How It Works – Roll-Belt™ Round Baler Power Flow

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[Music] let's take a few minutes and examine how the power flows through the new holland round baler so we've talked about our category six PTO shaft we have a slip clutch depending upon what style of Baelor you buy whether it's dry hay or silage or super feeder crop cut but it all goes into a right angle gearbox and from the right angle gearbox goes through a shaft comes over here to the left-hand side of the baler and all the power comes out the left-hand side we come to a triple sprocket the inner chain comes down and drives my starter role the middle chain goes up and drives the drive role for the belts and the outside chain on the left-hand side comes down and runs basically the floor role you [Music]
Channel: New Holland North America
Views: 34,635
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PTO, how does, work, Round Baler, round bale, hay baler, balers, bale, NH, New Holland, Roll-Belt, Roll-Belt 450 Utility, Roll-Belt 450, Roll-Belt 460, Roll-Belt 550, Roll-Belt 560, Dry Hay, Silage-Special, Bale-Slice, CropCutter, John Deere, Vermeer, Kuhn, Krone, Massey Ferguson, Claas, McHale, Lely, Welger, Cornstalk Special, Xtracut, BV Series, Rollant, Quadrant, Variant, OptiCut, Bellima, Comprima, Fortima, hay
Id: bG8a4mJq1z0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 25sec (85 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 21 2016
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