How I scored a 30 on my TOEFL Listening Section - Scoring 119 on the TOEFL.

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so i scored a 30 in all of my toefl sections apart from the reading section in which i lost you know one mark so i scored a 119 on the toefl and you guys have given me so much support on all of these videos i've been making on toy for recommendations especially the speaking video where you know it's been like great so this one is going to be the last video of that series where this is about the listening section of the toefl and we're going to make sure that you get that perfect looking 30 on your toefl for the listening section in this video all right great so let's begin so there's you know a few things that you need to know by the way your listening section is actually the second section that you will be taking on the toefl test first comes the reading next is the listening then there's a 10 to 20 minute 15 minutes break and then you have your speaking section and finally your writing section okay so this is going to be the second section now it's very important to note that since this is the second section and people will either a be doing the reading section or b b out on their break so you will have no disturbances on this section however also make sure that you ma that you pop up the volume of your headphones fairly well because at times on the test you will see that you know they don't really cover your ears properly and you can hear what the next person is listening to like the the seats are going to be really close by the way on these centers so pop up the volume a little bit more than normal maybe so that you can actually focus on your listening and not on the others others listening probably okay wait so let's begin actually first tip is you know people make this mistake all the time they do not know how to take notes okay you have to take notes definitely you do and i'll get to that on the third point but the first point is that you gotta listen more okay focus on listening more than you focus on writing this is not a section where you want to focus on writing so much in making your notes so well that you are able to memorize this stuff by heart you don't have to do that you only need this listening passage you know that you only need to remember this for the next five minutes that is it you only get five to six minutes as far as i remember but don't really write everything down like you have to memorize it and or like you need to remember every bit of it i'll tell you how to take notes in the third six uh in the third tip all right this was the first step listen more all right the second thing that i want to get at is really how you actually how does the listening section actually work so you listen to a listening you know recording you listen to it and what happens is that you write about it you know you make your notes and the thing that happens is whatever you do not include in your notes goes into your subconscious memory okay now this subconscious memory is very very volatile you'll forget it if you do not think about it or basically if you do not react quickly to the questions so what happens is sometimes you know people get these questions where they are unable to understand what to answer they are maybe they did not pay attention while listening maybe they were writing too much and they just do not understand what to mark for that question because the eps kind of puts in the craps they want you to select the wrong answers and that's why the answers on the options on this test will try to trap you and the thing that you want to do is not get tracked by the answers select the correct answer but at the same time you do not want to take so much time on one question because of course there will be a time or running you'll get probably i think six minutes if i remember right but uh for each for each of the listening but what happens is that you know people are so busy into thinking the answer for that question that they do not know they won't really get the answer of course because if they if they really knew the answer they would be able to answer that question within the first 20 seconds that's it doesn't take more than that really it takes probably 15 seconds even sometimes once you read the question you only either you have it or you don't but what people do is they keep on looking at the screen and they this this passage that they have heard right now on the on the listening section they kind of forget about it from the subconscious memory because like i said this memory is so volatile that you will forget about it if you do not you know keep reminding yourself of the of the actual passage or you keep on taking a lot more time on a single question so while you're thinking about that single question what is going to happen is that that passage actually slips out of your subconscious mind all the things that you haven't written down even if you have you know some things just do not come back so my recommendation here is that you see the question try to answer it as soon as possible do not take more than 30 40 seconds on any question it's not required unless it's a question where you have to mark two or three answers that's perfectly fine you know it's legitimate that you take maybe a minute for that but do not take so much time that you're actually getting that passage out of your memory and you're unable to answer the rest of the questions because the rest of the questions may be near them and then you're forgetting them that's not a good scenario that's not our optimal case in any way all right right so the third thing that i want to talk about is how to take notes all right because like i said in the first one listening is more important the section is the listening section not the writing section you'll have to take notes of everything but you need to know how to take notes so let's let's try to go over this okay you want to be concise and at the same time you do not want to write everything down but you still want to retain as much as possible so let's just say that you know you heard something like this it's a conversation it's not a lecture by the way there's two types of passages listening passages it's the one is first one is conversation and the second one is lecture the first one being a lot more easier as far as i understand please but all right let's just say that a manager is coming to his employees and he's actually you know talking about how the company has not been performing well and really the there's a lost leader product and it's it's basically bringing the company down instead of basically selling the other products now he wants to work more on advertising all right he thinks that the advertising isn't that good and the copywriting needs to be better so all right you heard this passage all right you were listening all throughout and what you did was this this product there's this lost leader product maybe you do not know the term maybe you do not come from the management background maybe you are not familiar with the term anyway so what you do is since this is a term that is not familiar to you you write down all right let's say the company is performing bad that was the first statement right so you write down company and then you put a down arrow next to it what this down arrow tells you is that you know the company isn't doing so well so you remember it right you don't have to actually you know write down the whole thing company is not not performing well you know all these things once while you write all these things down that lossly leader keyword just goes away all right and you're not able to focus you're not able to understand the rest of the rest of the listening passage so be concise i'm just giving you trying to give you examples of how i did it while i was taking the test but try to stick to these kind of recommendations and this is something that you can only get from practice we'll get to that in a minute but all right next thing that he says is something about the lost leader you do not know what this term means the most important thing here is that you note this down doesn't matter if you do not know the spelling doesn't matter if you heard it perfectly right or not just write it down okay whatever you understood write it down last leader all right then next thing that you know is whenever these terms are defined they are going to actually define these terms whenever these terms are you know have come up so he says something like it's bringing the company down because you know the sales are down and everything so you understand that loss leader is really something that is bringing the sales down now the exact meaning isn't really you know associated with it but you understand what what they're trying to say it's basically bringing the company a lot of loss instead of doing profit okay by the way a loss leader is something that is you know one product of a company that's sold for a little less price than than actual than it should be so that people will actually you know start employing the products start buying the products from that company and they will understand that the products are great and they will also invest in the other products which are not lost leaders there's only one so anyway you don't need to know all this but you understand that you know how to take notes you just write down loss leader and then they define it the company is being brought down by the law so you just put an arrow from the lost leader towards your first statement which was which was the company and the down arrow so you understand that you know this is an implication or something okay so this is very a very easy way to kind of you know write things down you don't have to note everything down all right now the company now the manager is talking about advertising maybe you do not have the time to write right so what you do is you just listen to him and you don't write anything at all at times you know that's something i personally did because i'm sure you would not forget this thing you know this kind of remains in your memory as long as you understand the sentence you will never forget it at least not for the next five six minutes okay so that's how you actually take notes be concise at the same time take more of notes down when you when it comes to the stuff that you do not know that you're hearing for the first time but when it comes to stuff you know really you know don't bother with the notes at all in my opinion okay keep it to a minimal level okay there's one more thing i want to talk about this is the fourth point and uh you know at times what will happen is in some questions actually what will happen is that you will be made to hear the recording again so let's say you know the same example i was talking about they will play a 30 second recording again where the manager was actually talking about how the company needs to work on advertising now while this is going on you want to focus 100 on the the actual listening thing where they're actually talking about this thing do not make any attempt to write anything down during this part you do not want to write anything down right now because this isn't your section where you take notes you have already listened to this thing once no now they're making you listen to it again so that means that this thing is important they're going to ask you something that is probably you know said before this this this part of the passage or maybe after it okay so pay 100 attention to it do not really take any notes during this time okay all right and the last thing that i want to talk to you about is you know this was something that actually i i never really did it on my my own doing my own practice but i highly recommend it because it just caught me off during the test what happened was there was like i think six listening passes as far as i remember happened was that the last one there was this girl probably with some some i don't know midwest or something very weird kind of an accident you know at first i was like what language is she speaking so it's very important that you actually familiarize yourself with different kinds of actions i'm sure if you go on to youtube and you actually you know look up for a video on different accents and you know you'll find one very easily all right but it's very important that you actually understand it's especially the accents that are used in the us right since toy field is a us-based test but you know there are various kinds of accents you know people from the countryside and people from the you know rural areas they kind of speak a different different kind of an action so you want to familiarize yourself with these kinds of actions because it might happen that on the test you're not able to understand what a person is speaking in the listening section and that hampers your chance of getting that 30 which you do not want to do at all so that's one thing that you know no one really mentions this but i personally face this it's my it's my really you know i think it's my job to actually tell you about these things so that you are prepared 100 from your site no one can actually no video of recommendations or no video of you know no no tips can actually get you that score unless you actually work for that score you want to go out you want to like you know practice in various environments sometimes you know doesn't matter sometimes the music can be playing in the background music which you've never heard of before or maybe maybe the television can be playing you want to prepare yourself for the harshest conditions at the center does not matter like i said you know people will either be giving their reading section or they'll be out for break so you should face zero level of interference from any of these people but you know just in case sometimes it happens that maybe the invigilator is over there and he's talking to the next person uh you know maybe something's wrong with his with his listening equipment or something so you want to prepare yourself for the worst all right also prepare yourself on taking notes like i said it's not something that would come to you so naturally unless you actually practice it out all right practice practice practice that's the golden rule for any of these tests all right so i'm going to keep this video as short as possible and links in the description you can actually contact me and get in touch with me and ask me any questions if you like on my personal instagram page go on there you know send me a request and actually you know ask me your question i'll answer it as soon as possible okay you can also join the whatsapp facebook groups both of these links are in the description they'll directly take you to these groups and you can just you know add yourself to the group feel free and there's a lot of applicants who are going through their masters or bachelor's process in these groups anyway so i'm sure you'll get some help right and i'll always be there to answer your questions thank you for all your support and uh hit that like button if this video helped you subscribe to my channel i'll make more videos of this kind and thank you
Channel: Yash Mittra - YMGrad
Views: 49,328
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TOEFL Listening Section, TOEFL, TOEFL LISTENING, LISTENING SECTION TOEFL, TOEFL LISTENING NOTES, NOTE TAKING FOR TOEFL, SCORE 30 ON LISTENING SECTION, TOEFL 120, TOEFL 115, TOEFL 110, toefl listening section strategies, toefl listening section 2020, toefl listening section structure, toefl listening section format, toefl listening section practice, toefl listening section practice online, how to score 30 in toefl listening, TOEFL listening 30, Toefl listening section hacks
Id: imnTL0klG08
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 4sec (844 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 14 2018
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