How Kris Jenner Made The Kardashians Famous, Rich And Insanely Influential | Forbes

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congratulations thank you you're on the list I'm so excited about this I am too when you guys called and said that you wanted me to be a part of it I was really thrilled because that's a great accomplishment for anybody over 50 years old right I think so I think we've discovered there are so many women in their 50s 60s 70s 80s 90s having their greatest impact in these years yeah it's really impressive I just came from a fashion show here in New York and I was sitting with Martha Stewart and every time I see her it's I'm inspired I'm impressed I it gives me hope that you know in a couple years when I'm her age that I'm still going to be doing what she's doing and she's sitting there at this show multitasking we're talking about Christmas trees and what she's doing for the holidays and her business and it just made me so happy happy and it gives me you know another breath of fresh air you know what I mean she's always starting new businesses and having new ideas and there's no stop to it if I had known the reaction I was going to get from my daughters I would have begged for this interview a lot earlier so they're very close here we are here we are here we are girls I did it um thanks girls for the support so seriously my platform know your value um when we got together with Forbes to create this list what we discovered is it it's actually a wonderful message for younger women what's your advice to younger women who feel so rushed like there's a clock ticking on their lives or their career right I think well you know from my generation there was always a clock ticking about having a baby getting married starting a family and you were sort of considered an an old maid if you weren't married and pregnant by 30. absolutely and that was really interesting and just so crazy now when I think back about that because you know I have so many daughters and they're two different Generations you know five daughters a couple different generations and everybody's doing everything a decade later now in today's day and age and even then some so I think that all the boundaries that we feel like that other people have set for us are imaginary at this point and I think people are finding their own power and their own way of doing things and I think that that in and of itself is very powerful and you know what it gives a lot of other people hope that there is no rush I started doing my show imagine when I was like 51 years old 52 years old by the time it got on the air and it's been one of the most rewarding chapters of my life this is my my you know people often say well you know what are you doing this for well guess what I get to get up every single day and work with my family and create something new every time that we get together and the you know the the creation of all the the content like everybody calls it now it's it's joyful at this point it's a lot of work and you have to know what you're doing and eventually we figured it out but it's been a great journey did you have any idea that the show would be the success it is today you know you always hope that anything you're putting your hard work and heart and soul into that it's successful and I think that it was always the hope that we would even get picked up for season two so when we were in the middle of filming season one and we got the call from the network that we had been picked up for season two and we hadn't even finished you know see and we and then got the news that there would be no break we're just going to keep filming we kind of took a deep breath and went okay you know this is what this is like because it was foreign territory so you coined the term momager okay and um you've said that you're the family CEO right I am okay um and you're paid a 10 manager's fee on the gross income from your family's deals that's pretty good Chris well you know when we started working together there was no formal agreement per se and we were trying to figure things out and I Knew by talking to everybody in town and I knew so many people and I have a network of friends and family that are in the business and most managers and those type of people agents are getting between 20 and 25 percent sometimes Thirty of the gross and so I said to my kids look I'm going to put my heart and soul into this I'm going to work hard and I'll take 10 because that'll make it worth my wild I'm not going to charge you the industry standard which I thought was super fair and then I knew that in order to get anything I knew how hard I was going to have to work and just wanted to make sure that I didn't need to get a day job so you were like kids I'm giving you a deal I'm interested in knowing when you realized you were the head of a business Enterprise and not just a family the first time I really started building an infrastructure you know and got the right people in the right positions and in-house counsel and you know just all of the necessary folks and team members to make the machine you know work and it you know whether or not you're there you know making every single decision we needed to First build the infrastructure and make sure that we were doing all the things that um you know the girls wanted out of a business and there's a lot of them and then me and my son so there's seven of us you know that we had to sort of structure a business and you start throwing spaghetti against the wall like in the beginning we were like oh let's try this or let's try that and you know you finally figure out that really what was working was the things that the girls were most passionate about and creating those kind of businesses really you know was very successful for us and really resonated in how much joy and and fun you're getting out of it too because it can't just be a grind right constantly that's just not healthy so much work um and you guys have gotten to the point where you have so much power and so much influence um and I think it's safe to say that much of the American public and a lot of uh women of all ages actually look at your family as a model like what to wear what kind of makeup to use how to use it how to present yourselves and a lot of that influence happens on social media which is something that is really we've all kind of evolved with it over the past decade For Better or For Worse and the data has shown now we're learning that a lot of time on social media for young girls has been linked to depression body image issues self-esteem issues how do you view the family business responsibility in this ecosystem as we are learning so much well so that's a a really uh a big question I think that I'll start with this I think that when we first started our show there was no Instagram there was no Snapchat there was no Tick Tock there was barely Twitter and um Kim was really the first one who got on Twitter and taught the rest of us how to navigate the sis you know the community and everything that was going on and she was really the first one that I knew about that learned how to communicate with the followers and the fans and the people that watch the show and really use it as a tool like a marketing tool but also to find out what they were really interested in and so in the early days she would go on and ask I'm going to do this fragrance packaging what color should I do and they would you know give a lot of input and she would actually follow their advice and it became this really successful tool for us and as Instagram evolved and as it got more um you know the more Millions hundreds of millions of followers you know you started as a family we have over a billion followers right now and with that comes a lot of responsibility because people do look up to the girls and they really do follow their advice whether it be fashion or you know whatever else that we're doing and and just the the creative aspect of what the girls love to to put out there but we feel very um uh you know responsible but also pay attention to what we're posting and when we're posting it you know we've learned a lot of lessons along the way yeah and in real time in real time and we learned don't post where you are but also you know we have to we like to post really aspirational things and and things that make people feel good and things that show people you know fun experiences that we've had show people our respect when something there's a world Global event that happens like when the queen has just passed away and we were able to pay our respects to that and able to celebrate holidays online and and show happiness and some funny things and you know I think it's a blend and it's a mix and I think if you start to get I know a lot of people you know the the social media platforms have become dangerous and for young people I have 12 grandchildren and I worry about that and what I worry about is how negative and dark and and nasty people can be and it can really be very upsetting I can be on social media and get 5 000 messages about you know how fabulous somebody might think you look or act or whatever like positive messages about anything and then one person says you know you're awful or you know I won't you know something it's nasty and I grew up in a generation where my grandmother always taught us you know if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all that's how I was raised so to have people that you've never met you know that they can just say whatever they want and I think I have we have really thick skin as a family we're used to it and we can handle it but there's a lot of people out there that are really affected by nasty messages and it's very powerful in the worst way and that's what I worry about for my children my grandchildren other people at the the world's children because people do have um there's been a history of you know mental health problems and suicides and you know just horrible things going on for people that don't really people don't realize how powerful their words can be and they really have to think before they post do you have um I have a you know my know your value platform teaches women to know their value and communicate it effectively it has a lot to do with negotiating any Keys any tips that you have to negotiating effectively like how do how do you do it well if somebody says no you're talking to the wrong person that's always my motto but I think in a negotiation a great negotiation is when both sides win if you can give a little and they can give a little and you can come to terms you know it's interesting you ask me this question because I had a meeting this morning with somebody that we were negotiating with for one of my daughters about a year and a half ago and it didn't go great because both sides were unhappy and we had a meeting this morning and he looked at me and I looked at him and we both just said that didn't go well did it let's start over and we both pressed reset and we pressed reset today on something that was really special and that meant a lot to one of my girls so I that taught me a lesson like you know I I wasn't willing to back down he wasn't willing to back down but then we both came to the table today and said you know what I can live with that if you can live with this and so when you you know can do that with somebody I think you really have to take a deep breath if it gets heated and be rational and I think that I have learned not to be so impatient these days the older I get let it play out a little bit yeah that that song my granddaughter sings patience patience I need something yeah um you've been described uh as one of the most powerful people in Hollywood do you feel that you're at the peak of your power is there more to come I hope so I never I never want to think that you know you've exercised everything that you have I think that to to feel like there's a lot more to come and there's more chapters is very exciting for me and it inspires me that's why I love listening to other people's stories I love to watch The Master Class series I love to watch documentaries I love to hear about people's Journeys because I think that we can as women can not only Empower each other and Inspire each other but I feel like I have a responsibility to show my grandkids and my children what getting older looks like you know in some days I don't feel like showing anybody what getting older looks like because I'm tired or I'm you know it's a Sunday and I want to do nothing so you have to learn how to like give yourself that gift of relaxing once in a while but also I think that it rejuvenates me like it gives me a little bit more energy to go out and try something new and I love trying new things and learning new stuff and my kids keep me inspired and I think that the advice that I would give to anybody over 50 is to say if you don't have 300 kids like I do and that you have to keep going is like the friends that you make like look around and look at who your circle is and try to surround yourself with people that you can learn from and you can you know be a buddy with whatever it is you know whatever that you you know whatever it is that you love to do find somebody else in your life make a new friend find some new people around you that like to do the same kind of thing and it makes life more interesting and more joyful more exciting and you can do anything that you set your heart to you just never give up so with everything the products the new Ventures the shows the lines for Kris Jenner what's it all about what's it for what do you want your legacy to be I think my legacy is that at this age I was a great mom and I I'm a good grandmother that's all that really matters I mean let's face it it's just Families First to us always and I think that that will always be why we do what we do my goal in life when I had kids and they became teenagers and young adults was that every single one of them had something that they found they were passionate about that's great and that I could help them achieve that as something that could be their life and their their own legacy and something that they could make a living at so that they could be on their own you know be sustain their lifestyle whatever they wanted to do whatever their dream was and so one by one that's that's my that's the dream for me thank you so much oh my gosh it's my pleasure thank you for having me
Channel: Forbes
Views: 425,715
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Forbes, Forbes Media, Forbes Magazine, Forbes Digital, Business, Finance, Entrepreneurship, Investing, Personal Finance, kris jenner, kim kardashian, khloe kardashian, kourtney kardashian, kendall jenner, kylie jenner, kuwtk, keeping up with the kardshians, interview with kris jenner, 50 over 50, mika brezenski, who is kris jenner, kris jenner net worth, the kardashians
Id: gglVDoyAmns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 18sec (1038 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 14 2022
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