How Israel is Changing the Future of Food | FULL EPISODE | Insights on TBN Israel

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let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food food is not one of the culprits but rather one of the solution we are the plant cell technology leaders in the entire plant kingdom we are bringing every single day the power of the plants to the people i don't want to sound too dramatic but this technology can solve a lot of the global hunger problems that's exactly the idea to have the food available accessible and simple [Music] we all remember the story of the 12 spies moses send them into the land to see if the land is good and we know this beautiful report joshua and caleb come back and says the land is full of milk and honey three thousand years later the people of israel returning to the land and what they see is what we see behind us 60 of the land is desert this necessity caused the state of israel to invest so much resources and wisdom and i believe it's a supernatural wisdom to bring biotech and agriculture to a level that you don't see anywhere in the world let us watch together the miracle of innovation here in the land of the bible in the land of israel from the dawn of humanity mankind has relied on the land for its sustenance we cultivated fields just like this barley field to feed a growing population but as the population grew our draw on the land grew and today more than ever we need to innovate and come up with new solutions to solve tomorrow's problems around the world companies and governments are racing to create these solutions and at the forefront of that race are israeli companies and innovators there is a huge innovation in israel in the biotech industry and also in the agriculture industry and israel is a leader in this technology we're trying to look into the next step in the evolution of the food industry because we have to really consider how to optimize our use of natural resources so that we don't over consume our planet bring in the power of nature to the people through a very very unique process that ensures optimal efficacy for the human body we're on our way to northern israel to meet with uri lesmiz who is an associate professor at the technion in the faculty of biotech and food sciences olie and his team are working on some incredible developments that affect aspects of our everyday life aoe welcome thank you for having us professor pleasure to have you so first of all welcome to the technion let's start off with a broad definition of science and technology science is understanding what's around us and technology is about harnessing this knowledge to manipulate our environment you have biotech which applies biological knowledge into manipulations and technologies that we can harness for mankind benefit agritech can manipulate anything in the agricultural field and food tech involves any sort of intervention to manipulate the stages of food from their initial stage all the way down to the consumers [Music] food technology has always been a matter of man's survival and goes way back to the beginning of time bear in mind the human species is the only one that cooks their food i asked uli to take me through the history of how we got here to this place and lifestyle we harnessed fire to transform natural resources food meat pulses whatever to something that provides us better calories better nutrition so our body was free not just to survive but to do other things and that's where you see the big leap in the human brain let's go back to current times so the 21st century gave us mass production of food that is tasty safe affordable and convenient but then people became more obese diabetes was on the rise ibd crone colitis and then late 1990s early 2000s people started to look for healthier food options and then food and health became a big issue the market started to demand better foods [Music] and then we come to the next phase which is where you sit today in that sense we're trying to look into the next step yeah in the evolution of the food industry and the intersection between humans and their food [Music] we need to accept the fact that from birth to death our bodies changes our needs change so throughout life we need to tailor what we eat to our needs and this is where science comes into play for example when you look at infant formula there are stages stage one for newborns stage two for six months old babies and for toddlers you have stage three for example but after stage three foods becomes one size fits all take whatever you want whenever you want it but we change and the food industry has yet to offer tailored solutions for example why is the same apple giving the same person but at different life stages different benefits so we're trying to take those concepts and actually make them intersect with food engineering uli and his faculty are trying to achieve something that will be a complete game changer you created these bioreactors that are essentially stomachs intestines that are in a lab in a second so this is for an elderly person this is for a young person this is for male female you know etc and then feed them and see how things break down in them and then the the output of that information is is this group in society needs this different kind of food is that the right way to describe it yeah we're trying to build a toolbox of knowledge that can then be translated by industry by manufacturers to manipulations that they can do either in how they process the food or how they formulate food we're trying to find all the rules of nature that then we can try to manipulate better to different individuals i think you raise a point that is counter-intuitive to many people in which most people think myself included if i need 10 grams of protein or whatever i consume 10 grams and my body absorbs 10 grams if only nature was that simple i'd be out of a job yeah it's because it's not just about the 10 grams per day but it's also the source because you don't consume a pure ingredient yeah one day you can have an egg another day you can have a piece of salmon another day you can have something that looks like a meatball or a burger that's made from worms that they've made from crickets hold on made from worms yes really yeah humans are obliged to scour nature for protein sources so that we can exhaust nature's uh diversity to give us protein insects produce protein at much better yields to get one kilogram of protein out of a cow i would have to feed it with 20 kilograms of feed so we're talking about a 1 to 20 conversion factor for insects it's almost one to one that's one thing the second thing is they grow much faster a cow takes four or five years to grow for us to enjoy a steak insects takes weeks it doesn't make sense to ignore their potential as a source but the problem is there a lot of people in the western world think of of insects as something dirty but if they are grown in reactors they will be very very clean and if we then make them into porridge ice cream into yogurt into bread into snacks so why not explore that avenue have you explored that yeah we even produced in our lab ice cream that is fortified with warm protein lucky for us it was simply tasty and it was more nutritious than a normal ice cream the problem is in our faces the world is not growing and we need to find new solutions to solve our problems and not just follow the rules because the rules always bring you to a certain point and even einstein was a very wise man and he said if you keep doing the same don't expect to get different results this is exactly the counter intuition of israelis we are always trying to find a different way to get to the same point or to a better point we're trying to reinvent welcome back mate is very interesting to see when we think about the land of israel a land of milk and honey in the next 20 years or 30 years there won't be enough milk and there won't be enough honey yeah and foodtech might be vital well that's what's incredible you might be eating a substitute to the milk and a substitute to the honey that we never thought was possible before and it's easier to obtain and it's going to be easier on your body to digest and it's going to be easier to scale up and feed people that don't have the right kind of food today israel brings a solution not just for israel yeah for the rest of the world when you think about india you think about the growth of population in the next 20 30 years and we're seeing that i mean we're seeing the technologies that are developed here in small scale being sort of rolled out in other countries in a much larger scale you could almost say we have an inverse blessing here where the land is so harsh and the environment is so challenging that it forced us to come up with really creative ideas and we're able to bless others with those same creative solutions beautiful and that's really the story of this land an incredible story of hope and blessing comes out of this place to the world so let's continue watching some of those solutions [Music] the bible tightly ties the concept of blessing and fruitfulness of the land if you're in israel and you're following god's plan the land will bear much fruit and if you're not well it doesn't thousands of years later after these scriptures were originally written were back in the same place just this time it's not just the fruit of the land it's fruit paired with technology with innovation and knowledge we've become a nation that exports knowledge in the biotech in the agrotech in the foodtech industries and spreads them around the world we're heading towards rehovotin central israel to meet a super interesting company called bioharvest sciences and from what we've heard they're working on some of the most cutting-edge technology with things that have to do with food supplements [Music] elon hey matey good to see you welcome to bahafas thank you thank you by harvest sciences at our core we are a biotech company that's focused on health and wellness when god gave us the beautiful earth and he filled us with literally millions of different species of plants there was a reason these plants carrying essential active ingredients for the human body and we have a proprietary platform technology that allows us to take any active ingredient from the plant and we're able to grow that active ingredient in a cell for people to consume in order to improve their overall health and wellness bio harvest flagship product vineyard is a health supplement created from grape extract vineyard is based on the french paradox french people they have a very fatty diet but they have generally very good cardiovascular health the scientists looked at it and they realized wow it's for moderate consumption of red wine that's two to three glasses of red wine every single day they realize it was from a combination of polyphenols that live inside the actual red grape breaking down the science behind a certain diet's health benefits is one thing but bio harvest is taking that to the next level so with our technology from the skin of the red grape we started to grow those specific polyphenols in a cell over 21 days in bioreactors literally we're feeding the cells almost like you would feed in a vineyard except we're growing them in bioreactors and we're feeding these beautiful cells and once they reach the body mass we do what actually happens in real life with wine we harvest the cells and as a result we have a very very active powder which is able to significantly increase blood flow in the body the ability to increase blood flow from a supplement alone sounds incredible i met with malkit azahi who has been leading vinnie's clinical trials to explain to me exactly what that means so first of all we perform four clinical trials in high blood pressure also in doing in sports we saw that their sugar levels reduces and they felt better when we are talking on blood flow we are talking on all the body on the brain on the legs on eyes everything controlled by our blood flow it means that when you improve the blood flow you improve your quality of life you live better you think more clearly you are more awake in this room over here we have our bioreactors where we're actually growing our red grapes are hidden they are behind closed curtains obviously given the sensitivity of our technology the team i actually in the final stages of a harvest so when the cells have reached a specific body map literally we take the cells out of the bioreactors we then take them through a drying process it then is encapsulated in those little capsules that we then provide to the consumer and i mean i'm looking at it it looks like the real thing it's like lab-grown nature shalom nice to meet you dr yoki hagai is the co-founder and chief scientist at vinia and she is the mother of this technology if we compare it to the other technology that are in the market there are two main technologies to extract the active ingredients from plants or you can synthesize it as a synthetic product both of them the conformation of these components is changed and in our process we keep this a natural structure which is optimal for human and also for plants until we we started to develop this technology nobody succeeded to do it because it's very complex to grow plant cells in liquid media because it's not natural for them and we are the first in the world we are going to change the world in this way people can consume our product to prevent disease this is the idea to prevent disease in the world ultimately we're doing god's work in the modern world and we're the bridge to bring the power of the plants that god created and we're bringing it to consumers in a way that their bodies are able to dissolve and produce the right kind of positive health and wellness outcomes for the consumer [Music] it's impressive to see israeli scientists and innovators taking god's gifts of nature to a whole new level of healing israel is a small state it doesn't have a lot of natural resources rather we have our best resources and that is the human mind one person can generate creativity that's fine but when a lot of people stimulate each other that's where really cool things are born it's a real privilege from the almighty that i can have responsibility making a fundamental difference to the overall health and wellness of the world [Music] shalom from jerusalem today we have a special honor to have with us mr hanan schneider kanan is the ceo of millennium futek shalom ghanan tell us about yourself and about food tech first of all thank you very much for having me in this amazing scene of jerusalem millennium footage is a publicly traded venture capital fund which invests only in futec with alternative protein extending shelf life dealing with organic waste packaging industry for zero to food and beverage companies etc because foodtech is going to be the science of the future when we talk about israel as a leading country in foodtech do you think that has to do with the fact that we live in a tough neighborhood that because of the neighborhood israel has to be more self-sufficient depending on themselves i think it's more about the innovation in israel israel considered to be the innovation hub of the world and it's considered to be now the footage of the world and this is why all the world are looking at israel to see what comes in this area of food deck from israel we like stories exactly can you tell us a story about one company that does something which is worth hearing yeah i so i think that's the story of alpha is very very interesting what's allah farm alafam is a cultured meat company that is now producing a minute steak cultured minute steak that is produced in the lab and hopefully in the next two to three years we will see it in our supermarkets wow now the tissue culture or the the stem cell that scientists in the technion tried tried to heal in the wounded people so from that they were able to transform or converge this technology to the area of foottech and to take the stem cells from the cow and produce in the lab cultured meat is it gonna taste the same on the barbecue yeah it's a very good question we invest only where we can feel touch and taste that brings the product so i ate that and it's good when i think about futek and i looking on our region i i'm sure that israel can be a solution for the whole region yeah this is a very very good point which is the the biggest israeli dairy and food company did a deal with united emeritus company to transfer a technology that was developed in israel to there in order to support the food security schemes another way that israel is being a blessing and a lie to the nations around us beautiful hanan thank you very much what a great honor thank you and to you our friends once again shalom from jerusalem [Music] i'm on my way to meet the ceo of a super innovative ag tech company that's changing the future of farming hey guy how are you hey great to see you guys company vertical fields is bringing farming out of the fields and interurban areas where vertical farms created in shipping containers can be stored right outside your neighborhood supermarket [Music] today there's a farmers in the rural area and has to take it all the way from the rural area to the place that people live in which usually is the urban area it goes through warehouses and shipments transportation climate changing between the spots and at the end of the day it has the cost the environmental impacts and of course the level of health and the quality of the produce and basically the vertical farming is saying the following let's save all this journey from the farmers all the way to the retailers or to the consumers and make it more economically more environmental in a way that the produce at the end of the day has higher level of vitamins nutrition and freshness the vertical farming system created by this company allows them to grow greens herbs and lettuce using technology that not only works in this environment but actually creates higher and better yields than the same plants grown in traditional farming methods so you're saying that regardless of what's going on outside you're able to you know day in day out grow consistently quality fresh plants wherever you are in the world that's exactly the idea growing food is no longer an issue of climate an issue of weather an issue of distance it can be done everywhere because it's optimized exactly because the best day is inside the containers wherever you want it and whenever you want it why can we go into the belly of the beast with pleasure [Music] so guy we see in here all your technology coming together plants the water the lighting it's it's a lot going on in here right irrigation is being done precisely with less water the produce are being harvested in a very easy to use way like you take it out we're using every square feet in a multiply of five six seven times more you feel the moisture outside it was it was cold and dry we come in here it's moist and warm in here exactly can we take apart some of these pieces and see how it looks so let's look at this lettuce the lettuce becomes bigger in 14 15 days from now the consumer gets it in a very fresh and living status and only when the consumer wants to eat if they harvest the ticket and take the salt out and then it gets the best freshest produce at the end of the day god invented plants to grow inside the soil and that's exactly what we're trying to do and to add the ecosystem to grow it properly with vertical fields in the picture the future of farming looks bright fresh and healthy for suppliers consumers and our precious earth to have the food available accessible and simple simplicity is the basic ideas of this farm a person that is not skilled can go and operate that and have food wherever you want it and whenever you want it you're solving all these problems at once and the solution is incredible and you have fresh food again and again and again as long as it's up and running exactly that's exactly the idea hey i'm at shoshani and thank you for watching the tbn as well youtube channel we hope this video gave you greater understanding of israel and her people if you haven't already subscribe to our channel and hit the notification bell so you never miss a video we'd love to hear from you so be sure to share what you've learned and ask your questions and comments below and invite your friends to join the conversation
Channel: TBN Israel
Views: 60,814
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: israel, tbn israel, israeli, tech, tech in israel, israel technology, israeli innovation, innovation in israel, food tech, food, food technology, plant cell, cell tech, agriculture, agriculture technology, innovative food, food science, future of food, food of the future, food research, Bioharvest, bio food, bio tech, trinity broadcasting network, tbn, mati shoshani, health, health science, healing food, restorative agriculture, tbn insights israel, insects food of the future
Id: RGxpO8B7mm0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 22sec (1402 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 01 2022
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