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by far the best investment you can make is in yourself i get up early i go to bed early i get up early i like to putter in the mornings i like to read the newspaper i like to have coffee i was very very bookish i was reading all the time i'm a weird dropout because i take college courses all the time wanna be happy build a life not just a [Music] business hey it's evan carmichael and this channel was created to help you overcome the number one challenge that is holding you back a lack of belief in yourself you watch these videos because you know there's something more inside you too you've got michael jordan level talent at something so today let's live your best believe life and learn the five billionaire habits that you must copy okay let's kick it off with habit number one learn how to communicate better with warren buffett by far the best investment you can make is in yourself i mean that for example communication skills i tell the students that come that they're going to graduate schools and business and they're learning all these complicated formulas and all that if they just learn to communicate better and both in writing and in person they increase their value at least 50 percent no i mean if you can't communicate somebody who says you know it's like winking at a girl in the dark nothing happens you know basically and and you have to be able to get get both your ideas and uh and that's that's relatively easy i did it myself with the dale carnegie of course some people wish i'd taken a shorter course now in terms of my talking later on but it it's just hugely important and you if you invest in yourself nobody can take it away from you habit number two practice being fully present with oprah winfrey everything that is happening to us is preparing us for whatever is to come and literally we can see that this moment has been a moment to send us all to our rooms literally for a time out and whether we wanted to or not it's an opportunity to reset to re-organize to rethink where we are and where we want to be and where we choose to go when this pandemic is over and we are released back into a new normal everybody keeps saying we want things to go back to normal forget that folks forget that let go of we want things the way they used to be we cannot have had this experience without being forever changed and those of us who are carriers of the light seekers of the light as you all are seeking wellness know that you have to move into wherever this moment is carrying us so ask yourself what could you reset to help yourself be healthier and well in this moment in these moments that we're experiencing no question about it the pandemic the lockdown the separation the social distancing has caused us all to feel some sense of disorder i feel it too even though i i literally am leaning into every spiritual practice i ever thought i believed in but it still has caused disorder and i'm asking myself the same questions that i'm asking you to ask yourself what can the disorder reorder for you we cannot let this moment this extraordinary time that no one in our lifetime has experienced pass us by and us not get all that it's here to teach impact show and evolve us to so to me the cornerstone of any wellness is in vision is focus so i found myself at the beginning of this pandemic feeling several things first uh when lockdown came i was excited because whoa i thought it was only going to be like two weeks and i was treating it like vacation and i didn't have to fit into any pants so i was eating everything i was like counting the points in my head but not really tracking them and then when i realized we're gonna be longer i thought after i put on the first seven pounds i said whoa let's get ourselves refocused and back on track i was feeling overwhelmed well but i will tell you that for me being the practice of of being fully present has saved me and one of the reasons i was feeling overwhelmed and eating my way through the first two weeks is because i had just come off of that tour and i saw many of you i see some faces that i saw on the tour hey lisa job i see you there um i um uh and and i realized you know as more and more information was coming forward that wow i after every show y'all shook had 400 500 people waiting in line to take pictures and shaking hands so i shook hands i hugged people people kissed me i kissed them we cried we danced we did everything and then i thought 14 for the first 14 days after the tour finished every day i was waiting to like know whether or not i was going to be a victim of covet 19. i am in the at risk risk category i am 66 never before have i been reminded of that number because at first when the news started coming out about uh it affecting elderly people i was like oh so sad the elderly people then i realized they were talking about people over 60 oh they're talking about me oh oh i didn't realize i was elderly okay thank you so much and as i've shared with so many of you i had pneumonia last year so i'm really in that category of at risk so i was worried and if you're watching the news every day as i know we all have been needed it for information i have now stopped and limited that for myself if you're watching the news every day you can get overwhelmed with the stories and i was reading every terrible horrible story of what it does to your body and how it shuts down your lungs and then it makes your heart race and then your kidneys fail and all of that okay do i have a witness over there i see you linda and so i had to stop i had to stop doing that i had to stop doing that and every time i would i would get overwhelmed i would do this i would just literally go to my breath and remind myself that breath is the presence of life it reminds you that the breath is literally the source of life for you come back to focus and i would say in this moment i am well in this moment i'm okay i am not in the hospital i am not on a respirator i am not that story in this moment i am breathing i am well i'm okay coming back to the moment coming back to the moment reminding myself in this moment i am well so i believe that the first step toward focus is to start exactly where you are also if you want to have unstoppable confidence self love and learn from billionaires check out my 254 series they're free the links to join are in the description below it's important to associate with people that are better than yourself how to be myself completely on television the number one thing that has made us successful by far is obsessive compulsive focus on the customer habit number three get enough sleep with jeff bezos you uh sit around with your team and so forth but you don't like meetings before 10 a.m no you like to get eight hours of sleep and you don't like um power points explain all that why is that okay many so i i like to putter in the morning i get up early i go to bed early i get up early i like to putter in the mornings i like to read the newspaper i like to have coffee i like to have breakfast with my kids before they go to school so i have my kind of puttering time is very important to me and so that's why i set my first meeting for 10 o'clock i like to do my high iq meetings before lunch like anything that's going to be really mentally challenging that's a 10 o'clock meeting and because by 5 p.m i'm like i can't think about that today let's try this again tomorrow at 10 a.m and and so then on sleep i get eight hours of sleep i prioritize it unless i'm traveling in different time zones sometimes it's impossible but i am very um focused on it and and and for me i need adults to sleep i think better i have more energy my mood is better all these things and think about it as a senior executive what do you really get paid to do as a senior executive you get paid to make a small number of high quality decisions your your job is not to make thousands of decisions every day so let's say that i slept six hours a day or let's go really crazy and say i slept four hours a day so now i just got four so-called productive hours back so if i was going to you know have say 12 hours of productive time during any waking day now all of a sudden i have 12 plus 4 i have 16 productive hours so i have 33 percent more time to make decisions so if i was going to make you know 100 decisions now i can make 133 decisions if i did that arithmetic wrong i'm sorry and and so you make 133 decisions is that really worth it if the quality of the decisions might be lower because you're tired or grouchy or any number of things now it's different if it's a startup company i mean you know you're really you know when amazon was 100 people that's a different story but but amazon's not a startup company and all of our senior executives operate the same way i do they work in the future they live in the future none of the people who report to me should really be focused on the current quarter um i always tell people sometimes i get you know we'll have a good um quarterly conference call or something and and wall street will like our quarterly results and i'll get people will stop me and say congratulations on your quarter and i say thank you but what i'm really thinking is that quarter was baked three years ago i right now i'm working on a quarter that's going to reveal itself in 2021 sometime and that's what you need to be doing you need to be out sort of you know two or three years in advance and if you are and then why do i need to make 100 decisions today if i make like three good decisions a day that's enough habit number four read more with elon musk i certainly was quite um i was very very bookish i was reading all the time so i was either reading working on my computer reading comics playing dungeon dragons that kind of thing and um i understand hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy that wonderful book by douglas adams that was a that was a key book for you what was it about that book that that fired your imagination um yeah so uh i guess when i was in uh around 12 or 13 i had company existential crisis and i was reading various books um on trying to figure out the meaning of life and well like what does it all mean because uh it starts seeming quite meaningless and then um uh my we happen to have like some some books by nietzsche and schopenhauer in the house which you should not read at age 14 is bad it's really negative um so so uh but then i read the hitchhiker's guide the galaxy was like quite positive i think and um and it sort of highlighted the the an important point which is that a lot of times the question is harder than the answer and if you can properly phrase the question then the answer is the easy part and so uh the if to agree that we can um better uh understand the universe then we better know what questions to ask and then whatever the question is that most approx approximates what's the meaning of life you know that that's that's the question we could ultimately get closer to understanding um and so i thought well to agree that we can expand the scope and scale of consciousness and knowledge um human knowledge then that would be a good thing and habit number five the last one before a very special bonus habit is always be a student with bill gates you went to harvard and you dropped out have you ever thought how your life could be better off if you had gotten your harvard degree well i i'm a weird dropout because i take college courses all the time i love learning company courses and and things so i loved being a student and there were smart people around and you know they fed you and they gave you these nice grades that made you feel smart uh so i i feel it was unfortunate uh that i didn't get to stay there but i don't think i missed any knowledge because you know whatever i needed to learn i would i was still in a a learning mode now i've got a really special bonus clip that i think you're going to enjoy but before that it's time for the question of the day i want to know what was your single biggest takeaway from this video and write down in the comments below when you're going to take action on that takeaway this week when you schedule in what day what time and what place you're going to take action you have a 91 chance of actually following through compared to just 35 if you just got motivated but never created a plan and when you share your plan and have accountability you give yourself an even higher chance of following through so in the comments below write down your single biggest takeaway as well as your specific plan of action because i want to celebrate with you one of the things that companies do or startups do they come up with an idea they'll google it and if they don't see it in the first two pages they think it's original you've got to go back right because over the past 15 years there's so many different businesses that have tried and failed you have to go back and find those and learn from those so you've got to understand all the implications and you have to learn from history and so the best advice i can give you on a video before talking to you or emailing with you is that you've got to find out the history of people who have tried your idea because there's a 99.99999 chance that your idea has been tried before that's not a good reason not to start it because you might be able to outperform them but you better learn from the history of your idea um because you know what they say about people who don't learn from history [Music] if you want to change your life in 30 days for free check the link right below me and if you want seven more lessons from billionaires check the video right there next to me i think you'll enjoy it continue to believe i'll see you there
Channel: Evan Carmichael
Views: 60,326
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: entrepreneur, yt:cc=on, evancarmichael, Entrepreneur, evan carmichael, warren buffett, oprah winfrey, jeff bezos, elon musk, bill gates, mark cuban, best lessons, best habits for success, habits of billionaire
Id: E242rRo776k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 50sec (950 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 31 2020
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