How Long Does it Take to Rank on Google?

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so you wrote a new article on your website today it's kind of like planting a seed you pick your piece of dirt you open it up and you pop your article in it and then you close it up and you wait for the amazing Google machine to start ranking it on Google well the question in this video is how long does it take for an article to rank [Music] well Ricky and I own a network of websites and I also reached out to some others who build their websites differently to get some good data for you in this video and the results were really surprising I learned some cool stuff from doing this since back in fact I spent over 12 hours poring through the data here's what you need to know if you're starting a brand new website today I'm gonna say that the most common number that I saw from brand new websites was that it will take 35 weeks for the articles to reach the point that they are get bringing in 90% of the traffic that they ever will now they will probably maintain that ranking potentially for years to come but that's a definite range I saw some that started started ranking at 90% of its traffic potential at 25 weeks some that were much much longer and some that were even shorter than that but I want to be clear about what we're actually talking about in this video we are not talking about how long it takes to rank number one on Google I didn't even look at that data what we're talking about is something far more practical than that what what I looked at is how long it takes before an article is at ninety percent of the traffic that that will bring in let me tell you why that's a very different number because let's say I write an article where is in Bob way as somebody's doing homework and they're wondering when that where Zimbabwe is well it may rank for where is in Bob way sooner then it also ranks for an adjacent search term something like a Simba geography and so the traffic can keep stepping up on an article after you've already ranked number one for the primary search phrase that you're targeting so this video has nothing to do with how long it takes to get to number one we're just looking at how long until it gets to ninety percent of the potential so a brand new website about thirty five weeks some a lot shorter than that some longer than that for a moderately established website you know maybe with something with fifty fifty articles and as a year old there we saw it shortened to more like the twenty five week mark from the twenty five weeks from the time you write it until it gets to ninety percent of its traffic potential and for a very well-established site I would say it's more like eighteen weeks but all of this needs a huge grain of salt because also on huge domain Authority sites like improve that's many years old has has thousands of articles on it and a huge link profile on that kind of website I still saw some articles that I wrote two years ago that have just steadily climbed in the rankings for two years and never really hit that plateau they've just continued to improve a little bit over time I saw some articles on improve net and three weeks later bang they were bringing in serious traffic and others that just were dead for a long time and then finally Google started to rank there is a lot of variability in this so don't at all think there's just some formula but two questions that you're probably wondering right now what does that graph actually look like and what about links what happens if I do link building on my website can i shorten this period down all right let's talk about both of those things first the shape of the graph again there's a lot of variability I would say though that a normal graph looks something like this you first ride it and there's this tiny tiny little hump on an established site it may be actually a spike because you just have people on the homepage that are gonna see it because it was the number one the first article on the list of your new blog posts but even on a new site there's you know usually a tiny little bump because it's on the homepage and then it's dead and there's nothing that's happening for many weeks and then there are two benches that I saw this so often that an article will hit bench number one and they just there starts to bring in a little bit of traffic it feels like Google's just doing some user testing there and seeing where you should rank and then it eventually goes to bench number two where it will probably Plateau for many years to come if you've done a good job with the article but when it hits bench two there's this tiny little peak where it goes a little bit higher and then drops down not every time but I've got to say ninety-five percent of the time it's bench one bench too and then drops a tiny bit before the plateau that makes me think that user testing is a significant piece of the Google search algorithm it's like they're trying it in different queries see if you should rank a little bit higher hope that didn't work we didn't see good results from the users and then they bring you down to the plateau but here's the question can we shorten the time by doing link building on your websites so for this I had to reach out to others who do a significant amount of link building because obviously on me and Ricki's web sites we just don't do that I was actually surprised to see the result here because we teach no active link building just build good content and put it out there but if I had to say in fact we've said before on this YouTube channel yeah you're probably gonna rank faster by having a good by doing some link building on those new articles and actually I wouldn't say that anymore I would not say that link building is gonna make your brand new website rank any more quickly now can it rank higher yes and there is data to actually support that but will it rank faster I could not find any proof that would that convinced me of that after looking at dozens and dozens of articles some with link building on the website some without I just wouldn't say that that is actually true a brand new website just takes time before it reaches that 90 percent of the traffic potential for the article again different than ranking number one on google but even more important why are we concerned with the amount of time it even takes I mean if a farmer plant plants is his field as long as that field grows and he will get the harvest does it really matter that much that it came one week sooner or one week later most of this whole thing is really just because we're impatient people it's because we want to see the fruits of our labor and that's totally normal I get that but what I saw so much is it just takes time through all the tricks everything that I saw different web sites trying it will just take time so be patient build your farm right build great content and then the harvest is awesome so what about those big websites that ranked articles much much more quickly yes they're ranking more quickly but does it actually bring in more traffic in the long term I didn't find anything that says that it just you got there sooner - that number one - the 90% of the traffic potential so when you're ready to build your website the right way the consistent way the way that after trying multiple different websites and trying and failing what has worked consistently for us to build a website and feel very confident that we're going to get the reward of passive income at the end check out project 24 Ricky and I have essentially distilled everything we've learned over many years and a network of websites in 260 steps and we say if I'm starting a brand new site today this is exactly what I would do step by step to get to success day one you're gonna pick your niche day to you're gonna get your hosting and pick your domain name and we'll have a video for you showing how to choose a good domain name day number three we'll walk you through the process writing the content working writing good content that will work well for SEO and eventually monetizing that website check it out income school comm slash project 24
Channel: Income School
Views: 65,750
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Keywords: seo, internet marketing, blogging, how long to rank on google, how to rank on google fast, blog traffic, how long does it take to get t
Id: D6siFg-epTU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 33sec (573 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 16 2018
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.