How I scored a 97% on the FAA Private Pilot Exam on my first try

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hi everybody I'm dr. Alan feller and I just get a 97% on my FAA private pilot written exam and I want to share with you how I did it but before I do that I want to share with you how I didn't do it I didn't do it by buying all this material reading through it comprehending and memorizing it and then spitting it back out on the test that's impossible nobody can do that you have to find an easier way to do it a more direct way to do it and the way to do it is to get rid of all these books except for one and that one is the test guide and there's two ways to use this test guide to be able to not only pass the test but do well on it and in doing so you'll actually learn the material in it all right I call this indirect learning and it works very well all the best test takers learn this way and here's how this book I look at in two ways one you have to memorize it you have to memorize the little factoids and concepts that they present in the book but you never spend more than a few moments learning them most of its rote memory most of it just like you learned in your driving test green means go yellow means slow and red means stop you just memorize it you can't learn that stuff in other words you can't calculate it it's just given to you it's the same thing here 60% of the test is like that you can't figure it out you just have to memorize it so you'll memorize it and it's very easy in this book to memorize because they give you the question on one side and they give you the answer immediately on the other side with a couple of lines of explanation that is all the information you should need at this point to be able to pass the test you are not looking for in-depth answers on every single question you will never get done then you go to all those books if you want that you just need a basic framework a conceptual framework that you can remember that you can hold on to mentally so when that question comes around again either in that particular form or in a slightly different form you will know the answer you'll have a basis for forming sir the other thing you're going to do in here other than rote memory is some calculation I would say about 40% of this book is calculations very simple formulas that you have to give you the variables and then you have to put those variables into a formula and you have to come up with a particular answer now this is difficult this is all sixth and seventh grade level stuff none of this is very hard but you have to learn the individual steps to make it happen what I found is that while this book is excellent at giving two or three word explanations for things it is not go to giving step by step by step explanations on how to solve real problems so I reverse engineer the book and I came up with my own methods and my own formulas my own procedures for solving the calculation problems no matter how they gave the problem if you forced it through my methods you came out with the right answer in the end but remember it is not Matt right right now it's not important for you to conceptualize and understand every bit of it just get enough of it down so that when you sit down on the test you can give them the right answer you can learn the information later and in fact that's what I did you see all that material I just dropped on the floor including this book I read every single word in all of it I've actually written notes in them highlighted them because now that I have the test off my shoulders I can now enjoy studying the material and I love aviation I found that really enjoy it and now I can study it without the pressure of having to learn for a test and you can - I remember all this is going to come back again for your check right anyway in your check right they ask the same exact information but in a different format an oral form at any point they may ask you questions exactly like this from similar to this so memorizing the book learning the concepts it's not a bad idea but use my methods so that you can learn how to solve the problem step by step and that's what I'm going to show you in the videos that are coming up so the goal here is to in essence fly the test that's your job it's not to learn aviation in general it's not to get in-depth questions in depth information on every single question it's just to get just enough to be able to do well on that test and here's what I guarantee will happen in the process people will call it a shortcut a shortcut as you memorize the concepts the principles the terminology it will start to form a framework in your mind then you will start to become aviation knowledgeable and it'll be easier and easier for you to learn newer concepts of the room so let's get started you
Channel: Alan Feller
Views: 263,639
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Premiere_Elements_11
Id: eEHu2KJEy-w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 1sec (361 seconds)
Published: Mon May 18 2015
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