How Kokomi Went From "Useless" To One Of The BEST Characters In Genshin Impact

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oh boy this is gonna be fun today's video is probably the most heavily requested topic on this channel for a long time but not in the usual oh this would be a cool thing to talk about wait more of a you always an apology attitude as if I said some kind of morally reprehensible statement that's offensive enough to warn an apology video you know what might as well kill two person once done the landscape of Genji's meta has undergone a drastic upheaval with the inclusion of dencho's new reactions affecting many hydroelectro pyro and by extension animal units given that it can assimilate all three of them since version 3 mainly features systems being added not changed or removed it basically means those four elements received an indirect buff in some capacity allowing once underperforming characters like coaching and Toma or Niche play Styles like ximable to find the second wind likewise it's also taken already powerful characters like Fishel and kokomi and made them even stronger I want to go over the latter in particular because of the change in public perception ever since her debut last year from her unsuccessful first Banner to the gradually increase in the recognition kokomiya started out mediocre in the eyes of the majority but in this spent of a year without any balance adjustments to her internal kit more and more reasons the user began to surface to where she's now a highly practical inclusion to several team compositions no small feat on account of hydro's incredibly stacked roster for today's video we'll be diving into a retrospective look on kokomi genshin's most heavily misunderstood character before we continue on I just want to give a shout out to today's sponsor private internet access they're the world's most transparent VPN provider with over 30 million downloads that's 100 open source in case you want to see for yourself as I'm sure you know by now vpn's mask your IP address and reroute your internet traffic through proxies and encryptions in order 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any problems as well thanks again to private internet access for sponsoring the video but for now let's get back to it it's been a long time since my wino and placed episode on her so to give a short recap kokomi's initial poor reception was a result of three factors which may or may not apply to you but we're talking about the general public specifically the ones who chose not to pull for her reason one at the time the player base is understanding against his mechanics the full potential of characters and various reactions at large was still underdeveloped shokun was released three weeks prior to kokomi and believe it or not everyone thought she was bad at first even though she currently stands as one of the best units of all time with no caveat or asterisk the reigning 5 Stars at the time were primarily focused on damage output and by that point everyone more or less settled on one or two characters to run through just about everything genshin had to offer you hide ganyu child ayaka and Eula despite the boss to transformative reactions following Zhong Lee's return the widespread adoption of party compositions didn't start to take off until early to mid-2022 prior to that the average player was only really concerned about dealing lots of damage and any five star who didn't explicitly do just that was considered unworthy of Primo gems kokomi's outward theme consisting of regeneration in his similar fashion to Barbara gave off the impression that she wouldn't contribute enough to your success to Warren spending money on her reason 2 prevailing wisdom believed delegating a party slot to a character who sustensibly only dared to heal and deal some Hydro damage was a waste of space considering everyone had access to a four-star Hydro support already in the form of Shinto and healing or defense was already taken care of by the likes of Bennett chungli or others that may have already been invested in such as gene diona or even Chichi the redundancy in kokomi's function led to most players writing her off but that's so much as a second thought to them it didn't matter that kokomio is a Healer who could actually deal damage because it made more sense stopped for more damage so as to avoid the need to region altogether though in hindsight there was some serious double standard going on as Chumley was gloriously praised for a shield easy mode in the game when Pokemon was able to accomplish the same thing but since he came first and carried more public appeal being the Geo archon in all those who went after him didn't really think too much about his second izimo character Reason 3 adding on to the aforementioned under utilization of characters the dominant narrative at the time when it came to damage was to gear up a character to have as much individual output as humanly possible and the universal way everyone sought to accomplish that was through crit rate and crit damage you know outside of other ancillary stuff like Elemental damage so upon finding out it was virtually impossible for kokomi to critically strike the knee-jerk reaction was that she would forever be hamstrunged by her inability to crit and therefore it wasn't worth the time or investment because we were still in a damage per screenshot meta at the time all in all kokomi's value as a hydro unit and character in general has always existed but only players who were well read on Genji's mechanics and numbers could ask the dangerous type that she really was the average player wasn't in a position to appreciate what she had to offer yet that's not necessarily her fault either while I agree that everyone calling kokomi trash was inflammatory sensationalism circumstances at the time were actively suppressing her capacity to stand out assuming we evaluate her strictly on the basis of her own damage output being a catalyst user the least enjoyed weapon type possessing hybrid scaling on stats that weren't inherently conducive to DPS like healing bonus and being unable to crit paints The Bleak Outlook whilst Not Unusual for previously Bad characters quote unquote to see a Resurgence especially in gotcha Games first impressions are Lasting Impressions she was always good it just took a while for everyone to realize it and there were several pivots through 2022 that made her get a lot more recognition thus opening up the possibility for more of her potential to be discovered sometime after kokomy's debut version 2.3 saw the release of slumbering court in sedai Island an artifact domain that supplied two new artifact sets the husk of opulent dreams a defense oriented set and the ocean Hood plant set at first glance it appeared to be a side grade to maiden's beloved scene as they both offered a similar two-partceponents of increased healing the four-piece bonus was significantly different however upon healing someone in your party a sea-died foam would appear for three seconds accumulating subsequent healing and mouse before exploding to deal damage equal to 90 percent of the store healing which I believe is a cap of 27k per bubble it may not seem very substantial given that its physical damage but that extra bit of DPS meant that you wouldn't be taking as bad of a DPS loss either if you were using a Healer interestingly enough Ocean View clamset isn't even Pokemon's best in slot well technically it is but that's only for going for DPS kokomi if you want support you go for tenacity at the middle of it but I'm not gonna go too in depth on that I just want to establish it before people go well actually in the comments the introduction of the client set was critical for kokomy by providing her something else altogether more exposure when everyone was evaluating who it would be most effective on units like Chichi and kokomi naturally came to mind this caused more plays to give her a second thought which meant there was a higher likelihood that someone or several people will find a place for her to be relevant additionally alongside kokomis release a new enemy type was founded the rift talks monsters that are capable of inflicting Shield bypassing damage over time so characters like John Lee couldn't protect against it granted that wasn't sufficient enough pressure to incentivize plays to go after her but as time went on more and more systems are things to be added or discovered that were sort of giving players a subtle hint and nudge nudge towards going after kokomi the first major influence that propels are into relevant status was due in part two information on effective team building being more readily available and is attributed to Casual players to reiterate parties like soup taser over vape and whatnot were present long before kokomi but the majority of players didn't care enough to see them as anything more than an alternative strategy the Advent of the ride and national team and the inclusion of more team support characters sport the idea that there could be more efficient and cost-effective ways to take on genshin's content Midway the version 2 is when certain win conditions became household names instead of being evaluated on their own or in katsa with specific characters units were now under scrutiny for how well they work towards achieving a party swing condition for example a popular win con would be chain freeze in which you apply hydro and cryo as fast and often as you can in order to stun all enemies in a place indefinitely to achieve this you need a sufficient amount of both hydro and cryo damage conveniently the cryo element is chock full of members with ball field pressure Hydra on the other hand can be somewhat tricky kokomi's Hydro application is extremely consistent by virtue over Elemental skill as well as dealing Hydro damage innately thanks to being a catalyst user that's not to say you can't pull off a freeze with other Hydro units like Shinto but she's able to compete in terms of applied your application where she really stands out though is that by providing a steady stream of healing to her party it frees up another slot you would be using to keep your units alive allowing you to run more damage my personal favorite chain freeze team is ayaka and shincho but the one downside to this comp despite all of its damage is that I can't really tank a lot of hits by swapping a singtel for kokomi I do lose out on Raw Force to some extent but I can pretty much turn my brain off and in certain conditions the absence of a need to avoid enemy attacks can be an indirect increase in damage the same general concept applies to every other composition you would need Hydro in taser is another prime example with essentially all of your damage being sourced from electrocharged swirl and whatnot all you need to do is apply Hydro consistently and once again kokomi can handle that with these while making your borderline Invincible even an amplifying reactions like vaporize most of the time the Pyro character is the one blocking the reactions so whoever the hydro character is just has to apply hydro and wait to do it again once more it's a tough choice to make since kokomi has deficiting to orielan for a spot but the bottom line is she has many options something to make note of is her versatile wear with all the medic compositions inadvertently corrected one of the main issues that prevented her from being popular in the first place earlier I said that the dominant narrative surrounding damage back in version 1 and the first half of version 2 was that Quinn was the be-all end-all there was this metaphoric Lawrence race to build every unit to stack up all the quick ridden damage they could get kokumi's inability to crit was and still is a hindrance for her since it means her damage ceiling won't climb as high as of the units but so many people including myself completely forgot the other side of the coin kokomi's damaged floor is quite impressive sure you won't be able to deal crits but with how she scales off of Max HP and healing bonus that means her Baseline is very consistent and there's still one other way she can boost her efficiency Elemental Mastery albeit only by a small margin on the subject of em it's beginning to acquire a greater market share Over The Meta now that transformative reactions are on par with amplifying ones so while crit is still sought after there's now a viable side grade to it for kokomi this matters a lot it's obvious that building neither Chris is pointless on her but that means she's almost as cheap to itemize as Bennett all you really need on her is HP energy recharge and maybe some attacking em if you get lucky point being she's not as frustrating to gear up if you're looking to find the perfect balance of efficiency and comfort click on the achieves that for just about any team that mandates a hydro character and she has the perfect set of tools and functions to all but ignore the fact that she can't crit in my wine on Place episode on her I thought it was unreasonably cruel to prevent her from being able to crit as it felt like they overvalued how broken she would be if she could still crit I'm sure a lot of others felt the same way but we were looking at what she can accomplish too narrow-mindedly what she offers is Comfort not just in terms of healing but also in accessibility remember at the time of her debut players saw it unnecessary to allocate an entire party slide just for a Healer Kenshin has a lot of combinations for units but only four slots that means there's only so much room for variation if you're focusing on a win condition that needs all four characters working towards it the game's difficulty hasn't spiked all that much but it's still gone up at the very least taking a lot more damage than we used to players are now in a situation where healing is slowly but surely becoming more of a necessity but there aren't that many characters who can supply their regeneration while efficiently synergizing with many relevant teams kokomi is one of the very few exceptions to this in a way I think her new reputation can be described as a power crop to modern day jongli don't get me wrong Jong Lisa lost them but if he was the face tank ysimo character for versions 1 and the first half of 2 then kokomi is quickly becoming the face tank easy mode character for the second half of version 2 and especially version 3. the main issue with chongli is that for all his defense and crowd control he's still a Geo character when it comes down to it the Geo element doesn't contribute a single thing for a taser freeze vaporize any and every team composition so you forfeit an entire slot for the ease of play and have to make do with only three kokomi blocks the hydro element the best individual element in the game I say individuals since the only reason why Animo is so overpowered is because they can assimilate other elements if it couldn't do that then Hydro is the de facto best everything I said so far was significant enough to make her a very welcome I start to spend your hard earn Primo gems on but as if things couldn't get any better for her she received yet another massive indirect buff dendro's Bloom reaction by combining hydro and dentro together and then applying either Electro or pyro you get hyperbloom or virgin two more transformative reactions that can deal serious damage if executed well the difficulty is that to get either one it requires a minimum of three separate elements whereas every reaction up until that point only needed two now more than ever party slot efficiency is of utmost priority which further accentuates kokomi's value as she's an easy reliable source of hydro application who can heal and dish out respectable damage on the site that opens up more opportunities for you to itemize damage for the other three party members is getting progressively more difficult to maximize every character's uptime now that more bass line seem to be covered historically I've mentioned that it's usually better to specialize in one field than to be a jack of all trades master of none and the only way for a jack of all trades to be worth considering is if there are situations where you simply don't have enough space or faculty to have dedicated units for or your name is Bennett who is so overtoned that he attack and defense at the same time better than even solo offensive defense characters kokomi's deadline isn't as inflated as Bennett but she's probably the only Hydro unit in the game who's efficient in all Hydro relevant team compositions and she does that while increasing your March of her error to a near careless degree the only thing that hasn't really changed for her is that kokomi is still by and large a jack of all trades I know I spent five minutes explaining why healing is becoming more important but at the end of the day we're still not in any mortal danger yet at best she's a comfort pick her main selling point is that she makes things easier so fortunately that makes her very appealing for casual players but for super hardcore and game players kokomi can only do so much for you I don't think she's better than singtel or yellow for instance if we go by pure kill power in exchange for having possibly the highest floor out of the entire present cast there are some limitations she can't break through no matter how hard she tries then again in light of how impressive her resume is at the moment I don't think she has anything to worry about for a long time even if there comes a time where she gets power cracked just like she'll leave she makes the game so autopilot that a lot of us won't care about lots of potential a time without a doubt kokomi has transformed from a five star that almost everyone thought was useless to one of the best 5 stars in the game by most players definitions so there you have it if you have any thoughts of your own about kokomi then make sure to leave them in the comments down below for now if you enjoyed the video I'd appreciate it if you could leave a like And subscribe consider following me on Twitter at forestware joining my Discord server and if you want to support me further check out my patreon page by donating you'll receive benefits for all three of my channels vars vars 2 and vars 3. but till next time thanks so much for watching and I look forward to seeing you again soon take care foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: Vars II
Views: 198,919
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin, genshin impact, vars genshin impact, genshin why no one plays, genshin impact gameplay, genshin discussion, genshin impact analysis, mihoyo, hoyoverse, genshin kokomi, sangonomiya kokomi, kokomi 3.0, kokomi rerun, kokomi bloom, kokomi, kokomi gameplay, kokomi constellations, why no one plays kokomi, wnop kokomi, what happened to kokomi, kokomi best character, kokomi hydro, genshin 3.2, genshin scaramouche, nahida, layla genshin, nahida genshin, kusanali
Id: 8SMWYjgCdbo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 29sec (929 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 29 2022
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