How I Run 4 Businesses with Notion - FULL WALKTHROUGH

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so I currently run multiple online businesses and if you're like me you're very unorganized and it's easy to get overwhelmed with everything that's going on within my businesses I have multiple team members and we have different goals and calendars and timelines and there's so much going on and that is why I love notion so much so in this video I'm going to walk you through how I'm running not only all of my businesses but my entire life off of notion and I'm going to walk you through this basic setup that you can have set up within a day to help organize and run your entire life so without further Ado let's dive right into it so here I've got what I call my CEO dashboard this is the home of my notion you can see along the left here I have everything that I keep and run inside my notion and primarily I've got my businesses so pay Pro which is an online training membership I run my YouTube I've got semflow which is a software that we're about to launch I got paid digital which is a digital marketing agency that has a team and multiple clients SEO and webflow which is an online course and then aside from that I've got things like my you know personal health and personal goals and life coaching and my finances and notes and all of the different things that I'm trying to run and organize and accomplish in my life now the reason that I love notion is first off it's really easy to just Dive Right In and start using it's probably the most simple software to pick up and use but also it has endless capabilities and Integrations that allow you to kind of grow with it or have it grow with you and so it can do everything that you need so the reason that I call this my CEO dashboard this is something that's kind of a very common term where you kind of have a hub for everything that you're doing so here you're going to have your primary focuses your goals your to-do's and then also your kpis your key performance indicators and anything else that you need to look at your businesses and your life at a glance to make sure you're up to speed with things so you can see here on my CEO dashboard I've got what I call my Crux habits or my core habits that I need to be reminded of every day I've got my weekly to do's and I love that I have my checklist where I can cross these off and Within These I can link to my individual businesses if I need more information about what needs to be done down here I always like to keep a specific quote just as a good reminder and then here I've got my kpis where currently I am focusing on my membership members my mailing list my YouTube subscribers and then soon once we launch we'll be tracking our semflow users now there are different ways to integrate and pull this data into your notion but currently I'm just manually updating these typically every week just to make sure I'm on top of everything that's going on now down here you can see that I've got my different goals or what I call my visions and then I've got everything linked so I can get quickly to the different businesses now the only other thing I have here in my CEO dashboard is my big picture tasks and I love to see rather than just like my day-to-day everything going on I like to see that the big things that we need to be preparing for this way I can make sure that my teams are on the right track to get everything done so we're ready for these launches or events and so this calendar feature is really really nice you can switch between calendar and table just to make sure that you can see everything at a glance now one of the best parts about notion is before this and I guess still currently I'm using a ton of different tools throughout my businesses we're using Asana and Google Drives and the notes within my iPhone and calendar and slack and all these different things and slowly I'm pulling all of this into notion so I can have everything all in one place now aside from that that I can do really anything that I need to delegate and manage and organize and virtually everything that has to go into running a business and I also love the collaboration features where I can share specific Pages or folders or I can share my entire thing if it's like say my executive assistant or my project manager and then they can stay on top of and keep track of everything that's going on inside my notion so with that said I want to share with you a few things that I have set up first off I have my weekly newsletters which are the email blast that gets sent out to my mailing list now I'm using a very simple list view this can be created within two clicks you just say I want to list view it opens up and then you can add these and I have the titles of my different emails and as I click those it's going to open up the email here on the right side now this is a great way for me to keep it organized and then you can see here I have a status which notifies Fiona who is one of my team members it lets her know when something is ready to be sent when it's being written when it's sent that way we don't resend anything have any duplicates and we can stay on the same page so those are really effective way just to make sure we're on top of things and of course up here you can see that I have given Fiona access to this so she can check it from her notion at any time now next is my paint Pro page of course this is my membership like I mentioned and for the most part I just use this to outline my goals the roles of my different team members and then within this I have different links to my sub pages that you can see over here on the left where we have our calendar we can have specific information and layouts for design challenges for any Outreach tasks testimonials this is where I create and organize all my trainings and then anything else that I want to whether that's notes or recently we did a launch and for that launch we wanted to just keep notes on our learnings and so right here we have our October launch learnings and within this note section we can all collaborate put our ideas in here and just make sure we keep things super organized now one of the best parts about this is the different layouts that you can use within notion and so here we have what is set up as by status these are little cards for my YouTube channel so here I can brainstorm different ideas and very similar to the list view I can click on these and Within These YouTube video titles I can go down here and I can actually write out the outline and the copy for the YouTube video and then what I can do is once something moves from the brainstorm uh section or tab I can move these over to my main ideas when I'm writing the script when I'm filming and then here at the end I even have a place for me to organize which videos performed and how well so I can look back and determine okay these video titles were the ones that performed the best how can I create more content just like those so again I love these different layouts we're not only can I organize as my businesses but also content and content calendars and everything else that you might be doing inside your business now most of the other layouts I have are very very basic as I am pretty new to notion but the last thing that I just want to touch base on is my notes section I always used my notes on my iPhone and it got really really busy and confusing and so I love now keeping all of my notes within my notion notion has an incredible iPhone app which is what I spend ninety percent of my time on my phone is on that notion app and it has everything there and so anytime I have a quick thought an idea I need to keep notes on a phone call a sales call a meeting whatever that might be I open up notion right away and this allows me to keep everything organized so overall notion is an incredible tool I am diving deeper and deeper into it every single day because I know that the possibilities are endless in terms of being more productive more organized more efficient and my hope is that within the next couple months I'm going to have the ultimate notion set up to be able to run all of my businesses at Peak Performance and so I hope you enjoyed this video if you're interested in trying out notion I will include a link down in the description but this is a tool that you have to be using especially if you're a business owner a freelancer this is going to be the tool for you so thanks for watching and we'll catch you in the next video
Channel: Payton Clark Smith
Views: 24,439
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best productivity apps, notion for beginners, how to use notion for note taking, notion app review, notion tips for beginners, notion app for beginners, my complete notion setup, notion setup, notion setup 2022, notion setup for productivity, how i use notion for my business, notion for entrepreneurs, notion tutorial, notion tour, how i use notion for productivity, how i use notion for work, how i use notion to take notes, How I Run 4 Businesses with Notion - FULL WALKTHROUGH
Id: pmOHndFxew0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 25sec (505 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 27 2022
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