How Joseph Goebbels Sold Hitler To Germany | True Evil | Real History

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[Music] they seem like ordinary men articulate educated civilized but they will turn into depraved Twisted monsters they will commit acts of unimaginable cruelty for which they will feel no shame or remorse here is true evil Berlin 1945 at the heart of the ruined City the charred remains of Dr Joseph gerles and his wife close by the dead bodies of their six children The gales kill their own children poison them because their love for Hitler and that love for Nazism is just so great that they're rather committing fantacide than to see the world without their beloved fura and their beloved Nazism Joseph Gobles the Nazi master of propaganda and marketing Joseph gobl was brilliant at his job he starts using simple imagery simple wording and he knew exactly what he was doing he knew his audience Joseph Geral The Man Who Sold Hitler GBL elevates Hitler into a Godlike figure into a divine presence and imuse him with a spirituality that he hopes will inspire people on a level that transcends anything that ordinary politicians could offer Joseph GBL the club footed so socialist University academic and novelist this extraordinarily intelligent man was one of the most evil men in history born in 1897 near dorf Paul Joseph gerles is the sickly child of a bookkeeping clerk life wasn't particularly easy for Joseph GBL he contracted polio very young which left him club-footed and physically frail as a student he excels at school and then here at heidleberg University and he decides to become a novelist he is a highly intelligent person he earns a doctorate in Romance language literature at heidleberg University Geral like many academics is leftwing he believes in a large State and State Control he blames free market capitalism for ruin in Germany Geral in the early years is more on the Socialist side of of national socialism he is interested in bringing down capitalism Geral has read KL Marx Marx vilifies the Jews as usurers Geral had a pathological hatred for capitalism he Associated capitalism with a Jewish conspiracy and his attacks on the Jews were intricately linked to this hatred of a new modern capitalistic society which he thought had corrupted the values of a traditional and pure Germany but Geral sees Soviet style socialism as the wrong kind the Communists favor industrialization some of their leaders are Jewish they Proclaim themselves internationalists trosky and his followers argued for a worldwide Revolution gal's romantic socialism looks to the pre capitalist past he idealizes not the industrial working class but the rural German folk or voke in the 1920s Gobles is looking for political Direction he finds it when he comes across a Bavarian activist Adolf Hitler this is a lightning bolt moment for gbls he says what Hitler has to say Chimes exactly with what I'm thinking but haven't been able to express it's transformational when he had seen Hitler speak he had been mesmerized by him and in his Diaries He talks about how he almost feels a love for Hitler he refers to Hitler as half commoner half God Geral is enthralled by Hitler and as it happens Hitler needs Geral when Gobles joins the Nazi party it is little more than a local Bavarian sect in Berlin few people have heard of Hitler's National socialists it will be gal's job to go there and put the Nazis on the map this is really significant because up until then the Nazis had only really been successful in their home area around Bavaria and Berlin was still largely under the Thro of the Communists and other parties so to crack Berlin was a key aim and objective for the Nazis and Hitler entrusted it personally to Geral in Berlin gbl's first challenge is to get the Nazis noticed in the early years the Nazis didn't have control of media Outlets or newspapers they needed to orchestrate publicity grabbing stunts and to use an old marketing adage no publicity is bad publicity Gales makes rabble rousing speeches and organizes Nazi rallies which spill over into violence Geral believes that berliners need action and sensation to keep them engaged so when he arrives in Berlin he incites kind of violence he incites people to to be angry and there lots of kind of riots and attacks and thuggery and he sees this as a way of swelling the Nazi cause Geral has the Nazi supporters dress in homemade uniforms these Brown Shirts intimidate and Carry Out attacks on homosexual ual Communists but especially Jews and Jewish businesses the brown shirts are Brazen their attacks are widely reported in the papers the Nazis of course were a primary perpetrator of Street violence in Berlin Nazi Brown Shirts would be deliberately sent to a neighborhood just to invite trouble Gobles is above all at this stage a Rabel Rouser he really wants to have actual fights that are going to create publicity create a sense of conflict and are therefore just going to get the Nazis into the news but geres wants his own propaganda vehicle so in August 1927 he sets up a national socialist newspaper it's called D angriff the attack and that's exactly its purpose it was full of vicious attacks on Communists Jews Freemasons you name it any supposed enemy of Nazism gbl's used the angriff to focus on what he thought were the most important issues of the day and perhaps more than any other leading Nazi Geral start the most important issue of the day were the Jews GBL calls for a boycott of Jewish shops and sends out his brown shirts to intimidate ordinary Germans from using them it is they the capitalistic commercial Jews who are behind all Germany's problems Geral demonizes the Jews in just about every way possible the essential message which he puts in in every Outlet is the Jews are to blame the Jews are to blame for everything if there's a food shortage it's the Jews if there's violence it's the Jews the New York Stock Exchange is in a panic everyone wants to sell with the Wall Street crash of 1929 gal's vilification of the Jews reaches new levels firms fold unemployment Rises recession spreads around the world Berlin is the political Capital but it is also a manufacturing center and it is clobbered by the unemployment crisis crisis and if all that is not bad enough the federal government doesn't seem to be able to do anything about it the crash marks the end of an easy credit boom caused by money printing this is the fault of the American Federal Reserve and other central banks but GBL as ever blames the Jews in the runup to the 1930 election gal's poisonous anti-semitic campaign is a spectacular success the Nazis become the second largest party in the rag but Geral knows that hate is not enough to secure power for the Nazis he decides to use the latest marketing techniques and for these he turns to [Music] [Applause] America although Joseph Gobles hates capitalism he's intrigued by the emerging advertising industry in America American capitalism is producing vast numbers of consumer goods keeping the coffee in the ice box yes Mr Jones it's a new kind of coffee to Market these Goods new forms of communication and sales techniques are being developed ger will copy the techniques used by the admen on Madison Avenue not to sell breakfast cereal and washing up powder but to sell the Nazis Gobles is in the sales business he knows he has to sell Hitler and he has to sell the Nazi party so he turns to the world of advertising and he becomes fascinated and enthralled by American advertising companies of the period he even hires one and brings them over he could have been selling washing machines or fridges with the techniques that he's using but actually he's selling the darkness of narcism goal starts using very recognizable imagery simple imagery simple lettering simple wording and GBL uses his messages repeatedly he's very clever he he they work on a simple level but if he puts them into a brain often enough they really sink in they work they they they mean something to people and he knew exactly what he was doing he knew his audience it was clever stuff this drum beat of repetition makes people feel the ideas have to be right and they become an innate part of the way people see the world and that is a propaganda and political tactic that is still very widely used today Dr Joseph Geral applies his newly acquired marketing techniques to transform the image of Adolf Hitler Hitler is seen by many Germans as just a small-minded the thuggish rabble Rouser hateful embittered backward looking but in the r of the 1932 elections Gobles tries to recur him as modern dynamic and optimistic he sends Hitler on a speaking tour across Germany Hitler Travels by plane which makes him look glamorous gal's arranges for Hitler to speak at rally after rally with a message of Hope and renewal the petty Bavarian Thug starts to look like a thoughtful Statesman with a worked out set of policies to turn Germany around and it works the final touch to Adolf Hitler's vigorous election campaign was to register his vote here you see the Nazi leader entering the polling Booth watched by a small but enthusiastic crowd when Germany takes to the polls on November the 6th 1932 over 11 million people vote for Hitler I the Nazi party becomes the largest in the rice stag within months Hitler becomes chancellor of Germany Hitler gets a tremendous Ovation when leaving for his first cabinet meeting Joseph GBL writes in his diary that night the new Reich has been born the German Revolution has begun when Hitler's appointed Chancellor he is not instantly a dictator he does not instantaneous ly have total political control in Germany the dictatorship has to be built and to do that propaganda is fundamental from America Geral has learned the immense marketing power of celebrity Hitler is still just another German politician but Geral sets out to work on his image from now on Hitler will be sold as the almost mystical redeeming savior of of the German people their guide their furer this is the beginning of Adolf Hitler Nazi Superstar Geral begins to manufacture an image of Hitler as this kind of Messianic almost cult-like [Applause] figure gerles elevates Hitler into a Godlike figure into a divine presence and imbus him with a spirituality that he hopes will inspire people on a level that transcends anything that ordinary politicians could offer over the radio on film in his carefully staged public appearances Hitler is depicted as a national superhero idolized by his screaming fans this is not just clever marketing it's not just spin Geral himself believes in this and believes in it passionately he has a kind of dedicated and almost mystical Devotion to the fural I think of all high ranking Nazi leaders Joseph ger gal's Devotion to Hitler is the most intense this is a Godless religion narcism and it has its messiah in the form of Hitler but you can certainly see Geral as perhaps the highest priest in this [Music] religion the Nazis have gained as much support as they ever will by free and Democratic means they now move to establish a dictatorship and as they do gal's job changes it is no longer to influence how people vote it is to control what they think the First Act of Nazi thought control comes from Germany's University in May 1933 thousands of academics March in torch lit parades against the unerman spirit in Berlin alone 40,000 teachers and students build bonfires to burn Politically Incorrect books hundreds of professors signed petitions supporting the Nazis more than half of Germany's University students are members of the Nazi student organization 97% of Germany's teachers enrolled in the Nazi Teachers Association of all groups supporting the Nazis German intellectuals are among the most enthusiastic the book burnings were attended by many of Germany's leading academics it's a sad fact that academics have not always supported Free Speech far from it Geral is not behind this when he finds out that it's taking place of course he rushes to the scene and he announces his full support for it he very much wants to have control over these kinds of things but this was a spontaneous action taken by highly radicalized Nazi University students and one that he was in complete support of as the books burn GBL declares the end of Jewish influence on intellectual life universities are no longer places of free and open debate unacceptable opinions are censored to extend this regulation of ideas throughout Society Geral sets up the Reich Ministry of public Enlightenment and propaganda let's not forget the ministry for propaganda is also called the ministry for propaganda and Enlightenment and only in dictatorships do you have Ministries for enlightenment in which which you are trying to show the population what they should be thinking and to Enlighten them to control what Germans think geres knows he must control what they hear and read and say differences of opinion the kind of thing you might expect in a liberal democracy were anathema to the Nazi State Geral directed people's thoughts gbl's job is Conformity there can be no diversity of opinion either you think and believe as a Nazi or you're An Enemy of the State as under communist socialism State regulation of the media will become a Cornerstone of Nazi Rule and a necessary first step towards the horrors of aitz to establish a dictatorship the Nazis must kill free speech so Gobles attacks privately owned newspapers he says they reflect the views of fatat capitalists they spread fake news to protect the German public from their lies newspapers will now be regulated by the state news is brought entirely under the control of GBL so every idea every opinion every reflection has to go through GBL of course the other side of that is eliminating oppositional press a free press and Geral is at the center of it journalists will no longer answer to the capitalistic private owners of newspapers newspapers will no longer compete for readers in the marketplace of ideas and opinions news will be provided by the state the state will be the guardian of public opinion almost single-handedly he turns journalists into civil servants he turns newspapers effectively into pro-government pamphlets and any newspaper that seem to say anything even slightly critical or not supportive of the Nazi regime is simply shutdown with newspapers under Nazi control Gobles turns his attention to the New Media of the [Music] time for Joseph gobl the ultimate tool of propaganda was the radio a newspaper you actually have to make the effort to read it or a book you have to make the effort to read it but by it f nature radio can just be on in the background you can just be picking it up almost subliminally it's a very sort of invasive form of information it was the ultimate means of propaganda and he used it to the hilt in capitalist America private citizens are free to set up radio stations but in Nazi Germany Geral bans private radio stations only the state is allowed to broadcast radio programs but in this he is simply following Britain's lead the Nazis impose State Control a monopoly of radio of course the British were doing exactly the same thing with the BBC to help get the message out Geral makes available a state subsidized affordable radio the vam fanger the people's receiver he has loudspeakers installed in public squares offices schools and even restaurants Nazi propaganda is inescapable but the most exciting New Media of the inter War years is film German Cinemas are full of Hollywood movies but Hollywood is Jewish and interracial its movies promote poisonous capitalistic ideals like freedom and individualism Germany has budding talented directors like Fritz Lang and Billy Wilder but many of them are either anti-nazi or were still Jewish to counter the influence of Hollywood Geral bans American movies of which Nazis sensors disapprove and he sets up a Nazi State film industry the German film industry when it comes under gbl's control starts going from what should be an artistic Powerhouse of fantastic films made by independent dazzling filmmakers into simply yet another organ of the Nazi state if you live under the Nazi government and you're a filmmaker you don't want to take many risks obviously the consequences could be quite severe so although not all films were overtly uh propagandistic uh the ones that were made purely for entertainment sake tended to be sort of banale and trit and uh actually universally terrible you see classically of course Jewish figures presented in this very Hackney shilan way Zach British and American films full of humor irony and satire the Germans none the Nazis were deadly serious and dull life under Nazi rule is miserable for German Cinema audiences but head of the Nazi State film industry Joseph GBL is having a great time he runs a really quite effective casting couch if you want a good part in a film that's under the aaces of Joseph gobl and let's face it all the films are under the of Joseph gobl then it's quite a good idea to start an affair with him one ambitious actress Keen to advance their career is the alluring leader barova Gobles begins a 2-year affair with barova for sleeping with Gobles barova is richly rewarded in the 1930s she'll star in 34 films gal's control of the news reels meanwhile allows him to turn himself and his family into household celebrities Gobles has married divorce Magda Quant they now have six children Helga Hilda helmet holder header and Heidi Gobles features them in his cineman news reels a kind of Nazi Brady Bunch some of the leading Nazi military commanders will drop in almost like visitors on a celebrity chat show and they're portrayed in the news reels at his instruction as the perfect Nazi family magar is his pure and saintly mother and the children themselves are meant to represent the Aryan future of Germany behind the scenes things are more [Music] complicated gal's wife is in love with Hitler and Hitler is rather keen on gerb's wife you can see there's an attraction there maybe something to do with the fact that Magda was was was quite upper class and and that was something that appealed to Hitler in Berlin the rumor is that Magda is sleeping with the fura this hardly fits with Hitler's Godlike Public Image he doesn't want to be involved in that he wants to stay clear of that he wants to say as pure as Germany is pure but the reputation of Hitler is quite safe the Nazi State controls every means of communication across the whole of of Germany Geral was one of the first key political figures to realize how important propaganda is with all these emerging new technologies he recognizes that you have to have control across the board of film emerging television radio books and actually that's probably gbl's smartest move is realizing that you need to lump them together goal's Ministry gave him astonishing level of control it gave it to this one individual this one man who could decide what everybody read what everybody listened to what everybody did how everybody grew up how everybody thought all of it GBL is if you like a kind of spider at the middle of this enormous web of propaganda uh and that's instrumental in brainwashing the German populace with the full power of the state at his disposal Geral has all but extinguished Free Speech Germans are subjected to a constant barrage of State propaganda it becomes unacceptable to hold dissenting views they are able to eliminate all political opposition when they make all forms of political opposition extremely dangerous they create a situation in which it is extremely dangerous for Germans to stand up for for their fellow Germans for their neighbors for their friends acquaintances for their co-workers State media control now allows the Nazis to do pretty much what they like they are in a position to remove all restraints on themselves to begin putting into actual practice this idea of removing Jews and Jewish influence from Germany [Music] in this rarely seen footage Nazis drag Jewish people from their homes women and old people are stripped naked and are beaten their homes are taken their possessions are taken they are dragged and driven humiliated and terrified into the [Applause] ghettos there are many Germans appalled by what they witness but Joseph gbl's State control of the media denies them any platform the voices of opposition have been isolated and silenced but Joseph Geral the Nazis master of propaganda faces A new challenge when in 1939 Hitler decides to invade Poland the cost of rebuilding and expanding Germany's military machine is staggering running to tens of billions of R marks this is landed Germany with a V national debt Hitler's super sized Army cannot be supported indefinitely it needs to pay its way and that means war very few Germans actively wanted to go to war there was still a kind of War weariness that Afflicted Society 2 million people had died made in the first world war so it wasn't high up on anyone's agenda but it was gal's job as minister of propaganda to change their minds to justify a war you need an enemy and a threat Geral helps to sell the idea that Poland needs to be invaded through first of all blaming the Jews and also indicating that really Poland is this pretty strong power that is going to Ally itself with Britain and if Nazi Germany doesn't strike first the strike may come the other way around so therefore it's this idea of a a preemptive Counterattack that's very successfully sold by geralt invading Poland is not only Justified says Gobles there is a compelling need to do so Poland September 1939 the German foe begins its ruthless March of Conquest as head of propaganda Gobles turns the war to his Advantage he wants support for the Nazis with a message of [Music] hate he established Hitler as furer with a message of Hope now he will secure total obedience by instilling fear all sorts of rules came in for ordinary Germans you weren't allowed for example to listen to a foreign radio station that was punishable by death if you did anything that was considered anti-german then you were off to a concentration camp or you were going to be killed it was a very narrow path you had to be completely Pro German you had to be totally loyal you had to be patriotic and if you veered even slightly off the path then you were in big danger Geral cannot hide from the German people the existence of the ghettos or the thousands of concentration camps under construction ordinary Germans know that their Jewish neighbors are being beaten and taken away they hear the shocking stories told by German soldiers on leave inevitably reports of atrocities committed by the advancing Germans going into Poland start to emerge now Geral just goes into not just full denial mode but also starts to saying if anything it the Jews are to blame Geral reassures German people that harsh actions in war are regrettable but necessary he orders every Film Studio in Germany to produce more anti-semitic propaganda films films like the Eternal Jew the film is shot in the Polish ghettos very few of the people featured in the film Will Survive the war for the first year of the war gal's propaganda machine is running smoothly as the vermark march at speed into Czechoslovakia Poland Norway France Belgium Luxembourg and the Netherlands the Allies can do little to stop them for the Nazis it's a good news story but Geral is careful to manage expectations Underneath It All though Geral realizes that excess is not a good thing he sees himself as the nation's physician his role in his mind is to keep the national mood at a steady even temperature but now one of gal's underlings makes a mistake Nazi press officer Auto Dietrich announces triumphantly that the war in the East is all but over the Russians will surrender within weeks now Gobles knew that this wasn't the case he knew that the fighting was still going to be long and it was still going to be bloody a lie on that scale that was almost immediately going to be uncovered would would really shatter confidence in in in his whole system so he was absolutely furious with Dietrich about this by 1942 the course of the war is changing GBL the head of propaganda is one of the few Germans who knows what's really going on for the Nazis good news is turning into bad at dusk the Colossal Force set up Allied war production is quickly overtaking Germany's Herman ging's Luft buffer is losing control of the Skies Hitler's aircraft are outclassed and outnumbered meanwhile the Glorious offensive in the East comes to a juddering halt German soldiers are being slaughtered in Nazi news reels Gobles tries to put a positive spin on events but some news can't be buried the Russians who have suffered so much at the hands of the German army are paying them back in kind in the Battle of Stalingrad alone half a million Germans will be killed wounded or captured these prisoners are just a few of over 300,000 War has put an end to the Absurd Nazi parades the smart Goose stepping soldiers are now dying of frostbite all the big talk about an air Master race is wearing thin the Euphoria has gone defeat on the Eastern Front is a turning point for the Nazi Reich Geral looks to Hitler to stir the national spirits to encourage the troops to work his sengali magic but Hitler is nowhere to be seen the Nazi superstar has gone into hiding new and appropriate film has reached us it shows further episodes in the red Army's greatest Victory so far the victory at stying Ground as the war progresses Hitler takes less of a prominent public role so in 1943 he only delivers two speeches this is very very difficult for goal's propaganda machine because how do they explain this he is absolutely the focus of Nazism he is the embodiment of Na ISM and if he's not appearing anymore it's very difficult for gobl to explain the reason why it seems to suggest that something is going wrong if this had been any other leader they would have got rid of him but this is Hitler goal has presented him as the answer to all of Germany's problems he's turned them into a God the furer loved the grand Nazi parades and the cheering crowds but the growing certainty that Germany will lose the war leaves him disorientated paranoid and morose it is down to Joseph Geral to try to rally the German people on the 18th of February 1943 Joseph Gobles makes a speech at the sport palast in Berlin which is broadcast to the whole of Germany the speech Geral gives at the Sport Palace electrifies the audience it's about Total War T [Applause] gek it's about blood sacrifice determination and he gives the German people A Simple Choice there is either Total War and total Victory or total defeat [Music] stay stor [Applause] bre gal's oratory is mesmeric but the Euphoria is short-lived most Germans it seems aren't as as he is on total sacrifice as discontent grows gbl's orders further clampdowns as Germany's military fortunes deteriorate it becomes increasingly dangerous for Germans to talk about the war and more and more Germans are being punished for expressing defeatism throughout 1943 around a 100 Germans a week are being shot for defeatism or sabotage they're being shot for telling the truth Germany is going to lose the war while the big guns fought it out with hidden Nazi Shore batteries our first wave moved in with the Alli dday in gal's task looks increasingly hopeless the Skies over Germany are crowded with thousands upon thousands of American and British planes millions of tons of bombs are blowing Germany's factories Railways and homes into Oblivion Hitler is hiding from the Carnage leing Geral to inspect the smoking ruins of Germany's cities but what can he say this master of propaganda blaming the Jews won't work and newsreal pictures of grinning Arian children do little to cheer a population that is fearful and grieving and Starving in an attempt to boost morale Gobles announces a space age wonder weapon the V1 rocket it can carry a onton explosive Into the Heart of enemy territory at 400 m hour this goal's claims will turn the war in Germany's favor the V1 flying bomb was sold as this fantastic new weapon that was really going to change the face of the war and then it didn't this presented a problem for goals if he was overselling this what else was he overselling what else was he not telling the truth about it it got the German public thinking are we being told the truth there is nothing Geral and his propaganda team can do to alter reality millions of Germans are dying as a result of a war Hitler started Millions more are impoverished homeless and in despair no amount of media censorship can hide it in October 1944 the Red Army seizes the German Village of nees dorf the Russians who have suffered huge losses at the hands of the Nazis vent their fury on the population slaughtering men women and children Geral imagines this shocking news will stir people into action by 1944 the wheels are starting to come off gbl's propaganda chariot and the slaughter at nesor by the Russians of Germans is a classic example because gerbal thinks this is something he needs to publicize to boy up the Germans into defense but in fact it terrifies them and alienates them and demonstrates the degree to which Gobles has really started to lose his grip over the national mood in a last desperate effort to Rally support for the Nazis and for war Geral comes up with his final deadly publicity start the vogm or people's storm The Vault St was a civilian army they were recruited from individuals between the ages of 16 to 60 gal's news reels show a feeble Army of thousands of German old men and boys marching pointlessly marching to their Doom they' had no military train whatsoever they were sent in to face you know fully armed Russian soldiers just wearing their ordinary civilian outfit they were moan down in their hundreds of thousands half a million of them died in the final stretch of the war as German conscripts old and young are falc to sacrifice themselves pointlessly in the streets of Berlin the mighty Aryan Warrior Adolf Hitler and his head of propaganda are cowering underground protected by 13 ft of [Music] concrete Hitler in the bunker is a sad and pathetic and lonely figure he's been deserted by almost all the other senior Nazis he views the as the greatest betrayal but there's one person who stays with him to the end and that person is gobl as we know Geral and his wife have this love triangle almost with Hitler and so he's determined to stay with his beloved fura to the very end and so is Magda his wife of course what this means is that their six children are going to have to stay with Hitler until the end on April the 29th as the guns rage overhead Geral Witnesses the marriage of Adolf Hitler and AA braw the honeymoon is short the next day Hitler and his bride kill themselves with Hitler dead in the bunker the gbl's world has been destroyed but the last Act is truly truly chilly they decide that they cannot stand the thought of their children living in a world without Adolf Hitler as the gal's six children sleep Cai tablets are dropped into their mouths the eldest girl wakes in the struggle to make her swallow the pill her jaw is broken The gales kill their own children poison them because their love for Hitler and that love for Nazism is just so great that they're rather committing fantacide than to see the world without their beloved fura and their beloved narcism having killed their children Joseph and Magda geres leave the bunker they walk to the Garden of the Reich chancell Joseph Gobles shoots his wife then turns the gun on himself it was Joseph Gobles the Romantic novelist who created The furer Myth it was GBL the academic intellectual who burned the books trampled on free speech and instilled the poison of national socialism into Germany it was gbl's the idealistic young socialist who paved the way for the extermination of Europe's Jewish population it is a chilling lesson too easily forgotten that the Nazi Holocaust among the greatest crimes ever committed would not have been possible but for gal's State control of the media the corpses of Magda and Joseph Gobles are taken by the Red Army back to Russia they are kept until 1970 when without ceremony they are destroyed like rubbish the ashes are simply thrown [Music] away [Music]
Channel: Real History
Views: 38,079
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: World History, History Lessons, history documentary, free documentary, full length documentary, full length, history, US history, american history, european history, europe, asian history, asia, ww2, nazis, hitler, geobbels, germany, nazi germany
Id: 1YlrfRiZXZI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 5sec (2825 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 03 2024
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