Israel's Negev Desert Technology Will Change Our World | FULL EPISODE | Insights on TBN Israel

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every one of our national leaders in the times of the Bible goes through a time in the desert to be able to enter into the promise and here we are again in Israel today David mcmorian was the first Prime Minister and the Founding Father of the state of Israel for him this is the essence of Zionism it's two-thirds of the land you cannot ignore two-thirds of your land we developed the right Technologies for the desert and if we do that the late Ben Gurion will be proud of us just the magic of standing in a sunset mimicking a martial Mission how lucky can I be as a researcher to witness this it's the urge to make a difference to be the arrowhead for the world in terms of desertech the desert and specifically the Negev Desert have always played this key role in the story of the Jewish people in this land and rightly so even today the negative makes up more than two-thirds of the land mass of this country now think about this for a second every substantial story in the story of our people happens in the desert both the people and the modern day state of Israel have to be transformed and hardened in the desert to be able to make it into this land you might think that dealing with the challenges of the desert is exclusive to places that look like this but it isn't in many places in the world the problems of water and soil and heat are an issue that people need to contend with and today we're going to see some of those very Solutions those varied developments in action this chunk of land has the potential of keeping us in the front line of innovation more than 2.3 billion people are already living in Drive Israel is the only country where the desert is becoming smaller we need to be the building of the nation came from the desert the negative was a test for our survival and still is now we're heading down to the Negev Desert south of belsheva to a place called and we're about to meet a historian named Paula Cavallo who specializes in a very unique individual David bengalion the first Prime Minister and some might say the father of the modern state of Israel Paula good to see you finally to meet in person likewise so we're now in the desert right in the negative right outside of your house in your research institute give us an overview of what this area is the place is called the Negev Desert okay it's a desert as you can see around you geographically speaking we are now at the center of Israel so when you go all the way from the south which is a lot to the top the upper Galilee pretty much in the middle is where we are now this is how big the negative is people imagine Israel to be what they know the Galilee the coastal areas they're sort of the last stronghold of green or almost anything else East and everything South you are immediately back in the desert and then the question is so what do you do with it only 10 of the country's population lives here but a significant percentage of the food comes from here there's a lot of Agriculture going on here cutting-edge agriculture the whole idea of making the Desert Bloom is not a metaphor it's not our Dream It's a reality all of this starts from the basic fact that the land of Israel is small we don't have the luxury of not using the negative desert but it also connects very strongly with the essence of the birth of the nation the Negev Desert has been a deep part of the Jewish narrative since the fathers of our faith Abraham Isaac and Jacob dwelt in this land when founding the modern state of Israel David bengalyon was a driving force to encourage the miracle of settling the Negev he even lived here for the final decade of his life Paula took me to visit his desert home May 1953 benguin is a prime minister and he is invited to launch a new road so the litigation goes past and suddenly Ben Gurion says stop stop the car he opens the door and he walks and nowhere to this place yeah but this place doesn't really exist it's a desert yeah he's walking towards who knows where and you can imagine I mean we're Israelis right so we know what it means when a prime minister just walks out of a security Zone oh my God I mean everybody is really tensed now before they realize what's happening he's standing and talking with some people now who are those people a bunch of 20-something years old planting trees in the middle of this very dry soil someone says good morning they you know they raise their heads outside in the middle of the desert it's an icon you know it's very powerful situation he says I never felt Envy towards any individual or group but when I saw you that's how I felt this is in practice self-sufficiency for him this is the essence of Zionism if we will not be able to teach ourselves to deal with the desert to make the best out of it then we have a problem to this day Israel has not fully realized the negative's potential well much of our agriculture as well as military facilities and other key institutions are based here the Negev remains largely unsettled our population centers like Jerusalem Tel Aviv and Haifa are north of here in a more temperate climate but bengalian was known for seeing things differently and this guided his vision I invite you to enter my favorite place in Israel they've been going on a desert home we call it in Hebrew I'm stricken by how modest everything is the room around here right is full of books and the books reflect the scope of his interest okay so imagine right sit on the chair and he says you know give me a piece of paper he opens the Bible and he writes down quotes from Isaiah and all the quotes from Isaiah have to do with the desert so we have yes and rejoice and there is because I gave in the desert water and rivers phrases like that and they're here as a constant reminders the Bible says that we can make it here so we'll make it here the connection of the people in the Bible is something that he took very seriously look over there so he sits here what does he see every day it's Moses who brought the people of Israel from Egypt all the way through the desert to right here to land it's Moses he wants Moses to be in front of him every day Isaiah the desert and Moses as like this constant echoing a reminder of why we're here how can we make it bengalian was truly a Visionary he didn't just want to see the Desert Bloom he wanted to see it become a hub for the next steps of our country's development been going in one of his famous writings about the desert he says that mankind existence depends on water and power the Negev can supply that because we have natural power remember the Sun and we have two Seas the Red Sea and the Mediterranean you'll have endless water just desalinate them it's as if he's talking the 21st century when we talk about renewable energies and how we need to use energy but without exhausting the resources all of this is encapsulated in the ideas of bengurion writes about in the mid 50s welcome back to the studio it's amazing to see what God did in this desert of Israel but him 100 I mean it's it's incredible to see how Ben Gurion the father of the modern state of Israel combined both this Vision but also the practicality to be able to really execute something that is unique and historic in this country and he looks at the desert and it's double killed particularly and he says this is where the Jewish people are going to be tested it reminds me the story of The Twelve spies you know you can choose to be like the 10 and see the Giants and see the problems or we you can be like the two Joshua and kalevin says God will provide those Giants are nothing in our eyes yeah I mean that's our story here just do something to make it work or fail completely so at every turn of the way the people here had the strength to really find those Creative Solutions so let's watch together what happens next more than 70 years later David bengalian's prediction has come full circle the harshness of the negative and the complete lack of resources have been the perfect study ground for innovators and developers in Israel just a few miles away is one of the leading desert research institutes in the entire world and this institute carries the perfect name the desert Institute of the bengalian university in the Negev I know hi good to see you and thank you for taking the time we come to our little home we have four major needs that we are dealing with water security food security solar energy and ecosystem Dynamics I think that most people will agree that these four issues are really crucial for the future of humanity can you explain so if we're thinking just from a terminology basis what does a desert mean so deserts are basically dry lands in dry lands there are some needs to begin with and if there is not enough water there is not enough food now on top of that we have the process that's called desertification desertification is a process where land that was fertile and good for food production is not fertile anymore and we cannot use it for agriculture the United Nations defined desertification is the largest environmental problem in the 21st century Israel is the only country where the desert is becoming smaller not bigger a lot of it is because of our contribution our technology our new methods that are being developed here in our Institutes David Ben Gurion she called it Oxford in the Negev and what we're doing here practically is fulfilling his dream bringing together scientists decision makers companies Farmers all together sitting around the same table make sure that we find the right Solutions we develop the right Technologies for the desert and if we do that the late Ben Gurion will be proud of us within the desert Research Institute we have three research institutes and a school we have the water Institute the second Institute is the Agriculture and biotechnology of driving the third Institute is divided to two departments the department of renewable energy and environmental physics the know-how that we are developing here is being spread to many places around the world all five continents a lot of decision makers in many countries did their masters or their phds here in the heart of the Israeli native desert at the largest Institute for Desert research so where are we heading now we are heading to the fish lab it's incredible to see the range of research and development happening in this place Norm took me to see one of the projects the desert Institute is working on and he chose a truly remarkable one excuse the question though but fish in the desert in my mind don't really automatically connect you will be surprised it turns out this arid desert offers the perfect conditions for raising fish and the fish studies the desert Institute conducts actually have the potential to feed millions of people worldwide this is uh Professor Dina zilberg and Professor amid gross from the water Institute so help us understand you said you're growing things in the water in the desert yeah actually it's quite unique we found out that the waste of the fish contained so much energy that if you take it and apply it in our special reactor then we can take this Fuel and turn on the generator to uh produce energy and that can run our systems help us understand where you getting water in the desert we have here a big water reservoir underground water Reserve War they are not good enough for drinking but we can utilize it to grow fish it is actually adding nutrients to it and then from the fish it is continued to grow vegetables so we've been talking about the theory now let's see the practice inside the lab [Music] and treated water to use for a bread another fish so if this research Works what's going to be the outcome the outcome is that we can develop like systems that can produce sustainable fish that is basically why I'm here in this country there are no bring out fantastic technology for production of filter media blowback demand for aquaculture products this this technology back to your country my country and then also replicate it through the world foreign what we're doing here is way more than science I mean we are doing science but our science is really helping a lot of people and especially enable people to live in dry lands this is huge for the future of humanity just as bengalian envisioned the desert has become a lab of innovation not only for the people of Israel but for the entire world I think Ben Gurion would be really happy when people come here they know that they come to place but a lot of really outstanding Science and Engineering in the heart of the negative this is the closest you could get to Genesis when you look at this it feels like we have to start everything from the beginning and it's empty and it's arid and it's challenging but it's full of potential just like the world was full of potential when God said [Music] foreign [Music] today we have the great honor to have with us Professor shambovitz he's the President of benguyon University Professor shamovitz Danielle Danny please Danny great honor having you with us can you tell us about yourself first I grew up in a small town in Western Pennsylvania I had a very strong Jewish identity and so after high school I took a gap year um and spent a year in Israel and I was a half a year on a kibbutz in the southern wow and I can almost remember the day I was driving a tractor in the Alfalfa fields of kebotskitura and have you ever driven a tractor yes you have a lot of time to think when you're on the tractor and I had this Eureka Eureka moment with the sun coming down and coming up up over the hills of Edom there in the over the Jordan if we could figure out why Alfalfa grows back and wheat doesn't we could feed the world and at that moment I stopped being pre-med and went to be pre-ag always in the back of my mind was this idea how are we going to feed the world tell us a bit about the benguyon university Bangor University of the Negev was founded in the vision of David Ben Gurion in 1963 Ben-Gurion said I envisioned not Scholars and researchers will sit in the gates of the Negev sort of like Abraham Abram uncover its secrets of the desert how to make energy from the Sun water from the air and food from the Sands to take advantage of resources that are until now going to waste over 50 years ago you know who was thinking of these things a real Visionary a real Visionary and at the time we even had to fly professors in fly because there was almost no roads but over the past 52 years we've now grown into Israel's third largest university 20 000 students three campuses what seemed like a dream over 50 years ago is this reality where the world is now coming to us to learn how we not only survive in the desert but how we thrive in the desert do you think that the university and Israel in large can be a help to our neighbors not only can we be up our neighbors we are a help for our neighbors next week I'm going to Dubai wow where I was invited to give a lecture on food security from the desert almost all of the water from the Sea of Galilee where does it go to today it goes to Jordan we export it to Jordan unbelievable why can we export the water to Jordan because we now generate all the water we need through desalination where was water first desalinated in Israel at Ben growing University of the Negev we often use the term a light unto the Nations Israel is a light unto the Nations when you see what we've done over the past 50 years at Ben Gordon University it truly it is a miracle but we have an obligation that this is not our richness this is not our wealth we don't own technology we don't own knowledge we're custodians beautiful and that's what we're doing professional Waits what a great honor thank you for being thanks for having me happy to be back thank you [Music] today we have a truly special story for you six astronauts conducting science experiments spacewalks mental and physical training right here on the surface of Mars I mean the negative desert this is the Ramon crater a unique geological phenomenon and the biggest kind in the world its extreme conditions resemble the surface of Mars making it the perfect place for an analog Mars habitat simulation this is an effort to shape the future of space in Israel I met up with the Thai Levy the director of the project to get an Insider's look of this remarkable project we have the resources we have the environment we have the desert and the Ramon crater which is which is as close as you get to being in space on Earth yeah exactly for sure this is an opportunity and This Is Us seeking that opportunity and looking to make it into the real life of Israel space industry and research today marked the end of a successful simulation after three weeks of being locked away from civilization the six astronauts were training in the simulation and greeted the world for the first time it's like a dress rehearsal that's exactly right this mission is a partnership is a joint venture by the Israeli space agency and the Austrian space Forum we invited researchers from all over the world these are over 2000 countries this is a mars-like area which is unparalleled on this planet so our concept is that we hear Implement a complex Mars analog station that is able to mimic all the limitations and opportunities an actual station would have a March as well include spaceship simulators Rovers helicopters basically full range of tool sets we need to explore Mars and maybe look there for traces of life now it was time to take a tour of the facility and see just how it all works this is the type of facility we might see one day on Mars so this is the the sign section where some of the experiments have been conducted all the Telemetry from the spacesuits has been transmitted by a satellite to the emission supports Center in Austria [Music] into the uh the social section so to say the analog astronauts have to cook clean sleep tokens and business because after all they're humans they have a social life as well so this each one of these cubicles this was sort of like the same on a submarine I guess absolutely so this is the most private you'll get this Mission lasted only a month but future researchers would have to stay years years so working out the details suddenly becomes very important more is an unforgiving place and so every mistake we make here on Earth we are grateful for because for every mistake we can change and involve our technology and not repeat the mistake of Mars when it's too late we always talk in Israel about the fact that the desert tests your fortitude as an individual I don't think I or anyone ever imagined that it would test people's ability to get to Mars 40 years in the desert to reach the front of Israel but uh two weeks it's a stepping stone after seeing the habitat I wanted to hear firsthand about the experience of living there so Anika you just came out of three weeks in this tiny habitat behind us and you're still smiling and happy it definitely was a positive experience yes work with so many different people from all nationalities for common goal and that's a really really nice experience of course there's different points of view there's maybe little conflicts but being able to overcome those and to work together yeah happy with the experience and the results the Israeli desert is alive and blooming with Innovation as it brings together people from all over the world with the hope that they can help mankind take the next giant leap if you watch the Earth from space you don't see any borders so when we go to Mars we don't necessarily go with as austrians or Israeli we go as humans as a society it's all about International collaboration hey I'm Matthew sushani and thank you for watching the TBN Israel YouTube channel we hope this video gave you greater understanding of Israel and our people if you haven't already subscribe to our Channel and hit the notification Bell so you never miss a video we'd love to hear from you so be sure to share what you've learned and ask your questions and comments below and invite your friends to join the conversation
Channel: TBN Israel
Views: 280,110
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Negev Desert, desert, tech, technology, desert farm, agriculture, israel tech, israel innovation, negev desert israel, israel desert, desert tech, desert agriculture technology, Ben Gurion, ben gurion university, ben gurion interview, ben gurion university of the negev, israel, mars, life on mars, training for mars, mars training, israel mars mission, mars mission, tbn israel, trinity broadcasting network, tbn, mati shoshani, insights israel & the middle east, tbn insights israel
Id: mka9VzDsNcc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 49sec (1369 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 02 2022
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