End LAZINESS Motivation | Work as TWICE as HARD as Others! | #BelieveLife

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You never get better if you're not willing to put in the time I still grind I love the grind if you're competing on one of my businesses I'm gonna kick your ass cuz I'm gonna I'll grind you immigrants in America have absolutely figured out one of the core secrets Which is, you know work your face off and don't buy dumb Sh What's that believe nation it's Evan my one word is believe and I believe in you I believe you have Michael Jordan Level talent at something and I want you to find it embrace it and use it to make a difference now I've started to believe life series They try to tackle different topics outside of just the world of business to help you live your best belief life today We're gonna look at how you can end laziness enjoy Okay, let's kick it off with rule number one outwork everyone with Jay Williams and Kobe Bryant Look, I always try to outwork people right? That's just how I made my mark so the game was at seven It's like, you know what I'm gonna come to the Staples Center because we're playing this mean the Lakers had Kobe and Shaq Okay, this is this is like the championship Lakers. So, you know, I'm gonna get there are three o'clock I want to make sure I make 400 made shots Before I go back into the room and then I sit in a sauna I get ready for the game Who do I see? I see Kobe Bryant already work now. So once I set my foot across that line, I started working out and so I worked out for a good hour hour and a half and when I came off after I was done I sat down and Of course, I still heard the ball bounce. I looked down like this guy's total working out He was working out like it looks like he wasn't it did sweat when I got hurt And he's still going and it's not like his moves are not a lot lazy if he's doing like game moves You know, that's it. They're not at least my shoes I'm like wanna see how long this goes out there watch another 25 minutes and they got doing it Okay link-ups Didn't know go play, you know, come back get in the Sun I get ready for the game that game he drops 40. Ohms, okay And after the game is over. I'm like I pass this guy guy I have to understand like why Why he works like that, right? So afternoons, I'm like, hey Cove, like why were you in the gym for so long? Is that cuz I saw you come in And I don't want you to know that it doesn't matter how hard you work that I'm willing to work harder than you Wow, you just you inspire me to be better It was the first time I started to see this level of competitiveness I say I need to start doing more Wow, but you never get better if you're not willing to put in the time and Basketball is very similar to the game of life. There's gonna be ups and downs. It's not always going to be easy They're going to be challenges. They're still going to be curveballs thrown at me but if you put in the work and you constantly put in the work That's the only way you're going to grow. We went out to practice at 4:00 a.m. And that was your idea to do it Well, then, you know all these Nike people are like no no no, no. No, let's not Let's not do that. And then you're like, let's do it at 4:00 a.m So you got security you got brand marketing sports marketing going no. No, no. No. No. No, that's not good You're like let's do it because that's your sustenance. Right? I mean to me it just makes complete sense not to us See we all right what you usually I'm sleeping at 4:00 a.m You're you're working out so I like about that. Okay, so if If your job is to try to be the best basketball player, you can be all right to do that You have to practice you have to train right you want to train as much as you can as often as you can So if you get up at 10:00 in the morning train at eleven Nine twelve say twelve train at 12 train for two hours twelve to two You have to let your body recover So you eat recover, whatever you get back out you train start training again at six train from six to eight All right, and now you go home and shower you eat dinner you go to bed you wake up do it again, right? Those are two sessions. All right Now imagine you wake up at 3:00 you train at 4:00 you go four to six come home breakfast relax. So so Now you're back at it again Nine to eleven right relax And now it's on your back at it again to the four and have you're back at it again, you know Seven to nine. Look how much more training I have done by simply starting at four All right, and so now you do that and as the years go on the separation that you have with your competitors and your peers just grows larger and larger and larger and larger and larger and by year five or six doesn't What kind of work they're doing a summer? They're never going to catch up because they're five years behind So it makes sense to get up and start your day early because you can get more work out Is that genetic or is that something you you engrained and trained yourself? No, it wasn't you that for me It was it was just common sense like it I can I can if I start earlier I can train more hours and I know the other guys aren't doing it because I know What their training schedule is right so I know if I do this consistently over time? It's the the gaps just gonna widen and why no why no why no why and they won't be able to get that back Mm-hmm, so, it's me. It was just common sense. I'm like thinking, how can I get an advantage Oh start earlier Yeah, let's do that. How do you develop that or where do you what do you learn that from? Well, I I think it's just you know, it's just a matter of what's important to you. Mm-hmm what's important to you for whatever reason, you know, I felt like I Didn't feel good about myself if I wasn't Doing everything I could to be the best version of myself if I felt like I left anything on the table It would eat away at me. I wouldn't be able to look myself in the mirror Right. So the reason why I can retire now and be completely comfortable about it because I know that I've done Everything I could to be the best basketball player I could be And so that's where it comes from for me. You can't leave any stone unturned Rule number two grind with Mark Cuban. I'm not mr. Mentor. I'm not the one who says Let's sit down Tell me how it's going. Oh I'm gonna tell you exactly how I am get off your ass and get out there and sell something. That's right I Mean I've never been the okay. I need a mentor You know a lot of people look for mentors thinking they're gonna tell me the shortcut Mark you be my mentor, you know the way and they think I'm gonna go Convey some magics. Here's the dust go go go. It doesn't work. That way. I Still grind. I love the grind if you're competing on one of my businesses I'm gonna kick your ass cuz I'm gonna I'll grind you right that's what being an entrepreneur that an entrepreneur is You've got to get out there and do the work. So when it comes to how do you learn right? Because that's the question. How do I learn this stuff? And Everybody everybody has got to go through that process Right. I read our I'm in the tech business. I'm in media business the entertainment business I've got to try to prepare myself for all the Shark Tank businesses. I read three hours plus a day Right what everybody else is getting a suntan or? Even when I'm getting a suntan I've got I'm online or I've got books I'm reading all I can I tell my kids that a if they want something they're gonna have to earn it Yeah, and B if they don't work hard enough to earn it. I'm gonna sell them off as medical experiments That's the line in our house You need money, okay, we'll set you off as a medical experiment we can get you money that way Give blood dad. I'm seven. I don't care Rule number three have an insane work ethic with Grant Cardone the Brawn shows up This dude comes in 15 minutes before practice and LeBrons Gibson that look like hey, dude, what's going on here? He's like, what do you mean? I'm 15 minutes early. He's like should have been here an hour ago and and and when he says that to this, dude the guy knows LeBron's been there for two hours So all I ask you to do is like here's a guy Probably the best that's ever walked out on a basketball court short of Michael Jordan But both of them have one thing in common they worked okay wasn't about their just their talent It was about their work ethic people knew them for their work ethic So just ask yourself this week do people know you for your work ethic? For people are people like me and you work hard or people actually commenting about you showing up early and staying late because if they're not Then you're just you're just blending in with everybody else's work ethic at the end of the day talent will not win the game if his work ethic that will win the game, so When I saw this, I'm like here's a guy top of his games got all the money You could possibly he could never spend all his money Impossible. He'll be a billionaire Okay and he's showing up two hours early to make sure he plays the game to make sure he's in physical condition to make sure that He can stay in the game long past. He doesn't even need it. He's got all his rings I got to tell you I was so inspired by because I got a bunch of partners I got guys that I do business with I got one of them in particular that I'm having some problems with He told me man if I had your money, dude, I would retire He said it to me over and over and I hadn't been listening to it enough to understand he wants to go lay down Okay, you cannot run? What's that thing called? You did I can't do an Ironman with that attitude No don't know why you'd want to do an Ironman But I tell you what if you could do an Ironman and then take that and add it to your to your to your career to the Longevity of your career, you know because look it's gonna be five years from now ten years from now It's gonna be 20 years You're gonna look back and say and the marketplace is gonna reward whatever you do every day and rule number four the last one before A very special bonus clip is work your face off with Gary Vaynerchuk I was born in Belarus in the former Soviet Union. I came to the US when I was three We lived a very humble beginning as you can imagine the economy wasn't super great. We didn't speak English. We had a hundred bucks I lived with seven family members in a studio apartment in Queens so it was super humble as you and You know, obviously my parents are very much my heroes one because my mom is the greatest parent of all time and two because my dad worked his face off and even though I Slept under the same roof, literally every day of my life with my dad in the first fourteen years of my life I literally never saw him because he left at 7 a.m. Or 6 a.m. And he came home at 10:00 p.m And he worked seven days a week How many people here are immigrants or children of immigrants raise your hands? Awesome. So this group that just raised their hands they know that immigrants in America have absolutely figured out one of the core secrets which is you know, Work your face off and don't buy dumb And so that's kind of what my family did for seven or eight years, you know, we my dad wasn't making that much money but a funny thing happens when you buy nothing, but food at the lowest possible price and Save save save save and very quickly only six years after coming to America with 100 bucks My dad was able to buy a small liquor store in New Jersey. We moved to New Jersey that is where my entrepreneurial career began When I was six, I had a five lemonade stand franchise. I Manipulated my friends into standing behind the lemonade all day and that is when I became Obsessed with attention and this is really interesting as you can see up here. I day trade attention Culture and built businesses at six years old. I Would spend my summer days literally walking up and down the streets of New Jersey sitting down on the curb watching cars drive by So that I could figure out which tree or post was better for me to put a sign that said lemonade a quarter That is DNA. That's like somebody's singing that's like somebody throwing a pitch really like that is just pure DNA I didn't read a Seth Godin book or go over to Harvard Business School to figure out that Attention was the number one asset but one thing that combines every person here from the cameramen back there, who are producing to the industry that is in this room to me to Mickey to anybody else that sneaked in the one thing that Fundamentally connects all of us is before you tell me how great your product and services you need my attention So that I listen. I am obsessed with attention I am obsessed with this device because it has the attention I am unemotional if it's ruining the kids and they don't know how to engage Or that you were sad that people go out to dinner and don't talk to each other technology does not care about your feelings and So I as a human may have some opinions about Parenthood and in society and privacy as a human But as a businessman, I have unemotional and not romantic All I do is follow where the attention is and I figure out how to story tell in there To create the action that I desire Now I've got a really special bonus clip with Eric Thomas on do not be out work that I think you're gonna enjoy But before that question today, I want to know did you enjoy Gary's message or Grant's message better the bottle the geez? Let me know down in the comments below. Thank you guys so much for watching. I believe in you I hope we continue to believe in yourself and whatever. You're one where it is much love I'll see you soon and enjoy the bonus clip You will not outwork me it's not about being the best motivational speaker in the world It's about being the most consistent motivational speaker in the world and so when you watch me even if you don't like me, and you're into motivation You got a fool with me why cuz I'm on everything a team was that you wanted six commercial? Yep It was see you do this day after day Dedicating your life to the search for a few more feet 18 you're doing stuff with the Olympics. Absolutely et Was that you own it? Yep. That was me. He did you do that. Yep You saw me would you do it self for Cleveland? Look WTF. That was me. You will not work me high school dropout Yes, your vocabulary count is deeper than mine. Yeah, absolutely. Yep. You look better than me suit asymmetric look it up You got me beat all day You got me grew up on the other side of town two pairs great network. You got I'm not gonna lie You were sweeter than I am You got all the stuff you got you got it all but you will not Outwork me cuz your height has nothing doing my work ethic your face has men to doing my workout No too bad background had never doing my work as you well know. I worked me Oh georgette He will not work me in your bitterly You will not work me and there does of you in this room The reason why this stuff ain't happening for you because you getting outwards. Come on call the best motivational speakers in the world Give us seven days. Let us go on over the world and speak. Come on And why are you in the green room putting on your makeup? You will not work me I'm being real You will not outwork me while you do a photoshoot. You won't I work in job being I worked in your marriage You're being I worked in your job your been I work with your kids Your kids in the gang why cuz somebody living on the more you love annoyed They're in a game then the game cuz you ain't hardly at all You been I worked you got somebody else in the hood who got more. They got your kid here more do you got them? And you like I just can't believe this society day. It's not the society you got out worked Some dude up the block. It's get it spending more time with your son You are some guy on the block is telling your daughter how cute she is Are you not cuz you're grinding you working, but you thought when I told you 120, I just made it work I mean everywhere you will not outwork me you might make money, but your marriage might not be I'm gonna get you on all fronts If you tell yourself a story long enough, you start to believe it won't you believe you act like I am Tulsa What a whale out of handcuffed lightning though Thunder in jail. Now, you know, I'm bad over the last week I've murdered a rock into the stone Hospitalized a brick I'm so mean I make medicine sick the fundamental Key to success is it can take between 18 and 250 four days of taking action for a new habit to stick I've created a new course called 250 for confidence or every single day for 254 days I will be sending you a video between 30 seconds and 5 minutes long that you start your morning with around making you feel confident it's Absolutely free. Check out the link in the description below to get access
Channel: Evan Carmichael
Views: 232,818
Rating: 4.9008627 out of 5
Keywords: entrepreneur, entrepreneur advice, entrepreneurship, entrepreneur motivation, end laziness motivation - work as twice as hard as others, #BelieveLife, end laziness, how to stop being lazy, work as twice as hard, personal development, success motivation, success advice, motivation for greatness, how to work harder, hustle, grind, how to become great
Id: MftWMy-R-nY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 17sec (1037 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 23 2018
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