How long does it take to get called up to the Majors in MLB The Show 21 Road To The Show RTTS #13

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ladies and gentlemen i don't want to say that i figured this out but i think i just figured it out now i have simulated this tons of time and this will not go into my player i will go back i created a separate save file just so that i can continue repeating this over and over and over now as you see the cubs are offering me a one-year contract in the mlb rotation really quickly i'm just gonna go ahead and take it exactly as it is and i'm gonna go back to the main menu so you guys see exactly where i was now where i was before i started the simulation was exactly where i was um before we were actually in triple a with like one more series to go uh two more series to go and then the playoffs i simulated that series i simulated the playoffs we got swept in the first row in the first round and then that was it then became the offseason and immediately i got an mlb contract now i've already simulated that piece about 10 or 15 times today alone and i i figured i think it's not that i figured it out but i i have a clear picture now i i've said this before i think what's most important in your players development is the position that you are playing now let me explain that obviously they made a two-way player this year something that hasn't been in road to the show before i've seen a lot of people speculating that they think that you have to spend money and this and that i don't agree with that i don't think this is the ea the one i don't think this is madden uh and i don't think this is 2k my career this is completely different and i don't think you have to spend money the only time i got called up every time that i got called up i got called up a couple times the only time i got called up was when i had a pitching archetype every time i had my other um my other archetype or uh for position player center fielder my average goes down to a 64. that's as high as i can get it even with diamond perks i'm a 64 overall every time i did it with this one active i did not get called up why because my as a pitcher my ratings are pretty trash now another thing that this kind of i i don't want to say with absolute certainty that it kind of debunks it but it kind of does so after you get to 100 program points that's what i'm going to call them i don't know if that's exactly what they're called we're going to call them program points once you get 100 program points you get the next uh level for that archetype so for instance here i have slugger when i get 100 uh program points i will get a silver reward for my archetype so after that it would be the same thing i'm guessing it would be 100 points to get to gold and then 100 points to get to diamond so you don't need either gold nor diamond to get called up i just got called up as a 71 overall starting pitcher who if you take a look at my my program for pitching it actually it hasn't moved at all i i i've got 14 points it hasn't moved since my first start and it's been bugged so clearly i'm nowhere near silver gold or diamond so you don't need to get the silver gold or diamond but however you're since you are a pitcher and you're a pitcher main you have to be i i i want to say i think you have to be a 70 overall pitcher now on top of that let me just add this uh i simulated my last start and my era went up i'd given up one run over six or seven outings and then the last outing i think i got a no decision so uh i was a dominant pitcher obviously we're playing on a low difficulty uh when i was pitching and i was also doing that off camera so i was having a very good season as a pitcher so when i say by what your position is every from the beginning of the game when you're asked what do you want to do if you want to be a pitching main uh who is also a position player you're a starting pitcher you're a starting pitcher every time you look anywhere you are a starting pitcher now that's why all of the podcasts every time they talk about you they're talking about your pitching anytime you get called up i think it has to do with how you're doing as a pitcher more so than how you're doing as a position player if you guys saw the video where i did several simulations where i did a simulation 30 years into the future no matter how good i did hitting wise i never got called up to the majors so if you are someone who if you know for a fact you don't want to be a pitcher you don't want to pitch every fifth game you don't want to be a pitcher main i say as soon as they ask you in road to the show what position you want to play go ahead and change it if you say i just want to be a position player change to a position player if you say you want to be a position player main who also has some spot appearances whether it be in relief or whether you actually are a spot starter you know like a six day starter when somebody needs rest do that but if you want to be a position player maine i think the most important thing you need to do is to become a you need to change your position in the beginning so as you can see i backed out of the save and went right back into the exact same save file i'm gonna go to view calendar and this is exactly where i left off previously um i do have the picture archetype selected uh loadout is filthy which is my pitching one and then i'm gonna view calendar sim season and we'll we'll try to just go quickly through all of this obviously i had a great season pitching wise and hitting wise uh congratulations i don't want to stop simulating we're playing against the durham bulls and we're 0-2 i probably won't even get an opportunity to pitch anyways we ended up losing no i don't want to stop simulating asher's defeat okay that's cute advance to the offseason go ahead and clear that we'll take a look at the retired players jake garrieta no uh hall of fame usually it's cano and pujos depending on and we'll simulate a review offer and there it is again once again i am uh they're offering me a one-year contract for the mlb rotation that comes as you you guys saw i'm a 71 overall starting pitcher i can go ahead and accept that and now i'm in the major leagues now once again i am back in the exact same spot in this save file i went out and i just went back in without saving i'm gonna go ahead and look at my player i'm gonna change my loadout i'm gonna change it to nukes only which is slugger with contact six and speed seven so i'm gonna change that up i don't want to make a new one i'm going to change that and i'm going to go to active and it makes me a 64 overall center fielder and then now i'm going to go ahead and take a look i think it might have been player car yeah let's go into player card uh look at my pitching attributes without it 30 stamina 31 hits for 9 35 44. really really bad overall i want to look at it really quickly once again before we move forward um with filthy on 66 57 plus 5 71 plus nine 51 57 36 plus 16 49 57 v low 73 break so my fastball which was topping out at 87 is now a 91 mile an hour fastball so really quickly once again let's just give this a shot a shot in the dark i'm gonna go ahead and change my uh my ball player if i can press the right button so i'm gonna change my ball player uh change my loadout back from filthy to nukes only once again which is slugger makes me a 64 overall center fielder i don't even know what that makes me as a starting pitcher but i just backed out and on the first try let's go ahead and click view calendar um and i'm going to sim season gonna get the exact same podcast jenny finch what to do and we got the durham bulls once again i don't want to stop simulating we get the same pep top times two we split the first two games we got game five winner goes goes on loser goes home we end up actually win that so we have to play against scranton so we'll get some more i still haven't pitched in the playoffs even though i have a pitching archetype on no i don't want to stop simulating game five one more game and we win it so hold on we we end up losing it's a one-game playoff okay we end up losing that doesn't really matter we'll advance to the off-season clear this view retired players jake arietta j happ no one inducted this time and here we go we're going to go ahead and sim offseason view offers aaa rotation i'm once again in triple a as soon as i changed it back and i went back under that 70 i don't know if it's 70 overall i don't know exactly what it is but once i went back and i made myself a or used a position player archetype i am i'm starting the season in triple a why because i have a center fielder uh archetype active instead of a starting pitcher active and i think it's an overall threshold as it does not have to do with it being silver or gold because all of my archetypes are still bronze so now i'm gonna do one more thing now that we did that um let's say i sign this and i'm just gonna do it one time i'm gonna go ahead and sign triple a rotation once again and i'm gonna come in and i'm gonna change it now now i've already kind of done this when i did this and i jumped into the simulation plus the one i did 30 years it makes a little bit more sense now i had the wrong loadout i had the nukes only loadout instead of filthy i'm gonna change it to filthy and when i did it with nukes only and i simulated started the season with a 15 era every single time so i'm gonna try again now i'm gonna go into view calendar as you can see when you look at the top what it shows you is your pitching numbers you're a pitcher that's why that's what this two-way archetype is you're a pitcher main this game considers you a pitch a pitcher main and that's what it wrote to the show is kind of looking for um so i'm gonna go ahead and simulate spring training that obviously i'm in triple a so i didn't even make it i didn't even get a call to spring training we'll advance the regular season we'll go into triple a and i'm going to see if at any point during this simulation i got to call into my manager's office saying hey you're progressing actually what i'm most curious about is not seeing a 15 era i don't want to see a 15 era even if it's somewhat a little bit better likes five six i want to see that more than anything um and ben gellman i'm gonna be honest i'm gonna need i'm gonna need you to chill a little bit so i might since since i know i'm gonna he's gonna be popping up a lot i'm gonna catch up back with you guys uh after ben gellman stops leave me alone ben ladies and gentlemen it did not take long at all it did not take long at all i literally am in april i'm one month into the season you may be ready to help the mlb club but it would be mean setting the two-way player thing aside until your batting and position skill improves some ladies and gentlemen when you're a position main they want you to be a pitcher i'll be a pitcher only for now i want to be called to the show as soon as possible i prefer to continue at this level until i'm ready so i went ahead listen that's what it is you are a starting pitcher i know this is a two-way player but when you load into road to the show it initially makes you a starting pitcher main with with position player secondary and when you're first asked if you don't change that your pitching is the most important thing so i'm gonna go ahead and say i'll be a pitcher only for now i want to be called to the show as soon as possible and that's what the organization decided that's where they want us that's where they need us so ben gellman you're gonna see me in the big snap all right so i was a little bit ahead of the gun i'm gonna go ahead and say this that first conversation with coach they wanted me a couple more starts in the minor league um they were i pitched twice i pitched two times and then i got called up to the major league simulated them i pitched twice my era is like near four it's not crazy it's not like a 0.1 uh my attributes have not gone much at all but i just got called up that's all it took it did not take very long i'm in year two in april and i am in the major leagues so it is possible to get done the only thing is you have to you kind of have to have the right position you have to have and you have to have the right archetype i think that's all it is so there it is ladies and gentlemen i got called up may of 2022. um if i'm being honest i don't think there's any i feel like you have to play one full season in the minors um as many times as i've done this simulation over and over and over i think you have to play one season in the minors and i don't think you get called up past triple a in season one but i think the most important thing is you have to decide right off the bat in the beginning of road to the show do i want to be a two-way player which side do i want to have and you know emphasize on or do i just want to be a position player or starting pitcher as you can see i did it multiple times i did it like 10 times where i i changed the low i had the loadout at filthy you know for for for the filthy archetype i had the loadout filthy and i simulated it the end of the season over and over obviously i was already into the season i was already batting 450 with a ton of home runs and i had an era sub one um but i did it over and over and over and every time i did it with filthy i got called up as soon as this uh my my first season was over in triple a now every time i did uh i did it with nukes only with the wrong archetype i the season ended and i was back down to triple a and then after uh i had the season ended and the new season started i changed it back to filthy and i got called up like i i got called up like two weeks later why i think it has a lot to do with my stats obviously if they're looking at you as a position player and they come in and they see these these stats you have a chance of getting called up but when you come in as a or when they're looking at you as a pitching prospect and now they see these stats instead you're not going to get called up and really quickly let me take let me take a look at uh my attributes when they take a look at these attributes it's gonna be a little harder for them to to call you up especially since my fastball's at 86. now don't mind the thumbnail entitled to this video i've used the same title and thumbnail three years in a row for this exact video except this time it was actually a lot different than uh years passing road to the show main reason why obviously we have a new archetype system we have new perks and a whole bunch of cool different stuff uh which got rid of the old the old perk system with the four you know for maverick heart and soul captain and uh lightning i think those were the four so i got rid of that and it added a different system now again i'm going to say i don't agree i read some comments not just on my videos so people talking on twitter as well everyone thinking that they don't like this new system the mlb changed it and it's integrated it too much to diamond dynasty and and the way uh my career and my park are in two care whatever that game is called nowadays i don't agree with that i think it's just a different system because of the fact that you're a two-way player other than that it's kind of the same you kind of always needed to get to a certain overall um and have certain statistics for the for you to get called up the better your overall the better your statistics the faster you get called up the only difference is now you're being looked at as a starting pitcher main and your position players kind of your secondary because that is what you selected when you jumped into road to the show if you pick picture only you don't have to worry about that because you're not changing your loadouts at any point you're probably using the same loadout every time you pitch when you're a position player you're probably using the same position player loadout every time you pitch now the one problem with this at the moment is obviously that it is bugged and i hope there's a fix coming for that soon i assume there will be today's release date when i'm recording this video today's the 20th um and there hasn't been a patch yet and i'm hoping we there's either a patch or some sort of hot fix i'm assuming it'll probably take a patch and more than a hot fix to fix this um but i'm still at 14. i obviously every time i pitch at in between games when it asks me i say i want to switch to my filthy loadout from my nukes only which that's how it should work that that's how it should work i should be able to just jump into in between games and not have to back out not have to come into this menu and switch it which even that is not even working i should be able to just switch my loadout when it says hey this next game you're coming in to pitch and it should be tracking all my attributes and it's clearly not because i've only got six innings pitch and i got six strikeouts so i'm not getting credited for any of this and i'm stuck at 14 program points out of 100 so at this rate i would never be able to get to silver gold and if that were the way to get called up to the majors i would never get called up so i i think i'm not saying we can put it to bed but i think this lets us know it definitely lets us know though you can get called up without having your archetype at silver gold or diamond um however you're gonna want to have if you're a starting pitcher and you're being looked at as a starting pitcher and i think the way you you one of the ways you can take a look at that if you don't remember what you did if you go into view calendar if it shows your win loss in the top left i think you're you're a pitcher main i i that's what i think if it doesn't show your batting stuff in the top left where it's under zack davies where it says jimmy world it doesn't show your batting stuff i think you're you're you're a pitcher main i think your team is looking at you as a pitcher not only that every time you have a podcast they'll they'll be talking about your positional play instead of your pitching uh they only talk about me pitching that's all they talk about is me pitching and being a two-way player who pitches hey but anyways that's gonna be it for this video hope you guys did enjoy let me know down below if you guys agree with me or disagree with me or let me know if you guys have done your own simulations and have figured things out a little bit differently i'm actually kind of curious i might save this as a separate save file here uh i might keep myself in the majors as a pitcher and then change my keep my archetype at nukes only and then simulate and see what happens i feel like i probably get would get sent back down uh because i'd only be pitching and i'd be getting shelled uh repeatedly so let me know if you guys have simulated let me know if any of you guys have already hit the majors and have experienced something similar to what i did but other than that that's gonna be it for this video hope you guys did enjoy it as always if you did make sure you hit the thumbs up button subscribe to the channel if you guys are new i'll catch you guys in the next video peace
Channel: Gyvi Plays
Views: 127,712
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MLB The Show 21, MLB 21, road to the show, MLB 21 The Show, mlb the show, mlb the show road to the show, mlb 21 gameplay, mlb, mlb the show 21 rtts, mlb 21 road to the show, mlb 21 the show road to the show, mlb the show 21 gameplay, two way player, mlb the show 21 loadouts, rtts, two way player road to the show
Id: eO0W8Uw6lzI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 19sec (1099 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 21 2021
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