How long does it take to study for the QBO ProAdvisor exam?

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hi I'm Margie rammers creator of the fast and easy way to QuickBooks Online Pro advisor certification I have been seeing online recently a lot of conversations about how long it's taking people to study for and pass their Pro advisor exam somebody will post Oh yay I got my certification and then someone will say how long did it take you I've seen a ton of these conversations one of them the woman said that she studied all day every day she used all these different resources she Googled some answers and it took her three weeks to get her basic level certification and nothing I thought three weeks then I saw a post of a guy saying that he had gotten his Advanced certification I said congratulations and with no prompting from me and not knowing who I was he said thank you it took me three months three months oh my gosh three months I it just hurts my heart so much to hear people talk about their struggles with the Intuit training and getting their Pro advisor certification so I thought it would just take a few minutes today to talk about how long it actually takes to get that certification and what in what information Intuit provides what the training is and how long it takes to go through that training and how long how you can figure out how long it's supposed to be and then of course talk about some Alternatives all right so let's hop over into a pro advisor training account all right so once you are inside your Qbo accountant account and if you don't know what an accountant account is or you don't know anything about the pro advisor program there's links below where you can find out more about that how to get your free account and then once you are inside your your account on the left hand side you click Pro advisor and then select training once inside there are a couple of different ways to get to the training if you are specifically wanting to get your certification then you'll want to start with the personalized path so you're going to click personalize path here select get started It'll ask you what exactly you want to learn and you'll notice you have to choose one or the other so I'm just going to show you the the QuickBooks Online one if you wanted to do payroll that's separate so let's just take a look at QuickBooks Online I'm going to select that one I click next It'll ask you what exactly you want to learn and if you want the certification you want to select this middle one that says I'd like to take the QuickBooks Online certification pathway so you're going to click that and then it's going to do some thinking analyzing your responses personalizing your path showing you the on-demand training and then once it's ready you're going to click show my recommendations and you can change this at any time so you can click revisit training personalization select different options but here is uh the certification path and this is just for the basic level certification you won't be able to get this for advanced until you have passed your basic level certification so you'll notice that for each of these skills there's a module and then each module has in it about how long it's going to take to take you to go through that information so if I click on the inside you'll notice that there are these different sections that you'll link you'll click through um you have to read through all of this information some of them have tabs where you have to go to this tab in order to continue so if I just scroll down um you'll notice that it says continue to next tab here and notice that it says continue training is grayed out until I do that so I select there I'm going to read through there are some videos every so often the majority of the training is reading so you'll have to click here read through all of this sometimes there are uh there are links for you to to download files um sometimes I don't think in this particular one but sometimes there is what's called a pro advisor challenge which is kind of like an exercise that tells you gives you a challenge to go go and I don't know create uh an invoice or something and then uh and then you have to try it on your own and then they tell you um and then they tell you how they would do it there are also these knowledge checks so that uh it's kind of a little quiz to make sure that you have followed along long and in the information in the lesson just as a word to the wise these knowledge checks are not at all related to the test so they're these are not at all the same types of questions that you will see um on the test and you'll notice that when you click an answer if you don't get it right then it'll tell you you know a little bit more information about it and then it will not actually let you continue training until you have gotten it uh gotten it right okay so just going back to uh here's my personalized path again so here right here are all of the times associated with each of the different lessons and um and you can see how long let me just go to uh managing the products and services list I think there is a pro advisor challenge in here nope not in this one um let me see I think there's one let's see importing I'm pretty sure here we go pro advisor challenge so if you go through down to the bottom again there are some videos associated with some there is a knowledge check and then if I were to get the knowledge check right then it would open up the pro advisor challenge all right so once you have answered that correctly then you can see here it says take our Pro advisor Challenge and um and there are a few of these here's the task then it tells you says how did you do and then our solution is the actual answer um on how to actually do it and here's some if you're having trouble and these things will be varied okay so you're going to go through all of that information and then you are going to take the test so let's contrast that with our fast and easy Qbo certification course so inside the course easy to navigate one of the downsides of the Intuit training is that it's not searchable so that as you take the test if you're looking for answers you have to click around and find all of those things whereas hours uh right here you're going to get these quick notes which is just kind of a summary of everything that you've learned for that section it's also organized by the section test whereas Intuit training is just organized by concept and then let's take a look inside one of our lessons here I am in uh this is just a typical lesson they all look like this it starts with a short video the video is around five minutes I have some videos that are less than a minute and I have I think my longest video might be eight minutes long once you have watched the video you're just going to check this little box and you're going to get a little reward then you have the opportunity to do a practice exercise which you're going to click right here and it's just going to take you step by step you don't have to figure anything out you're just gonna go step by step you can watch me go through it in a video if you like um and uh so you can do the practice exercise we have some fun activities based on those notes that you can do this one is a an unscramble the words we've got a matching here I guess that one only had two questions and then you can prepare for the test by taking actual quiz questions that are actually based on real exam questions so this is the actual information that you need to know for the test and uh and that's it so let's talk about the comparison between how long it takes for to go through the Intuit course versus how long it takes to go through our fast and easy courses all right so now that you've had a chance to look at how it works in into a training versus how it works in our fast and easy training let's talk about how much time it actually takes so I totaled up all of those numbers that uh that I showed you on the screen inside the Intuit account and for the basic it takes eight hours and nine minutes just to go through through it the way they recommend now I have no idea how they calculate that because that is it's all as a as you saw it's all almost entirely reading right and so how do they judge how long it takes your average adult to read I don't there must be some formula out there if there is I don't know what it is um but if they uh you know that doesn't include the times if you're not a good reader like me and you have to like reread it all the time you can get distracted um it does include um going into Qbo and trying to actually figure out what they're talking about so I don't know I don't know how they come up with that with that number um but if you just use their number it's eight hours and nine minutes for basic and it is nine hours and 32 minutes for advanced and it is six hours and 32 minutes for payroll so let's contrast that with the fast and easy way so the fast and easy way the basic is two hours and 58 minutes that's three hours and that's just the video so even if you doubled that and it took you way longer it's still going to take you less than less than the amount of time that it takes you to go through the Intuit training and there is no getting lost there's no searching around and there's no getting distracted and your eyes glazing over from all that reading material um are Advanced well maybe I should switch to payroll now I'm gonna go to Advanced are Advanced is only 3 hours and 25 minutes okay so that's compared to the intuits nine hours and 32 minutes and um with advanced you have to know things like debits and credits do you know anything about debits and credits I certainly didn't when I started and but our course actually teaches you that information that you need to know for the test and then finally for the payroll um their course is 6 hours and 32 minutes hours is two hours and five minutes people pass our payroll course in a day and um certainly not the certainly not the three months for advance that that one guy did certainly not the three weeks that that one lady did for uh for the basic course so if you would like a fast and easy way to get that certification to learn exactly what you need to know to not get lost to have searchable notes so that when you're actually going to take the test you can find the answers rather than clicking through or Googling or you know whatever all of that crazy stuff that people do to pass this test all right so if you would like more information of course down below and if you would like to follow us then certainly subscribe to this channel I'm always talking about all things Qbo and that certification test and I can't wait to hear your success story [Music]
Channel: Fast & Easy QBO ProAdvisor Certification
Views: 10,493
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: QuickBooks Online ProAdvisor Certification, QBO certification, ProAdvisor, QBO, Margie Remmers, Margie, Margie Davis, Margie Remmers-Davis, Fast and Easy QBO, QBO Exercises, Bookkeeping, QBO Bookkeeping, Accounting, QBO Accounting
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 59sec (779 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 05 2023
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