Chronicle of the Third Reich | Part 1: Nazification | Free Documentary History

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[Applause] 1933 marks the beginning of the darkest chapter in German History Adolf Hitler and his National Socialist Party assume power in Germany since that time the image of Germany and the Germans in the world has changed and the Shadows of the past are omnipresent even today Hitler was not an ordinary politician right from the start he felt that the German people had to be redeemed Adolf Hitler is appointed Chancellor on the 30th of January 1933 once the Nazis take over the fates of Germany they hold on to power until the downfall on the 8th of May 1945 Hitler's rule begins with Great Hopes And unprecedented Jubilation what was unique about the Third Reich was that it brought about the most profound destruction of civilization that's ever been encountered and this was because the Third Reich set out to destroy the values which had existed for 2,000 years values associated with judeo Christian civilization that this was a revolutionary attempt to upturn those values the way the totalitarian regime takes control of the entire nation within a few years is unprecedented the Nazi government corrupts The New National Community with an uncovered check drawn on the future from day one this regime unscrupulously encumbered the state with debts for the sake of short-term political success basically it was fatally flawed all along Hitler cannot assert his power without War his vision is to rule the entire world his hatred of Jews Knows No Limits Jewish citizens are ostracized from the national Community persecuted and ultimately methodically murdered in death factories the entire National Socialist history is about radicalization they only hazarded one step at a time and then another and another and in Wartime it's a lot easier to enforce radical measures film footage not associated with the Nazi propaganda documents the horrors of War and the atrocities committed the Germans subjugate half the European continent and systematically loot the defeated countries only the determination of the Allies to put an end to this aggression stops the war of of annihilation millions of German soldiers become the victims of the dictators ubis The Sensational early successes make Hitler believe he is infallible and for a long time the Germans have faith in him Hitler himself it could not be concealed had actually stood behind this um this German defeat in Stalingrad and so for the first time now the German population blamed Hitler personally the legacy of Hitler's regime is 60 million dead the crimes against humanity and alitz the Holocaust of 6 million European Jews shake the foundations of civilization but only few offer resistance and not even when Allied Air Raids lay one city after another in ashes do the Germans rebel against the Nazi regime faith in the final Victory made dwindle but the home front remains [Music] unruffled I think that the whole thing is held together by the fear of defeat a tremendous fear which is also based to some extent on knowledge about the atrocities after Hitler's suicide and the veras capitulation images of the crimes committed in the name of Germany travel around the world world people are AUST at the realization that the history of their country will be forever tainted with genocide at the end of the era of the Third Reich the hopes of the German people are buried under the rubble after 12 years of barbaric rule only the wildest optimists believe in a happy future for the [Music] country [Music] [Music] in the spring of 1933 the ministry of public Enlightenment and propaganda stages a march by members of the Stormtroopers at the brandonburg gate with a film camera the resulting Motion Picture reenacts the night in which Hitler assumed power in Germany the Third Reich is only a few months old and already the Nazi leaders are beginning to glorify their own [Music] [Applause] history on the morning of the 30th of January 19 33 Adolf Hitler leaves hudel kaiserhof in Berlin among a cheering crowd of supporters at 11:00 he is to be appointed chancellor of Germany by R president Von hintonburg this day will become a turning point in the history of the 20th century France Von paren is at Hitler's side during the presentation of the new cabinet the national Conservative Vice Chancellor believes he can keep Hitler in and maintains we've hired him Hitler didn't have any blueprint in mind at that time his main ideas were to get new elections following the elections to have an enabling act and to acquire power in the various lender in the various States like Bavarian Saxony and finally of course obviously to destroy his internal enemies I think those were the main points that Hitler had in mind in uh when he took power in 1933 beyond that no clear idea of how things would develop to celebrate Hitler's appointment gangs of the Stormtroopers March through the Brandenburg gate and into Berlin's government District in the evening rice president Von hintonburg can be seen as a faint silhouette at the [Music] window a journalist of the time prophetically comments that Hitler's appointment as Reich Chancellor equals a leap Into [Music] Darkness having been appointed the new interior minister of Prussia Herman guring is in control of the police Hitler's unscrupulous Advocate is determined to exploit his power without Mercy a re-election is scheduled for the 5th of March on the 10th of February the Nazis organize a political rally where they declare war on the Communists Hitler's appearance is filmed and screened in cinemas all over [Applause] Germany he had this great love for the German people and he managed to convey this skillfully in his speeches people saw in him their redeemer with virtually religious overtones he was someone who was saying to them I know things are really bad for you unemployment is very high but you still have something special you are members of the German people and all the other peoples who are not German are not as worthy as you are [Music] up Fus the Democratic parties don't stand a chance against the Nazi [Applause] rhetoric the destruction of the Rog on the 27th of February 1933 signals the demise of the Vima Republic Hitler had been in power no more than 4 weeks when Dutch communist marinos felber sets the building on fire the rice dog is gutted by the Flames Hitler uses the opportunity to settle the score with his political opponents an emergency decree suspends most civil liberties in Germany the news papers of the Communist and Social Democratic parties are banned and many functionaries arrested the police are encouraged to use their weapons without hesitation against so-called subversive organizations and demonstrators Nazi combat groups are given police Powers working class leaders who have just finished their speeches in front of huge audiences are driven out of the Union buildings by gangs of thugs Hitler is hoping to win by a comfortable margin in the election and gain the majority in order to push through a dictatorial rule yet the Nazis only reach 44% of the votes and form a coalition with a national conservative party that gives them a narrow majority [Music] the Nazi party was the first People's Party in Germany it was not a party that represented a section of the population as the political landscape was structured during the viar Republic with parties representing the Catholics the working class or the industrialists the center party voters were catholic and the SPD voters were laborers the dedicated Nazis were few and far between on the 21st of March 1933 Hitler's head of propaganda Joseph gobbers stages the opening ceremony for the new Rog in potown to demonstrate reconciliation between the Nazi movement and the old Russia Hitler shuns the party uniform for a tail coat and acts as a humble servant of the state an observer comments he has undeniably grown Sam 21st of March 1933 was symbolically very important day was chosen as the first originally it was going to be uh the opening of the new rag was going to be in April they moved it to the 21st of March being a symbolic day the first day of spring also the day on which bismar held the first rice tag after the German unification of 1871 more importantly still though this was the moment at which old Prussia say came together with the new Germany everything was done there for to represent the coming together of the old and the new and this was the symbolic moment at which the old Elites met up with the representatives of the new Germany the Nazi leadership an amateur filmmaker from MarBorg documents the day of potam with his camera on his way to the Garrison Church R president from hintonburg inspects the guards of Honor from the Army and the Stormtrooper at the tomb of Fredick the great Von hintonburg as the representative of the old era and Hitler as the herald of the new age demonstrate unanimity the old man willingly lets himself be used by the propaganda the social Democrats do not attend the staged event two days later they are the only party in the rice do to vote against Hitler's enabling act which will systematically strip Germany of the last remnants of democracy Storm Troopers and police hunt down Social Democrat and communist functionaries thousands are murdered or intered in so-called protective custody camps this film from a camp in Hal is shown in local cinemas as a deterrent Berlin the 1st of April 1933 the day on which the brutality of the new era manifests itself openly for the first time Hitler's cabinet has called for a Countrywide boycott of Jewish shops the actual boycott was a shock for Germans it all happened out of the blue one day people in uniform were standing outside the shops and wouldn't let anybody in it was message to the Jewish citizens all over Germany that they couldn't be part of the national Community because they belong to another race or don't have the right ancestry contrary to the claims of the propaganda Machinery the boycott is not particularly successful many customers simply ignore the posters and signs of the Stormtroopers for German Jews however the day will become a traumatic memory Berlin's opan plat stands as a symbol for Germany's Christian and humanistic Traditions now it becomes the venue of the burning of 20,000 books the new Minister for propaganda Joseph gers addresses the youth L HRI H had written wherever they burn books in the end they will also burn human beings they stigmatized those who were a threat to the nation including authors who had written immoral things and so on we are healthy and we want to be a healthy Society they said so we don't need these subversive elements the massive enlistments into the Nazi party are no propaganda fabrication a cameraman in Haler documents how popular it has meanwhile become to apply for membership to the nsdap even a significant number of Communists are happy to convert by the 1st of May 1933 1.6 million Germans will have joined the Nazi party Hitler proclaims the first of May a national holiday thus satisfying an old demand of the labor unions gbl's state ages the appearance of the furer on Berlin's templehof Airfield designed to have an all-encompassing effect St is St is [Applause] St for the first time Adolf Hitler is visually presented as The Shining Light of the new folk community on the following day the last remaining Democratic labor organizations in Germany are done away with a laborer during the viar Republic didn't know what holiday was was by the end of the Third Reich every worker had a legal right to 14 days vacation a year it was something that was introduced then along with other elements contributing to Leisure Time and enjoyment of life in general things that didn't exist before in the eyes of the Germans the credit for all this was due to their fura in the face of 6 million jobless Germans Hitler leads the population to believe that mass unemployment can be combed through the construction of Auto bars and other costly economy stimulating measures those who appear unimpressed by the spirit of optimism or offer resistance to the dictatorship are mercilessly persecuted by Hitler's henchmen herand guring has one of the first soall re-education centers built in oranien Borg near Berlin unlike the Nazi propaganda suggests people there are tortured and murdered with his consent in Prussia alone over 25,000 people are intered in camps as of the 26th of April 1933 guring augments the coercive apparatus of the Nazis with the establishment of the Gestapo secret State Police despite the fact that all opposition parties have been banned spontaneous labor strikes do take place occasionally but are quickly suppressed on the 11th of November 1933 ysf geros organizes Hitler's appearance in zonat in the north of Berlin as a demonstration for the labor force rapturous cheering he writes in his diary all of Germany is standing still a year ago they would have beaten us to death Hitler knows his speech as transmitted on the radio and imp public places the news re is there too seenat becomes one of the highlights in the na process of enforced [Applause] [Music] conformity [Applause] in less than one year Adolf Hitler has Consolidated his power in Germany using the dictatorial powers he was granted and terrorizing measures but also with the active help of the majority of the Germans Hitler had to persuade the labor force that national socialism would secure their future many farmers on the other hand had counted among the Nazis most fervent supporters even before 1933 the vast majority of farmers in Germany were heavily indebted at that time but by early 1945 not one of them was indebt any longer a new system of Social Security and income guarantee for Farmers was introduced in Germany in 1933 with crop prices being subsidized by the state however in my view this relationship this association between the people and the leadership was effectively a speculation bubble a lot of money was pumped into agriculture which was supposed to come back into the coffers in the future but this wasn't possible because it was too much is the Nazi regime tries to Captivate the people through a series of job creation schemes approximately 1 billion R marks are appropriated for the promotion of National Labor over 880,000 men are soon given jobs in Autobon construction alone tax relief in favor of the Common People is an additional burden to the [Music] treasury strong shoulders should carry a heavy load weak shoulders should be spared national debt was not an issue at the time one of Hitler's first measures was to put a stop to the publishing of the Reich budget for 1934 and subsequently which means that the budget became a secret internal matter no one spoke to the public about debt and there was no mention of it in newspapers either the public was unaware the economic recovery is very slow to materialize the number of unemployed only drops to about 4 million but the propaganda succeeds in presenting the government's measures as a successful emergence into a new era in which the country self-confident and modern will be able to stand on its own feet so on the 1st of May 19 19 34 crowds of people flood open air areas all over Germany to listen to the broadcast of Hitler's speech on the day of National Labor the footage here is from The Ting Thad near Hal an outdoor Amphitheater designed on the format of ancient Germanic models in Berlin's lust Garden the r Chancellor proclaims his vision for the future of the nation before an audience of over 2 million people from coming in dland during the first year of his rule Hitler has paid little attention to foreign politics but now the revision of the conditions of the Treaty of versil which was imposed upon the Germans after the end of the first world war becomes one of his priorities for 15 years the zaland had been under the administration of the League of Nations now its status is to be determined by means of a plebbit pro-unification demonstration are organized all over Germany such as here at the Monument of the battle of nations in liy for the city's conservative mayor Carl girdler the matter is a national Duty the S issue presents the Nazis with a welcome opportunity to demonstrate the unity and the strength of the German people another key objective of the Nazi regime is the G or forced coordination of Youth through a combination of campsite Romanticism marching exercises and cowboy and Indian games boys and girls become acquainted with national socialism in sub camps for the Hitler boys the military drill starts at a very early age the party youth must be tough as leather Swift as the Greyhound and hard as CR steel their trademarks are brown shirts and neck ties by 1934 the Hitler Youth already counts 1.2 million [Music] members essentially uniforms serve a social purpose everyone looks the same so one can't tell if a child comes from a rich or a poor family whether one can or can't afford expensive clothes and shoes this principle of egalitarianism both in terms of appearance but also with respect to equal opportunities was also propagated by Hitler himself and he saw himself as a role model in that sense he believed that the factors that determine the development of a person were not the social background one came from but one's capability and competence in other words the whether a child is born with a silver spoon in his mouth or not does not matter as regards his later development [Music] is the Stormtroopers are a state within the state in Nazi Germany the ambitious plans of Anum commander of the storm Troopers have started to become a threat for Hitler's Powers the conservatives are warning of a Perpetual Rebellion from below and the military leaders are afraid of The Growing Power of their direct [Music] Rivals Hitler decides to eliminate the risk by force and late June 1934 he has room and other leaders of the Storm Troopers arrested and executed Hitler for months and months to the irritation of Gobles and many other many others did little to challenge this and um it seemed as though Hitler was very hesitant wouldn't act at all until it came to the end of June 1934 and after months of hesitancy Hitler did act and when he did act then with utter brutality in destroying the leadership of the uh Sr of the Storm Troopers and um thereby in putting himself on the side of the army he had to destroy his own U paramilitary unit in order to uh side with the force that was really crucial to him which was that of the army shortly afterwards hitner travels to byro to visit vined Vagner who had been Rome's friend since the early days of the movement remaining cool and self assured during their private talk he justifies The Purge to her arguing that in the end only 77 people had been executed charlemaine too had had to slay the rebellious Saxons before he set the foundations for his Empire but as everyone knows was later canonized his own Acts were all based on the principle that everything that was of service to the German people was good Hitler tells her by the end of their relaxed conversation Richard Wagner's daughter-in-law is persuaded of room's disloyalty vred Wagner was the ideal person for the Redeemer image they wanted to project being the successor of composer Richard Vagner of whom Hitler was a great fan the two of them appearing together at the byro festival before the performers and the other vagians was a demonstration of Hitler's elevation to a different social class each Summer by becomes the cultural center of the third R everybody who considers themselves important in Nazi Germany Journeys to the rad Vagner Fester whether they are Vagner fans or not V gang Vagner the composer's grandson captures the arrival of the guests with his private camera before the performance Hitler is seen by the window with another grandson vant after an room's execution the role of his Storm Troopers in byro as in the entire third raich is more or less decorative here vand and WF gang Vagner are Marching at the front of a parade of the Stormtroopers before the festival theater on the 2nd of August 1934 R president Fon hintonburg dies at the age of 86 the coffin is transported to the east Russian town of tanenberg where it is interred in a pompous funeral ceremony without delay it lers away with the official [Music] position this was a critical period for Hitler naturally and um it was important therefore to build up the image of Hitler as the symbol of national unity in particular after just what had happened so on hindenburg's death then he takes over becomes then the head of state um an oath of Allegiance is sworn to him which is then the oath of Allegiance interestingly enough is uh suggested not by Hitler himself but by the rice Fair Minister from blomberg from now on Hitler is the furer and Chancellor of all [Applause] Germans the pleit on the 19th of August approves Hitler's merger of presidency and chancellorship [Applause] Yosef Gerber's propaganda campaign had attuned the German people to the pleit in spite of the massive manipulation and the unconcealed pressure 10% of the electorate withhold their approval the other 90% consent to the furas holding unrestricted [Applause] Powers it is only now that Hitler has attained his goal no one can stop him most Germans hail him wholeheartedly Hitler's megalomania is also evident in his plans for the reshaping of Germany's cities construction work for the Monumental expansion of the Nazi party rallying grounds in nerur has been expedited since the Nazis seized power Hitler fre shows up to inspect the progress himself accompanied by frankonia gaigher Julio ster Germany's most fanatic anti-semitic Hitler a wouldbe architect has specific ideas for the vast grounds nerb a symbol of the first German Reich with its half-timbered houses and Gothic churches is the perfect location to celebrate Hitler's self-aggrandisement to an absolute ruler [Music] the cult around the furah will find its cinematic overg glorification some weeks later in a film that characterizes the image of the Third Reich To This Day actress and director Len reeny had been personally commissioned by Hitler to document the nberg party rally in 1934 in the film Triumph of the will The Talented filmmaker monumentalized Hitler in a way that transfigures the Nazi propaganda the film Triumph for the will then at the party rally of uh since September 1934 is um a cello depiction of the fura cult so it represents Hitler towering above the the party towering above the state and representing Germany and to this extent this film unlike the predecessor of the year before which has been much more a film about the party this film is about Hitler and everybody else there is reduced more L to Super numerous on the stage as Hitler uh represents the symbol of the new [Music] Germany [Music] Triumph of the will becomes a box office hit all across Germany Cinemas and contribute significantly to the idolization of the [Music] dictator it was something like a religious delusion but after all he was successful and having this film made proved his good instincts he he really felt he was special he was after all the furer and truly believed that it was his mission to redeem the nation and to save the [Music] Germans on the morning of New Year's Day Adolf Hitler greets Army and units of the Storm Troopers in the court of the chancell Germany's Resurgence he proclaims will continue in exera in the New Year the first step towards the end is the SAR pleit on the 13th of January During the period preceding the referendum Joseph gers pulls out all the stops of National Socialist propaganda but the opponents of Sand's unification with Germany are also very active in the end an overwhelming majority of the population votes in favor of returning home to the rash for mainly economic reasons over 90% choose the Nazi regime the SAR plebis it was just a lucky break for Hitler the SAR land was an area which was heavily Catholic and had a big workingclass component so the two groups that had been mostly resistant towards the allures of national socialism in the runup to power in Germany dominated the area which is now the subject of the plebis it when the results of the plebis it came out uh the vote to return to Germany was just under 91% which was a phenomenal result for the Nazi leadership a brilliant uh achievement of propaganda there as well but it meant now that this was uh a legitimation for Hitler both internally but also more importantly externally in the eyes of the world outside Hitler had now achieved this great result he was popular even in an area which had the alternative choices in front of it the official ceremony of the reunion of the Zar territory with Nazi Germany takes place on the 1st of March 1935 and Hitler knows how to Stage his first major foreign policy success for maximum propaganda effect he proclaims in Zar brooken that he is overjoyed and hopes that relations to the French neighbor will improve from now on the Nazi regime cunningly manages to conceal its true intentions from the International Community oppressing its demands at the same time this is also the case during the visit of a British delegation to Berlin that fruitlessly negotiates disarmament issues with a Nazis Britain and France have been unyielding to Hitler's demands to rearm the country and Germany's withdrawal from the League of Nations has aggravated the situation ever since They seized power the Nazis have been secretly rearming Germany ignoring the terms of the Treaty of Versa pocket Battleship deutchland has no reason to hide with her 10,000 tons displacement she is just within the allowed weight limit for a German Naval vessel according to the treaty stipulations with their presence during a fleet maneuver Hitler and guring demonstrate the claim to power of a militarily rest strengthen Germany soon afterwards the Nazis publicly declare Germany's rearmament rearmament have been continuing in uh secret and under the versailes stipulations Germany was only allowed an army of 100,000 now the the new confidence enabled Hitler to take the steps which would have been taken eventually anyway to rush forward the uh announcement of that a German LT vafer existed and also to introduce in March 1935 the general conscription which was a complete breach of the Versa treaty Hitler used a British white paper which had announced alterations in British rearmament because of the recognition of German secret German rearmament then Hitler used that as an affront that this was uh an excuse to bring this forward and also the fact that the French had extended um conscription in their own country from one year to two years so these were plain excuses from Hitler's point from Hitler's side but nonetheless they sered then to bring forward the the announcement of the of a German air force and then the announcement of General conscription to the great um Applause of the population within Germany who were very proud of the fact that this had been done but yet again another nail in the coffin of Versa for the last 15 years the ReRe had been an army of volunteers limited to a number of 100,000 men now many German cities get to have their own Garrison again in the town of vismar the event is celebrated with a parade in a newsreal appearance Lu ruffer Commander armman guring summons Germany's Newfound self-confidence to to herand guring had become the embodiment of the unity between between party State and army leadership in the third range ging was hit as opposite physically and all the more so when he became bigger and flabbier not to mention he wearing makeup and all his regalia whenever they stood next to each other Hitler would always look much better and this was especially noticeable at ging's wedding in Berlin inlin the pump of the ceremony was unbelievable Hitler was best man and on the film of the wedding he can be seen standing next to the couple looking rather plain and unpretentious but he didn't need the glamour he was Hitler the Redeemer in April 1935 guring leads actress Emy Zaman to the altar All That Remains for him now is either the drone or The Gallows the British Ambassador [Music] mock rare amateur footage shows Hitler on his birthday on the 20th of April 1935 hun B Hitler's personal pilot is one of few people who were allowed to film The Dictator on private occasions [Music] after his arrival in VB Hitler inspects a parade of Storm Troopers as well as of Army Navy and Air Force units hansbauer is there with his camera too Herman guring is undisputably the second in command in Nazi Germany a fact that only few people know is that at the end of 1934 Hitler had appointed him his successor in a secret decree for the cheering National Community the fura is [Music] irreplaceable even a dictator can allow himself some Leisure Time at least this is what the film days of recreation for the fura suggests the national comrades can buy it in shops a clever way for Pilot bar to supplement his [Music] wage a beaming child's face and all troubles are forgotten reads the intertitle to the scene then the small party makes its way to vast barden's thermal Springs Hitler has every reason to be cheerful as furer and Chancellor the Third Reich he can make all the important decisions it is not clear how absolute his power really is at that time and to what extent his paladins can influence it on the 20th of July 19 35 Hitler pays another visit to the construction site of the party rallying grounds in nerur he is accompanied by architect Albert Shar whom the dictator has chosen to be the executor of his megalomaniac plans he is to erect buildings such as have not been seen for thousands of years Hitler explains to his architect that he wants his buildings to transmit his time and its Spirit to posterity ultimately All That Remains to REM mind men of the great epochs of history is their Monumental architecture he remarks Shier lets his fah have his way and Promises to build structures which even in a state of decay could resemble ancient models the unemployment figures continue to decline thanks to State subsidized construction projects which cause expenditure for unemployment benefits to be cut down yet all showcase projects in the Third Reich such as the construction of utob bars are financed by the fast growing national debt the first completed autoban section near Frankfurt is open to traffic by the fearer himself in the following years too Hitler does not miss the opportunity to attend such ceremonies in [Music] person District appeal of National Socialist organizations in meor on the 25th of August 1935 in the presence of gaer Rudolf yordan the brown shired German population proudly appears in public the Third Reich has removed most social barriers the snobbery of the old Elites is now a thing of the [Music] past amidst the festivities the anti-semantic attitude of the new era is openly displayed as a matter of course a Jew and a la are like the plague in the house reads one of the banners people read Julio schrier's hate paper dma and support the slogan anyone who buys from a Jew is a traitor to the people part of the theory of the master race and racism in general is obviously the contempt for the others the so-called subhumans for the members of the master race themselves however this means something entirely different it means social equality within the race so for people with German blood because they belong to the master race the social differences are much less pronounced the isolation of Jews from all aspects of society has been systematically pushed through with Hitler's consent since 1935 the so-called Aryan Laws affect civil servants Scholars journalists as well as soldiers on the 10th of September 1935 Hitler travels to nberg for the annual party Congress the party Elite has been urging him to enact racial laws ostracizing Jews once and for all from the national Community head of ss Henri himla is fanatically anti-Semitic and he is the one who will set the annihilation of European Jews in motion for his [Music] [Music] fur Hitler leaves it to Herman guring to promulgate the new laws during an extraordinary session of the [Applause] rar the nmag laws can now be instrumentalized by Hitler and his henchmen providing legal grounds for the public discrimination of Jews week after week the propaganda newspaper dma prints lists of names of people who have been arrested the Germans become a nation of informers so-called race defilers are reported to the authorities what was being prepared gradually before became very it after the enactment of the nurburg laws in 1935 the Germans were citizens of the Reich and all others especially the Jews but also Poes and so on were not Germans and consequently not Reich citizens this division between Germans and non-germans was methodically carried through from the very beginning to the [Music] end [Music]
Channel: Free Documentary - History
Views: 219,259
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Keywords: Free Documentary, Documentaries, Full Documentary, documentary - topic, documentary (tv genre), History, History Documentaries, Free Documentary History, History Documentary, World War 2 Documentary, Third Reich, Third Reich Documentary, Nazi Germany, Nazi Germany Documentary, German History, History of Germany, WWII, World War Two, Adolf Hitler, Adolf Hitler Documentary, Third Reich in Colour
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 45sec (2985 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2024
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