Archeological Proof of King David in Israel | FULL EPISODE | Insights on TBN Israel

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so this is the famous Palace this is it David's Palace here's the big question is the time of day with historical or mythological unites all the 12 tribes builds the foundation of the house of God what will be the temple this influential character the king the poet the leader the warrior he's going to be the thing that still unites us today there's a reason that people still talk about him today yeah if he was a two-dimensional character it would be it I mean it would be just another name in the Bible foreign of God the name David appears over a thousand times and when a name appears a thousand times we need to stop and ask ourselves questions who is David the story of David is vital for us as Believers because as we know the Bible tells us the Messiah will come from the House of David from the tribe of Judah and the connection between Yeshua and David is vital for our understanding of the words of the New Testament in the recent year there were amazing discoveries and evidence about the story of David and we're gonna show you some of it on this episode stay with us and watch the men called David think about this trying to prove the story of King David through the archaeological findings is an incredibly complex and hard endeavor because archaeologists dealing with small puzzle pieces being pulled out of the ground and then trying to get a big picture out of them but King David was 3000 years ago and getting a full picture a full story out of the archaeological findings is nothing short of an incredible archaeological feat [Music] I'm with the incredible people on the ground who are pulling out with new technology and research this incredible story of this man King David and through their work we're going to get a better understanding of who this man really is and how his story and the story of the Bible connect to what we're finding on the ground today in the past people believe that hundred percent of the biblical narrative is pure history in the early 1980s came a different approaches nothing is history people look at the Bible and say none of what is written here happen in real life exactly [Music] it's another layer of proof and for anyone who doubts and anyone who says Ah I'm not sure about your narrative here it is King David was not just a mythological figure there was a kingdom there were fortified cities we have inscription we have Administration why is David today this huge figure he sees himself as not I'm the king I'm the best rather I am the function that intermediates between what God wants and what the people need foreign [Music] Valley which is to the southwest of Jerusalem to meet with Professor yosti galfinkel was one of the best known archaeologists specifically when it comes to the time of the early Israelite Kingdom and the site we're going to visit with him is considered to be one of the most meaningful discoveries about the early Israelite Kingdom [Music] gonna climb how's it going you'll see I'm Maddie welcome to Herbert good to see you so we're in in the middle of this is why the site was built here if you look at the road even today you can see every person and every car going in the village so this is really the passport control of the kingdom of Judah toward is just outside of Jerusalem and he Stones throw away from where David slugoliath my intuition my instinct told me that this location must be a very important place but I had no idea if it will be 10th Century or nine or eight or seventh we didn't know that it's so early as King David engulfing can uncover this site it helped put to rest Decades of scholarly debate about who King David was and if he even existed but to understand the significance of his Discovery first you have to understand the history of this debate okay so how do you know that David was a historical figure how do you know is that Euro Caesar was he still a good figure so you need to have historical documents telling you about these figures in case of David we have the biblical narrative and indeed for generation and generation people accepted the biblical tradition as representing historical Memories the big debate started in the early 1980s when people said the Bible is mythological story and then you cannot use the Bible to prove David and what you need is historical sources outside of the Bible and the big Revolution was in 1993 when the tell Dan Stiller was found what specifically is founder they're digging until done and they find in the description what does it say okay the inscription was written in Aramaic in this inscription the Aramaic King say I killed 70 Kings I killed the king from Israel and the king from the House of David House of David a Dynasty created by David it seems sort of like a trivial like mentioned in this guy just says and by the way this other king but what it does is it connects the dots through history saying obviously like when this was written in there was no debate over whether there was a dynasty of the King David you cannot argue anymore that David is not a historical figure when the teldan stealer was discovered it sealed the deal once and for all King David existed but the debate didn't end there the Skeptics shifted their argument to say sure he may have existed but was he truly who the Bible claims he was the idea was that there was somebody called David but it was just like one of the judges that in the time of David in Judah there was no Kingdom and no fortified cities and no interest one of the judges in the sense of what the scope of his uh of his Rule and influence yeah Justice more leader live in a tent in a small village called Jerusalem and here came in 2007 I started excavations in this site where we're sitting right now just now everything that was found here the city wall decade the houses the pottery the animal bones everything is exactly from the time of David when people asking me what is the most important Discovery in Herbert I'm saying the olive pits we send Olive pits for hydrocarbon testing in Oxford University and the big surprise was the dating of this city is 1000 BC the Olympics game the time of David we have a fortified City in Judah from the time of King David what we see here are private house it you can see the small stones it was incredible to walk around the city of Hilbert kaifa you have five cities like this all of them are in Judah as Professor golfing can show me what makes the site so unique in this house here we found the same specific one yeah in the corner we found a jar with an inscription on it and the name Ishmael is exactly the name of Seoul Sun who ruled after him so we are walking out through the Assassin gate of Herbert I'm sure that when King David came from Jerusalem to visit the place he entered the city through this gate so we are literally now here on the footsteps of King David there's not many places in the world you could say that maybe it's the only place in the world 100 sure that you are walking on the footsteps of King David Shalom and welcome back to our studio here in Jerusalem it's amazing to see how God three thousand years later still provides us evidence that the word of God mati is real I agree 100 we're living an incredible time I mean think about it 20 years ago if you said King David is exactly as is described in the Bible people would laugh at you and today the the archaeological evidence is overwhelming at the same time the same extent of the Kingdom the same you know everything and all of that is coming out of the ground all of that is being discovered with archeology you see mati for us as believer in the Messiah the evidence of King David is crucial because if David didn't exist Yeshua cannot claim to be the son of David yeah all the promises of the Bible they all stand on the fact that David existed as is described and archaeologist showing us exactly that archeology is proving today right behind us in in the city of David down here yeah it's proving to us that that person existed in the same way and everything comes from that so what do you say Samuel let's let's go deeper into the character of King David let's continue watching we're headed towards the city of David it's the most significant archaeological site definitely outside of the walls of the old city in Jerusalem and we're about to meet with Franny Kaplan who's a tour guide who's going to help us connect the dots between the character of King David that we read about in the Bible and the Physical City in which he established his kingdom hey Franny how's it going it's going well welcome good to see you nice to see you too we've been talking around the archaeological evidence let's break down this character like who is this David guy that we read about in the Bible he's almost this mystical and mythical character in the scriptures and even today but he was a real person story of David it's like all of that into like this oh here we go he starts yeah in the valley of Ella as a young Shepherd goes out to meet his brothers becomes the one that kills Goliath after that the people of Judah say we want him but they're still Saul so we have a whole time period where he's being chased by Saul this love-hate relationship with Saul finally Saul dies the second that Saul dies he's anointed as king after that the people of Israel say wait a second we want you to be king over everything and he says okay I'm going to be the king of everyone creates the first capital of Israel right here conquerors yourself right here literally right here so this is the famous Palace of David I have to be honest it doesn't look incredibly uh palacy in its nature I know I know just wait we'll uncover it all city of David is the perfect place to talk about King David because it's where he spent much of his life and established his kingdom this site has been around for over 150 years and it houses not only King David's history but that of the subsequent Kings after him finally we're here at the lookout of city of David right so we're actually standing outside the old city which always is something like wait a second the city of David we're talking about Jerusalem you're going to be inside yeah that's what people thought up until 150 years ago anyone who would come looking for David would go into the walls of the Old City to where the Temple Mount was that was seen as Jerusalem so we're here on this tiny Hilltop right outside and what we're uncovering in these past 150 years is pretty much all of the biblical evidence this was the city of David what are the main things that happened in this place first of all we have David's Palace we want to think about where most of Psalms would have been written it's here and these are the views that David is seeing we look at the the hills that surround Jerusalem and one of the famous descriptions that David writes about Jerusalem is Jerusalem mountains around you as God surrounds his people in Psalms and you think wow that's Jerusalem if that's Jerusalem up there then mountains don't really surround it but suddenly wait a second David stood here and wrote Psalms and mountains Juiced around this tiny little Hilltop so it's literally one to one we're reading the Bible times we read about the city of David we wrote about all of those passages that all happens here he first comes here it's a jebusite city that's the first time we see the city of David all throughout that he builds his house it's mentioned that it's in the city of David even when David dies he's buried in ill-david the city of David yeah but the first time is right here where it says and the King went to Jerusalem with his men that's this Valley over there down in the valley over here he's looking up at these massive Cliffs and there are walls at the top he says to his men whoever's brave enough to infiltrate the water system climb up the tunnel Behind Enemy Lines open up the gates for me he's going to be my the head of my Army that's what they do and that's what they do you have Ben zulia Joe up climbs up City Falls Jerusalem is born and uh 3 000 years later we find it in the same way David today this huge figure I mean we see his sin right David sins with uh best Yuga and right away he judges himself with a very severe and harsh punishment which he pays for he doesn't run away from it it's like David has this balance like he's very very systematically doing what needs to be done if that means Goliath after that reigning over the people in Judah after that Jerusalem needs to be a city after that I have to build my house after that I have to protect the people it's like mission after mission he's very goal oriented and then one second in the Bible we see that he stops and that's when he sins it's like his eyes are for a second not on the mark of where he wants to be going and he fails and I think that's so relevant like when we're not you know in our space then we suddenly we get confused we mess up and that sin he pays for it throughout the end of his days he buries four of his sons he's chased out of the city by Absalom he creates this idea of how to properly do repentance it's interesting in the in the Bible we have this kind of Duality between the farmer and the shepherd the very external the one who works the land and the one that's kind of more spiritual with the Sheep you know talking to God and David really kind of embodies both of those sides where he has the poet and the shepherd and he's the humility and he's on a cloud with God but at the same time he's a warrior he's a politician a leader of a nation and he embodies both of them and I think that that's one of the reasons why they say that the Messiah is supposed to come from David it's supposed to be this balance of both although he was deeply flawed King David was granted the responsibility of ruling over God's people because he sought after God's heart and by journeying through the archaeological evidence he left behind were able to better understand the Bible as God breathed and undeniably true throughout the ages he was the first person that United in area as it was controlled by four or five Canaanite city-state and now it was controlled by one person he created the first national state in Deliverance this is the greatness of David figure Beyond Time whether it's the city that he left us which is one of the centers of the world whether it's the writings that he left and maybe even the idea of what man can obtain with the help of God the help of God today we have the great honor to have with us Dr Seth postel doctor said posel besides being a friend he's also the dean of the Israel College of the Bible said the parallel between Yeshua the Messiah and David why why is all rabbinical Judaism makes a parallel between David and the Messiah it's really interesting The Book of Psalms is regarded as as prophetic when you look at the in in first Chronicles chapter 25 it actually presents the authors of these individual Psalms as prophets it connects Prophecy with music second Samuel chapter 23 verses 1 and 2 David says that he spoke the Psalms through the spirit of God and so David is regarded as a prophet his life is clearly paradigmatic he becomes a picture of Israel's future and perfect King David is a symbol of a shepherd and we know one of the roles of the Messiah is to be a Shepherd can you talk about that David is a Shepherd as a king again it's interesting when you start to look at these Messianic paradigms in the Hebrew Bible because Joseph was a Shepherd yeah interesting Not only was Joseph A Shepherd but so was Moses Shepherds that are rejected at first by their people but eventually accepted and their brothers bow down they become rulers and so I think that the whole notion of the Messiah as the perfect Shepherd the Lord is my shepherd the Good Shepherd in Ezekiel chapter 36 you have two good Shepherds there right God himself is the Good Shepherd who raises up the Messiah who is the Good Shepherd and so you see the way that Jesus is speaking in John chapter 10 he is clearly the perfect David who protects his sheep zealously guards his sheep Beautiful People are watching you from all over the world if there is one message that you want people to take from the life of David what would be the message Psalm 51 go ahead David clearly did fall and and when you look at his life and I'm not encouraging Believers to fall but I find that Psalm 51 expresses the gospel in ways before the cross that I think puts many of us to shame David had an understanding of Grace that far eclipses so many of us you think about the fact that not only did David in Psalm 51 ask for forgiveness he's even bold enough to pray that God restored the joy of his salvation so that he would become an example to the people of Israel David really understood the power of Grace Grace and forgiveness yeah amen thank you very much Seth you're welcome and to you our friends remember God is faithful and once again thank you and Shalom from Jerusalem [Music] King David wrote arguably the most famous poetic music in the world the Psalms which have inspired people to connect deeply with God for thousands of years hey this is you man good to see you I had the privilege of meeting an Israeli believer worship artist and professional musicianiak to talk about David's influence on how Believers relate to God through music a lovely view from this place probably inspired David as he was here [Music] we met in a very special location the cave of adulam where David fled from Saul before becoming King it is also believed to be where he wrote at least some of his Psalms what an amazing place you can sense the history and the you know the time in it when David fled from King's soul he gathered here together with 400 people he also lived for ethic text Psalm 57 where he described exactly what happened here in the cave have mercy on me o God have mercy on me for in you my soul takes Refuge I will take refuge in the shadow of your rings until the disaster has passed he is reforming and redesigning Theological ideas while he is on the Move On The Run basically foreign I'm coming from a secular Jewish secular family I started playing the drums when I was 15 years old but when I got to age 17 18 I got into like ethnic music and it really fascinated me there are so many sounds so many music cultures around the world and why to stick only to this western music only playing the drums and guitar like everyone no so what fascinates me the most about David is that he taught me how to sing when I when I just came to Faith and when I was just 17 naturally I took my Bible went to the hills nearby my house and I was singing songs this very personal Act of David to put down his personal feelings through the prism of sound and poetic text taught me how to express myself my feelings towards God he's not shy about it is singing it to God it's always stresses the faithfulness of God as a loving father as someone that give you shelter and save you from your troubles so I started playing the Persian tar when I was 20. I went to Spain to study from a great master from Iran he actually fled I run in 2009 and I studied classical Persian music for a year the goal in that is really to revive ethnic and traditional music cultures so I just founded an organization called morasha actually to support local poets local musicians From The Underground Church in Iran in Kurdistan in Turkey in different places where Christians are actually minorities and basically to use all the traditional music cultures for the church for worship purposes for me it was really that David understood the power of music the power of music to unify of course in my personal time I can read some and sing it on my own but think about it people who came all the way from different Villages and cities to Jerusalem three thousand years ago they sang the same Psalms together simultaneously everyone is breathing in the same temple in the same time shouting it singing it Debbie took it from a personal place and made it gigantic National project [Music] I deeply enjoyed hearing the words of David through the Psalms put to music by your own who uses ancient instruments and Melodies to remind us of that Shepherd boy who became the poetic King that taught us just how to relate to God doesn't matter if you're from India or San Diego we all sing some we share the same emotions and the poetic text that David lay down as a foundation for us hey I'm Matthew sushani and thank you for watching the TBN Israel YouTube channel we hope this video gave you greater understanding of Israel and our people if you haven't already subscribe to our Channel and hit the notification Bell so you never miss a video we'd love to hear from you so be sure to share what you've learned and ask your questions and comments below and invite your friends to join the conversation
Channel: TBN Israel
Views: 165,292
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Keywords: israel, city of david, king david, jerusalem, king david in the bible, archeology, archeology in israel, archeology in jerusalem, biblical archeology, psalms, discover israel, historical findings, biblical history, tbn israel, trinity broadcasting network, tbn, faith, biblical music, psalms of david king's college choir, king david documentary, king david and bathsheba, israel caves, music in the bible, mati shoshani, insights israel & the middle east, tbn insights israel, david
Id: mBCnCtUfqGE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 19sec (1399 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 08 2022
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