How King Aenys Nearly Destroyed House Targaryen

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just about every Game of Thrones fan knows the story of aegon the Conqueror he was Daenerys targaryen's ancestor who United the Seven Kingdoms except Dorne he kind of fumbled the bag and Dorne and built King's Landing and the iron throne we don't know a whole lot about the kind of man or type of ruler he was since the majority of his story exists within the context of war the conquest and the war on Dorne he reigned for 24 years after retiring from Warfare and those 24 years are referred to as the dragon's piece most of his time was spent on Royal tours of the realm since aegon believed he should show his face in every castle of his new realm he visited the iron Islands Thrice the north six times and all over the reach the westerlands and everywhere else however great of a king aegon was there's not a chance in the seven hells that he was a worse King than his two degenerate Sons Anis the first Targaryen and Omega were the first Targaryen this video is the first in a series I'll be doing on the sons of the Dragon look out for a second video on maegor the cruel in about a week or so for now let's look at how Amy's the idiot became the first example of how being a Targaryen dragonlord doesn't necessarily make you a worthy King as children Anis and maegor were not exactly close ianis was born to raineys before her death in Dorne while a maegor was born to visanya however there are rumors and theories that neither of them are actually aegons that aeny's father might be a silver-haired singer that rayonies love to host in the red keep and that maegor was a product of vestegno's sorcery it is weird that aegon married two women as a young man and only had two sons in 40 plus years of marriage but we'll just assume Annie's and maegor are aegon's trueborn sons and that the entire dynasty of House Targaryen isn't descended from a bastard because that would be silly and ironic and actually kind of fitting since Jon Snow was a Targaryen bastard and the present rhymes with the past oh wait maybe aegon isn't the father Anis was born first in the seven AC throughout his infancy and early childhood he was small and sickly and nothing at all like his father aegon that changed a bit when he bonded with his Dragon Quicksilver who was also hatched in 7ac on Dragonstone it's often hinted that a dragon Bond can strengthen a dragon writer or potentially heal them like how jehairus the first decided that a dragon Bond was needed to cure his daughter Daenerys who was dying of the sickness called the Shivers Quicksilver may have helped anus grow into a capable man but as we'll see it didn't make him any better of a ruler maegor was born in 12 AC so he was five years younger than Annie's no newborn was ever more robust than maegor Targaryen maesters and midwives agreed his weight at Birth was almost twice that of his elder brother even though they were brothers they didn't spend much time together King aegon spent half of every year on Royal progresses and he always took Prince Annie's with him so the realm could become acquainted with the heir to the iron throne maegori stayed behind with visanya while she held court and when aegon was in King's Landing visenya went and held Court in Dragonstone visenya gave maegor a sword when he was three and it is rumored that with his first swing he butchered a cat over time maegor became known as the prince of Dragonstone and was taught how to fight by Garwin corbary the Master at Arms of Dragonstone ianies learned to fight as well and he had better teachers at maegor as he was trained directly by aegon the dragon and the Knights of the kingsguard but Annie's was never more than adequate as a fighter even when aegon let him use blackfyre the ancestral Valyrian steel sword of Targaryen Kings on maegor's 13th name day in 25 AC visanya bestowed upon Him dark sister The Sibling blade to blackfyre later used by aemon the Dragonite bloodraven and the Rogue Prince Daemon maegor was taller stronger and more capable than his elder brother but he didn't have a dragon and Anis did traditionally Valerian heirs wed their sister as the blood of the Dragon must remain pure aegon liked the idea so much that he married two sisters but he never had any daughters and would need to look elsewhere for his son's spouses in 22 AC at the age of 15 Anis married Alyssa valerion the daughter of the lord of the tides aphen valerion she was also 15 and had the customary Valyrian silver hair and purple eyes aegon to conqueror's own mother was a valerion so it is reckoned that anise's marriage to Alyssa was that of cousin to cousin not quite brother to sister but still incestuous enough to get the job done the next year Alyssa gave birth to a daughter Reina she was a healthy child with Lively lilac eyes and hair that Shone like beaten silver King aegon wept the first time he held his granddaughter perhaps because she reminded him of his first love rhaenys visenya raised the issue of succession wanting her son maegor to remain second in line to the throne after Anis instead of Annie's daughter went on to propose that Reina an infant should be betrothed to maegor who was 11 but Amy's and Alyssa spoke out against the match and so too did the faith the higherceptin wrote to King aegon from Old Town telling him that the incestuous match would not go down favorably with the faith the high septon recommended his own niece Cerise Hightower as a wife for maegor instead and aegon agreed wanting to keep peace with the faith of the seven so two years later in 25 AC maegor wed Cerise in the starry sept of Old Town a building he would return to years later as king for next year a son was born to Annie's and Alyssa named aegon so maegor was officially moved down in the line of succession by 36 AC and Alyssa had three more children viserys Jairus and Alison maegor would not inherit the iron throne while Annie's and Alyssa fill the red keep with heirs maegor fought he won the tourney of riverrun melee in 28 AC as he unhorsed three Knights of the kingsguard and King aegon knighted maegor using blackfyre in 29 and 30 AC maegor fought on the stepstones ridding them of the pirate king sargoso son in the 31 AC maegor hunted and killed an Infamous robber Knight in the riverlands known as the giant of the Trident and he did all of it without a dragon by the age of nine Amy's daughter Arena had bonded with her Dragon dream fire while Prince maegor a man of 18 years remained dragonless a dozen hatchlings had been born in the fires of Dragonstone in the later years of aegon's Reign and were offered to Prince maegor he refused them all when she was 12 Reina began to fly dream fire above the city and Alyssa Valerian teased maegor about it in court saying that my good brother is afraid of dragons maegor wasn't afraid of them he darkened in Rage and said that there is only one Dragon worthy of him in 37 AC King aegon Targaryen died of a stroke in the chamber of the painted table on Dragonstone his grandson's aegon and viserys were with him at his death as the King was showing them on the table where he fought and conquered their realm Prince maegor gave a eulogy over his father's funeral pyre as it was Valyrian custom to burn dead dragonlords visagna's Dragon vagar supplied the flame to light the pyre aegon was clad in his battle armor and Blackfire was laid on his chest blackfyre burned but flame cannot harm Valyrian steel maegor returned to his father's player later on and retrieved the sword King Aeneas then ascended the Iron Throne at the age of 30. Prince maegor was 25. at first he took aegon's iron and Ruby crown and all the Lords who had traveled for their funeral Knot Before him and bowed their heads to their new king when Prince maegor's turn came Annie screw him back to his feet kissed his cheek and said brother you need never kneel to me again we shall rule this realm together you and I then the king presented his father's sword blackfyre to his brother saying you are more fit to bear this blade than me wield it in my service and I shall be content now maegor had both ancestral swords of House Targaryen now that ego and the dragon had died the realm began to test King Hanes the chains the dragon forged can yet be broken is what was being said by the downtrodden and discontented we can win our freedoms back but now is the time to strike for this new king is weak soon enough four rebellions began in Westeros the first was in the riverlands where the outlaw known as red heron seized harrenhal as Amy sat in riverrun unwilling to strike at the castle on Quicksilver as his father once did on baleria the second Uprising was on the iron islands where a zealot called the priest king lotos raised thousands of Swords against the King the third was in the dornish marches where an outlaw called the vulture King gathered thousands of Swords of his own to take revenge against all the burnings done by aegon and his sisters in Dorne the fourth and final rebellion was high up in the veil of Aaron where the young Lord Ronald Aaron was taken captive by his younger brother jonos Aaron who wanted to rebel against the targaryens aenis did nothing to crush any of these rebellions his Lords did his work for him in he spoke of sending Messengers to the rebels to learn the reasons for their actions instead of casting them away with Fire and Blood Annie's finally resolved to send hand of the king Alan stokeworth along with a fleet and an army to the veil to set down jono's Aaron but at the final hour Andy's changed his mind and feebly decided that stokeworth's departure would weaken King's landing's defenses so he sent him on a shorter mission to the riverlands to hunt down red heron he planned to call a great Council to decide how to deal with the other Rebels well in a salad on the throne confused his Lords acted either on their own authority or as commanded by Dowager Queen visenya in the veil Lord Allard Royce of runestone marched on the Eerie easily defeating the soldiers belonging to jono's Aaron who had settled himself king of mountain and Veil but when Royce demanded the return of Ronald Aaron Janos threw his brother out of the moon door as we all know the Eerie is impregnable so jono's Aaron settled in for a long siege that is until a great black beast Rose high in the sky above the castle maegor Targaryen had claimed a dragon at last Valerian the black dread the largest and fiercest Dragon alive the last living creature to have seen old valyria maegor had been waiting for his father aegon to die before bonding with the dragon he felt he deserved instead of being burned alive inside the Eerie The Garrison opted for surrender and threw Janos out of the moon door just as he had done to Ronald when maegor entered the castle he executed every one of them despite their surrender and hung them all naked from the castle walls the other rebellions also sorted themselves out Lord Goran Greyjoy descended upon the priest king lodos with a hundred long ships and made short work of the rebels as a reward Annie's offered Goran Greyjoy any prize he wanted like hell viserys offered Damon any price he wanted after returning from the stepstones like how Damon asked for Rainier's hand in marriage Goran Greyjoy asked too much he desired for all the septins and septas to be expelled from the iron Islands so they could practice their religion of a Drowned God in peace King Aeneas made the poor decision of agreeing to Lord greyjoy's request which was the first of many transgressions against the faith princess Doria Martel of Dorne had denounced the vulture King in the dornish marches but some suspected her of playing king aeny's for a fool since she never sent any soldiers against the Rebels the vulture King had a mass in Army 30 000 strong but he was an idiot and divided his army he marched West against Night song and hornhill while the other half of his army marched East to Stonehill in the East Lord auris Baratheon aegon's lifelong friend who helped him win the kingdom crushed that half of the vulture King's Army in the west the vulture King himself was caught between Savage Samwell tarly of hornhill and Harman dondarian of blackhaven the dornish had lost finally red heron was caught by hand of the king Alan strokeworth just west of the God's eye but red heron was able to slay Lord stokeworth stokeworth Squire Bernard brune Avenged the hand of the king and Aeneas granted him a Knighthood for killing red heron anes rewarded all the Lords and knights who helped cast down all these Rebels but he saved the best reward for his younger brother maegor King aeny's embraced prince maegor in front of the cheering crowd of King's Landing and named him hand of the king their personalities were too different to allow them to work well together a e started to get into astronomy Alchemy and music and started wearing the finest velvets in the realm and enjoy the company of maesters and septons maegor lived for war however and he ran the realm without any of the trust or forgiveness of his brother they ruled together well enough for two years but in 39 AC maegor announced that his wife Cerise Hightower was infertile and unable to give him a child without asking anis's permission maegor secretly took a second wife on Dragonstone aided by his mother it was Alice haraway the daughter of the Lord of harrenhal deception of Dragonstone refused to officiate the marriage on the basis of polygamy So maegor Married Alice in a customary Valyrian ceremony wed by Blood and Fire King Aeneas Manfred Hightower the Lord of Old Town and father of maegor's first wife Cerise and the high septon were all Roth with Prince maegor but mayor was defiant he said that their father took two wives and that the laws of the faith May rule lesser men but not the blood of the Dragon so King Aeneas gave his brother a choice said Alice herraway aside and returned to Lady Cerise or be exiled from the realm for five years maegor chose Exile and left for pentos in 40 AC on the back of baleria on the black dread taking Alice hair away with him it is said that Anis asked maegor to leave blackfyre behind and maego responded Your Grace is welcome to try and take her from me the high section was still thundering and angry and the Lords of the realm spoke of the king's weakness how can he rule the Seven Kingdoms when he cannot even rule his brother they said Ines was oblivious to The Descent amongst his Lords and a year later in 41 AC he made his worst mistake of his life he announced the marriage of his first two children Reina and aegon to each other with the faith already angry at maegor's polygamy and with their warning to egg on the Conqueror not to betray with Reina and maegor on the grounds of incest it's shocking that Annie's would make a decision so bold and stupid knowing full well he had zero balls to back it up Rhino is 18 and aegon 15. aegon hadn't claimed a dragon but he was said to be the spitting image of his grandfather and namesake the Conqueror and was very close with his sister he often rode with Reina on dreamfire aegon was said to be the best fighter with the Lance in the Seven Kingdoms and was desired by all the young ladies of the realm Reyna 2 had many suitors but she gave no encouragement to them preferring to spend her time with her siblings her pets and her Dragon Reina flew dream fire all across the realm to Gold town and harrenhal and runestone and Tarth since both siblings were close and both were at risk of losing their virtue to an admirer it made sense to King Ines that his children should be wed to each other according to the traditions of his house we read in Fire and Blood that the faith had condoned or at the very least ignored the marriage of the Conqueror and his sisters but it was not willing to do the same for their grandchildren from the story saved came a blistering condemnation denouncing the marriage of brother to sister as an obscenity any children born of such a union would be Abominations in the sight of Gods and Men this message spread like a wildfire across the realm but surprisingly the famously indecisive King aenes remained stubborn his aunt Dowager Queen visenya told him he had two options he could abandon the marriage and find new partners for his children or he could Mount Quicksilver fly to the star except in Old Town and burn it down around the high septon's Pious head of course King Anis did neither he just sat there the wedding was held at the sept of remembrance Atop The Hill of rhenis in King's Landing or your sons line the streets taking note of which traitors to the faith decided to attend this Unholy ceremony at the wedding Feast Anis named aegon The Prince of Dragonstone despite the fact maegor still held that title visenya left the feast in Anger mounted Veigar and flew to Dragonstone leaving her kingly nephew behind to make all the bad decisions he desired so the dum-dum anas announced a massive Royal tour of the realm in which Reina and aegon would travel to all the kingdoms to meet with and be cheered by the citizens of the realm Annie's failed to realize that the realm now hated incest and since he forbade Reina from bringing dreamfire along on the Royal progress they lacked defenses the crowds of the faithful shouted at Reina and aegon wherever they went and when they reached harrenhal Lord haraway denied them entry unless they recognized his daughter Alice haraway who maegor took as a second wife as the true and lawful wife of Prince maegor Reina and aegon refused meanwhile in King's Landing the Warriors of the faith began to fortify the sept of remembrance and the hill of rhaenys the enemy now had a stronghold within the King City and even sent two assassins into the king's bed chamber but luckily they were defeated by the kingsguard after that Ines and Alyssa packed up and moved to Dragonstone that were your queen Visalia met King in is there and said you are a fool and a weakling nephew do you think any man would have ever dared speak so to your father you have a dragon use him fly to Old Town and make this starrycept another hair and all or give me leave and let me roast this Pious full for you instead of either those two solid options and he's locked up vesanya in her bed chamber by the end of 41 AC the realm was in a full-fledged Rebellion against the crown dozens of Pious Lords throughout the Seven Kingdoms took up the cry pulling down the king's Dragon banners and declaring instead for the starry sept the Warrior's son sees the gates of King's Landing giving them control over who might enter and leave the city thousands of poor fellows took to the Rose forcing travelers to declare whether they stood with the gods or if they stood with the abomination in the westerlands prince aegon and princess Reyna were forced to abandon their progress and take shelter in Craig Hall Castle in 42 AC King Amy's remained on Dragonstone sick with indecision it is said he looked a man of 60 instead of 30 and was often bedridden with sickness visenya took care of him for a time and his health began to improve until word reached him of a group of poor fellows and Order of Fighters of the faith militant who had surrounded castle cracon where his children were and aegon were trapped inside the news was so troubling that King aeny's died three days after hearing it like his father ianis was burned on Dragonstone his sons viserys and Jairus who were 12 and 7 respectively as well as his daughter alisan who was five stood over his funeral pyre his wife Alyssa sang a sad song and Quicksilver lit the pyre his dragon flame being joined by that of Verma Thor and Silverwing as well King aedes accomplished nothing and ruined almost everything in his five years as king from 37 to 42 A.C he seemed to be a good enough father however as his five children Reyna aegon viserys jahiris and elisan all seen normal and well-adjusted and not insane that is sort of a low bar and maybe their mother Alyssa was more responsible for their positive upbringing Jairus and ellisan would later become the most successful and longest reigning monarch in Targaryen history but I'm getting ahead of myself before jaharis could ever Ascend the Iron Throne his uncle maegor would need to be dealt with in my next video I will tell the story of maegler the cruel's Reign downfall and addiction to marrying hot women thanks for watching
Channel: Crusader Chris
Views: 204,015
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Length: 22min 12sec (1332 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 27 2023
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