How I Went From Broke To Millionaire In Less Than Two Years. This Is My Story - PART ONE

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[Music] hey guys my name is Chris Collins welcome to my garage welcome to this YouTube channel I need to set the record straight immediately though my goal here is not to be your or your guru my goal is not to sell you some stupid coaching package my goal is not to brag about the things that I have because three years ago I didn't have [ __ ] my goal here is to basically help you understand that you can do amazing things as long as you believe in yourself I'm not perfect this channel is not going to be perfect my mouth is not going to be perfect these videos are not going to be perfect but in order for me to show you that you can turn your life a little bit in a positive direction you need to first understand where I came from so welcome to my life [Music] [Music] so right about now I'm guessing you guys are wondering why am i showing you fancy cars why am i showing you fancy houses why am i showing you this right after I just told you I'm not here to brag about things let me tell you why I'm doing this society unfortunately has taught us somewhere along the line that we are who we are based solely off of what we drive where we live what our bank account says or how much money we make every year and I'm here to tell you that that's absolute garbage you are who you are based on the impasse to leave behind her done but those of you that think that my money came from my daddy you know I'm sorry to disappoint when I was 2 years old my father killed himself and you know I don't seek pity I don't play the victim I believe that we're dealt the hand that were dealt for a reason after my father took his life being a child in the state of Utah in the 80s and even in the early 90s was very difficult you know as a child you don't understand certain things like religion it was difficult for me to understand why my friends well I wasn't allowed to go and play at their house and I wasn't allowed to play at their house because I wasn't Mormon I didn't understand what that meant at the time apparently my mom did and so she moved us to Boston Massachusetts [Music] you you you when I was 16 my grandmother came down with a very rare form of cancer and about six months later she was gone I think it took our entire family by surprise it took me through a world of darkness and depression that I didn't even know how to deal with I struggled through life very quickly I shut down I became an alcoholic yes at the age of sixteen and a half I barely made it through high school the only reason I did is because I knew that she would be incredibly disappointed if I didn't and from that moment on rather than continuing in a downward spiral I decided to join the air force [Music] when I got out of the military I had a plan I feel like we all have a plan at some point in our life when I got to the state that I was gonna open my shop in I found out that someone somehow managed to rack up 27 felony accounts guys I'm talking distribution I'm talking grand theft auto I'm talking terrible terrible crimes in my social security number which hindered me and knocked me right back on my ass you you know after I got over this guy ruining my life I didn't care what I had to go through to change my life and make it better I got in the car I packed up what I could I put my brother in the other car packed up with his car what we could and we literally hit the road on a forty three hour straight shot from Boston Massachusetts back to Salt Lake City where at least we had little pieces of family if we possibly needed it [Music] kind of give you an idea of where where I started from you see this I don't even like having a camera around here to be honest with you but this right here is the house that I lived in when I first got here [Music] it's you know I don't think guys that people have to stay where they where they start I think that we all have a choice and didn't take very long for me living in that house and in this neighborhood too to realize I didn't want to be there anymore I hope that you guys understand that you have the same choice every day no matter what doesn't matter what the situation is we don't like your life you can change it if you don't like your house you can always find a way to make it happen but it's only gonna happen if you actually take it seriously and apply a lot of effort [Music] so what does it take to be successful [Music] it takes understanding that you deserve it I can tell you right now that you deserve it I can tell you right now get up off the couch turn off the TV turn off this video go out and find something you're passionate about just go do it and if you fall down get up if you get up you can move forward if you quit you're stuck there's nothing wrong with being comfortable in life there's nothing wrong with being mediocre in life you're just not allowed to [ __ ] about it the moment you complain about where your life is you need to wake up and realize that your life is where it is because those are the choices that you make every day the friends that you have you listen to their opinions every day and if your friends don't have what you want if your friends don't drive you want to drive if they're not paying your bills if they're not building your future why are you listening to your friends in the first place go out and get what's yours it starts with you you
Channel: Chris Collins
Views: 4,191,305
Rating: 4.7010221 out of 5
Keywords: Lifestyle, Money, Millionaire, Cash, Retired, Wealthy, Success, Motivation, Motivational, Inspiration, Inspirational, Mindset, Rich, Wealth, Entrepreneur, Millionaire Lifestyle, How to, How to be Successful, Change your life, How to change your life, I Want To Make Money, How to Be A Millionaire, Work Hard, My Life, Chris Collins, Lamborghini, Supercars, Luxury, NSX, Exotic Cars, Exotic Lifestyle, How to Make Money
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 25sec (565 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 28 2016
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