How Long Would It Take You to Become a Millionaire? | Part of the Show

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we have a part of the show but that tier is going to change hey y'all better get y'all questions in now I'm telling you uh we have a part of the show from Demetrius who I feel like every week it's from Demetrius Demetrius is getting his $50 worth Demus I'm not answering you no more cancel [ __ ] it's too much this question is for the room and Joe uh Joe oh Joe you can answer for both career paths you wake up up tomorrow and you are a random person but you still know everything that you know now MH how long would it take for you to get back to where you are now how would you do it and what would you do differently H it's a good one for both career paths for Potter and rapping I think if I started rapping today with all the knowledge that I know maybe it takes me six years to be a be a successful rapper or just enter into the business the business to be able to fund fund myself and and make a way of life like Alo from ground Zer from zip from zero from zip six years okay anybody else really four to six years what's the other one cuz he say answer from both career paths and podcasting podcasting I imagine would be tougher much harder podcasting I imagine would be tougher but I'm still going to say well I got the knowledge he said if I know everything that I know yeah you're already good at the [ __ ] that you're good at but you're starting from but you're starting from square one just being no one knows you yeah it's harder but you have all the skills and knowledge S I don't think it takes you six years to become popping as a rapper or a podcaster if you have the knowledge and the Talent all that [ __ ] Remains the Same people just don't know you yet the hard part is learning all the [ __ ] that you need to know exactly that's what it is I think I think the I think the rapping piece is is easier I think the potting piece would be harder because if you're starting from Ground Zero you don't have some of your relationships you guys y'all don't have to answer for my answers cuz they asked y'all let you finish for y'all respective cuz I want to hear that uh yeah for me I'll go from music 46 years for poding I will [Music] do 3 to five okay um I'm go previous to potting of course it wouldn't take me that long um with the knowledge that I have I again you know CDL driver so I would I would approach things a little differently now I'm I'm I'm smacking the road up and I'd run that up pretty quick tell you the trth true um that for me what do we say success is a million dollars I think with the knowledge I have starting from the ground I'll be at a million dollars in two years who said the successful million dollar though I was just I was throwing a just the gate I don't want to as podcaster or like real estate I'll be at of real estate million dollars in a year and a half two years starting from the ground Wow music career I think I get there in three years or so depending on where I'm at there's a lot of uh uh circumstantial [ __ ] and what I do I think it'll be a year yeah I think it'll be a year with the knowledge now changing things around yeah I think out of everybody I think flip might get there the fastest agreed I'd say like two and half with having all the knowledge I think he would get there the fastest I like turtle in the air I just wish you know what I do what I and hopefully I would listen you know what I'm saying that's what that's that's the only that's the only mistake that I I made I feel I made but knowing that would be now when you hear it you would actually yeah that's why I think you would you would uh you would make it the fastest [ __ ] you got I got to go to therapy or something [ __ ] about to sign up for that [ __ ] I'm about to got you when you start to think [ __ ] when you in your thoughts I don't know how yall do not you not Mr talk myself it in the mirror and get up out of here no I I still abide by that I still live by that but what I'm saying is that when you think when you sit down and think like all I had to do was listen to this or do this I don't know where the stubbornness come from that [ __ ] is too deep for me to even talk about right now like just being stubborn thinking that everybody's against you [ __ ] now [ __ ] you nigg I don't give a [ __ ] and trying to do it sometimes people be really there to just help true and if you just listen and take some advice in a better yeah can all right I am going with oh wait we a let Mel answer the question I did I said two and a half three years oh my bad it was quick which okay he asked what would we all do differently but he did I think the same I think it's kind of well I wouldn't spend them early money in a real estate business um part of your growth comes from you reinvesting so my stupid [ __ ] when I first started getting money I started splurging you know what I'm saying like this was back in the day when Chart House was something you remember like back in the day I would be in that [ __ ] three times a week four times a week and it's just stupid uh use of the bread that you supposed to reinvest to grow you might get a 100 and blow that [ __ ] and now you starting from the bottom again and it was a monster I think in music the sheer uh uh idea of the question would cut out a lot of the [ __ ] like you would do things differently because you wouldn't have to learn so much you figure out so much [ __ ] so it's inherent in the question what you would do differently because cuz you wouldn't have to learn all the [ __ ] that you have to learn that's true [Music] no
Channel: Joe Budden TV
Views: 36,157
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: JOE BUDDEN, JOE BUDDEN TV, Slaughterhouse, i'll name this podcast later, podcast, The Joe Budden Podcast, Joe Budden Podcast, state of the culture, revolt, revolt tv, pull up, JBP, joe budden network, humans, podcast joe budden, queenzflip, melyssa ford, joe budden humans, humans joe budden, joe budden 2024
Id: Wx8TlVxEq3w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 18sec (378 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 16 2024
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