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are you trying to sell digital products and have no clue where to start here's how I went from having no idea on where to start to how I got my first digital product up and running hi my name is Samson and I am a filmmaker based out of Vancouver BC and I've been filming for about four to five years now being in the creative industry it is commonly known that artists are usually starving and can't make a living doing what they love and my goal here on this channel is to flip the script I want to document my journey on how to create multiple streams of income and show you guys how you guys can do it as well so if you guys are interested in how to create an income as a filmmaker do subscribe and follow along today we are choosing notion templates as our digital products because of its ease of use and customization I'm going to be using my YouTube notion template that I use on a daily if you guys make it to the end of the video I have a very special surprise that you won't want to miss I am not an expert on this topic I am figuring it out just like you guys a great resource that I'll be referring to is areolas's Gins I think that's how you say his name sorry if I butchered your name but you make a great tutorial on how to create and sell a notion template that's the video I'll be referring to for this video and I'll link his full tutorial in the description below if you want to check that video out for yourself I'll be discussing the process of creating my product a master template add a description and instruction how to share your template deciding which platform or website I'll be posting it on setting up the notion template for sale and then finally promoting my notion template okay we're going to take a dive into my YouTube notion template that I am currently using and I use on a daily basis and I'm going to show you why I love this YouTube template so much here we have our video title and these are all the titles that I can kind of come up with and then here's the status that we have so whatever ideas that I have I kind of quickly just jot it onto my phone I whip up my phone notion on my phone and then I quickly jot it and then I put as ideas and so once it is in there I will hopefully get to it eventually and whatever video I have on the pipeline it'll go through ideas research research and planning scripting filming editing published or repurposed and so I like that because it kind of shows where I'm at in the process and here you can have what kind of Niche so my YouTube channel I mainly talk about business filmmaking money or YouTube so those are my niches and I cycle through those back and forth and then we have film date so I like to dedicate a day for filming and then a day for publishing and I try my best to publish on every Thursdays so you can see here on my calendar view every Thursday I would try and upload a video you can see here I kind of uh was behind on my schedule and so this one was uploaded on Saturday and then we can also have our YouTube video links on here and then also your sponsors uh right now I don't have any sponsors you know hopefully one day we can get sponsored by Squarespace but for the time being that's not happening and so what's really cool is if we go in here and we create a we can go into any one of these actually let's go into ikigai and that that's going to be a video that I'll be talking about later in the future but you go into here and it's a blank canvas all you need to do is click on YouTube template and what this does is it will load um a template that I use so here we have our title ideas and so we could say EK guy is how to find the perfect career and the word ecogai will kind of translate into that and then here we have our script so we can open this up and then the cool thing about notion is if you have notion AI you can say how to find the perfect career foreign is writing my script out for me and this is this is really cool I'm gonna be using this in the future uh more on that later now we're gonna go back out there yeah so that is script and research and then here we have an editing checklist and so you can import your footage to Premiere you go through each of these making sure you go through the checklist of editing I kind of know my streamline of editing and so I kind of skim over this if you're new to creating YouTube videos and editing isn't your Forte then this editing checklist is a great place to start and then here we also have a publishing checklist and so this is really good you upload your YouTube video I kind of need to focus more on this because I'm pretty new to the YouTube game and so I you I love using this checklist so we upload get our tight thumbnail title description and then all the tags cards um everything that we need is there and then filming schedule and then you can have location as well as task people whoever is on there that is and then the shot list as well so yeah no I just love uh this YouTube template and I use it on a daily and yeah I can't wait to share it to you guys and this will be the first digital a product that I will be uploading onto my store okay so we're going to be duplicating this YouTube template right now and we're going to do that right here and boom it's loading we're gonna get rid of all the content in there and then we're going to add a description so we have our YouTube template great okay keep one of them delete boom okay instructions [Music] okay now that we have our YouTube notion template ready to publish we're gonna need to share the notion template so here we're going to click share and we're going to show link options and we're going to make sure that allow editing and comments are checked off because we don't want people to edit the actual template and we're going to allow to duplicate as template and here we're going to copy the link and there we go we have our link for a notion template now we're going to need to choose what platform or website we want to use to sell our digital products for me I have a personal website with Squarespace I am not sponsored by Squarespace one day I'll be sponsored by Squarespace I promise you that but I am not sponsored by them I just love their product and I'm going to be using that to upload my digital product okay so we are on my back page of Squarespace and here I kind of did a test trial run for YouTube video tracker um and I'm going to create the exact same product for you guys uh we're gonna click products and then we're gonna click on download digital download okay and so here we're going to put on video YouTube video tracker and I've already went through chat gbt to give me a description for it and I'm gonna pull that up right here give me a YouTube description so we're gonna scroll down boom copy and paste work smarter not harder so here we're going to need images and I took a few screenshots of the actual notion template okay there we go and then I'm gonna set this one as thumbnail okay and inventory inventory we don't really need inventory but we need something as a placeholder so I'm gonna click this one as a placeholder uh it just says click get template to get your template and here I'm going to set my price to 4.99 like so okay and here we're going to create our category which is notion template and hit add boom there we go and for tags we need tags for this product and I've already processed that in chat gbt we're gonna have to copy and paste this one by one [Music] stop there that seems really good and we're gonna click on feature related products I don't have any products as of yet marketing SEO and URL okay so we're gonna need to edit this uh we're gonna put YouTube video tracker and notion template okay and then here we need a SEO description SEO is very important so I told chat gbt to create an SEO description okay there we go and paste that hit apply that looks pretty great yeah I like that yeah I think I am happy with that and we just hit publish future stamps in here as I was going through the process of creating a digital product on Squarespace I had a really tough issue that I was trying to figure out and I couldn't quite figure it out and it was uploading a downloadable file into my Squarespace inventory but there was a problem notion templates are shared through URL links and I couldn't figure out how to make the URL link downloadable like that didn't make sense to me I got so frustrated that I sought out other platforms to sell my notion templates and the ones that were recommended online was gumroad and Etsy now both of these platforms are truly amazing and if you're starting out with selling any kind of products online gumroad or Etsy is a great platform to sell it on but I really wanted to keep everything in one space on my personal website saying media yeah and I wanted to keep it in that store for the life of me I couldn't figure it out until I called my good friend Andrew Nguyen and he was able to give me an advice to create a PDF file and attach the link to that PDF file and so I did just that I created a super simple PDF file on canva and then I downloaded that file and then uploaded that to my Squarespace website store and boom problem was solved once I figured out how to get my first digital product up and running online I was genuinely surprised at how easy it was I'm convinced that if anyone who's interested in creating additional income streams they can 100 do it with ease and that's kind of the hope with this channel it's to Showcase that anything is possible when you put your mind to it I hope I've encouraged some of you that it is okay to be frustrated at times and when things don't go your way I plan on continuing to create other digital products and adding more value to you guys so I would say the main point of this video although I haven't made any money off of this digital product it's about making the baby steps into creating these legs of income that will eventually generate an income for you long term and hopefully generate an exponential income in the future if you've made it this far thank you so much I really do appreciate you sticking around as promised I have a surprise for you guys and I want to be able to give you guys this YouTube template for free you can go through my store and punch into the discount code first digital product and you should be able to get it for free if this video has helped you in any way shape or form please leave a like and if you guys want to continue following me in creating additional multiple income streams as a filmmaker please consider subscribing it really helps me out as a small YouTube channel that's trying to grow and I guess that's it I hope you guys enjoyed the video stay hungry
Channel: Sang Media
Views: 3,638
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Samson Ngo, Sang Media, Filmmaking, videography, Filmmaker, Money, Passive Income, Income, digitalproduct, sellingdigitalproducts, notion, notiontemplate, productcreation, multiplestreamsofincome, entrepreneurship, beginnerbusiness, smallbusiness, onlinebusiness, marketing, promoting, websitecreation, squarespace, gumroad, etsy, canva, tutorial, howto, incomegeneration, makingmoney, successmindset, journeytobusiness, documentingmyjourney, creativeindustry, artistsinbusiness, buildingwealth, financialfreedom
Id: aRlVDl_8u_M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 4sec (844 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 16 2023
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