How I Study Less While Learning More

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how can you decrease the number of hours you study  while at the same time learning more and achieving   higher grades how can you decrease your studying  from say 10 hours a day to studying just six hours   a day but you achieve higher grades in your exams  with the six hours a day studying rather than   the 10 hours a day studying and this is something  that i've been thinking about quite a lot recently   and it all boils down to one word efficiency  how can you make your studying as efficient   as possible to the point where there's one  student studying for six hours and another   student studying for 10 hours but they  both get the same grades in their exams so   i say this quite often on this channel you don't  need to be studying 14 hours a day every day   in fact for 99.9 percent of you you shouldn't be  doing that it's not sustainable it's not healthy   it's not an effective long-term strategy again for  99.9 percent of you there is probably 0.1 percent   of you watching this where studying 14 hours a day  or more seven days a week is the right way to go   but that's another topic for another video and  i talk more about how many hours you should be   studying in the course that i'm launching on the  29th of march to transform your grades in 30 days   course it involves 38 days of video lessons  quizzes a workbook a productivity planner   an inner circle private community and personal  support and guidance for myself there's a link   in the description that you can click on for more  information so what i do recommend is studying   for six hours a day eight hours a day ten hours  a day it might not seem like a lot especially   just studying for six hours a day but if in those  six hours you're firing on all cylinders you're   laser focused you're in a complete state of flow  then that six hours of studying a day can often   be enough to achieve phenomenal grades to rank in  the top five percent of your class to be accepted   into some of the highest ranked universities in  the country however and it's a big however you   need to train your brain into being able to study  with 100 focus for that entire six hours so that   means no distractions no social media no youtube  no emails no reddit just complete and utter focus   on your studying and i receive a lot of requests  from you guys about how to do this because   it's a habit so it can take anywhere from three  weeks to two months or even longer to get there   however i'm gonna go over a few tips to help  keep you in 100 state of focus to the point   where you can entirely lose track of time like  mihai chi semi hai the author of the book flow   state wrote the best moments in our lives  are not the passive receptive relaxing time   the best moments usually occur if a person's body  or mind is stretched to his limits in a voluntary   effort to accomplish something difficult and  worthwhile study at your biological peak time   so a person's biological peak time is a time that  they feel the most awake and energized so for me   it's the first couple of hours in the morning  and the last couple of hours before i sleep   everyone's biological peak time is different and  i know some people that always feel terrible in   the morning but they're by far the most productive  at nighttime and even into the early hours of the   morning and you need to know when your biological  peak time is because it's extremely difficult to   get into a flow state if you are low on energy  work on one very specific task to enter into a   state of flow you need to stay focused on one very  specific task it's no good switching from one task   to another to another because every time you do  that it takes your brain at least a good five   or ten minutes to regain focus and enter into  a state of flow again and normally i'll have   one main task to do each day the single  most important task that needs to get done   it can take two hours it can take five hours but  whatever it is i do that first and i plan that out   on the day before and i'll write it on the task  list on my phone so as soon as i wake up in the   morning i know exactly what needs to get done that  day and a lot of people think productivity is just   doing a lot of things but i don't think that's  necessarily true productivity for me is about   getting the most important tasks done the things  that will bring you closer to your overall goal   and managing to do that consistently and long term  eliminate all external distractions this is maybe   an obvious one but it's something that so many of  us still fall victim to including myself sometimes   because although it might seem easy and obvious  to remove external distractions like our phone   our social media or youtube when we're studying in  reality it's a surprisingly difficult thing to do   because we live in a world where we almost have  to be constantly communicating with other people   but it's important to realize that it is okay  to completely disconnect yourself from the world   around you in fact if you want to reach a state of  flow it's almost necessary that you do that every   time you get distracted from a notification  on your phone every time you open a new tab   on your browser and get distracted on youtube  it will take you further away from a flow state   only when you can concentrate with undivided  attention for at least 10-15 minutes you can   enter into a flow state an external distractions  would be a phone any sorts of notification from   social media facebook instagram etc basically  anything that can interrupt your focus so   go to a quiet environment where you're not going  to have anyone distracting you close all browser   tabs remove anything on your desk that might  distract you it should just be you your laptop   and your study material and what i normally do is  put my phone behind my laptop so i can't see it so   out of sight out of mind eliminate all internal  distractions sometimes what is stopping you from   entering a state of flow are the thoughts that are  going on in your head and this is really important   you need to be in a good mental state in order  to enter a state of flow these are internal   distractions rather than external distractions  and are slightly more complicated to get rid   of it could be that you're under a lot of  stress or have too many things on your mind   and here are a few things that you can do the  first is journaling journaling can help improve   your mindset improve your mood by helping you  prioritize any problems fears or concerns you   might have it will also track any symptoms day  to day so that you can recognize triggers and   learn ways to better control them and finally it  provides an opportunity to identify any negative   thoughts and behaviors the second way to eliminate  internal distractions is through meditation so   just 10 minutes of meditating a day and 10 minutes  isn't that long can reset your mind so you can   decrease the amount of procrastination you do and  lead to a more productive life study environment   this is something that i've been thinking about  quite a lot recently because over the last two to   three months i've realized actually how important  my study environment is in order to enter a state   of flow now i know it's important it's only  recently that i've started to realize actually   how important it is so i usually work in one of  two places the first place is my office which i'm   in right now and i use it more of a studio than an  office and i come here obviously to record these   videos and i do more concentration intensive  tasks here so that's where i need complete   silence and the second place i work is in coffee  shops and this is what i've learned recently   there's one coffee shop that has just the  right amount of background noise has just the   right amount of background music has the perfect  lighting it's just a perfect working environment   and since i started going there to work it's so  incredibly easy to enter into a flow state in   fact it's a 24-hour coffee shop and sometimes  i'm working there until two in the morning   just because i'm so laser focused on what i'm  doing so yeah recently i'm starting to realize   that having the perfect study environment is super  important to reach a state of low background music   i'm going to cover this really quickly because  i've talked about it quite a lot on this channel   already but listening to the right music  could also increase your attention span   there have been a lot of research that shows that  quiet classical music especially from composers   such as mozart and beethoven can be really useful  for this even just sound effects like ocean waves   or the sound of rain can really help and there's  literally thousands of videos on youtube that do   exactly this the task must be engaging the tasks  must be challenging enough but not too challenging   if you want to reach flow state the task that you  are planning must challenge your brain enough for   you to be completely engaged remember the feeling  when you first start the next level of the game it   stimulates your emotions that you are so excited  to upgrade your skills to overcome that level   even when you're playing that game for hours and  hours at a time you completely lose track of time   it's probably because of three things number one  is fun obviously number two it's not too difficult   and number three it's not too easy and if it was  too difficult or too easy you'd probably lose   interest relatively quickly keep practicing being  able to study for hours at a time with complete   focus takes time at first it's really not easy to  do but the more you practice at it the easier it   becomes each time you fail and you get distracted  try to learn from it what was it that distracted   you is there a way to remove that distraction  for next time so that it doesn't happen again   and equally every time you succeed you should  also learn from it what did you do right   and the more you practice the better you'll get  i go into this topic in more detail on how to   study less so how to study for a few hours during  the day but still learn more through your study   sessions in my transform your grades in 30 days  course as of this video more than 1 300 people   have signed up to the waiting list there's a  link in the description where you can sign up   to with just your email and you'll be in line  to receive the 50 promotional launch discount   i spent literally about eight or nine  months working on this course and   really getting it perfect before i launch  it and it includes so many things including   personal guidance and support from me so sign up  below and on the 29th of march when it goes live   you can grab yourself a 50 discount and if you do  i look forward to working with you very shortly
Channel: Mike Dee
Views: 59,828
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: student motivation, study motivation, motivation to study, motivational speaking, top motivational speakers, motivational speakers videos, motivation, inspirational speakers videos, study smarter, study harder, study less, study less while learning more, how to study smarter, how to study more efficiently, how to study less while learning more, how to study less, study harder not smarter, study smarter not harder, not harder, work smarter not harder, work smarter, work less
Id: CqOHTzpvQjk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 56sec (596 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 25 2021
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