Baling second cut with DRONE footage

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[Applause] press PTO on fire ever up nice a little almost a little dry already got quite a bit of this deal done but this end of the field you see there's no bails on it and it's because no other word of crap and I'm actually having to go a little slower than I normally do because I got some heat pick up heat strokes in my baler and I haven't had time to replace him so if I go over about eleven mile an hour I I lose started not picking up all the aid so the wind my dad my dad raked it yesterday morning and the wood musta came up I had a couple of them little funnel things to go for NATO when things and they must lose the hay around a little bit but well this isn't bad hay except for that Hill I think you know I'm getting roughly four bills on a windrow and I've got my baler maxed out right now I can make them in any heavier I guess Oh dry slower but I'm not driving any slower so you know they're probably seventeen eighteen hundred pounds and I'm getting four bales per win row and each wind rows about 30 foot worth of hay so but I do I know my tractor back and and once the belt start turning I here were the onion again and we take off and anyhow that's kind of what we're doing here and I think this will be the last day that we've got unless we get some rain I mean mate just feels micro back it is a fairly new stand of ill health but so it might grow back I don't know time will tell I guess but I wouldn't hold my breath anyhow yeah when we get down in the pay work a lot better it doesn't take very long to get a bail at all and and I'm happy with this field thinking next year you might might end up wantin somewhere else also hopefully I'm thinking anyhow just get a little more hay on the farm and if we don't want it or don't need the hay we'll just turn around and decide to sell it the Haymarket is good or possibly teleporter bail but I'm glad we didn't tell any live here without a train and we'll probably need every every bit of hay we can you know we're we've got to pasture up north that I normally put about 55 50 cows in and I've only got 30 up there and I'm going to have to bring bring them home early earlier than normal and we'll be feeding the one or I was eating the ones that were home but they're running with my dad's cows right now but we'll lend us to bring in a group home early to feed feed because we're going to run out of pasture you know nothing's to grow and we we've been rotated League raising some pastures and and anticipated would be able to put cows back in original packages once the graph we're back a little bit but unfortunately the grass hasn't grow back at all and some of it so you know looks a lot like this I'll fall field that I cut down to the ground I'm you're not quite that bad but you get the point it's not very good it's all burned up what was left is actually trolled up to nothing and it is what it is I guess yeah that's what we got going on right today anyhow the sailing from hand I laid some gravel down yesterday I did make a video that I'm finally a video today of my Grell progress maybe and go from there I had somebody asking how it was available with my tools on that I concurred her d-sharp they really don't bother a guy just we got to be careful you can't turn in charters you could without them but I think I feel like the turn funny sharp enough with them and whatnot you heat up the lighter colored bales that are lined up where what hurts cutting there's like 171 or 170 some of them and I will be interesting to see how we got those on learn is heavy is what these ones will be because those ones I bailed it was a little bit wetter out and I turned my pressure down because I I was worried about them getting a little warm so I wanted to air to be able to get through them so I only ran about 1,500 psi on my gauge on my baler and right now I'm running right at 2,000 or over 2,000 whatever max out is like yes I can't read it to make a very well but since over route that 2004 who's tired I got a tour this morning but then good I'm I guess you know with our crops clean dry and stuff we might not have nothing to combine so I might might be bored this just fall I normally combine you know a couple thousand acres between well just me and my neighbor actually combines with me and he combine a couple thousand so between the two combines we come by four thousand acres so that's going to be missing some income if we don't aren't able to do that I'm afraid of you know mindin not be enough violence chopping year if the court will get that call I think the corn already tapped one out not on our turkey ours is close but not yet I think some corn tasks went out that is only about chest high so that's not good not good at all in my opinion I guess I don't I don't happen out when it's only four and a half foot tall we're going to have some problems I reckon but yeah you never know it might turn out pine might turn out we're combine in but yes it is what it is little in a mate corner it won't I don't think there's much for silage or Haven there if a guy would hate it and tell us they're putting on four and I think most of us a corn points wolf in water I think because I've never ran into a situation where I've where I am worried about it not making corn it's always made something worth the corn I wonder f3f oh yes oh yeah I could go one more gear faster I'm running in 14th year for you guys with the Magnum I got 42 inch tires on and I'm running in 14th year at a thousand ctoc right engine rpm they're mighty juice but it works good I know people Dell kind of teased me one flaw I got a big enough actor on my baler well when you're going well when you're going you know 10 to 13 mile an hour takes a lot of power just keep the veil moving you know the hole in that weight updates up the hill you know there's this he'll leave he'll you don't farm in real deep hills right here in this area but and I have bailed in some big Hills like like pucker up cool dry spinning the tire going up the hill pipes and stuff yeah so I take a lot of power to pull and you don't go that time we take a lot of power just to pull the weight and we're going fast a lot of artists keep moving so that's kind of kind of what we're at now I guess think you're going to start cooling off I've been a little scared to spray because of drifting stuff of the being so hot it's close to cool off here one of these days these next few days so I plan on doing starting to do a little bit of strain on soybeans I got to spray the corn out volunteer cord out of the soybean and also the I'm got some coaches coming in and hopefully that works good get that someone that Kochi got kind of big on me I guess that we'll we'll see how it works hopefully it works fine but I want into paying all my hood means anyhow if I don't start raining there's plenty time for them though they they're going to be short I think sure but you know it is what it is a guy can't help it it's got work with what you got and I guess no sometimes you're going to win sometimes you're going to lose that look pretty good set with how it is I mean I know it's dry but we worrying about it ain't going to hurt anything or change anything or help just going to make it I can't sleep at night and I guess but I tend to make a couple more videos this week I've got to make I want to make the update for the cattle tank we've got some cows out in there outs and that pasture drinking from that tank now so I want to make that video answer all the questions on that tank and I've got me I've got some time I want to make another review video on my new haul and this lower my full type one just because just to go over it one more time and mention the things that like and dislike and and and how my experience has been with it this year so far I put quite a few acres without even know how many probably six hundred eight hundred acre Sabadell sometimes I'll figure it out by before I make that video how many acres I thought to give you guys an idea of the time of actually spent running it and whatnot and then I'm going to continue to making videos on my curl as I go on that I'm hoping to start pounding post in here in the next few days for that and I think I'm going to be cured on pipe which I think some of you guys might have caught that in my first video that I made that I didn't have a whole bunch there but I was I knew I was going to be a little short on on pipe when I got it is all we could hold on our triple axle gooseneck trailer and be legal so that's why we only got them out we got it looks like to get it from those and offer delivery so we got to go get it I didn't have time to go down and get it with the semis I just have my dad go pick it up with the flatbed trailer and I figured I'd be good enough good enough to get us started on it anyhow but a triple and that roller by the ways and working excellent the things coming off of it I really like that roller the extra weight seemed to seem to be really helping with feeding and whatnot animal TLC but you can see that missing them teeth in my pick up that down there that's why I got a good flow today they're slower right yes but hopefully the wife's getting some good drone footage she's hitting pretty good at flying that grown to getting way more comfortable with it big hole but she's getting more comfortable with it and I think I think he enjoys doing it so the focus shifted up one too many years that's cool I hope you continue to fill out and fill me make that a drone pretty cool to have around gonna fly around look at crop please stuff go see how the corn is doing and getting pretty wild over there they actually she's doing good hope you guys enjoy it and I know my age getting a little myself in here getting a little dry right at the moment but I don't know if it's going to get any better right I don't think it'll get any better because there's some out and it's going to dry all day and they're not talking a lot of humidity the next few days so I'm thinking I'm just gonna heat er done I play the Cable Guy with Jake oh boy but the other day I took my monitor out and put it on the floor and you can see the scratch marks on there from my my feet bounce up and down and hit it and I didn't see it right away I'm really looking and break that screen out but listening hall and Baelor runs I've got the option for the hydraulic kicker and I've been really happy with it that option I know it cost extra money but I quit I feel it's way more reliable than the spring type ticker on these Baylor's I don't know if I'll put it on again I don't know it's just a lot of money I do like it one thing I don't like about it if you blow the hose you're Sol you're done you can't fail without having the hose pick so that's one of the biggest problems with it you can't just shut it off or limp without it just drag it on the ground the whole time so and I don't mean Greg image on the ground to be very healthy for it because you couldn't be able to back up to dump the bailout because it'd be on the ground so that's the biggest disadvantage to the hydraulic kicker but it seems to work good on smaller bales and on lighter bales or up and down hills it's positive kickback of the bail so you don't cut the door on it I mean you took can but you got 80 or 90 I guess Kumba floured he growing right there try to get a picture of that on my colon here can you see it can't see it on my phone I'll take a picture of it and put it on Instagram when I putting it back away [Music] but hopefully the dust has been bothering the cameras you found on the dust side of the baler right now looks like getting some pretty good footage here the Bale coming out I don't even know how kill my camera's I just usually wear my glasses here I don't know how put it in or just uses a voice you know the talk time will tell I yeah but this peals when I cut it is a put the new knives in and also tip the header all the way forward on my new hauling this lower and it done a really good job on cutting that alfalfa short and I kind of perfectly done that I kind of open that either it doesn't I'm scared if it starts going back right away without any rain it's going to grow to be about four inches tall and that'll be all that it grows and it will start blooming out and be done so I was hoping by cutting it shorter it would not start growing again unless unless it's 20 or subsoil moisture to to get it going and hopefully sustain it for another decent crop I'm not a big fan of cutting hay that really not worth my time going over so anyhow that's why cutting it short is what I cut it like some people say you cut off my short it's better for it so I don't know I'm not an alcoholic expert by no means though tae-bo tell us if i plug works yeah I don't know what I'm doing for bail you know per minute or never right now I guess it's a Cindy going alright and she's awful awful alright they're a pretty sweet she's that flow but anyhow I think if I do any more here it's going to probably be a high-speed type feeling and I guess I appreciate you guys watching and and I get appreciate you watching and please comment rate subscribe bye
Channel: Ted Kahler
Views: 17,387
Rating: 4.9761906 out of 5
Keywords: South Dakota, farming, ranch, Tractor, equipment, cattle, new holland, br7090, alfalfa, second cut, cut, bale, new holland baler, baling second cut with drone footage, dji, dji drone, phantom 4
Id: ijuF4fnOsYE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 9sec (1089 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 19 2017
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