a knight named dick Bean stepped forward dick Bean said I've been a king's man since I was a boy I mean to die a king's man his bravery inspired the others Bernard broon the man who killed red heron stepped forward maegor chose four others sir Bram of black hole a hedge Knight sir Rayford rosby sir guy Lothian called guy the Glutton and Sir Lucifer Massey Lord of stone dance the names of the seven Knights who fought on the side of the faith or sir Damon Morgan called Damien The Devout the grand captain of the warrior Sons sir Lyle Bracken sir harris-horpe called death's head Harry sir aegon Ambrose sir take on flowers the bastard of beesberry Sir William The Wanderer and Sir garibald of this Seven Stars the septonite queen Dowager visanya gave the command to begin dick Bean died first which might be the most predictable thing George R Martin has ever written in the end King maegor stood alone Against aemon The Devout and William The Wanderer blackfyre in his hand maegor slew both of them but as he fell Sir William dealt magor a nasty blow to the side of his head that cracked his Helm and left maegor unconscious people thought he was dead until his mother vesanya took off his Helm the king breathes visanya said the king lives the victory was maegor's and his Reign had thus begun maegor was carried off to be seen by maesters while the hundreds of remaining Warrior Sons knelt to Dowager Queen visagna for the next 27 days maegor lingered on death's door across a Blackwater on driftmark Dowager Queen Alyssa Valerian anis's wife proclaimed her son aegon as the true king but few heard her call The Young Prince remained at Craig Hall for rum away trapped in a castle surrounded by poor fellows and Pious peasants most of whom considered him an abomination thousands of poor fellows began to March towards King's Landing on behalf of the faith to oppose King maegor those from the West followed the Hedge Knight Horus Hill and those from the south followed a gigantic axeman called what the Hewer the zealots outside Craig Hall left as well so aegon and Reina made it safely to casterly rock or a lady Jocasta Lannister realized that Reina was pregnant on the 28th day after the trial of seven a ship arrived from pentos carrying two women and 600 cell swords Alice haraway makeover second wife had returned to Westeros but not alone with her sailed another woman a pale raven-haired Beauty known only as Tyanna of the tower some said she was megorous concubine others named her lady Alice's Paramore Tiana was a bastard daughter of a pentoshi Magister she was rumored to be a poisoner and sorceress as well as soon as she arrived dismissed her son's maesters and gave maegor over to tayana's care and the very next morning King maegor awoke from his month-long coma and stood on the battlements of the red keep between Alice and Tiana while the crowd of King's Landing cheered wildly in celebration those cheers soon faded because the first thing maegor did after waking up was Mount balerion fly to the hill of rhaenys where the remaining 700 Knights of the warrior Sons were praying and maegor burned the sept of remembrance to the ground it was said the screams of the burning men could be heard throughout the city and plumes of smoke lingered over King's Landing for days however this is just the beginning of King maegor's war against the faith militant and it will last the entirety of his Reign maegor commanded all loyal Lords to take up arms in their fields and rid the land of the Ragged hordes of horfellows in response the high septon called upon true and Pious Children of the Gods to take up arms and defense of the faith and put an end to the reign of dragons and monsters and Abominations the first battle of this war between the faith and the targaryens was in the reach at Stonebridge nine thousand poor fellows under the command of what the Hewer attempted to cross the river Mander but were caught between the well-trained loyalist Knights to the north and south of the river the slaughter was so brutal that the Mander ran red with blood for 20 leagues soon after an army of the faith numbering 20 000 men battled King maegor's own host at the fork of the Blackwater maegor had more nights on Horseback and more dragons the battle lasted into the night and Rain began to fall obscuring balerion's Flames but amidst the smoke and screams and rainfall King maegor descended again and again to serve his foes with flame maegor won and when he returned to the red keep watch the Hewer was brought before him in Chains maegor sliced off each of his limbs but forced the maesters to keep him alive so that while the hero could attend maegor's next wedding King maegor announced his intention to take a third wife Tiana of the tower only Grand maester myros dared speak against it saying you're one true wife awaits you in the high tower so maegor heard him out descended the iron throne and slew him where he stood with blackfyre then maegor wed Diana on the hill of rhaeganese on top of the specialist and rubble and Bones from the sept of remembrance it was said that Mega had to put a dozen septins to death before he found one willing to perform the ceremony watch the Hewer limbless was kept alive to witness the marriage by this time fisanya had flown to driftmark and convinced Dowager Queen Alyssa ianis's Widow to pledge fealty to King maegor so Alyssa and her children viserys to Harris and ellisan were all in attendance at maegor and tayana's wedding across the realm in casually Rock aegon and his sister wife Reina were defiant even though the knights were with them had fled to bend the knee to maegor Lord Lyman Lannister refused to send aegon and Reina back to King's Landing even when maegor demanded he do so much of the realm hated aegon saying that he was weak like his father Amy's since maegor wrote Valeria on the black dread and his sister rode dreamfire with aegon himself was dragonless and when Alyssa valerion attended maegor's wedding it seemed that even aegon's own mother had given up on him at casually Rock Reyna gave birth to twin daughters area and raela and the high septon said they too were Abominations Reina begged aegon to take her and the babies across a narrow sea to essos saying that I would gladly give up my own life to make you King but I will not put our girls at risk aegon the uncrowned however was determined to claim his Birthright in the red keep maegor personally oversaw the expansion of the Castle later known as maegor's holdfast it was said that maegor may rule the Seven Kingdoms but he himself was ruled by the three queens his mother vesenya his Paramore Alice haraway and the witch hyena the Mistress of Whisperers who spoke with rats and spiders it was said and all the Vermin of King's Landing came to her by night to tell Tales of any fool who dared to speak against the king thousands of poor fellows still haunted the roads of Westeros though they'd never join in large enough numbers to face King maegor in the field again but the warrior Sons chose a new captain sir Joffrey Doggett who gained 2 000 soldiers maegor demanded Lords come to King's Landing and pledge fealty and the high septon was commanded to deliver himself to the red keep to stand trial for high treason in response the high section commanded maegor to present himself in Old Town to beg the Forgiveness of the Gods for his sins and cruelties king maegor led the poison in the realm of fester while he oversaw the construction of the red keep but visenya chose at Mount vegar and bring Fire and Blood to the riverlands as she once did to Dorne in a single night the seats of houses blame tree Tarik deadings lychester and Wayne were set aflame then maeger himself took Wing flying balerion through the westerlands where he burned the castles of the brooms the falwells the lorches and the other Pious Lords who had defied his summons lastly he descended upon the seat of house Doggett reducing it to Ash and killing Sir Joffrey doggett's family as pillars of smoke Rose all through the westerlands and the riverlands Veigar and valerion turned South now it seemed as if the greatest and most populous city in Westeros Old Town must surely burn thousands fled Old Town that night thousands more tucked to the streets in a night of drunken revelry this is a night for song and Sin and drink men hold one another for come tomorrow The Virtuous and the vile burned together maegor and valerion would bring ruin to Old Town The Heist had been called Down The Wrath of the Gods upon the targaryens the archmasters of the Citadel met in conclave the men of the city watch filled sacks with sand and pales with water to fight the fires they knew were coming along the city walls crossbows and scorpions were hoisted onto the battlements in hopes of Bringing Down the dragons when they appeared Atop The Hightower the great Beacon fire turned a baleful green as Lord Martin Hightower called his banners Old Town waited for the Dawn and the coming of the dragons and the dragons came vegar first as the sun was Rising then balerion just before midday but they found the gates of the city open and the banners of House Targaryen house Tyrell and house Hightower flying side by side Atop The City walls visenya was the first to learn the news sometime during the night the high septon had died some say that his high Holiness took his own life either because he was afraid of maegori and the dragons or in order to sacrifice himself to save the city from burning others claimed the seven struck him down for the sin of Pride treason and Aryans but most people believed the hyacception was murdered whether by the maesters or the Citadel the high Towers or even Lord hightower's Aunt who is said to be a witch the truth was never known but it is known that Lord Martin Hightower arrested all the warrior sons in Old Town his own brother amongst them he opened the city Gates and raised a Targaryen Dragon banners above his walls King maegor remained in Old Town for almost half a year holding court and presiding over trials he gave a choice a captured Warriors Sons those who renounced their allegiance to the faith would be permitted to join the Night's Watch those who refused could be executed three quarters of them chose to take the black the remainder died seven of them famous Knights and the sons of Lords were given the honor of having King maegor himself behead them with blackfyre the rest were beheaded by their own former Brothers in Arms the new elderly and feeble High septin formally dissolved both of warrior sons and the poor fellows commanding the remaining members to lay down their arms in the name of the Gods the seven had no more need of Warriors proclaimed the new high septon henceforth the Iron Throne would protect and defend the faith during his time at Old Town maegor was also reconciled with his first wife Queen Cerise Hightower she agreed to accept the king's two other wives while maegor agreed to restore to Cerise all the rights incomes and privileges due to her as his wedded wife and queen by the end of megory stay in Old Town late in the year 43 AZ his nephew Prince aegon the uncrowned finally pushed his claim with maegor gone for so long from King's Landing aegon and Reina raced across the riverlands and entered the capital hidden beneath sacks of corn with so few followers aegon dared not see himself upon the Iron Throne since he knew he couldn't hold it instead they were there for the dragons Reina went to dreamfire and aegon went to Quicksilver his father's draken to bond with him they were aided by friends in megur's own Court who had grown weary of the king's cruelties the prince and princess entered King's Landing and a wagon pulled by mules but when they made their departure it was on Dragon back flying side by side they flew back to the westerlands to assemble an army aegon Targaryen mounted on Quicksilver descended from the sky to denounce his uncle as a tyrant and usurper and call upon all honest men to round to his banners soon enough fifteen thousand joined aegon's cause they mostly came from the westerlands and the riverlands which had just been thoroughly burned by maegoran visenya the cunning Lord Lannister of cashley rock lent 500 soldiers to aegon under the command of his bastard brother Tyler Hill while keeping his own hands clean should maegor prevail no great Lords had rallied to Prince aegon's cause but Queen Tiana Mistress of Whispers wrote to warn maegor that Storm's end the Eerie Winterfell and Castle a rock had all been in secret communication with Anisa's Widow Alyssa valerion before declaring for aegon these great Lords wish to be convinced he might Prevail aegon required a victory and maegor denied him that Lord heraway of harrenhal Lord Tully of riverrun and 5 000 soldiers under the command of Sir Davos darklin of the kingsguard all marched West to meet aegon up from the reach came Lord's Peak Meriwether and Caswell aegon faced resistance from all sides Lord Corby advised aegon to engage each foe separately before they could join their powers but aegon didn't want to divide his strength instead he chose to march on toward King's Landing just south of the God's eye he found sir Devo starkland's Army as Lords Meriwether and Caswell were advancing from the south and Lord's Tully and haraway from the north Prince aegon commanded a charge hoping to break through the king's Landers before the other loyalists fell upon his flanks aegon mounted Quicksilver to lead the attack himself but as soon as he ascended into the air ballerion on the black dread appeared in the southern Sky King maegor had come to kill his nephew for the first time since the Doom of valyria dragon contended with dragon in the sky Quicksilver a quarter of the size of valerion was no match for the older fiercer Dragon then the black dread fell upon her from above his jaw is closing around her neck as he had ripped One Wing from her body screaming and smoking Quicksilver plunged to the Earth and Prince aegon with her Reina remained at pink Maiden castle with her daughters when aegon marched but since dragonflyer was smaller and younger than Quicksilver was it's unlikely she would have made a difference against maegor and valerion Reina fled to Fair Isle off the coast of Castle Rock being protected by house farming for the best part of a year the people of Fair Isle watch the east in dread fearing the sight of balerion's Dark Wings but maegor never came and said he returned to the red keep where he was determined to get himself in Heir in 44 AC King maegor sat grimly on the Iron Throne while the red keep was raised around him each night he took one of his three wives into his bed but he had no luck in getting one of them pregnant on Dragonstone vesanya kept Alyssa valerion and her children jeheris and alisan as hostages while the Elder son viserys was sent to King's Landing to Squire for King maegor soon after Alice haraway announced she was with child but after three Moon Turns she had a tragic stillbirth the boy was a monster with Twisted limbs a huge head and no eyes this cannot be my son maegor roared in anguish then his grief turned to Fury and he ordered the immediate execution of The Midwives septas and maesters who attended Queen Alice it is said that maegor was Seated on the iron throne with the grand maester's decapitated head in his hands when his other wife Tiana came to see him Tiana told maegor that he had been deceived that Queen Alice was so desperate to give maegor a child that her father and handed the king Lord Lucas haraway sent other men into Alice's Chambers on the nights maegor spent with Cerise or tayeno every man on the list Tiana gave to maegor had one thing in common they were all proven to be able to Father healthy children under torture all but two of the men confessed to sleeping with Queen Ellis maegor has sent the King's Guard to drag Alice hair away from her Chambers and killed her Sisters in front of her Lord Lucas haraway was flung from the roof of the Tower of the hand and then maegor took every son brother and nephew of house heraway and threw them onto the spikes beneath maegor's holdfast the worst death belonged to Queen Ellis who megur gave to Tiana to torture Alice took a fortnight to die and maegor is present for all of it a witness to her agony after her death Alice was cut into seven Parts which were mounted on spikes above the seven Gates of the city where they remained until they rotted then maegor marched on harrenhal he entered the castle and killed every single person with a drop of hair away blood after the extermination of house haraway maegor held a grand melee and whoever won would become a new Lord of hironal the winner was Sir Walton Towers when maegor returned at last to the red keep more troubling news awaited him his mother vesanya had died on Dragonstone and in the night doward your queen Alyssa escaped the island with jahiris and elisan taking dark sister and two dragons from a Thor and Silverwing with them maegor had his mother vesanya burned and her ashes laid to rest next to aegon the Conqueror her husband maegor still held Alyssa and Annie's son viserys as his Squire Queen Tiana tortured him for nine days about where his mother and siblings went but he did not know viserys's body was left out in the open of the red keep for a fortnight and maegor said let his mother come and claim him but Alyssa never did viserys was 15 years old when he was killed and had been loved by the small folk and Lords alike the realm wept for him in 45 AC the construction of the red keep was at an end maegor celebrated by throwing A Feast for all the builders and Architects three days later maegor had them all executed so that they wouldn't be able to spread the knowledge of the Castle's secret passageways and entrances not long after Queen Cerise fell ill and died maegor was left with but a single queen the black-haired and black-hearted Tiana Mistress of the spiders who was hated and feared by all maegor ordered the rubble and bones of the sept of remembrance which he burned several years prior to be cleared from the hill of rhaenys in its place would be built a great Stone stable for drakens a layer worthy of balerion Veigar and their hatchlings it became known as the dragon pit late in 45 AC the tides began to turn against maegor he continued his war against the faith militant hunting down a group of poor fellows led by a woman named epoxy Jane poor smell folk and Lords alike had come to despise maegor for his many cruelties and many began to give help and comfort to his enemies one such enemy who accepted Moon who had been raised up by the poor fellows against the real high septon in Old Town who they called the high liquid spittle septin Moon roamed the riverlands and their reach drawing huge crowds wherever he went to preach against the king additionally the land north of the golden tooth was ruled all but Name by Sir Joffrey Doggett and Lords Lannister and Tully did not care to move against him megor spent a year racking up kills and in 4d6 AC he returned to the red cape with 2 000 skulls which he laid at the foot of the iron throne maegor stopped sleeping with Tiana and decided he needed to take a new wife if he was going to have an heir Grand maester benifer suggested lady Clarissa Dane of Starfall Lord butterwell offered his sister a woman who had already given birth to seven children to prove her fertility Lloyd keltegar had two young daughters who were 12 and 13 and he offered either or both to the king Lord valerion counseled maegor to send for his niece Reina unfair Isle and marry her by marrying Reina megur could unite their claims prevent any fresh rebellions from gathering around her and acquire a hostage against any plots that her mother Queen Alyssa might be cooking maegor decided he would need a woman of proven fertility just not Lord butterwell's daughter maegor decided he would take multiple wives as Laurie celtegar suggested but neither would be one of his daughters maegor decided he would take three new wives and one must surely be his niece Reina as Lord valerion suggested on Fair Isle Reyna's daughter Aria could be considered the rightful queen of Westeros since she was the eldest child of aegon the uncrowned but area and raela were hardly a year old and Reina dyed their hair to hide the Targaryen silver Reyna sent her daughters away entrusting them to certain unnamed powerful allies who would see them fostered safely Reina did not even allow herself to know where Aria and riella were being sent because if she did not know she could not reveal their location to maegor under torture there was no disguising Reina however whose identity would be revealed by her Dragon dream fire wherever she went so Reina understood her Duty flew to King's Landing and met the other two women maegor had chosen for this triple wedding Lady Jane westerling who had given her late husband a son already and Lady Eleanor costine who had given her husband Three Sons maegor had to kill Eleanor's husband sir Theo bowling on the grounds of conspiring with Alissa valerion the crown Annie's son jahiris maegor gave Eleanor the customary seven days to mourn and then summoned her to King's Landing on a warm spring day in 47 AC maegor Targaryen took three wives in the ward of the red keep though each of his new Queens was garbed and cloaked in the colors of her father's house the people of King's land and called them the black brides for all three were widows after the wedding King maegor proclaimed Reyna's daughter eria as his Heir until such time as the gods granted him a son and sent Aria's twin raela to Old Town to become a scepter with the same decree megor disinherited Prince jaharis the last remaining son of King Aeneas half a year later both Queen Jane and queen Eleanor became pregnant but just like Alice haraway Jane weschling had a stillbirth to a disfigured baby and she died soon after maegor was Cursed Men said he had slain his nephew made war against the faith in the high septon defied the gods committed murder and incest adultery and rape the gods would never Grant him a living son or so The Whispers ran maegor himself settled on a different explanation and sent her Queen Tiana to be delivered to the dungeons Thayer Tiana made a full confession she had poisoned Jane westerling's child in the womb just as she had Alice hairways it would be the same with Eleanor kusting's baby as well she promised it is said that King maegor slew her himself cutting out her heart with Blackfire and feeding it to his dogs Tyanna was right however as Eleanor costain had a malformed stillborn boy with no eyes and a hint of dragon wings that was in 48 AC the sixth year of King megor's Reign and the last year of his life everyone in Westeros believed him to be cursed and his followers melted away or had reached King's Landing of enemy movement sir Joffrey Doggett was being hosted by Lord Tully of riverrun septon moon marched with thousands of faithful across the reach to Old Town intent on forcing the high septon to denounce the Abomination on the Iron Throne Lords of the reach began to join him hand of the king Lord celtica resigned his position and dornishmen began to set up along the dornish marches preparing an invasion the worst blow came from Storm's end Lord roggar Baratheon revealed that he had been Sheltering Queen Alyssa prince jaharis and princess elisan since they fled Dragonstone now Lord Baratheon proclaimed jeharis through the true and lawful King of the Andals of royynar and the first men and Prince jahiris named Lord rogar protector of the realm and hand of the king queen Alyssa and his sister alisan Stood Beside him as jahiris on sheath's dark sister and how to end the reign of his usurping uncle Joe Harris was 14 years old maegor 36. Jay Harris had also bonded with the bronze Theory Verma Thor and his sister alisan who was 12 bonded with Silverwing maegor has only one dragon lord rogar told the stormlords our Prince has two and soon three when word reads the red keep Vegeta Harris was gathering his forces at Storm's end Reina Targaryen mounted dreamfire and flew to join her brother abandoning the uncle she had been forced to Wed she took her daughter Aria and the sword blackfyre which she stole from maegor as he slept King maegor's response was sluggish and confused he commanded the grand maester to send forth Ravens summoning all his loyal Lords to gather at King's Landing only to find the grand maester bennifer had taken ship for pentos finding princess arielgan he sent a writer to Old Town to demand the head of her twin sister raila to punish their mother for her betrayal but Lord Hightower imprisoned his messenger instead two of his kingsguard vanished one night to go over to jaharis Lord valeriano driftmark was amongst the first to declare for joharis as to Valerian to the realm's traditional Admirals maegor had lost the entire Royal Fleet the tyrells of highgarden followed with all the power of the reach the high towers of Old Town the red wines of the arbor the Lannisters of cash lay Rock the errands of the Eerie the voices of runestone one by one they came out against the king maegor held the war council all through the night he had only four thousand men the King brooded on the Iron Throne after his Lord's departed hours later as Dawn was breaking the last of Mega's Queens came seeking after him Queen Eleanor found maegor still upon the Iron Throne pale and dead his robes soaked through with blood his arms had been slashed open from wrist to Elbow on Jagged barbs and another blade had gone through his neck to emerge beneath his chin many believe it was the iron throne itself that killed him some say it was Queen Eleanor who forced him down onto those blades to avenge the murder of her first husband the king's grave might have done it though that would have required them to act in concert as there were two nights posted at each door it might also have been a person or person's unknown entering and leaving the throne room through some hidden passage it might also be that the king tasted despair in the dark watches of the night and took his own life twisting the blades as needed and opening his veins to spare himself to defeat and disgrace that surely awaited him however megor died on the Iron Throne his reign of terror finally came to an end after six years and 66 days he was burned in the red keep his ashes laid next to his mother vesanyas and father aegon on the conquerors jehairus the first Targaryen ascended the iron throne in 48 AC at the age of 14 and would rule the Seven Kingdoms for the next 55 years so let's look back on the life of megor the cruel was he mad or insane like some other targaryens or was he just as his name implies a cruel evil man who made all of his evil decisions on his own will first if you've heard the phrase every time a Targaryen is Born the gods flip a coin just know that this is an exaggeration propped up by Game of Thrones every time a Targaryen is Born the gods flip a coin they say every time a Targaryen is Born the gods toss a coin and the world holds its breath it is said in the books as well but just once as an anecdote from sir barristan and is probably more about a targaryen's morality not about a 50 50 gamble on if they're nuts or not it is after all a cool quote but it's not true not even a little in the 400 years since the targaryens left valyria there have been three actual insane targaryens that we know of those three are Baylor the first who starved himself to death to appease the gods and to have locked his sisters in a vault Prince Regal a son of Deron II who was known to be mad and often dance naked around the red keep and Arion bright flame who became obsessive in his rage and drank a pot of Wildfire because he wanted to become a dragon there is a fourth in singing Targaryen if you want to include the most famous brain dead king of them all heiress II after all he became known as the Mad King for good reason what his Insanity was likely triggered by a traumatic event when he was imprisoned in duskendale in 277 AC before that he was a bad man and a bad King but not insane after Jessica Dale he became agoraphobic stopped all personal hygiene and became lost in his paranoid mind and heard voices in his head maegor had some good qualities and plenty of bad he was strong and acted like a true dragonlord when his family was threatened unlike Anis but there were other strong targaryens like his successor Harris who didn't resort to murdering and torturing people so easily the way maegor treated his wives may be his worst quality as a man since he treated them all like disposable property whose only purpose was to give him a son and if they failed it was surely their fault not his there is some room for sympathy when it comes to maegor his father aegon the Conqueror spent far more attention on his era Anis than he did on maegor during their childhoods also ianis denied maegor the ability to take a second wife and seek a son of his own despite the fact their father practiced polygamy as well where other men would bend or break maegor stood firm and did as he wished so by my estimation maegor is not a good man but he was also not quite insane just evil he did his family in Rome a great service by opposing the conservative fundamentalist Faith militant but he also abused his Six Wives and tortured and killed anyone who dared speak against him let me know your thoughts on maegor the cruel and whether or not you think he truly was mad thanks for watching
Channel: Crusader Chris
Views: 347,105
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Keywords: asoiaf, a song of ice and fire, asoiaf theory, asoiaf lore, a song of ice and fire lore, targaryen, house targaryen, targaryen lore, targaryen history, game of thrones, got, game of thrones lore, alt shift x, game of thrones history, got lore, got history, house of the dragon, hotd, house of the dragon lore, house of the dragon history, before house of the dragon, aegon targaryen, maegor the cruel, explained, jon snow, daenerys targaryen, rhaenyra, daemon, aegon the conqueror
Id: NxFuhtqwrLo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 51sec (2091 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 15 2023
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