How Kaneki Became The Black Reaper

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hey everybody hope you're all doing well as we continue to break down some kaneki's transformations in this video I'll be covering High stage transformation into the black Reaper kaneki with that being said I hope you all enjoy this breakdown if you haven't seen the previous two be sure to check those out at this point of the story I say is getting closer and closer to remembering who he was and he becomes desperate for information on Ken kaneki we see heisei ask a random investigator about Ammon and when he does is confirmed that a mom passed away during the 20th Ward operation and then is told that I say that any more information on a month's passing away is classified this prompts heisted to ask why is this even classified in the first place the child kaneki Ken appears in the heise's head asking why do you want to know about eye patching on moon I say them responds for you he seems to be outside at a park and he is then approached by tsukiyama who has the intention of reminding heisei who he once was ironically enough heisei was far ahead of him saying that he thought he'd find him here at the park and even made sure that he had the time to speak to him once again this completely catches tsukiyama of guard as heisei chooses to skip past all the small talking BS he should have asked sukiyama if he's a ghoul making his heart drop to the point of the story heisei has always been quite reserved and modest when it came to people keeping his identity or other things hidden from him so heisei choosing to do something like this easily displays to the viewer that he's fed up with the lies and now he's going to take the initiative you can only live within a lie so long before it caves in on itself as heisei continues to speak he apologizes for such an Abrupt question explaining to tsukiyama that he's had many unusual encounters recently so he rephrases the question away that can help him gain more information on himself asking if tsukiyama is aware of utta hinami or yotsume then telling tsukayama that he doesn't even need to answer that either asukiyama becomes overwhelmed with the questions he asks what is kaneki even trying to do here and he gets his answer kaneki then Narrows all the questions down to his mind and finally asks did you know kaneki now that tsukiyama is presented with the opportunity he was first seeking he fails to take it so heisei proceeds to speak he States say he's not here as investigator Sasuke but as Heise Sasuke he's been avoiding finding out who he was for so long and now he needs to come to terms with his past self as the missing 20 years of his past life plagues him he knows that finding these answers will offer him relief and allowing the child chronically to disappear from his mind will do nothing but hurt him even more as tsukiyama hears this he's unable to make a decision he's unable to know if revealing kind of gets past him will do more harm or good tsukiyama decides to inform Heise that the changes that finding out who he once was May force him to give up the life that he has now when Heise has to contemplate this he cries and says no going on to explain that when the ghoul saw him with his mask they called him the eye patch piecing together that this was most likely what he was known for in the past even with this body I want to remain in person Ken kaneki was a ghoul a ghoul feared even by other ghouls I don't want to accept him I want this life to continue but somewhere inside of me I know it can't someday I'll have to accept who I was it's not logic or emotion it's more like fate something that remains consistent about kaneki and all of his personalities is that he will always make the hardest decisions no matter what he understands that here he must find out his truth although it break his heart to lose the life that he currently has to wake up from the Stream he understands that the return of kaneki is inevitable so as a risk that he must take I say please for tsukiyama to tell him anything about himself in tsukiyama understanding kaneki very well pieces together that Heise is amalgamation of both of the kaneki's he once knew he points out that heisei both has a strong and weak side in the high seat speaking to currently is the weak side of himself the kaneki who once was not strong enough to make a choice this reminder of the kaneki once knew and the chance to get one of them back causes tsukiyama to really think about what kaneki is to him he claimed that kaneki was no more than an ingredient a delicacy but that couldn't be further from the truth upon reminding him of the times he once spent with kaneki banjo and hinami he states that those times were truly fun for him with heisei catching him off guard and his Epiphany about kaneki just now he's unsure of what to do he walks away and says that he's no longer sure of himself leaving heisei Disturbed the next time we see heisei he's researching past case files and Akira checks in to ask why he's not preparing for the tsukiyama raid I say informs her as to what he's doing currently and takes the opportunity to ask her about her time being assigned to the 20th Ward with her well-known intuition she instantly picks up that he's going to ask about Ammon she quickly tells heisei that he was just a colleague and died in our operation nothing more Heise isn't satisfied with this answer though as he knows that there's clearly more than what she's telling him but he still asks about the eye patch to which he responds by telling him that there's nothing he needs to know as a care begins to walk away she tells him to get back to preparing for an operation but he asks why is it none of my business Akira tells him to not make her repeat herself but he cuts her off by screaming why won't you tell me he asked if it's because he's eye patch because he's the one who killed our moon expressing the fear of waking up and not knowing anything only having what he's been told to cling on to having no idea who his real parents are having no idea where he came from or who he even is all these things Weighing on heise's mind forces him to break down and begin crying which makes Acura hug and hold him telling him that he is who he is and names do not matter something to remember is that Amman is a touchy subject not only for hisay but Akira herself as Amon was the Protege of her father and a person that she loved she likely Harbors a little bit of resentment in high State due to this but still has to recognize that it's not his fault and with that we enter the tsukiyamuri we see a bridge in the middle of the night and on this bridge is a car that contains tsukiyama and is made matsume as tsukiyama's asleep in the car matsume reports to someone that they're headed to the eighth Ward and this makes sukiyama wake up and ask where they're going matsume lies him insists that tsukiyama's father arranged for tsukiyama to go on a drive since he looked tired but tsukiyama sees right through this asking where his father was masume states that his father stood behind and after societal influence is completely gone matsume then tellsukiyama that his father will do his best to distract the ccg until they're clear and tsukiyama says so we can escape this instantly reminds tsukiyama the antaku rig that took place at the ending of the previous series and tells her that they need to turn back but matsume retorts by saying that the tsukiyama family has come to an end nasukiyama must stay alive for the future of the family if you care for each and every one of us please do not let our wishes be in vain sukiyama then dinks to himself that he turns back to save his father then everybody there will die for nothing this thought reminds him of kaneki as he's now in kaneki's shoes when he once tried to stop him two years ago he absolutely understands and says that no wonder he couldn't be stopped we come back to heisei during the raid and he's told by kuri to investigate the Rooftop in order to know if there are hostiles there he instantly gets on it using his cognate to climb up the building with relative ease as he arrives at the rooftop he looks over the city of Tokyo and thinks to himself even a corporation when it ends it ends abruptly this thought forces a sting to go through his mind this being a callback to his conversation with initio before he decided to enter the onteger raid it forces his head to sting since these are his memories coming through although he's not aware of it as we move on to tsukiyama returning home with matsume she asked him to stay where they're currently at while she goes on to invite the investigators but he asked why aren't you wearing your mask he asked her to swear to him that she'll return but she tells him that she cannot promise that and ask him to please survive for his sake he simply says that isn't fair some time passes in tsukiyama is going on to the roof of the building and he comes across High SE at the sight of him he can't do anything but think to himself are you freaking kidding me what a ridiculous comedy Corey calls to check in on hiset and Heise says that there's no sign of tsukiyama yet Curry then tells heisei to just keep watch up there to which I say affirms tsukiyama asks High save that false report is supposed to be pity and then heisei states that he's obligated to fight him but he wanted to talk before that tsukiyama asks how I say what he wants to know and does he want him to talk about kaneki before he's killed off like the rest of his people I say ask sukiyama to stand down and if he does he can advise the ccg to take charge of him masukiyama refuses bolting toward hisei with a thunderous kick he sent him flying he claims that many have sacrificed themselves for him in turning himself in to wait around in the Detention Center until he's disposed of is something he cannot do from here on out he'll be fighting to survive and to make hise aware of this tsukiyama makes sure to let him know that he does not care for him as the two fight heisei questioned sukiyama's decision to fight rather than surrender laying out his circumstances of being surrounded by the ccg and his guards being eradicated how could you see yourself making it out of this raid alive tellsukiyama that all of this is just unreasonable which again is another parallel to the ontaker rate as this is what tsukiyama was literally telling kaneki when he attempted to convince him to stay tsukiyama responds to heisei by simply saying that it's none of his concern as he thinks of heisei in his mind he apologizes for turning his life into shambles when heisei really could have been at peace he says that it's sad that their lives will no longer intersect after this battle and sends heisen flying with a blow as heisis being relentlessly attacked by tsukiyama he begins to read his moves like a book leading all the way up to tsukiyama doing a huge swing on heisei's shoulder as this attack lands tsukiyama also realizes that heisei is able to read his moves and then the scene cuts to heisei having tsukiyama pinned on the ground and defeated as heisei can end the battle tsukiyama says that he's still strong this causes heise's head to ring once more in the child kaneki begs Heise from the not kill sukiyama and by proxy him if Heise deals his finishing blow he'll most likely betray himself and lose kaneki struggles to make the decision but he takes too much time in this indecision will cost them dearly as his hand has been cut off by wanasukiyama servants one who seems to have been mutated by the one-eyed owl herself he screams at the top of his lungs as heise's Bellows of Agony ring throughout the night kanei tells him to shut up and throws his arm off the building calling it garbage I say stumbles and Falls onto the ground and tsukiyama asks if this is Kanye to which she says it is she instantly attacks heisen once more sending him flying into the building and asukiyama to please wait while she takes out the trash some time passes and we see heisei beaten to a pope begins to say to heisei do you know why Rose is beautiful because it's plucked before it Withers you'll go down as a beautiful memory for tsukiyama die simply responds by rotating his body and putting his left leg on Kane's neck and sends off a devastating kick with his left leg sending Kane's head fly it's then shown what was going through heisei's head when he was being held by Kanye a hallucination of Arma telling him that he must do his job by any means but would you prefer to die again this triggers High set and forces him to respond by going into a feral State and sending Kane's head flying with ease as he regains Consciousness and lands he begins to ramble it's mine my body my eyes my arms my eyes my soul and meanwhile heisei is doing that kind of his head reattaches itself and she regains her own Consciousness as well she questions his ability to regenerate so well that she's even able to recover from her head being blown off but redirects her attention towards High sick as heisei begins to shift the tides of this battle she points out that he seems to be a different person than before and how dare he take tsukiyama away from her in his kagane pierces her torso as we go into a flashback It's Quickly revealed that tsukiyama's unaware that Kane is a woman and the cause of a mutation is from etto the one-eyed owl she underwent her mutation and is fighting I say currently because she's in love with tsukiyama and wants to keep him safe from heisei and the ccg as heisei Center flying into a wall he Corners her preparing to finish her off for good Kane then says that she'll kill haitsei and go home with tsukiyama meanwhile thinking about Eve the first woman who ate the apple from the Tree of knowledge in order to love a man she asked did I want to be loved of course I did tsukiyama tells Kane to stand back and heisei stares at her and he thinks to himself for some strange reason I felt an Indescribable sadness I remembered a certain passage and then he says out loud my sweet apathetic soul this summons ETO the one-eyed owl herself and she lands right in front of Heise completely manifesting her kakuja and instantly attacking him as Heise sent flying Ethel begins to yell out both of his names kaneki and hisa and she then says Arma would have been able to dodge that flick to the forehead I say or do you enjoy getting hit in the first place this alludes to something that we'll be seeing fairly soon and as she redirects her attention towards Kane Ethel tells her to get back up and dance for her as she'll be dying soon anyway Kanye gets back up and ragdoll's heisen sending him blind with a sidekick and then lands an ax kick propelling him to the ground as Heist is completely overwhelmed from the damage he's taken from etto and now Kane he stops responding Kane stoms on his head repeatedly shouting I Will Be Loved and we Fade Into heist's mind I says that his head is cracked open it tastes like honey in my mouth I see begins to hallucinate in the child kaneki looks over he says that he's a baby suffocating inside of a bottle and asks weren't you going to save me I see then grabs a child with no hesitation and tells him to shut up telling him to die when he speaks about his salvation that night he should have died against arima kaneki then tells him there you go it's then said the high say don't you remember it was just a little pleading I used to get spanked all the time by someone I love and it's shown that kaneki was abused as a child when he'd asked for almost anything which explains to reserved and introverted nature and also the lack of initiative all parts of kaneki that Arma himself was able to notice when they first met as kaneki continues going through his past to help heisei remember he explains that he was happy back then and that he finally got to meet the reaper that night like the little insect mom was I was going to but I couldn't I say asks kaneki to clarify if he wanted to pass away and kaneki confirms it and this time around he must have gotten away that'll make everybody love him he wants to pass away heroically and ironically enough this need to pass away heroically has done nothing but cause him to fail but due to how he skewed his vision of his mother who kaneki believes passed away in the same sacrificial nature now he loved her despite the abuse he could not help but trudge down the same path he can't help but romanticize failing in this way I see now understands his nature and who kaneki was as kaneki makes his salvation clear to jaisei he calls himself no more than a pleasant dream I see states that obtaining the salvation of this child kaneki doesn't sound so hard and as kanhi asked Heise if he'd be able to do this he says yes what the child kaneki is truly asking Heise here is if I say truly does want to remember everything because if he does his desire to go back to his original plan will return in this desire is to die heroically the truth behind I say is that although he was the most emotionally stable version of kaneki and even being an outgoing well-like person who served a great purpose in society he always knew that it was going to end sooner or later was a lie that gave kaneki everything he asked for this lie was something that could be stolen away from him at any moment and that likely played a role in heisei never reaching true happiness as an investigator the desperate lie that is the existence of heisei that resembles bargaining has finally resulted in kaneki reobtaining his memory wake up cry a little and it's over heisei prepares himself to remember his memories feel all the pain that will come with them and to die heroically in order to end said pain the dream ends in the truth returns and kaneki's depression sets in as we enter the real world once more we see Kane is still attacking kaneki but it's seamlessly interrupted with a flash of his cogodate this attack since Kanye's arm flying into the air this arm is caught by none other than the spectator etto as Kane falls to the ground kaneki walks towards her and grabs her here meanwhile having his kaguna grab a steel pole and once he looks at her again he tells her to shut up he runs to steal pull through her eyes with his kaguna this forcing her to mentally break down from the immense pain unleashes her cognate in a frenzy and kaneki lands on it the second she finishes attack this allows kaneki to utilize the kaguna returning into her body as a vehicle to slip behind her as they're now back to back kaneki grabs her with his kaguna and forces even more to propel through her body ending the battle as kaneki's bat he walks towards fukuyama looks down at him and tsukiyama asks if that's really kaneki as kaneki's contemplating what to do here he remembers Nico once telling him that ETO may be the one-eyed King understanding what this means kaneki confirms to tsukiyama that it's indeed him and he proceeds to knock sukiyama out this was most likely because when sukiyama and kaneki were once friends in the past their goal was to find and defeat the one-eyed King but kaneki obviously wouldn't want tsukiyama to get in this battle with him if he were to find out that Ethel was the one-eyed King as well so he gets rid of him and knocks him out after this kaneki points his attention towards ETO and she says he's finally awakened I wonder who's stronger you or Ari makisha kaneki simply responds with you're pathetic they now Clash as kaneki Dodges all of ETO Spears he asks for a purpose behind her intrusion narrowing it down to if she's only killing time and she confirms this stating that she was wondering how the situation on the rooftop would play out kaneki tells her that her father wanted him to save her and she responds him by saying that she's already been saved she mocks kaneki by saying that he's so kind and asking if he's really going to take pity on her and he says that he will and after this he cuts open ethos kakuja the pity that kaneki would bestow upon her may not be the one she had in mind as kaneki lands on a steel beambover he says let me ask you one thing why should I save trash like you and this pisses at to off to no end as she expresses her frustration with kaneki for that attack he landed on her she begins to mutate her kakuja even further beginning to repeatedly offer him to come here while chasing him she shoots two attacks at kaneki which he Dodges with ease she begins to yell that her head's all fizzy and she repeats her own stories that she's written as she transforms herself even more and as she screams it's the outpouring of Something Beautiful launching more attacks at kaneki he hops over them and jumps off of the building they're fighting on reattaching himself to the side of the building by using his kaguide but etto still on his Trail kaneki uses his cognate to keep himself stable as he's running alongside the building and eventually he jumps onto another building he then jumps onto more barely avoiding eto's attack he lands on to another set of Steel beams and as ETO says let's end one another she goes in for one more attack this is completely countered by kaneki an oblique representation of what kanaki has become he rips ETO apart mercilessly and as he ends the entire fight in one blow he finishes off Echo by cutting her in half and throwing her off of the building the two one-eyed children who are abandoned by their parents conclude their battle with Ethel recognizing her similarities to kaneki she says that she likes him the black Reaper has been fully realized and he tells etto that he's honored sometime passes and we see crew finally reach the rooftop and he says he hears something we then see kaneki devouring at home and crewy asks kaneki what the hell he's doing kaneki says that he was exhausted from fighting the one-eyed owl and felt the need to replenish himself and kuri asks if he was able to at least exterminate it and kaneki says no it got away at the last second kaneki and kui walk up to tsukiyama and kaneki tells kuri to run down on what happened on the rooftop with him but he adds that the tsukiyama family and the algiri tree are connected which is to deceive both kuri and tsukiyama kaneki also points out that Kane was also part of the family he takes the initiative and tells kuri that he will be handling the extermination of tsukiyama and kuri then states that he'll handle the other kaneki grabs tsukiyama and holds him over the rooftop then shifts a slight gaze towards Kane he then throws him off and Kane screams for tsukiyama pantsing even thrown off of the building and run past both kaneki and kuri to jump off and save him we see kaneki looked down one last time and say goodbye tsukiyama I need to go as we come back to tsukiyama's point of view he sees Kane chasing after him and he tells her to save herself she confesses her love for him as they're falling from the sky and tsukiyama accepts it feeling complete satisfaction through this she sacrifices herself to save suit Yama from the fall passing away due to injury yet feeling no regret The tsukiyama Raid finally concludes and heisei stumbles upon his team and finds URI waiting for him URI expresses frustration with his and he tells him that shirazu wanted to see him if he'd gotten back sooner he would have been able to save him it's my fault but who was fighting alongside him all the disadvantages in this world are due to incompetence if you want to curse something curse your own weakness kaneki walks past him and goes to shiraz's body to mourn his death they both hang their heads down in failure that's it hopefully you guys enjoyed if you did please leave a like comment subscribe this video in particular took the most out of me that any video ever has and honestly I don't know why I really don't but yeah um probably a video on our moon coming next for Tokyo Ghoul no big kaneki projects yet and especially because I know that the next one with Arma versus kaneki last time that's gonna probably take that's probably gonna be the longest video I ever make so that will take time so I'm gonna jump to Amon hopefully you guys enjoy that almonds very underrated and he deserves it so yeah have a great day guys peace out and I'll see you all in the next one
Channel: Hundred
Views: 70,332
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Amon kotaro, Eto, Kishou arima, amon kotaro vs kaneki ken, anime, anime op, anime opening, arima, ayato, furuta, jason, kaneki, kaneki ken, kaneki manga, kaneki mom, ken, ken kaneki, manga, tokyo ghoul, tokyo ghoul anime, tokyo ghoul op, tokyo ghoul opening, tokyo ghoul opening full song, tokyo ghoul opening theme, tokyo ghoul re, tokyo ghoul song, tokyo ghoul unravel, torture, touka, unravel, unravel cover, unravel op, unravel tokyo ghoul, yamori, eto, tsukiyama, kanae, rosewald arc
Id: bwL3af9nDiY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 41sec (1481 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 30 2023
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