2023 QuickBooks Online ProAdvisor Certification: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know (& How to Pass!)

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all right everybody we are live hi welcome I am Margie Roberts Davis with fast and easy Qbo and I am so excited to be here today to share my Far and Away most popular topic which is everything you ever want to know about QuickBooks Online Pro advisor certification it's a long title and it's going to be a long live stream so buckle up grab your drinks go to the bathroom do whatever you need to do because we are going to be here for a while as I open up my brain and dump everything on you so everything you ever wanted to know now is like I said it's going to be a lot so so you want to make sure and um grab our uh workbook it's not a workbook an ebook that will cover everything that I'm talking about it is titled guess what everything you ever wanted to know about QuickBooks Online Pro advisor certification the link is in the description so you can grab that document you don't have to worry about taking notes today because everything that I'm going to say is in there all of the links that you need is in there all of the instructions you need are in there so um grab that document in the description so with that I am going to pull up our slideshow all right so um as I mentioned I'm our two members Davis I'm the creator of the fast and easy way to QuickBooks Online Pro advisor certification at this point I have trained thousands thousands of people to help them get their Pro advisor certification and I have so many there are so many questions that people ask that I like to do this once a year get together answer them all all at once please hold on to your questions until the end I will stay on until all questions are answered um but I'm pretty sure that I am going to knock out all of your questions as I go throughout the presentation so hold on to the questions and um let's see if they get answered all right so let's head on to our first question so the first question people always want to know is is pro advisor certification worth it and the reason that people are usually asking this question is because they are going through into its free training and they are struggling so like Tiffany said that I tried using the free training that QuickBooks provides over a month ago and I stopped because I was so overwhelmed and the flow of teaching just didn't work for me and my style of learning or they are like Kimberly who said I became bogged down with tons of information and was overwhelmed I spent many many hours trying to learn and was unsure of what to do or how to move forward and then finally just yesterday Priscilla posted I'm struggling with staying focused while going through the course on Qbo it's just so boring I cannot and do not learn that way I'm a visual and auditory learner I space out reading all the sections on Qbo and I've had to reread many sections because I don't even understand what I read so all of these people they try and go and do the pro advisor training they get overwhelmed and frustrated and they say is it even worth it do I even want to pursue this certification because it's such a pain and of course you know what I'm going to say the answer is yes of course yes so let's talk about why you why you really want to buckle down and get that certification how it's going to benefit you to have that so first of all and this might be a little bit more obvious is that by having that sir by going through the training you're going to learn the ins and outs of QuickBooks online now there is really something to be said about on-the-job training because on the job training it's great and you're going to learn things that you know have you're gonna have to handle situations that you might not otherwise have to handle and um and so you're going to learn a lot just by just by doing that right but here's the thing is that when you go through the training you learn all that comprehensive stuff then you know what's available in QuickBooks online and because you know what's available you might learn about features that you didn't otherwise know and you might have a client who needs that feature so I know for me um I went through all the training I forced myself into the Advanced Training right after I got the basic training and I was so glad I did because my very first client needed a feature that I only would have learned about if I'd gone that extra step and done the Advanced Training so um so you just you learn more you know all about the features even if you don't remember them even if you have to go back and you know refresh them at least you know that they're out there and because of that you can charge more for your services you're more valuable as a pro advisor having gone through all of this training so that was a little bit more obvious so let's talk about the maybe less obvious things about getting that Pro advisor certification so the next thing is it's going to give you bragging rights okay so when you get your pro advisor certification you're going to get a badge and you're going to get that status and you can put it everywhere you can put it as your signature in your email I can't tell you how many people have just seen my signature and said hey can I ask you some questions about QuickBooks Online you can put it on your website you can put it on your business cards that people or any anybody's using business cards anymore right so um I in fact I know one bookkeeper who um she had not started her business at all all she had done was she got her Pro advisor certification and the very next day she went to a like speed networking thing and um and she didn't feel comfortable introducing herself by saying she was a bookkeeper because she didn't have any clients but she felt Comfort she had just passed that test she had just gotten that certification and so she was able to say well I'm a QuickBooks Online Pro advisor and she got her very first client from that meeting okay so all in all she did was say I'm a QuickBooks Online Pro advisor here's the thing is that QuickBooks Online is world renowned like everybody knows what that is everybody has heard of it everybody um whether they use it or not they know QuickBooks online and so if you can say I'm a QuickBooks Online Pro advisor then that's going to be super super beneficial to you all right so get you learn the ins and outs gives you bragging rights um and then the third thing is that gets you listed in their Pro advisor directory so you can collect reviews and show off so you can show off and then you add into it will actually advertise your business for you okay so let me show you what that means so Intuit runs a website uh which is find an accountant there's a bunch of ways that you can get to it so um I'm just gonna go in my Google search here and select find a Qbo Pro advisor you'll see that there are some paid ads there and then right here oops my face is hiding it but you can see hopefully um is well let me just hide my face how can I do that um is it this one see hold on hold on let me see I want you guys to see this uh turns out if I remove my face then you also can't hear me so that's not a good thing anyway so right here it says find it oh maybe I'll just scroll there we go there we go find a QuickBooks Pro advisor so it's the first one under the paid ads and I don't know if you're like me sometimes I don't actually want to click on the paid ads so here we go find a QuickBooks Pro advisor and there's a bunch of terms that you know you could search Google or into it it's there makes it their business to be findable right so they're gonna have all of that search engine optimization right they're gonna do that so they want you to be found too so once you go in here you're gonna just type in so the business owner the business owner is who's looking for a a pro advisor at QuickBooks Online professional a bookkeeper whatever they're going to go in here and they're going to type in their zip code and they're going to click find a pro advisor and then what's going to happen is boom boom boom if you're in Utah Salt Lake City then you're gonna find me so here I am and you'll notice that I am at the very top of the list why am I at the top of the list because I have my certifications now first of all you can't be on the list at all unless you have your basic level certifications the higher sort of the more certifications you have the higher certifications you have so I have advanced here I'm an advanced Pro advisor and I have my payroll one that's going to bump you up in the list also what's going to bump you up in the list is your reviews so let me show you how you collect reviews so here I am I'm going to click on this here is my profile that I put on here are all of the reviews and you can have people go on and write a review and you can uh they can read all the reviews they can read about how great you are all because you have a pro advisor profile and you put you have your badges you're going to go out and collect reviews um and you're going to make your profile uh you know something that people want to read and that they're attracted to and then look at this right from the profile right from the profile guys people can send you a message they can send you a message they can say hey I'm looking for a bookkeeper they can put their details in and and it captures the lead for you goes right into your inbox and you can call them or email them right away to offer your services so this is free guys this is all free that as long as you pass that initial level certification then you can get listed in this Pro advisor directory and it this could be your website like you don't even have to hire a website a web designer when you're first starting out you can use this because it has everything you need to need in it as a place to collect reviews as a place to start your stuff and it has a place to collect contact information so super super important that you get listed in that Pro advisor directory all right so let's go back here all right so we've talked about um is pro advisor certification worth it hopefully I've convinced you enough that you should absolutely absolutely do what it takes to get at least that basic level at least that basic level certification all right so what are some other questions that people typically ask me and I just realized I should turn on my comments so I could see all right I've got a bunch of people saying hi good afternoon all right excellent all right so I mentioned that it was free right so you might be wondering how are you going to get your free account and the way you do that is you go to proadvisor.intuit.com so let me go back here we're going to close um we are gonna I'll just use this tab I'm going to go to Pro advisor don't forget the links are in the description and all of the instructions that everything I'm walking you through is in that everything document so make sure that you grab that the link is in the description where you can grab our everything you ever wanted to know document it has all of these links all of these instructions okay so here I am on I went to proadvisor.intuit.com and then right here oh you know what I just realized I should turn on my hot cursor highlighter so you can see when I point to things all right so here we go and I'm just going to click sign up for free sign up for free we all love free okay so now you're gonna be signing up for your free Pro advisor account and um and let me just tell you some quick tips about this account okay so the first thing that it's going to ask you for is it's going to ask you for an email address I want you to listen very carefully to me listen very carefully okay you want to use an email address that is professional if you're just starting out in your business maybe you don't have like a business email address that's fine but you don't want to use something that you set up in junior high school that has you know stupid words in it you know like hot dog 99 you know something like that the reason is because you are go you are going to give this email address to your clients so that they can connect so that you can connect your accounts I'll explain what that means in a minute but you're going to be giving away this email address and so you don't want to be giving away hot dog 99 to your clients right you want it to be something professional and changing this email address is difficult later on okay everything else I'm going to show you you can change easily the email address is a pain to to change and so you want to start off on the right foot and use a good email address okay all right so you're going to enter an email address your first name your last name and then your oh anyway I'm not answering it right now for you but um and then you want to enter a mobile number now the reason that they're asking you for a mobile number is because they're going to use it for two-factor authentication is that they're going to text you and they're going to text you a code sometimes when you are trying to log in they'll text you a code that you then have to put in to verify it's you um just recently like I would say within the last couple months I noticed it that there now have the option to call you with the verification code which is great because so many times people were having problems not getting the text to verify and then it was a pain so now they can you can have the number be calling to you so um so the the mobile number that any any number will do now you'll notice that there is a country drop down um just so you're aware I only work with Pro advisors in the United States I get a lot of people from other countries especially Canada wanting to work with me I only work with Pro advisors in the United States now um there are pro-advisor programs in a handful of other countries not all of the countries listed here have pro-advisor uh Pro advisor programs so just be aware of that and if you have any questions about international use make sure that you reach out to into it directly okay then you're going to put in a password and you are going to continue now the next screen which I should have taken a snapshot of but I didn't um is the next screen is asking your company name now a lot of people freak out when they get this to get to this screen and they're like whoa whoa I'm just starting out don't have a company name don't worry about it it that can be changed at any time it's not a big deal don't put in an email address that you don't want to use forever but for the company name you can change it anytime it's not a big deal they're all gonna also going to ask you your ZIP code they're going to ask you also how many employees you have don't freak out about that just answer the best you can it's all good okay so now once you have set up your um once you have set up your account it's going to look like this you guys can see that right so you're going to have your free account like this now this account is a uh this is an accountant account and you can tell because it says right here accountant tools and right here it says QB accountant so what does that mean what does it mean to be an accountant account let's go through that uh okay let's get back to here and so so how is a qboa account so qboa meaning QuickBooks Online accountant how is that different than a regular Qbo account that a business owner for example might get and they actually have to pay for they have to pay a subscription fee all right so first of all let's take so we have your accountant qboa account and then you have a darn it my picture's in the way how can I let's see what if I do it no that's not good how about this okay let's do this this picture all right so do we have our client uh Qbo account and so so then what's happened what's gonna happen is the client says hey Sally bookkeeper um I would like you to work on my books and so the client then adds you as the accountant to their books and guess what they're going to use to do that your email address that's why you don't want to use hot dog 99 as your email address you want to use a somewhat professional or even if it's just your name like email address okay so you're going to so they're going to add you as the accountant and then you as the accountant are going to be able to look into their books you're now going to be connected to them and guess what you can do this over and over and over and over and that is how you build a successful practice is that you are looking into all of the different all of the books for all of these different clients and that's what a Qbo OA account is all right so I mentioned that the account is free I also mentioned that there is free training let me get down a little bit there's also free training so how do we get to that well let me go back into how do I Okay add this one okay so this is the um account that I just set up actually let me make this just a smidge bigger for you can you see that better okay I looks like I need to turn my cursor on again okay all right now we're ready to roll all right so here I am in my free QuickBooks Online accountant account and I'm going to go to Pro advisor on the left hand side I'm going to select training and it's going to take me to this training center now um this right here oh I forgot it sometimes doesn't like my little highlighter okay let me just park it right there okay so right here um this your training path section is new um so not everybody is going to see this your training path tab some of you will only have these three tabs product training specialty courses and certification okay so we're not going to be talking about minus training path what you are looking for is the product training so I'm going to click product training you'll notice that there are several different uh courses that they have available right here QuickBooks online it says new training available that just this just came out this week I'm filming the first Saturday in November and it just came out I think on Tuesday so there's new training available um and there is self-paced training so if I click self-paced it will open up all of these modules for um the different training and there will be um webinars so you'll notice this first one you can click to schedule a webinar um this is brand new that's why they don't have any new uh any webinars scheduled yet um but eventually you will see like a little uh one of these little icons here next to webinar you'll be able to click that and you'll be able to attend a live webinar for uh this training now I say live it's actually a recorded webinar but they are live on the chat to be able to answer any questions okay all right so that's how you get to the training you're gonna go to self-paced you're going to go through this is the one you want for um if you are trying to get that basic level certification as this one right here all right so let me see what's next on our agenda here all right so when you are going through the training then you are going to want to practice right so you want to practice what you're learning and we do that in What's called the sample company so um the next question is what is the sample company and how do I access it um so into it and this is just really amazing guys it's I just think this is so amazing Intuit provides a fully populated Qbo account so that you can test drive and get a feel for how Qbo works okay so it's fully populated that means there's customers in there there's invoices in there there's Bank feeds in there there's reports you can run okay so it's fully populated and there are three versions that you have at your fingertips that are available the first is the qboa version Okay so so this is a version that allows you to look into a client's book as as if you were the accountant okay so you're looking into the sample company and you have all of the tools available to you um as if you were looking at that client's books so let's see what that looks like okay I'm not I'm going to keep this uh I'm gonna hide this why what's happening here okay let's see let's make that knot there then we're gonna go back here and then we don't need that anymore so we're gonna go here okay so here is a different QuickBooks Online uh accountant account that I'm in and the way you're gonna get to the sample company is you're going to click the gear icon in the upper right hand corner and then you're going to select sample company okay so click sample company and I want to point out this little error message or not error message you know warning okay it says if you open a sample company you'll be signed out of your current firm do you want to continue okay this is going to be very important later and we'll talk about it when we get there for right now we're just going to hit continue and when I hit continue it's going to open um what is uh Craig's design and landscaping services so this is our client okay so we're now the accountant you can tell that you're in the accountant version because it says accountant tools right here so um if so you're the accountant now looking into Craig's books and there's all sorts of things that you can do like I said it's fully functional okay the other how do I click around here let's see cursor cursor cursor okay here we go so um the so that's the Qbo uh accountant account now there is also two client sample companies there's one for Qbo plus which is a subscription level for QuickBooks online and one for advanced which is a higher level uh QuickBooks online version all right so um how do you get to the client side so the accountant version that's you peering into their books as the accountant then there is the client side that's what a business owner would see so the way you're going to get to that is you're just going to Google it you're just gonna go to a Qbo test drive okay and you're going to find test drive QuickBooks Online and then right here see can you see that so right here are the available so you notice that these are United States test drives I don't know anything about other countries sorry um so here's the United States test drive this one is plus and this one is Advanced um we'll just go into the plus one there real quick Maybe I don't know what happened here there we go uh maybe I can't do it see I've got to verify I'm not a robot oh actually I remember it I don't want to do this uh do I want to do this in this window yes I have to keep track my things that I'm going to show you all my different windows I don't want to screw myself up because I spent a lot of time setting things up all right for those of you who are just um we are there's a lot a lot to cover and everything that I've covered is available in the every what we call the everything document everything you ever wanted to know about QuickBooks Online Pro advisor certification snag that document uh the link is in the description and also Joel maybe I've put it in the chat okay anyway so um so here we are this is the client side and you'll notice that there is no accountant tools up here okay so this is how we know we're on the we're looking at the books as if the client is looking at the books okay all right so those are our uh those are our sample companies oh see what this what happened is because I opened up a different one there it disappeared but that's okay that's okay we will survive now how do I get over to this all right so that is the sample company that's how you're going to practice what you're learning all right couple of things to note about the sample company the qboa sample company especially um guess what you're gonna get logged out of your qboa account that's what I was just saying I was just saying you're going to get logged out of your qboa account and you saw you saw that warning right says hope are you sure um you sure you really want to do this you're going to get logged out and this is really important to know because you do not want to do this during the test if you load the sample company while you are taking the test then you're going to lose your test okay so it's super important that you don't do that now there are ways around that and we're going to talk later today um in this ginormous this ginormous video that we're that we're working on right we're going to talk later today about uh using resources during the test and one of them is the sample company you wanna you have the ability to like look stuff up and you should do that so um but so you don't want to just do it while you're taking the test instead you can either use a different browser so you notice what I was doing just now is I have Brave as a oh yes you can't see it anymore I have a brave browser that I use and I use Chrome and I'm a macro so I also have Safari so if I'm using QuickBooks online and a bunch of different things that's what I'm going to do because I don't want them to intermingle with each other now that strategy is not recommended by Intuit I don't know why because to me it seems cleaner I don't know but anyway that is um that is uh one way to do it what they recommend is they recommend that you use an incognito or private window in the same browser and they really do recommend that you do everything in Chrome because that's where they do all of their testing and um and so I think by do by saying this it just allows you to stay in Chrome so all right so that's it for um that there's a couple other things you need to know about the sample company oh and if you are when you're getting ready to take the test make sure you know how to access the sample company and keep your test open at the same time so you want to test this before you actually go take the exam okay so make sure you know how to do I don't want anybody to like half get halfway through the test need the sample company and then accidentally kick themselves out so don't do that before you take the test figure it out okay figure it out so you can either use different browsers like I said incognito window whatever you're going to do just make sure you do it before you take the test okay all right now the sample company I always call it a gift it's a gift and I it's just so amazing to me that Intuit does this for us that they have this like they have seriously guys they have put a lot of thought a lot of thought into that sample company there there's problems that you need to solve in the sample company all of the data is there in the sample company like there's just it's just such a wonderful gift that we have this playground this sandbox to be able to test out what we're learning but it's a gift so we are at intuit's Mercy and that means we need to be aware of um a lot of things okay so first of all it's not designed to be comprehensive okay so that means that there are going to be some features that you'll see in real life that aren't that way in the sample company okay so they're going to be things that are going to be different or unavailable in the sample company because honestly the sample company's not their number one priority their number one priority is actual real life QuickBooks online so um so it's wonderful but you just have to go in with your eyes wide open and know that it's not going to be perfect okay also it's designed for beginners so um even if you have been using QuickBooks Online for years you're gonna have to close pop-ups and sometimes it'll freeze and you'll have to refresh the screen mean sometimes you get like a weird um uh a weird like menu item that shouldn't be there and just you know just take a deep breath just be grateful that Intuit gives you this and just work with it okay okay work with it don't call and complain don't like just work with it work with it it's a gift and we need to express our gratitude for it all right um the other thing you need to know is that it will refresh when you log out or close the window closing the window sometimes uh refreshes it sometimes doesn't maybe has to do with cookies I don't know why I don't know why sometimes it does and sometimes it doesn't but definitely when you log out um it will completely um refresh and you will lose everything you've been doing and so you will not be able to save your work um and so if you like set up a new customer or you sent out a bunch of invoices then if you go in the next day that customer's not going to be there and those invoices aren't going to be there okay so just know that you have to in the the um sample company session you want to make sure that you get everything that you need done if you're doing exercises or test something out I know I have a bunch of exercises that are all like linked together that you have to do in the same sample company so just also be aware of that all right so next up where else can I get Hands-On practice all right so um we have the sample company that's our sandbox to be able to you know play around and do the um you know and see how to like create a report you know create an invoice that kind of stuff but if you're brand new how do you know like what even you're supposed to do right like you're just clicking if you could just be clicking around and I don't know how much you're going to learn that stuff so wouldn't it be nice if you could be directed to specific things that specific tasks that you need to accomplish and learn how to accomplish them well one of the ways to do that is um through uh Pro something called Pro advisor challenges so let me share this screen again all right so we have uh let me just make that bigger so you can see it okay so here again this is what we were looking at before this is my Pro advisor um training uh training section and my Pro advisor account okay I selected product training so here's all the product training for your basic level QuickBooks Online uh Pro advisor certification um then what you want is this one that's called QuickBooks Online okay so I'm opening that up or I'm selecting self-paced okay and inside the training QuickBooks excuse me um into it has given you what are called Pro advisor challenges um there are about a dozen or 15 of them in the course um let's see we're gonna go to here's one on importing you'll notice here it says that there's a pro advisor challenge so if I scroll down to the bottom um then right here take our Pro advisor challenge so basically it teaches you how to load the sample company which is what I just described um they are actually I think this is the test drive I can't remember whether this the client version or the accountant version uh but anyway and so then they give you a task which is right here um so in this case this is an importing task your client Craig has a customer list that he's asked you to import um and here's what you need to do okay so um so they're going to give you the he's they're giving you the file to import um then they're checking to how to check your work to make sure that you did it right and then if you didn't do it right you can check our solution um and then what's this having trouble all right and then I guess some key things to you know look look at okay so those are the pro advisor challenges uh let me go back to this guy okay so that's our Pro advisor challenges I would also invite you to um join our Qbo gym locker room this is a free Facebook group so I have the link here it's in that everything document for those of you who are just joining us everything I'm talking about is in that everything document you don't need to take notes and um all it's all there um so in the link in the description below just grab that document and you'll you'll be golden you'll have all this information all these links okay so the Qbo gym locker room is a free Facebook group where I have posted a huge library of exercises so let me uh pull that up for you we're gonna go here okay so this is the admin view I there's no way for me to look at it as not the admin view so it'll look slightly different for you but anyway what you want it's what you're looking for is the Qbo jam and this is Hands-On practice for accountants and bookkeepers we call it the locker room because this is where we hang out after our workout um so we're going to do all these exercises and when you're inside the group you'll notice that there is a tab here called guides now if you're on your phone the guides you have to click that there and I should have grabbed a picture of this too but I didn't um in the upper left hand corner of the phone there's like a little hamburger and you like click that and then you'll see guides okay but if you're on your desktop then you'll have um guides here and you'll see we just have tons and tons and tons of exercises and I can't see it as the admin but when you are doing these exercises after you've done the exercise then you have the option to mark it as complete so you can do the exercise and then no because I'm adding to the adding in here all the time more and more exercises so then you can keep track of which ones you've done all right let me just show you real quick what an exercise looks like um so here we are it tells you exactly you how to start in the sample company you have a scenario and then you have all of the individual steps with pictures of what exactly you need to do okay so here's that all right so that is more places for practice we just want you to get as much Hands-On practice and actually using QuickBooks online because that's what's going to grow your confidence level that's what's going to help you feel like you're really can go out and do this so we are we're posting I'm posting exercises all the time in that group we have a weekly live stream where you can where I walk through the exercises and you can ask questions we have a weekly vote so you can vote on which exercises you want me to cover that week and um yeah it's a good time all right so what else now all right so you have now you have um gone through the training you've gotten that Hands-On practice and now you're gonna take the test so where do you go to take that test all right the answer is in your uh write in your qboa account okay so let's pull that up all right so here we are this was in the training I'm gonna go back to uh there's a number of ways I could get to it but um I'll just go back to training this way all right and remember these bar this these tabs right here product training is where we just were to uh learn about QuickBooks Online there's other um specialty courses you could learn about if you're going to take the payroll test then um you have to take one of the specialty courses as well as the uh the payroll training test that's in under product training but anyway that's where we were and now you're ready to take the test and so now you're going to go to this tab right here which is certification okay and here are there are three certification tests currently available from Intuit and um these are product tests Intuit does offer a bookkeeping test a bookkeeping certification but that's separate from QuickBooks Online these tests right here are specifically for QuickBooks Online certifications okay so the first one this is the one that you're looking for again it doesn't like mellow highlighter uh this is the one that you're looking for the QuickBooks Online um and I don't want you to get confused if you click self-paced it looks like there's training here but this is not really trained this is not the product training that you want in order to pass the test there are some sample questions here I have not yet reviewed the sample questions so I can't say yes or no whether it's a really good sample test or not um but that's available regardless when you come here when you're ready to take the test all you do is you click take exam okay when you're you'll notice that the the advanced certification and the payroll certification are locked that's because in order to take those tests you have to first pass your basic level certification okay so you're going to click take exam and when you go in you'll notice that there are for the basic level there are five different sections okay so there's five tests to the sections or five sections to the test and um let's talk about that some more all right so where do I find and take the test I just showed you the question next question that comes up is do I have to take the entire test in one sitting the answer is drum roll please no but you do have to finish one entire section in one sitting okay so going back here there's five sections so once you start this section then you need to finish that section then you can submit it and go and do something else and you can take the next section the next day or the next month or six months later it doesn't matter okay so it is you're going to do one section at in one sitting and then um uh and then take take the rest of them you know whenever it works for you okay all right so then uh then people want to know is it timed so the answer is no but the test is not timed but your login will time out so what that means is the test itself you can take as long as you want um but if you walk away from the screen and your login times out then you may lose your test so what we recommend that people do and again these instructions are in that everything document um so what you're going to do is you're going to click the gear icon go to company settings click advanced and then right down here you can change your inactivity timeout so the default timeout is one hour and if you click anywhere inside this gray box it's when it's highlighted you click anywhere then you can change it to three hours and then you save it and then you can be done oh save it okay then it you can be done all right so we always recommend before you take the test that you change that inactivity timeout to three hours so that you have as long as possible again the test itself is not timed let me put this other thing back on the test itself is not timed but your login will time out to make sure that you take care of that all right then oh my gosh okay this is like this is one of the biggest things everyone takes the test they do the section one test and they're like where are my results where are my results where are my results okay listen to me carefully listen to me carefully okay you do not get your results until you have submitted all sections of the test okay so all sections of the test repeat with me all sections of the test okay you do not get individual section results at that time you'll get individual scores but not until you submit what the entire test so you're going to take the test you're going to do one section and submit it you're going to do another section and submit it after you do all five or six if you're on payroll I'm gonna do all of those sections then after you've submitted all of those sections they'll say okay are you ready do you want your grade and then you will say yes of course I want my grade and you will submit the whole thing and that's when you will get your results and you'll get it instantly it'll show you right there um how you know how well you did okay but not until you submit the entire test let me say that again not until you submit the entire test oh my gosh I can't tell you how many people ask that question how many people say I did my first I did my first section when do I get my results okay hopefully I've hammered that in enough now when you do get your results it's going to show you your percentage for each section and you must get at least 80 percent on each section in order to pass okay so to pass passing grade is at least 80 percent on each section the number of questions in each section vary a little bit so um it's usually you can get two or three questions wrong and still pass okay depending on the length of the test you know math right so 80 you have to have 80 percent um in order to uh to pass for each section now if there is any section you don't pass um then they will tell you they'll tell you oops you need to try it again but they're not going to tell you which questions you missed and this oh my gosh this is a bugger like people hate this everyone wants to know what questions I miss what question I miss but I mean I sort of understand from you know a test design kind of perspective like why they wouldn't tell you that because then you could just go take the test again and if you got that question again you could just I don't know it's it's just it's very frustrating for everybody they don't tell you which questions you missed they will however tell you which topics to brush up on oh you are serious okay good um they will tell you which topics to brush up on um and you can match that up with the you know you can try and match that up with the training and go back and refresh that uh information okay um oh so what happens if you don't pass and do you have to retake the whole thing okay so um the answer is if you don't pass a single section you can retake it two more times so that's one of the nice things about having it in in different sections is let's say you pass four out of five and you only have that one section that's left you can retake just that one section and you do have uh two retakes so a total of you can take the test a total of three times to try and get it passed if after those three total times you don't pass um oh and yeah I just said you only have to retake the ones you didn't pass and if you fail three times then you're going to be locked out from trying again for 60 days so it'll tell you you're locked out go back and study and it'll tell you the date that you can come back back and try again okay all right and then when you're unlocked after that 60 days this is another question people ask is um you still only have to retake the sections you didn't pass that wasn't always the case but um that is now the case so if you get unlocked or if you get locked then you still only have to retake the one that you didn't pass you don't have to take the whole thing over again all right so once you have your certification how long is it good for um and the answer is it depends it depends because certifications are seasonal the season in which you get certified determines your recertification date and the season runs from November through October so I'm filming this right now in November this is the very beginning of the 2023 season okay so this test that is going to run until October of next year anyone who gets certified in this season will not have to re-certify until spring of 2024 okay so re-certification opens in April of the following year and runs until June 30th so you have to recertify within 30 years I said 30 years I meant I got distracted because somebody laying posted you won't need that many tries if you take fast and easy courses thank you Lane anyway but I got tongue-tied okay so recertification opens in April of the following year and runs until June 30th so that's how long you have until you have to recertify so if you get your certification right now then you won't have to recertify until spring of 2024 because this coming spring will be in the current season all right hopefully that makes sense um so when you recertify in the spring do you have to take the entire test again and the answer is no yay you only need to test on the new material that has come out since you last took the test okay so this is really nice event to it is um they put out they're going to put out a shorter test you're going to find it in the same place as the regular test it's a shorter test and it's uh it only covers the material that's new since you got certified okay so that's nice all right um and then this is another question that's interesting people say how will I know I need to recertify so you're going to have to go into your account all the time and see what your date is and all that stuff and the answer is Intuit will let you know there will be lots of warning and you will get several emails from Intuit there's going to be a big banner inside of your qboa account you are not going to be able to miss it so don't panic don't worry you'll know if you need to recertify all right all right so that's it now let's talk some additional specific tips for the exam so what we just covered was everything about the whole process now let's focus just on the test itself okay all right so first of all you want to be use your resources it is an open book test so it's an open book test which means you can use all your available resources um including so you can go back to the Intuit training okay I recommend that you make an outline so that you know where to find things okay so when we looked at it before I'm not going to pull it up now but when we looked at it before you notice there were eight modules and then inside eight modules there's a number of lessons and then in each lesson there are different topics so how are you going to find you know if you get a question on something and you want to go find it how are you going to find it Well I recommend that you make an outline so that you know how where to find it also test it in the sample company now remember remember I said this very clearly right you can't have the sample Company open and your test open at the same time you'll get kicked out of your test so that's why you need to test like do a different browser or have it in an incognito window or something test it before you actually take the exam so you make sure you can do it but having that sample Company open is really handy because a lot of the questions are what I call keystroke questions which are simply where is this thing you know how do you whatever and you know is it do you click the gear icon to get it or do you click the plus new button to get it okay well if you don't remember you don't have to have the stuff memorized it's an open book test if you don't remember go into the sample company and um go into the sample company and test it see is it under the gear icon no is it under the plus new icon yes you know okay so that's how you can you know do that so um so test it in the sample company don't trust Google oh my gosh so so many people try and um Google their the answers but here's the thing if people are talking about the the test questions Nobody Knows the answer so somebody might say you know oh yeah the answer is XYZ but how do you know that that's the correct answer just because they said do they work for into it did they did they design the test like how do they know that's actually the right answer so don't trust don't trust Google um and absolutely positively 100 do not post in Facebook groups okay so I put a big thing here all right I mentioned use all the resources available you can use any resource you want except for another person okay so you cannot discuss or even share the the questions you cannot talk about the questions to anyone anywhere in any setting at all okay that is a violation of the code of conduct and so you must find the answers yourselves what that means is you don't share them in Facebook groups and you do not you do not you do not email them to us okay you don't contact me and say hey Margie I got this question on the test what's the answer what do I do where do I find it I can't even look at it okay so it's not it's it's a huge violation of the code of conduct it's unethical we do not discuss test questions so what do you do if you're stuck well if you have to ask somebody ask about the concept not the exact question okay so get creative what is it that you really want to find out okay so just be very careful nobody here wants to lose their Pro advisor status I spent the whole 15 minutes of this video talking about how awesome having a pro advisor certification is we don't want to jeopardize it we don't want them to pull it from us um so so so play by the rules do the right thing and um don't discuss the actual test questions all right now I mentioned previously that you have three different you have three tries to take the exam and pass okay those three tries are only if you submit the exam now you can while you're taking the test if you're taking the test and you just like feel overwhelmed or um they're you know a leak happens in your roof okay or um you know any you know your mother-in-law calls right whatever you're taking the test and something happens where or the power goes out right whatever something happens that does not count as one of your three tries okay your three tries are only if you submit that exam okay so at the end of the test you're gonna go through all the questions then you're gonna review the questions to me are you sure are you sure those are the answers and you're going to click a little button that says submit until you click that button that says submit it does not count as one of your tries so if the power goes out or if you uh you know accidentally load the sample company or if you you could just close the window um and that's not going to count also inside while you were taking the exam I just said that you can leave the exam at any time I said that your progress is not going to be saved well I guess I didn't say your progress will not be saved so so you're going to lose that try right but you're not going to be penalized it doesn't count it's fine it's fine it's not counted as one of your three rise so if you just close the window log out whatever that's fine um oh one more thing I wanted to say is that when you take the test again um you're likely going to get different questions so they do have uh the question so when you go in and take the test those tests those questions are like from a question bank and so you know they're gonna pull they pull from a bank of questions so the next time you take the test it's not necessarily going to be the same um but you know that's okay right it's fine it's just you the important thing is that you're not penalized so when you're inside the yamp so this is the slide I'm looking for so when you're inside the exam um there is a little button that says leave exam and um if you leave exam click that button it'll give you a warning message will say hey your progress has not been uh has not been saved you sure you want to leave and you can say yes I'm sure I want to leave and that's not going to count as one of your tries okay so so don't worry about that you can close a window you can log out you know whatever okay all right so that is leaving the exam now when you are guys all right when you take the test there are three question types the first type though I just said that there's three question types the first type is a radio button a radio button you're probably familiar with these means there's only one correct answer those are pretty easy all right um and um the next type of question is a drop down so a drop down means you select from a list of answers here is a tip for those drop downs let's say you use the drop down and you notice that you accidentally selected the wrong thing in order to clear your answers for a drop down from a drop down you have to reset the question this is not entirely obvious so let me show you what this looks like so here's a question obviously I blinked I blacked it all out and you have your um my highlighter doesn't work on this screen I don't think you can see that um and um anyway so here's a question and um there's a drop down so there it says choose match and if you do the wrong thing then you have to select that reset answers button in order to like reset those drop downs again not entirely obvious that that's the case so I wanted to point it out all right finally um we have check boxes now listen guys all right if there is nothing in this entire webinar that you remember nothing in this entire thing that you remember I want you to remember what I am about to tell you about the check boxes this is so important guys like I cannot emphasize to you how important this is so please pay attention super carefully I know we're over an hour into this thing but like this is really really really important okay for the check boxes okay that means that there's multiple correct answers and they do not prevent you from having the wrong number of answers okay this is I'm going to show you why this is so important you have to pay attention guys like seriously this is going to change your life like this could mean the difference between you passing the test and not passing the test if you understand this okay all right so here is a question okay and it says and this is a checkbox question it says what two types of blah blah blah okay notice it says what two types okay so that means there are two correct answers you have to check both correct answers there's no partial credit you're even gonna either you're either gonna get this question right or you're gonna get it wrong okay so when I first go into the into the question this little button says this is the next button that takes you through the test it is gray okay it's gray it means you can't you have to answer this question you can't go on until you have answered this question as soon as you check one box that next button turns green what does this mean this means that you could be you could answer only one thing and go on to the next question that means that you could accidentally forget to check both things and go on to the next question you could also check three things and go on to the next question even though they are only asking you for two right do I have an arrow yeah the green button does not is is not logical as to how many questions how many answers you need okay pay attention pay pay attention pay attention when you are taking your test make sure that you have the right number of checks for what they are asking for in this question they're saying what two types of okay it may be what three types of like whatever if there is a number and it you have to check them re-read double read triple read the question to make sure you have the right number of check marks I can't tell you how many people this tiny tiny little thing like I said it could be the difference between you passing and failing just this little little tiny tiny mistake so so oh my gosh okay hopefully I have made it clear my brain to your brain to check that all right so that is all about the test let me tell you how you can get some help all right I mentioned in the beginning that most people uh are talking to me because they are frustrated with the free Intuit training it's such a blessing guys it's such a blessing that Intuit gives us all of this free training but it can be overwhelming because there is so much information there as you saw in the beginning people are just frustrated so if that's you if you're overwhelmed by the volume of things that you have to learn or if you are confused and you just can't wrap your head around some of the concepts or if you're finding the training too long it's just taking you hours and hours and hours to get through it shouldn't take you that long but if you're you know I mentioned I'm not I guess maybe I didn't say but I'm not a good reader I don't learn well from reading and um and so oh my gosh that one comment in the beginning where she was like it's so I have to reread it over and over that's me guys so if you're finding it too long and boring if you don't oh here's what I just said if you don't learn well from Reading which is me and you prefer video based Hands-On practice if you want a teacher not a textbook um and if English is your second language here let me hide this be and put this one up because my face is hiding up if English is your second language which you know makes everything harder when you when it bless you if you came here to this country and are still trying are just trying to figure this out like I just think you're amazing um or if you have severe test anxiety and or just don't test well um then I would encourage you to reach out and check out our fast music Qbo courses because this is what we do like this is what we do we make all of that awful boring long tedious confusing information we turn it into something that's just fast easy fun engaging you'll love it um you can visit us at www.fastmusicqbo.com um all of our courses are fast over here let me put this as you can see it better they're fast um each section takes about 45 minutes to an hour you can be certified in a weekend and many people do um it's easy you just watch the videos do the interactive exercises and take the test it's that simple it's Crystal Clear um it has Graphics easy explanations the exact terms you're expected to know for the test and it is guaranteed if you complete all the material do all the homework and still don't pass we will give you your money back all right and honestly we like I maybe in four years that I've been doing this I had to do that twice but like it's that's how sure we are of our courses so here's what some people are saying about us Heather said this course was fantastic and definitely worth the investment I had difficulty keeping all the Intuit training organized and I felt like I was it was all over the place this course she's referring to my course is very organized and concise I found it incredibly helpful to understand and follow I felt confident with each Test Section thank you for this course on our day I look forward to taking the advanced Kurt said the training provided with Intuit and Intuit was overwhelming talk about information overload fast music Qbo was concise and allowed me to focus on what was needed for each section I found the Hands-On practice very helpful and passed on the first try Michael I love this one Michael said I went through into its Advanced Training more than once and only got lost your training is pure magic um Trevor said excellent study guide for learning Qbo and passing the basic exam I got the course on Friday started on Sunday finished on Monday 100 on all sections so much more straightforward than intuit's materials thank you very much and my all-time favorite review ever was Tyler who said I just love this so much guys he said I struggled with Qbo certification on my own things were not clicking with me and I felt I was in over my head then swoops in Margie like a valkyrie I'm a valkyrie guys to save the day she breaks down everything perfectly and gives you notes examples worksheets and more I dare you to fail with her help thanks you thank you so much Margie all right so check out our fast and easy Qbo courses fast and easycubio.com of course everything I've talked about today is available in that free document I mentioned that's also linked down below um which is fascinated qbo.com forward slash everything you can grab everything that I dump rain dumped today I you can get it in that document and um and of course if you need to reach out to us if you need any help then you can email support fast and easycubio.com we always get back to you within 24 hours and we are happy to help you along the journey I cannot wait to hear your success story with that let me hop over and see if there were any questions I was about to sign off and then I just realized that I'm doing this live this is the first time I've done this live guys usually I record it all right let's see who had questions I told you that I would probably answer all of your questions because it that was like my big brain dump so anyway um so somebody says manzoor says that he's he or she is from India is it possible for me to go through the Qbo certification program I believe that there is a certification program in India I don't know anything about it um I do seem to recall that uh that qboa the accountant version is not free in India it's free in the US it's not free in India um but that's all that I know about it so I'm sorry I can't be more helpful um somebody failed twice he's gonna stop and get my course yay we're gonna it's gonna make it totally make a difference um I have a question can you use two different computers to take the exam uh I don't know I don't know I I mean I assume that you're asking if you can like be in the exam in one and be in the test or in the sample company in the other um I don't know test it that's why I say test it I'm not a technical Guru I don't know how these things work I don't know what cookies are where how they track whether you're logged in I don't know test it just be in your account you don't have to open the test but you'll know if you get logged out of your account so uh just be in and um and then see and then um and then B and the other one and open up the sample company see what happens I don't know test it that's what I recommend all right if you purchase the fast and easy course how long do you have access to it right now forever right now it's forever we may change that in the future but it's forever it's definitely until the end of the season there's no question whether we're gonna I mean you purchase it now you have it at least until October of next year because that's the current season that we're in whether you don't get around to it and um and and have to um take it next year then right now that is the case for all of our students so all of our students that purchased it last year they're going to get this year's version so that's always been the case but I can't say that that's always going to be the case we might at some point cut off people if they hold on to the course for two years and never do it never get their certification we may take it away I don't know let's see um lane or Laney I don't know how you pronounce it um says that um he or she used two computers during the test so to the person that asked that previously maybe you can I mean I definitely use a computer and a monitor like I highly recommend that but uh but that's different than having two computers so I have known some people like do it on a laptop and then maybe have the sample company on on their iPad or whatever but again I don't know technology guys all I know is QuickBooks Online so I know QuickBooks online and I know the pro advisor certification test that's my area of expertise all right any other questions before we sign off all right I don't see any questions because I did a brain dump and gave you everything you ever wanted to know about quick QuickBooks Online from advisor certification so I am going to let's see put this picture back up how do I do that there we go and tell you again I can't wait to hear your success so I can't wait to hear your success story and uh do reach out if you have any questions I will talk to you later have a fantastic day thank you
Channel: Fast & Easy QBO ProAdvisor Certification
Views: 51,043
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Id: 8SU5lLSjG-0
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Length: 78min 30sec (4710 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 06 2022
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