10 reasons to become a ProAdvisor (bookkeeper certification) in QuickBooks Online

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hello guys welcome back to my Channel or welcome if you are new I'm Morgan my website is fine points.biz and I'm here to help bookkeepers organize their business get started bookkeep this video is all about why you should become a QuickBooks Pro advisor so maybe you've never heard of becoming a pro advisor if not I have a video that walks you through what it is how to get it the thumbnail looks like this I'll leave it linked for you down in the description box but this video is 10 benefits about getting that certification so maybe you've been putting off studying for this test and taking this training or maybe you're it's brand new but here are a bunch of reasons why this is going to help you out as a bookkeeper I'll read the first two are pretty quick number one is a free certification and number two is an industry standard so if you are a bookkeeper or an accountant it's well known that most of us are QuickBooks Pro advisors if we work in QuickBooks so it is really a great thing to have under your belt number three you get better customer service from Intuit and I just put out a video all about how to get better customer service from QuickBooks and this is one of my tips as a pro advisor you get a special helpline that you call if you need to get into contact with them so that is going to save you a lot of time potentially number four you get this Pro advisor badge and that just gives you a little bit more of a legitimate certification like if someone's looking at your website you can put it on there you can put it in your email signature especially if you're starting out as a bookkeeper and you don't have tons of experience and certifications and schooling this is something that really kind of legitimizes you as a bookkeeper and says I have taken these training hours I pass this test I know of all of this information and I am legit number five there is a pro advisor profile that you can fill out and then potential clients can search this database and find you as a bookkeeper so basically Intuit is marketing for you so you don't have to spend money on this marketing you know there are big company so they are able to get found in the SEO search in Google and I have heard mixed things from bookkeepers about if they like this profile or if they were able to get new clients from this database or not or from the search option this profile there we go but basically it's like anything I think it depends a lot on how much you put into it so if you spend a lot of time you know really refining your Search terms like making a good picture of yourself a good description and getting reviews that is a key one as well all the really high ranking Pro advisors in this profile system definitely ask their clients for reviews and ask them to write a review and that is going to go a long way in when someone looks at your profile a potential client they're like okay this person I want this person because of all these good reviews and this is an idea that I just got from my friend Margie I'm going to tell you about her in just a second but you can use this profile as your actual business web page so if you don't want to go through the time and the expense of getting a web page and building it and figuring out SEO for it and all that stuff you can just buy a URL buy a domain name and you know so mine is fine points.biz and then you can and redirect that URL to go to your QuickBooks Pro advisor profile page they also have a URL that you can use and give to people if you'd like but if you want to just be a little more professional and get this like free website but if it does sound simple and appealing to you to use this profile then definitely think about that option and so Margie actually has a class that's called fast and easy Qbo and it helps you pass the pro advisor exam so if you have any like test anxiety or if you know you have English as a second language or you're having a hard time or if you've taken some sections and you've failed them just generally if you would like help on this test definitely check out her class I'm going to leave it linked in the description box and I also have a 20 off coupon if you just put in Five Points when you are buying that class you can get 20 off so I have a couple other videos on her you can check out if you're interested in getting more info all right and the number six reason that you should become a pro advisor is because you get QuickBooks discounts for your client so it's changed a little bit over the years but I believe right now it is a 30 30 percent like wholesale discount for your clients I have another video that's called who pays for QuickBooks that where I go into a lot of detail about that I'll leave it linked in the description box for you guys but basically it is definitely a selling point to have clients hire you if you can get them a discount on the product they're going to be using anyway and then of course you have a free qboa account QuickBooks online account account and with that comes the advanced version of QuickBooks so that is the top tier best version of QuickBooks that you can buy and you get that for free when you sign up for qboa number seven you get lots of additional training so again if you go to the pro advisor and then benefits tab there's tons of different benefits that you get as a pro advisor and in my opinion A lot of these are actually under utilized so there's so much training within here I think people actually get overwhelmed by the amount of training that is available but you really can dig into a lot of these training topics and learn so much for completely free and within here there's a whole section on marketing as well and some things are available to different levels of QuickBooks Pro advisors so the more time you spend within QuickBooks and the more clients you get and the more trainings you do you kind of get access to more things but there's definitely a whole lot of things that you can get started on for free already and number eight is discounts on apps again here is a screenshot of kind of what the benefits tab looks like and you can see a lot of these helpful apps like MailChimp I think they give you for free and then other apps that can help out you or your clients as you're running your bookkeeping business number nine getting this certification can really help with imposter syndrome so I totally know and I understand it is hard to get started as a bookkeeper I have lots of videos on this talking about are you ready do you feel like you're ready like what trainings do you need how can you overcome this I often recommend this video I made called imposter syndrome so check that out if you'd like but having this certification and again knowing that you took the time and effort and you're smart enough to pass this exam that is going to bring you confidence when you are talking with clients because likely at this point after you've passed exam you probably know more about QuickBooks than your client does all right and number 10 reason that you should become a QuickBooks Pro advisor is really simple and obvious but I haven't mentioned yet it's that you learn QuickBooks so now it doesn't teach you everything you're ever going to know about QuickBooks but it definitely gives you a very good foundation and it teaches you a lot of the things that you're going to need to know starting out and what Intuit has pinpointed as the most important first things and then they do do a recertification each year I have a video on that I'll leave linked down below and that keeps you up to date with any changes that they make to the QuickBooks program so let me know in the comments any questions you have about being a pro advisor or the benefits and that or anything I talked about and also let me know what other videos you would like to see from me on this channel thank you guys so much for watching and supporting my channel take care bye
Channel: FinePoints
Views: 14,805
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: start bookkeeping, bookkeeping for small business, bookkeeping businesses, cheap side hustle, work from home for cheap, work from home, free training for bookkeepers, bookkeeping study, bookkeeper tips
Id: Q2-9IP8z-aE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 50sec (410 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 07 2022
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