How Long Would You Survive Rabies?

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if you get bit by a rabbit animal with a foaming mouth you need to get to a doctor immediately because your time is already running out but the signs of rabies aren't always this obvious you could get a seemingly innocent bite from a normal looking animal and think nothing of it but in reality the rabies virus an agent of Doom carried in the saliva of the aggressor has just gained access to your body when will your symptoms start to appear and at what stage is there a 99% chance of dying well we'll get there but for now there's no time to lose after being bitten or scratched by an animal wash your wound for at least 15 minutes with lots of water and soap then wait another 15 minutes before for applying an antiviral medication or iodine keep your wound uncovered and head to a health care facility ASAP it might be difficult but if you can get the animal that bit you into a cage and keep it there observing it might provide Vital Information to your health care professional and help them determine the necessary vaccines you might have heard horror stories about painful shots in your stomach but relax those are a thing of the past now for adults and children over the age of two vaccines are now injected into the deltoid muscle now if you can get something called the postexposure prophylactic vaccination right away well good news you have a 99% chance of survival but in many cases people don't go to the doctor they either don't realize they've been bitten or they believe it's not a big deal so how long until they start foaming at the mouth what well let's find out in the early days after infection the viral forces quietly gather their strength pain itching and numbness begin as the virus begins its slow replication now don't dismiss these symptoms as minor discomforts even in this developing stage quick medical attention can be a decisive factor in how bad your rabies will be rabies vaccinations are still effective if you get them early enough in the Expos exposure phase these infections can be localized they begin quietly and sometimes severe symptoms might not present themselves for days or weeks and in extreme cases a year typically though over the next few days the virus goes into stealth mode while it makes its way into your peripheral nervous system this means the virus is entering your body through nerves connected to your muscles then it races to your Cent central nervous system where it starts replicating but the virus is still in stealth mode during this phase you feel entirely normal this is the Calm before the storm these might be your last normal days as you slowly creep closer to death you know in many situations awareness and preparation can make the difference between a victim and a Survivor so hit that subscribe button to stay updated with all the survival tips we have for you after 10 days rabies hits the early neurological phase during this period you'll be noticing flu like symptoms you might experience a mild fever a persistent headache and a general sense of discomfort but the virus isn't planning on continuing to swim on the surface it's diving into the heart of your nervous system triggering changes beyond the physical now you might start feeling anxious like your body's trying to tell you something's wrong it just doesn't know how recognizing these early neurological symptoms will be a GameChanger if you want to survive at this point getting a dose of rabies immunoglobin a special kind of antibody coupled with the vaccine could still effectively halt the virus's Relentless March it may be your last chance to hit the brakes on this speeding train before it goes off the tracks day 21 the timeline takes a dark turn into the acute neurological phases early stage here there's a good chance you'll experience confusion agitation and hallucinations add to that Hydrophobia the fear of water which will turn the simple Act of swallowing into a Monumental task this leads to the image most of us picture when we think of rabies the infamous frothing mouth this is no accident it's how the virus finds new hosts and how you probably got it through saliva this virus is pure evil it proves that nature can be scarier than the worst science fiction movie at this point seeking medical help is not just advisable it's urgent you've got between 2 and 10 days before it gets ugly as the acute neurological phase advances your confusion and agitation get worse excessive salivation vomiting and seizures make for a horror show for everyone who sees you at this point doctors should be able to determine which of the two types of rabies you have spoiler alert they're both deadly the most common is furious rabies yeah Furious rabies it's characterized by violent physical and neurological symptoms Hydrophobia and aerophobia the the fear of fresh air or drafts are more common in this one Furious rabies kills after a few days usually due to cardiorespiratory arrest the other type is paralytic rabies which makes up about 20% of cases it gradually weakens the muscles starting at the exposure site and then expanding to the rest of the body this type kills slower than Furious rabies and is often misdiagnosed as another disease its next G is body paralysis and soon after that a coma the infection has caused a massive brain inflammation plunging you into a state of deep unconsciousness interestingly it may be doctors who decide to put you into an induced coma as a therapeutic measure by doing this they hope to create an environment where your body can better cope with the viral salt sounds like a great solution right well not so much only three people people in history have been put into a coma to combat rabies and have survived the first one was 15-year-old Jenna Gizzy who was bitten by a bat in 2004 she began exhibiting mild rabies symptoms the next day a week later she had to be rushed to the Children's Hospital of Wisconsin with fever Hydrophobia and hallucinations doctors told her parents that she might just have a few hours to live or they could try a new experiment m without knowing if it would work they put Jenna into a coma for 2 weeks the treatment later named the Milwaukee protocol gave her body extra time to fight the infection before it reached the brain when Jenna woke up she had to learn how to talk and move her body again the beginning of a recovery Journey that lasted years these days scientists debate the effectiveness of the treatment and as we said before it's still a long shot the this takes us to the last stage in this the terminal phase your exhausted body succumbs to the Relentless assault of the virus complications from paralysis cause respiratory arrest and end your life the terminal stage has little room for intervention hopefully this journey through the various phases highlights the critical importance of taking immediate action understanding the nuances of r and getting medical attention during the first stages are critical to surviving this ruthless killer Oh and next time you see a stray dog stay away call your local animal shelter or animal control unit not only could they have rabies but they might be extremely aggressive now how did this woman survive an attack by two vicious dogs check the video to find out
Channel: How to Survive
Views: 204,184
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: survive, how to survive, survival, what if, science, can you survive, could you survive, Top 10 survival, survival tips, survival documentary, rabies, rabies symptoms, rabies vaccine, rabies treatment, rabies prevention, rabies patient, rabies dog, world rabies day, symptoms of rabies, rabies infection, rabies virus, rabies vaccination, rabies in humans, rabies disease, average incubation period of rabies, symptoms of rabies in humans, rabies immunoglobulin, rabies injection
Id: Xfj9tpI4qvo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 5sec (545 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 17 2024
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