How I Troll for 80-100 Striped Bass a Day in the Spring

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welcome back to the channel just a quick forward before we get out on the water this video really isn't meant to demonstrate me catching 100 fish really what i'm trying to do is walk you through my mental processes as i'm on the water to figure out how i go about staying on the fish all day long this is late winter early spring fishing that being the case there are striped bass in the shallows when i say shallows i'm talking about from 2 feet to 12 feet deep and there are a lot of striped bass this is the time of year where you can get on a ton of fish and fortunately they are accepting a wide range of forage so that being the case you can use a much wider range of lures so you can use lures from three and a half inch all the way up to ten inch unfortunately you can't decide you know what i'm gonna do i'm gonna use a seven inch lure and i'm gonna keep the small fish away a small fish will still hit that lure as you will see so if you're giving striped bass what they want where they want and how they want it you're going to have a hard time keeping them off the hook because the goal of this trip for me was to catch a large striped bass but in the process i'm catching a ton of fish and i'm not showing you all the big fish or i don't even know if there are really any big fish that i'm showing you in this video i'm just showing you a sampling of the fish that i caught really just to keep it real because i catch plenty of small fish in the process of trying to catch smaller fish and if you're out out and about you're going to do the exact same thing if someone's telling you that they're not they're trying to sell you something so so let's get on the water and i hope you enjoy and i'll talk to you again soon hooked up right away this morning this is a missouri magneto i'm out here today with really one goal in mind and that's to catch a big female striped bass along the way a few small ones right now i'm on top of uh quite a few fish here so it looks like they're in the shallows at least now which is what my troll plan for today is so i'm going to be trolling from five feet all the way up to probably about 12 feet i'm going to be using lures that really are just getting me to the depth some of them so that they're close to the bottom and some of them i want to be several feet off the bottom in case they're moving up in the water column which they sometimes do so that's fish one little one thank you all right now let's see if we can't get some bigger ones there's some big ones in here right now i can see them matter of fact i'm gonna leave the camera on and see if i can't just cast out over here there it is got him weird hooked holy cow there's a huge school of fish over here they're four feet deep though four feet deep i gotta have a four foot deep lure here and i got something thankful all right so i want to try the cotton cordell i see some fish that are in really four feet of water and this is a great lure for that for just that usually i like to troll it uh at about two two and a half miles an hour but we'll see today usually in the springtime then what the presentation will be just a little bit faster that is the yosuri magmeno there we go a really small one not what i'm after so sometimes a good indicator of what some of the smaller striped bass 28 inchers are hitting on he's going to tell you kind of what the bigger strap bass might be hitting on the day so really this is a good opportunity for me to try to see what's hitting just this morning right now yozuri magmeno which is really always a high percentage lower for me lots of the yozuri line has a really high percentage bomber is a high percentage lure for me and uh so it's cotton cordell there's a really big fish in here that's what sucks there are these big pot or these really small isolated pods of large fish and then there's huge pods of really small fish which i'm about to pass through right now so i don't mind catching fish i love to but i've caught thousands and thousands of striped bass i have not caught thousands of thousands of giant striped bass and really for me this is as i've said my last real opportunity to get on some big stripe bass as for maryland the striped bass season for me at least is going to be over over april 1st so you can't target striped bass at all and after april i don't target strap bass period so really my last opportunity is probably today or maybe one other day this week and uh i'm hoping hoping beyond hope that i get lucky and really the luck part is just being in the right spot i mean you don't always get an opportunity to find lots of large striped bass the largest striped bass i'm talking about here are probably about 32 inches or so the ones i'm looking for about the 50 inch range i hope i can catch them hope i can find some today but you never know that's the cotton cordell right there cotton cordell and that's why i say concorde is one of my favorites especially at slower speeds and i've gotten really really big fish with cotton cordell lures really big fish i'm not saying this is a really big fish but i have gotten really big fish on a cotton cord allure and again this fish right here was in uh less than five feet of water [Applause] oops there we go well i unhooked him right there at the water so you didn't get a chance to take a look at him but uh he was bigger than the last two i caught at least so the performing lures that i have so far this morning is a cotton cordell redfin and a usury magmeno those are the only two so far that i've caught fish on that's not to say that there's the only ones that can catch fish but so far so good and right now i'm just in five feet of water and these two are lures that will function in five feet of water that's the cotton cordel redfin just got a fish on that and here we have the yozuri magmeno this year zuri magmino is uh four and a quarter inches and the cotton cordell is a five inch version i'm probably going to switch up to the usury magmeno five inch but in the depth of water i'm in right now it just drags the bottom so i can't keep it off the bottom so i have to basically select lures that are gonna keep me at basically the right range right now i'm kind of just wasting time but i don't know that where i'm at right now is going to be a hot area to fish really what i just want to see right now if i can is what lures they're going to want to hit because if you've fished right fast enough some days they're finicky they'll pick a particular type of lure that they target in on and that's the one that's going to catch most of the fish and some days they'll go after a wide variety of things the other thing is size so sometimes you're looking to see if they're keying in on a particular size as well which is great to see that they hit the five inch as well as a four and an eighth inch lure so i'm coming across another really small pod that's on this side towards the yazuri magmeno and sometimes it just helps me see it's like i know they're taking a look at it i know there's some of them swimming up taking a look at that and it's whether or not they're choosing to engage that's what you're kind of taking a look at so far it looks like they skipped out on the missouri magmeno at least that little pot did and i don't really get that much time at least today to really figure out what lure is able to use all right coming up in a little pod on this side right here and this is the uh cotton cordell red fin the other thing is i wasn't really going fast enough either all right so we got some on both sides now i want to be at roughly three miles an hour doesn't do the cotton cordell all that much of a favor to go that fast but i still catch him at that speed the uh yozuri magmeno i've found that if i'm not traveling at least three miles an hour i really do not get the best action and i don't have a lot of hookups traveling slow with that lure so i traveled through a couple small pods and they were not interested in either one of those lures i'm kind of on another small pod here on this side i just got a hit on the missouri meg minnow there it is ah missed it again missouri magmano two hits in the span of uh 30 seconds traveling over a little bit deeper water now so the cotton cordless i mean it's going to get down to about two three feet that's about where it's going to live and the magmeno i can get that one down to about five feet so i think what i'm going to do is i'm going to switch out lures and i'm going to put something else on the sides of cotton cordell just to see what else they'll hit all right so i've changed that lures right now i have a diawa sp the six inch version on this side and i still have the yozuri magmano for an eighth inch on this side i think after this i'm going to be heading out into areas that i believe are going to be a little more productive today i don't want to stick here i mean i can stay here all day long and catch as many fish as i wanted to catch i mean i could stay here for six hours i could rack up my number to 200 fish in an afternoon trolling with the odd one right cast on top of it but really that's not what i'm trying to do today i'm also not trying to go blind from solar glare all right we're coming up on a little pot of fish and they were not interested oop i got a hit never mind somebody was interested for a second so the mag minnow is definitely as per normal the hot ticket there's lots of little bait in here as well lots of uh little bait which is probably why straight passer back here but hopefully it pulls in some of the big fish really that's what i'm after all right so now i need to get a lure that needs to get me down a little bit further i'm over top of eight feet of water i'm seeing some fish here which is a good sign that was the daiwa sp right here i'm not going to take a hot lure off the missouri magmeno has been catching fish fish are still hitting it so i'm gonna still go after matter of fact i'm gonna go after a bigger eurozone meg minnow that's gonna get me just a little bit further down this is the five inch version today is really a high tide moving day so of for the month of march today is one of the uh bigger tide shifts that we're gonna we have all month long so really i'd expect today to be a pretty good striped bass fishing day and right now so lucky that it's calm last night it was the winds were gusting something like 25 miles an hour it is hard to get out on the water in a kayak when the winds are gusting like that i can tell you right now i've done it before but that is not a pleasant day i'm going to be changing out to the yozuri 3d crystal minnow here soon this is pretty much the lure that's caught me the biggest striped bass that i've ever caught right here probably this exact same one i should retire it you're now we got work to do no time for retirement i'm coming into a little bit deeper water so i'm going to change lures out yet again so this is a common theme for me as i'm going through the day is changing lures often basically to adjust for the depth of the water column so if i get deeper i want something that's going to push me down a little bit deeper and i also like to have a lure that's suspended in the water column just in case the fish are suspended so this is the rapala x-wrap 12. i have never caught other than the to last week i caught the very first fish in my life on the x-rap and the others i'm using is because it has been a proven performer recently and it gets down to the right depth now i'm going to change out my missouri magmeno that i have on i have a darker color on and i do that for early morning hours basically give them an opportunity to see it better and they do but as the sun starts coming out i'll transition to a more natural presentation or more natural color you see this one is a black and blue color this one's kind of a macro color all right it changes out to the yosuri 3d crystal metal on this side as soon as it hit the water a fish hit it but i missed it it wasn't a big fish that's for sure i'm going to be heading across the deep channel here in a minute i'm going to change my lures yet again right now i'm on a basically a big point as i said i'm just trying to see where in the water column they're at so if they're all going to be shallow five feet or they're gonna come out to about eight feet deep i don't know and i like to move in and out of the water column and really as i said today i'm really just after big striped bass if i can find them along the way i'm probably going to catch some smaller ones like right now it looks like i'm moving up on some smaller ones because the same lures that i'm going to use i mean if you've seen striped bass they're pretty greedy i've gotten uh 16-inch straight bass on this lure so lure size if it's the right day in the springtime the fall time is completely different story they're gonna hit a three and a half inch lure all day and only that size lure but here in the spring they go after a wide variety of uh bait size here we are yozuri magmeno so that's uh i think as i said uzuri 3d crystal minnow and uh around here as i said the biggest striped bass i've ever caught was on this lure this is probably this exact one and really right now is also one of my better opportunities to get a large striped bass because as soon as the boat traffic comes in i'm not going to get one as soon as the boat stop traffic starts the biggest striped bass i'll catch will be this get the usury 3d crystal minnow right here i'm gonna cast it out traveling at about uh three miles an hour and on the other side i want to try something this is the usury inshore 3d crystal minnow i really just want to give it a try while we got some smaller fish in the area and maybe they'll hit it maybe they'll hit it i just get a hit i think i think i just got a hit hadn't been in the water that long and again right now i'm trolling back and forth on the there's a point out here there really isn't any steep transitions and really that's what i'm looking for i'd love to find a place where it goes from eight feet to twelve feet in a span of four feet that'd be absolute perfection but i'm not really in an ideal spot for catching big striped bass that's just the reality of the situation which is why this year i haven't i haven't been on them but when you're on the bay and you're out this time of year and you're near the mouth of a tributary you have at least a chance so that's all i'm giving myself is a chance i'm going to start shooting across the bay here in a minute i'd love to see just if this inch or minnow uh gets much interest i did get one hit on it i don't mean much but one hit i'd love to have three or four lures that are gonna hit really all i need is one lure for one striped bass to hit and i'll be satisfied damn you you striped ass where are you oh there we go there's the inshore all right so the intro at least got eight fish so this is the first fish i've ever gotten on the missouri 3d inshore really i haven't been fishing it for more than uh five minutes and i can tell the way i'm pulling this in this is one of the bigger striped bass that you'll ever catch in your life yeah i mean absolutely just incredibly monstrous this guy right here world record probably yeah pretty close to it so it looks like some of the smaller striped bass are out here in deeper water and the bigger ones are much shallower i gotta hold this up close to my face so it looks really really big wow look how big that is holy cow today is definitely going to be in shallow fishing day which is exactly what i'm looking for i could make it a 200 fish day if i wanted to i could catch 200 i mean i could have stayed back there and caught as many fish as i wanted to catch but as i've said today i'm out here trying my best to catch a large dry bass i'll tell you what i'm always so excited to go big striped bass fishing it's so dang exciting it's just one of those things whenever you finish the day and you haven't got one it is such a big letdown you spent that whole day chasing after them and it's always great to catch fish don't get me wrong i love catching them but when you want when you want big fish you want big fish all right i'm moving over top of another big school of fish and they're suspending at about five feet again i mean they're just up in the water column i actually the lures i have i may actually need to pull up even higher i think i'm willing to but i'm over top of right now about 15 feet of water yeah my lures are right now i think getting far too deep that being the case i'm going to reel this one in a little bit this is the yozuri 3d crystal minnow reel it in a little bit and push it a little higher in the water column so it definitely looks like we have fish pretty much at every depth we have fishes traveling across 15 feet but they're staying high in the water column because today right now the water is 52 degrees this is the warmest i have seen it all season what i've been up against for the most part is water that is roughly 41 42 degrees and in my experience you don't find a lot of large striped bass in the shallows at 41 degrees all right i'm coming on on top of another really good point here so this is the only place that i have that has a relatively steep drop off and this is definitely a point where you can catch a very big striped bass the biggest striped bass i ever caught was pretty close to this spot oh there we are and jumped off ah that's the yuzuri 3d crystal minnow i reel it back in just to make sure the hooks didn't get fouled because sometimes if a fish hits a lure you can get the hooks filed on themselves and it's pretty evident because the tip of your rod isn't vibrating but i do it anyway because there also you could be weed something else that's hitting it and yeah no bueno all right i guess i'm going to be taking a chance here soon and uh reeling everything in and start making my push for what i think is my best opportunity to catch a large fish today i had a chance to take a look at a little bit of weeds on that had a chance to try a couple lures out and see which ones could be uh useful today all right here we go when i get back over to uh the spots a couple miles away i'll get back with you too much boat traffic today there's lots of blue traffic you can forget about large stripe bass in the shallows that is well looks like the striped bass have moved out a little bit deeper now the wind started to pick up as you probably can hear i don't know and i really wish today wasn't a weekend i might have an opportunity to get on some big fish but the area that i wanted to fish it was near shallows is a really high traffic boat area in the weekends but whenever it's close to winter time you don't expect a lot of boat traffic but unfortunately that's not the case today lots and lots of boat traffic and in my experience if you have a boat motor running in the shallows i mean you've got to wait two hours before you're going to get a shot at a large bass and they're going by a lot more frequent than every two hours the azure 3d crystal minnow seems to be catching the most fast fish i have two different ones i have one that's a blue and i have one that's whatever color this is it's hitting the bottom right now whatever that color is this morning i thought it was gonna be a good one this is probably gonna be uh maybe a twenty couple inches i don't think it's gonna be a six all right well the big striped bass hunt i believe i don't say it's over for the season uh i still have an opportunity while i'm out here maybe to get on one but with the number of boats that uh are doing fly-bys on me i i don't think it's gonna happen i am catching some 20 couple inch fish and catching striped bass no matter what size they are is always fun so i guess i'm glad to catch something but i'm out here really to catch the big fish but uh yeah i just keep on complaining until i catch one stop not letting me catch you fish god damn you uh we are pretty much exactly at slack tide i caught a fish here uh we're at low tide the bottom of the tide so the tides are starting to change so i pretty much slacked out here for a little bit i could just sit out here and try to take a nap uh waiting for the tides to start to move again but there's too many boats i don't want to close my eyes for a second because they will just run my ass over oh sleeping then we're allowed to kill you here's the lure that's doing all the business today business is good there he goes there we go that is a 90 millimeter yozuri magmino which is pretty much i mean that lure right there is striped bass candy striped bass of every single size love that lure oh oh no yeah look how big that one is son oh man we got so much baits pulling up here we have an opportunity to catch about a thousand one inch straight bass why am i so happy about catching uh ten inch fish with the lure that i have right here we'll catch all we can stand so i have a yozuri 3d crystal metal minnow on this side that's uh i think it's four and an eighth four and three eight something like that and then i have a yozuri uh magmeno 90 millimeter on this side three and a half inches and the 90 millimeter that one is a fish catching extraordinaire it's just basically every size of striped bass wants to eat it and like i said before the 3d crystal minnow that's what i've called my absolute biggest drive best one lots of bait splitting over here or whatever the hell that did coming up here on the right lots of it a little bit on this side so we're gonna see we're gonna see what it is they're all hugging the bottom well i can tell you what that wasn't striped bass because if it was that lure would have caught it 100 percent that's haunted 100. [Applause] the old twist twist jerk jerk i'm gonna tell you what this fish right here is gonna break a world record again i'm breaking the records today oh he choked her down he couldn't resist the old twitch switch jerk jerk unfortunately he choked it down i think you might have fouled the hooks there yep that's what happens sometimes when you get hit by a small fish they will follow your hook and once that happens you're not gonna catch another fish the tides are strong today it's basically uh by the not difference so i'm constantly changing the speeds to try to keep it roughly three miles an hour if i'm going with the tide i could go a little bit faster and if i'm going against the tide i could go a little bit slower but i'm saying about three at least trying to oh there we are that feels like a bigger now at least this is a little bit funner this is more fun than catching the 16-inch fish this fish is going to pull a little bit i'm going to pull it up and it's not going to be big but it's not going to be 16 inches neither just a little bit bigger than 16. 16 and three quarters this guy oh man come here guys so this is a 20 couple fish 20 couple inches remove that hook first seconds and once this fish knows it's unhooked it's ready to go it is ready to go there it is all right finally one to pull it a little bit harder thank you guy i appreciate you appreciate you i have yo zuri 3d crystal minnows the exact same one on both sides i just happen to have it that way because the fish are hitting them really well and if i get a big striped bass it's going to hit that too so it's this lure that this on here is probably this time of year is the number one story bass lure for me it's the number one color number one size number one number one anytime a striped bass sees it it automatically jumps on the lure i made that up [Music] [Music] sometimes you got to put the action in yourself and when you do you can definitely uh you hook up a lot more often if you just straight troll you'll still catch fish and you'll catch a lot more if you put the action into it looks like a little bit better one a little bit better right there there we go there we go that's a nice and that's that feels like a nice the rod i'm not putting any action in that's that's what i said sometimes it matters sometimes it don't all right so this one looks like it might be an easy unhook because it's tail hooked or excuse me it took it by the tail of the lure oh there we go let go great perfect i'm going to try to move out on this point and i'm right now i'm over 10 feet of water and it looks like today at least right now that's where most of the action has happened as the day has started to warm up water is 54 degrees out here so really this is the warmest spot i've been in our five mile radius this area right through here so really that's why i'm sticking around here there it is there it is that's why you do that i started spotting some striped bass i picked one of the rods up i just started giving it a light put some action into it sometimes that's the difference maker i'd really like this to be a big fish not this size fish this is it wasn't a big one again i'm here to catch big ones if i can catch him back after it we got pretty much uh a lot of water movement a lot of tide moving right now and the striped best bite is turning on i'm really hoping that i can turn on the large striped bass bite i can't turn it on but i hope they're turned on by me is what i'm trying to say so i've been working out hope it makes a difference i said it before i'm gonna say it again i'm gonna need to call it a day here soon this boat traffic is really uh driving away any of the fish that i want to catch
Channel: MD Yak Fishing
Views: 16,345
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kayak striper fishing, kayak trolling, kayak fishing, trolling for striped bass, striped bass fishing, yo zuri, trolling fishing, how to troll for striped bass, striper fishing, md yak fishing, recreational fishing, lure fishing, yo-zori, rod, reel, trolling, troll, river, line, how, to, how to, tips, saltwater, saltwater fishing, inshore, inshore fishing, chesapeake bay fishing, maryland fishing
Id: V7tZwkjhAzQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 35sec (2075 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 02 2021
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