How is Sans so Powerful?

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hi guys my name is jiggle Meister and recently I've been just completely enamored by undertale like seriously this game is the best I've played thus far in 2016 and is probably gonna be among my favorites of all time I'll save my incoherent ramblings about how great this game is for another time though today I want to talk about my second favorite thing about on detail the characters and certainly among its diverse cast men are as complex and layered as sans the skeleton between goat mom and goat dad sans is the first and the last monster you meet in your journey game theory describes him as the arbiter of the underground and to be honest that's a wall based conclusion at the end of the game he judges you for the morality of your journey every monster you've killed in every monster you've spared will come into account here some endings reek of anticlimax and others hype you up for the encounter will have a özgür that follows but if you purposely go out of your way and kill every monster grinding and conventional RPG terms then the game takes a dark turn true undertale fans know this as the genocide run or the no mercy run if you go down this path Sansa will judge you accordingly and this time he'll fight you sands is widely considered the hardest boss in the game since flowers bullet rain gives you you know the nicety of checkpoints and many people have speculated who he is and how that ties in with you know his enigmatic character throughout the story but today I want to talk about how how is sands so powerful I want to preface the following observations by giving credit where it's due this is not my theory I just realised no one's made a video about it and Let's Plays I've seen the people playing it have asked the same question how is sands so powerful my sources are reddit post watch I'll link in the description below just consider this a presentation of a discussion of ideas you know for the convenience of YouTube viewers there are two prevailing theories as to how Sands is so powerful number one is the determination theory and number two is quantum physics we'll get to both of these in a moment but in this case it really is necessary to establish some background just so we know exactly what we're dealing with here sans despite being the hardest boss it's still technically the easiest enemy of the game he has the lowest stats with one attack on one defense but he uses this ability called a karma this appears as the letters K R next to your health bar and his fight karma functions as Poisonwood and your standard RPG with its slowly draining your HP after getting hit by an enemy sans is the only one that uses it but consider what it means karma which in case you're not familiar with you know Hindu Canon it's the concept of what goes around comes around and this is definitely manifested in sanz's fight texts like you feel your sins crawling on your back and karma coursing through your veins reinforce the attitude that you are really receiving retribution for your misconduct I bring this up because it's a way for me to segue into sanz's determination along with Undine Sansa's the most determined monster to see you die even flowey just likes death as a method to play with you undyne wants to kill you to save monster kinda and mankind because she knows how big of a threat you are but sans knows that the consequences of letting you live are much more dire than just the immediate death of monster kind and mankind I'll get into his fear later but just know that he wants you killed ASAP karma is a great way to illustrate this how does the termination translate into fighting lettered throughout the game or hints that monsters are much more pliable with determination than humans you can find these in the libraries you know the bookshelves and of course offices true laboratory it even goes to the extent that it resurrects their bodies into terrifying and deformed amalgamates it's their vitality it's what sustance their souls regardless of the body's compliance it's the essence of their life's wavelength so when a monster is determined they become that much stronger if you notice the weakest enemies in the game are extremely timid and usually have zero well to fight you take for example whims in boom that'd one blow papyrus done genocide toriel kaput genocide as door nope I think you get the point I kind of have suspicions about mettaton neo but you know he's a robot so whatever that's not to say it doesn't affect humans it affects them greatly and in almost anime like fashion like if I just believe in myself I'll become ope which leads us back to our buddy sands you first possessed by Chara are determined to spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler see the end of the entire world sans nose that's what you want and he's determined to not let you do that so what's illustrate here is a kind of determination gridlock with both sides equally as desperate to eliminate the other conceptually that's what this fight is built around for example when you spare sans you're essentially giving up the will to fight and in the same manner that a jerkish player would exploit an enemy's mercy sans will exploit yours he sees your vulnerability in your mercy and proceeds to quote-unquote dunk you and dust Li has triumphed over you in his determination to kill you on the other hand when you're slowly beating sands you can see his will start to ebb away your determination is toppling over his in fact my friend kind of verified this with his personal stance fight I know anecdote doesn't account for much but it's just really interesting how he said I was only able to beat sands when I was most determined to do so it's like cross verification or something as cool as the determination theory is there are enormous plot holes left unchecked solely from relying on that presumption how descends teleport how is he able to dodge how does he eliminate your invincibility frames and how is he able to work into the fabric of the game accessing things like saves and resets well my friend the answer lies in quantum physics quantum physics for those of you who are uninformed is an almost entirely theoretical science built upon the principle that our universe exists in multiple dimensions science fiction and fantasy absolutely adore this concept as it allows them to weave together seemingly disconnected ideas and worlds by a scientific mean I'm no expert in this nor do I want to be but San certainly is it's heavily implied I might even say explicitly implied that sans comes from a scientific background firstly he has a laboratory behind his house second in his fight he mentions our reports showed a massive anomaly in the space-time continuum timelines jumping left and right stopping and starting that could definitely be connected with the multiverse theory and finally there's the connection with WD gaster this is a huge topic for another time but WD gaster is an enigmatic figure that could previously only be encountered by hacking he appears to be a ghost or as I perceived it a skeleton with a fractured skull my presumption is that gaster is either the father of or the older brother to sansa papyrus I don't know for sure but what's definite is that a connection is there because you know those lasers that Sanz uses in fight they're called to gas their blasters so why does this connection matter well besides the mistery himself three other black and white creatures can be discovered referencing gaster by hacking values into the game one being a rendition of the elusive ficus liquor the spider bakesale guy and an apparently really insecure bird that doesn't appear anywhere else in the game I don't know what's up with this guy they that after he quote-unquote fell into his work he was shredded across time and space from this we can infer that his research is similar to quantum physics and by correlation sans has knowledge of this pursuit as well and from this we can garner that sans his knowledge of and the tools necessary to navigate the workings of the universe which he's in this allows him to completely exploit his one attack by dealing like one damage sixty times per second or he dodges or he can teleport or he can use karma he pretty much destroys all the common conventions the game established but without getting additional souls like flowey he's pretty much a cheater he doesn't play by the rules of life I know it's a pretty lame excuse to just say quantum physics as an end-all explanation for Santa's abilities but in this case it's truly applicable and logical what's my take on all this well what I believe is a compromise and both ideas sans inherent weakness is compromised with his tools as a quantum physicist he's able to work around his extremely low attack and defense and these abilities are made truly deadly with his determination and this is just about his combat consider the plethora of videos discussing his background his various Easter eggs and his odd connections with other characters it's this immense complexity belonging a silly prankster that makes ants my favorite character in the entire game he's just on that infj game man I don't know what else I could say hit me up 100 check out my mixtape anyways if you liked the video be sure to subscribe as I make other videos dealing with topics like this it wouldn't be a stretch to say I'll be making another undetailed video in the future since it's so awesome and so interesting to me of course I'm always open to suggestions for interesting topics so be sure to leave any of your inquiries in the comments below I'll be sure to read them so I guess this is it for now and I'll see you guys when I make another video bye
Channel: Jiggelmeister
Views: 3,828,371
Rating: 4.8314657 out of 5
Keywords: #Undertale, #Sans, #Megalovania, #OST, #Papyrus, #Undyne, #WDGaster, #W, #D, #Gaster, #Wing Ding Gaster, #W.D. Gaster, #Frisk, #Genocide, #Chara, #INFJ, #Hitler, #Mixtape, #Jiggelmeister, #KARMA, #Karma, #Sans Fight, #How is Sans so Strong?, #How is sans so powerful?
Id: E94MtYbFE88
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 52sec (532 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 23 2016
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