How Kaneki Met The Reaper

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hello everybody hope you're having a great day and doing well sit back and relax as in this video I'll be breaking down kaneki's participation within the raid of the 20th Ward I remember when this Arc was going on as I was graduating middle school and I genuinely could not believe that this series ended with kanaki quote unquote dying I had never read any story where the protagonist fails or anything like that so the amount of cope I was doing was crazy from K theories to Ishida someday announcing that he has 10 more more chapters for Tokyo Ghoul it's honestly a funny time for me to look back on as an adult kaniki stands over Tokyo understanding the weight of the burden he's about to undertake the moment that he enters himself into the 20th Ward as kaneki readies himself nishio enters and says to him so you're going are you that stupid the two then sit down and talk with nishio telling kanuki that yo had contacted him and that the ccg is shutting down an ENT entire Ward and reing Anu just for serving coffee it's really ridiculous guess this is how things suddenly end the only life that seemed normal crumbles in an instant when it ends it's always abrupt ntio points out to kaniki that with all the ghouls they're going to kill just for the sake of getting the ghouls at the cafe they'll never know which servers at Anu were actually ghouls he then recalls what Yoshi mura told him if you pick up and disappear they won't try to find you nishio expresses his empathy and gratitude for Yoshimura the only way he knows how by saying that he hates him for always trying to save their asses kaneki looks at nishio and says if I hadn't take you to the cafe but nishio cuts kaneki off and tells him not to feel bad about it as saying something like that won't do anything but piss him off right now and if you notice nishio tends to express his gratitude through saying things like this nishio continues to ask kanaki if it's truly necessary for him to do what he is going to do and why why doesn't he decide to continue living for those who are waiting for him at home why does he march on into this raid despite Yoshi mura and his seniors sacrificing themselves for his wellbeing kanaki then answers nishio saying I keep thinking why Mr Yoshi mura for who for what Mr Yoshi mura opened the cafe for why would somebody who loves people so much did you know there's a cup stored in the back of the cupboard a small antique a coffee cup I've never seen it be used not even once I think he's been waiting for a long time all of this time kaneki's purpose in participating in this raid is revealed through this passage as kaneki would empathize with many parts of yoshim mura the unconditional kindness Yoshimura displays to all who comes across him despite the immense power he holds the father-like figure that he plays to kaneki and all who comes into the cafe and mostly Yoshimura is longing for a parent child relationship to come to fruition the same loneliness and longing that kaneki sees in yoshim mura is one that he understands himself and thus he wants Yoshimura to live on to also satisfy that pain he knows so well as kanaki has said that he will work with everybody and stop working alone he tells niio that this is the last time that he will take on anything alone a saving Yoshimura is more than just saving somebody to him but a right of passage suyama then enters and interrupts kaneki stating that he will not allow kaneki to enter this raid as suyama is aware that kaniki has no chance of surviving the raid he begins to ask him what was the point of anything if he just runs into certain death kanaki says that he understands the risk and since suyama doesn't know how to express himself he charges that kaneki telling him that if he will not listen and refrain from entering the onu raid he will kill him here sukii really tries to convince kaniki that it's useless in trying to do anything about this and that even with his family and connections he would not be able to help kaneki here he declares that he will not allow anybody to get in his way of eating kanaki some time passes of these two's confrontation and we see that Suki is exhausted and balling his eyes out begging kaneki to please not go suyama drops the act and ask kaneki as a friend genuinely caring for his life to not March in a certain death kanaki apologizes to suyama and thanks him for trying to stop him he grabs his mask and confirms his resolve to save his friends these people are attempting to sacrifice themselves for his and other sake deserve to be saved and as he refuses to allow anything to be stolen from him again kanaki declares that he is tired of being helpless Tokyo rule enters its final Act kanaki saves both com and Ary from the special investigators and creates a new plan with Ary to re unite at Route v14 once kaneki is able to save and assist Yoshimura kanaki moves towards saving Yoshimura and eventually is halted by Ammon someone that he does not want to hurt by any means let alone fight he tells Amon that he will not fight him and attempts to run away to which Amon responds by telling kaniki that there is absolutely no chance of him allowing kaneki to escape as Amon prevents kaneki from running away he says that kanaki always seems to show up at critical moments of his life asking if kaneki is the manifestation of the Grim Reaper Amon then prepares himself to battle and kanaki does the same pointing out that there's no point in even attempting to run away here as Amon will just chase him down even if he does kaneki then obliges to the battle but since he does not want to kill Armon he asks for his name Amon responds to kanaki by playing the role of an investigator but deep down inside he values kaneki as a person as much as kaneki values him even thinking to himself that if kaneki gets past some here the other investigators will just try and kill him themselves Ammon then yells his name to kaneki Meanwhile deep down inside of himself he says that this is an unreasonable request of him to ask of kanaki but please survive this battle and raid someway somehow kanaki and alon's reasons for fighting in this hopeless situation at the moment oppose one another as kaneki is in this raid due to his Reckless and uncontrollable emotions whereas Amon is in this raid due to his absolute drive to follow his duty through no matter what with both kanaki and Ammon being possessed by such forms of thinking they weren't in their best mental states were honestly trying to do everything they can to make the best out of the situation Kani had almost no logic in him during this Arc and Amon did not consider his empathy once when choosing his actions time and time again they have spared one another because they knew knew that one prospering was better for the other and yet when these two have both of what they value on the line all sense of rational thinking gos out the window and for the first time in the series they choose to not communicate with one another and find some sort of middle ground or compromise which leads to tragedy for the both of them this relationship between kaneki and Amon resembles both ghoul and human societies and how both could Prosper when they're in the correct and balanced States willing to work together to find an answer however these two decided to fight due to circumstance instead of taking any time to talk things out and when you see things from both of their perspectives you can't blame either one of them as kaneki and Amon fight Ammon is very easily able to point out that kaneki is trying to disarm him rather than actually hurt him but Amon says he cannot let him get to the owl no matter what however determination is not enough to overcome the eye patch kanaki disarms Ammon and Ammon lays on the ground defeated pointing out that this end the same as the last time they fall and as he almost passes out a doctor from the ccg comes flying in a car and throws two suitcases towards Ammon to assist him two new Quin K are given to him at this moment and as he states that he can continue to fight Ammon activates both the auto equipping arat 2 and a dojima spear in response to this kaneki now assesses the situation creating a plan to handle both the Lance and the armor as he has experience with both but a plan is not enough Amon takes one step with the armor and shatters the ground beneath him instantaneously appearing in front of kanaki and sending him flying across the streets of Tokyo with one strike as kaneki lands on his neck He's Surely taking tons of damage enough pain to forcely activate his kakua State the centipede kaneki and Amon begin to fight once more and we enter amon's perspective with him saying I've lost so much in my life my biological parents the illusion of a foster parent friends my mentor I'm AF afraid what will I lose next this is the last Bastion I can't let him pass I patch how about you take a break too with this the two Clash and the winner of this Clash is kaneki Ken we see through ammon's monologue that he's driven by the same thing that kaneki's driven by both the love for the people in his life and his unwillingness to lose them these two things played a huge role in pushing kaneki and Ammon to put their lives at such high Risk by entering this raid and fighting one another uncontrollable emotion and unwavering Duty what both had in common was the desire to protect people who love them and gave them a reason to live even after they were both abandoned by the world itself as children this Mutual desire leads to both kaneki and Amon taking their respective mindsets to the extreme and results in them being way too weakened to protect anybody else for any longer Amon passes out due to the immense damage he's taken from Los losing the clash and thinks back to his parents and then sees Donato his original foster parent who was a ghoul himself he says damn damn it even at A Moment Like This why why is it you I'd get into this but Ammon and Donato deserve their own video we now see the aftermath of kaneki's fight with Ammon where he comes to Consciousness out of his centipede State and realizes that Amon was able to leave a gaping hole in his torso upon the shock of this pain hitting him kaneki falls to his knees and furthermore the damage was so heavy from the blow that kaneki can no longer regenerate his wounds kanaki now begins to desperately crawl throughout the streets of Tokyo telling himself that he has to get up and make it to yoshiura in order to save him screaming repeatedly that he must kaneki continues to drag himself through the heavy rain and tells himself that he can't be out in the open in this condition he needs to go underground and heal then come back up and return to the battlefield kaneki heads into the sewers and begins to break down mentally due to the immense pain from his fight with Ammon his hunger as a ghoul in the stress of saving Yoshimura and potentially killing Ammon he mindlessly scures through the water telling himself that he needs to go and help kaneki's ghoul side begins to take over his mind as he deteriorates underground in pure isolation telling himself that he must find somebody and kill them in order to eat them but then he tells himself that he doesn't want to do that then he proclaims that he'll protect everybody and nip evil in the bud things he told himself long ago as his breakdown continues he then sees faces in the water it's re and Jason both of them grab onto him and kaniki screams for them to stop and let go he tells them to give it back to him stay away from him go away my body is mine please get out of my body kaneki is losing his mind here due to many factors and as he rips his mask he screams once more and he finally acknowledges that he's beginning to lose his mind and that when he consumed re in order to defeat Jason and control his anger and aggression in order to absolutely crush anything that stood in his way or threaten the lives of those that he loved he never truly controlled that side of himself but the other way around kaneki's emotions had ended up controlling him and led him all the way up to here this downward spiral within the depths of the Earth where none can hear his screams or cries kaneki's in isolation once more yet he fought so hard to escape this but has kaneki ever found himself in true isolation hey kanaki as kaneki hears that voice we see who it is the person who's always been there for him no matter what even after kanaki lost his family and was abandoned by the next one he was always there and he's still here today he asked kanaki what's with that outfit attempting to light lighten up the mood and then kaniki turns around we see that he's completely transformed into a [ __ ] State representing his mental instability K asked if kaneki's been struggling all this time and tells him that he doesn't need the mask anymore kaneki doesn't believe that H would be there and thus attempts to convince himself that what he's seeing was an illusion he puts his hand on kaneki's shoulder and says that he's aware of kaneki being a ghoul all along and that he wants to help him Escape but there's no chance of kanaki making it out so he asked can kaniki fight with all he's got just one last time that's the only way he was gone and I was all alone my wounds were all healed and I could taste sweet blood in my mouth I kept walking aimlessly as if to hide the smoldering apprehension in me when I reached the clearing I could smell overmature and decaying flowers somebody was standing in the middle of the flower bed nobody had to tell me he didn't have to make himself known either like a puzzle piecing itself together on its own I Knew by sight who he was ccg's Reaper The Undefeated ghoul investigator he sharima the reaper was standing there why do beautiful things remind us of death more than life Strangely I thought he was beautiful I was so captivated by him I didn't even notice what lay beneath me it wasn't flowers but it was an exorbitant amount of death kaniki here mixes up death and Beauty which was foreshadowing of both how this fight would go and what kaneki's intentions were throughout this fight and potentially throughout all of the original Tokyo Ghoul as kaneki has many questionable decisions when it comes to preserving his own life we find out that in Tokyo Ghoul re that kaneki had entered this fight with the sole purpose of going out in a blaze of glory as a self-sacrificial hero nothing more nothing less kaneki now asks was ARA able to do this by himself he then notices that he has arrived at Route v14 the meeting place for him K and idimi once kanaki was able to save Yoshimura and Escape he instantly accepts that ARA has slaughtered them and then says I tried riing myself up with hatred but more than sorrow more than anger the emotion rushing through me was despair because it would be me who would be nothing next kanaki understands the situation and panic begins to set in he's unable to collect his thoughts and make a decision he knows he can't run and he must fight here ARA stands completely still and kanaki firms himself as he remembers what hi said to him he will give it all and strike first but to no avail Arma is able to impale kanaki with ease before he can see anything and as kaneki attempts to gain distance he begins to affirm to himself that he can still fight F but is impaled through the head before he can even finish thinking this sentence Agony now sets in kanak keep begins to scream relentlessly as he repeatedly says to himself that his face is caving in his sight is completely skewed and as the Garner of Death Becomes nothing but black and white Madness slowly begins to settle in kanaki begins to ask what is going to happen to him he then activates his kagon and pulls out the blade from his brain and can barely say arima's name before before attacking him he unleashes a massive attack while reciting a poem to which Arma is able to dodge with ease as kanaki continues to lose it he begins to ask things such as why is nobody here and Mom can I ride the swing he also calls out for both of his parents meanwhile telling Arma to read it and to give it back with it most likely being a book the same book that kaneki was reciting in his previous attack kanaki continues to talk telling HED that it's over and his his brain is melting then telling himself that he needs to calm down using something anything and what comes to mind is another poem as kaneki recites his poem Arma then says that is beautiful to which kaneki responds by saying it's by hakushu Arma then picks up on the fact that he's fighting kanaki and says that it's raining you can't tell the weather outside when you're under ground and you also lose your sense of time but you can tell it's raining outside by the down to the water it'll stop raining soon this is v14 I cannot allow a g to pass through here you will go no farther Arma activates another Quin K narukami and begins to send multiple bolts of lightning throughout his garden of corpses as kaniki begins to desperately evade all of arima's attacks he says to himself that arima is like a monster yet he is only human all I need to do is Strike him once and I will win this push PES kaneki to go for one final strike which is easily blocked by ARA's first weapon this attack does break the weapon upon impact which Garners ARA's praise as ARA impales kanaki one last time he ends the battle kanaki regains Consciousness on a slide at the neighborhood park used to play it as a child he sees another child off in the distance and turns away asking where he's at in the first place he walks through the streets of Tokyo eventually coming back to his home he finds his mother still working and she says welcome home and kaneki then gets on his knees and tells her that she doesn't need to work anymore begging her to please stop he asks her to look at him and then he realizes that like himself his mother wanted to have everyone around her and thus she continued to push herself too far causing herself to pass away kaneki begins to reminisce on conversations with everybody that he's loved and cherished remembering that each and every one of them begged him to Value his life and make the decisions that would preserve it as kaneki refused to save himself before saving everybody around him he pushed himself way too far he did all this while also being reluctant to place the weight of his choices on the bounds which reflects his inability to critically think during the later half of Tokyo Ghoul as kanaki made a lot of his decisions off of anger combined with his other emotions and thus stripped himself of the ability to logically consider the consequences of his actions in the long run pretending to be concerned for others when I was only thinking about myself kanaki says this admits that he really did not think about what everybody wanted in the end kanuki went into this raid going against every single one of his friends wishes one way or another because he desperately wanted to keep everybody safe no matter what he didn't enter the raid with the intention of saving his friends for anybody but himself this results in him losing his life essentially accomplishing nothing nothing but killing off the only humans who took the time to understand him if you think that kanaki would consider Amon as a friend then you could even say that kanaki caused more harm than good with his presence as kanaki goes through his thoughts and memories he realizes that the reason his mother worked so hard for the sake of his aunt was because she was scared of losing someone again like she once lost her husband he says that his mother wasn't a kind person but just a coward and so was he he admits to himself once more that he only wanted to protect himself all along and that he went about this whole thing completely wrong kaneki chose to protect himself by protecting others rather than protecting others by protecting himself had kaneki chosen to prioritize himself in his safety in order to protect those around him he would have saved many of his friends and himself from either death or excessive pain multiple times for example kaneki could have killed Jason the moment they met if he was worried about his own safety this would would have prevented the death of some of his friends and his own trauma but instead he allows himself to be taken in and tortured for the sake of protecting those around him kaneki allows himself to be hurt sacrificed and puts himself into many high situations for the sake of protecting others which usually results at best a Bittersweet Victory I believe that protecting yourself before others is a lesson that Arma wanted to teach kaneki by force in their final battle as kanaki decided to protect Anu by sacrificing himself he ends up getting eradicated by arima but the moment that kaneki chose to protect himself and fight to live on for his own sake he was able to hold off Arma and convinced him that he was a worthy successor and thus was able to both survive and protect everybody as well kaneki in a way teaches the reader that their lives have more impact than they may believe and that the best version for you is the version that lives for yourself and not others this isn't to say be as selfish as possible but it's more so saying that you can't give others the best help you possibly can if you aren't at your Peak so focus on keeping yourself in top shape before focusing on the lives of others kaneki stumbles upon himself at the playground and he says waiting for Mom to come home reading dad's books by myself playing alone in the sandbox it was this boy this was the boy I didn't want feeling lonely TOA was right I was only thinking about myself I want to say that I believe kaneki affirms what TOA said after seeing his childhood self because at the end of his own life what he sees is himself and himself alone he sees all of his friends very briefly and even his mother for a brief moment of time but he sees his childhood self last and for an extended amount of time compared to everybody else kanaki and his child self speak to each other for a little bit and eventually decide that it's time to head home because it's getting dark as they both leave kanaki says I led Myself by the hand weaving through the memories dripping out with my brain we just kept walking with no destination or Purpose with ominous clouds in the sky I already knew what was going to happen to me the next time I came to kanaki asked if his child self likes his mother and child kaneki says yeah I wonder when I will grow up if I can help people like Mom does and kaniki looks at his child self horrified as his look can mean many things he begins to apologize except ively and gets onto his knees saying it's my fault I'm why you what have I done it's my fault and as kaneki apologizes to his child's self even more the child then says we're horrible aren't we but it's okay You' saved me so many times I was weak so you fought in my place I'm not angry thank you for everything adult kaneki In This Moment realizes that he's messed up a lot but he also understands that he's done the best that he's could with all he knew and understood this before passing on kanaki forgives himself for one last time his mind turns to Ash and memories of that fateful day flashed across his mind he'd seen it and Beyond re's gaze that night was
Channel: Hundred
Views: 79,319
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Amon kotaro, Eto, Kishou arima, amon kotaro vs kaneki ken, anime, anime op, anime opening, arima, ayato, furuta, jason, kaneki, kaneki ken, kaneki manga, kaneki mom, ken, ken kaneki, manga, tokyo ghoul, tokyo ghoul amv, tokyo ghoul anime, tokyo ghoul op, tokyo ghoul opening, tokyo ghoul opening full song, tokyo ghoul opening theme, tokyo ghoul re, tokyo ghoul song, tokyo ghoul unravel, torture, touka, unravel, unravel cover, unravel op, unravel tokyo ghoul, yamori
Id: vxdObl3q6FA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 16sec (1456 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 25 2023
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