How I Rank For 4k Organic Keywords With a 0 DR Website

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alright what's up guys chase here and today we're gonna be talking about how I was able to rank for 4,000 organic keywords with a zero d our website and one thing I want to tell you guys is that I am sorry my camera stopped working because I didn't have a battery to charge it with because I apparently didn't charge the battery correctly so this is gonna be a video without my face in it so if some of you were looking forward to that I do apologize because I know some of you do like looking at my face I'm just kidding alright so what we're gonna be doing is we're speedrunning you straight through this like I'm gonna show you exactly what I did to set up this website how I did the keyword targeting how you can start ranking for a bunch of keywords like this without doing any link building these links are naturally acquired I haven't done any link building whatsoever on this site and you can see it's pretty much just gone straight up it did go down a little bit I haven't been working on it that much I'm actually gonna start working on it again that's actually why I'm doing this dream so if you guys are curious about how you can improve your websites like this and you can't really go through everything I'm about to show you on this video make sure you don't a chase render comm what you can do is you can head over to this tab right here called resources and you get a free SEO template which will help you audit websites and kind of have a game plan on what to do in terms your keyword targeting your content strategy all that good stuff so let's go into it first thing we got I'm just going to show you the keywords I'm ranking for so if I click on organic keywords on href I can show you that a lot of these keywords are KD 0 to about 5 meaning that the keyword difficulty is really low so keyword difficulty estimates how hard it will be to rank in the top 10 organic search results for a given keyword in a given country it's calculated by taking a weighted average of the number of linking domains to the current top ranking pages the result is then plotted on a logarithmic scale from 0 to 100 low difficulty too high so in other words it's basically just a bunch of links that determines the keyword difficulty now again because I don't do link building I start out by targeting low kts and this is sort of my strategy that I use for all my websites whether it's local national doesn't matter I start out by trying to target 0kd keywords and I'll show you how to do this in a second and then what I do is once I start ringing for 0 KT then I'll try to go for a 1 KD then I'll go for a 2 then I'll go for a 3 so if you still don't really know what I'm talking about here let me show you so let's say we want to break for a certain type of video game now again this is a gaming website so I have tried to rank four things around a certain type of video game called rust and I found out that a lot of the key words for this game were very low difficulty so one thing that you want to do is when you go to target something you want a niche down you don't want to go for like a bunch of different games at once like if you're gonna go for a gaming website if you're gonna go for like bed reviews if you're gonna try to rank locally whatever you're trying to do you want to make sure that you're you're targeting us in a sub niche first because the sub niches are gonna be the ones that are lower difficulty meaning that if the more specific you are with your keyword the easier the keyword is so rust is a certain type of game and it's one of many I could have gone for fortnight I could have gone for I don't know a lot of the video games online but you get the point so once you choose which game you want to go for you you you go for the first of all the lowest Katie keywords and then what you do is you go for topical relevancy now this is very important this is something that a lot of people overlook the reason why I'm ranking very well for this game with 0kd isn't just because I wrote one article where I got one article written it's because I targeted silos of content around this game so if you look and see these different articles we have admin commands items research costs how to make a server these are all different articles so when you start creating topical relevancy for your site that's when you combine the locate a strategy with topical relevancy and you end up ranking pretty well without doing any link building does this guy is this making sense to you guys so far I don't want to like move too far ahead give me some ones in chat if you guys are getting what I'm saying here so what we got here is we're gonna go to keyword explorer and we're gonna take that in each we want to rank for first we're gonna just type in rust now obviously you can see here this keywords very difficult the main most general keyword is very difficult and that's why I was saying when you target something don't go for the most general thing first find the locate es and then work your way up to the general thing don't expect to like say we dos let's say you have an e-commerce site and you want to rank for like blue shirts that's gonna be like Haiti 90 so don't go for blue shirts you can optimize for blue shirts but then create relevancy around this topic for longer tail things like let's say blue shirts for men who are over 20 and that makes things a lot easier because as you create more articles more articles then you can slowly work your way up to a more general keyword so what you do is you go to your main keyword and then you're gonna go to all keyword ideas and once stupid href loads of course I press refresh right when it loads oh my god I can't stand a Chesterton I don't know if like a bunch of people are online right now that's why these it's going so slow okay well I'll just explain it so what happens is you're gonna get a list of keywords and what you can do is you can filter by kati by clicking on KD and then you're gonna go for the lower k ds you can actually filter from here zero to like one or zero to ten and then you could start combing through lower KD keywords so you could see I just put the filter once the filter works and HRF stops being annoying with its loading time you'll be able to see here we go so now you're gonna see a lot of irrelevant things like look at this bleach rust rust sheet metal door damage so that's actually relevant to the game but if you're not familiar with the game it might be kind of hard to start thinking about well what are the things that I need to do to to rank because I don't know the difference between you know let's say nutribullet extractor blade rust and how to download rust skins I mean obviously you could probably kind of see just based on common sense the two but sometimes if you're really not familiar with a niche at all and it's really technical and you want to rank it and let's say you're working on clients or something it's sometimes a good idea just to type in the main keywords like let's save rust tutorials and then look for websites that might be ranking for this let's say the best is to find a niche website so websites that are only targeting this game so let's try rust gaming site and here we go so this one is mainly focused around just this game this websites mainly main focus is mainly around this rust game so if we copy this website it's gonna start showing us in the dashboard we can go sorry into site Explorer we can put in this URL and then we can start getting ideas for what this website's ranking for and use it for our own by targeting again keywords within our current range so we'll click on organic keywords and then you can see these are all kind of hierarchy words like you know 34 KD so we would want to go for those but here we can we we can see reddit rust lfg which is actually a server I believe that people look for to play out with each other and it has 700 monthly searches 0kd so this would be a fine keyword to start out with and start adding to our list so what I'll do is I'll go to my audit template and I keep my audit template in Google Drive and once I get my audit template going I'm going to put it basically on my desktop so I can just keep track of the sites I'm working on and hold on it somebody on my door one second my phone might just be the next door neighbor's so I'll just leave my audits on my desktop so I can just remember who I'm working on so this would be a new audit so what I'll do is I'll take the paid template which by the way the paid template the only big difference here is the free template just gives you the whole you know template with all the different tabs that you can start filling out the paid template gives you tutorials for each of them if you don't know how to do this stuff if you're kind of starting out or maybe you forgot you know like how to do site redirects that kind of thing so I use the paid template also because I have conditional formatting in the screaming frog crawl so I can actually see what needs to be optimized based off reds and greens if you have no idea what I'm talking about here either again on chase earner com you'll actually see under resources the paid template and there's a little video that explains how it works so I'm going to just take this right here I'm going to duplicate it so I'm gonna make a copy and I'm gonna call it siphon King so any site you work on you want to make sure you keep you want to create a template so you can keep track of kind of what's going on what you're doing and so all you have to do is once you have that template made is you just grab this little lock key right here the SSL and you can just drag it onto your desktop and now we have our quick link to just go into this whenever we want to work on it so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go into our phase 3 and phase 3 is where you do your keyword research this is where you're gonna be coming up with your content game plan now for your content budget I recommend around you know five hundred dollars a month at least I pay about $50 per 100 per article which is about 500 words if you're gonna be obviously going for a longer article that you want to rank for more things than you could go for like a hundred dollars an article and get like five articles on your site at a thousand words per article it just really depends on what you want to do I know some clients that spend you know ten grand a month on we're on content so I would say at least for any site you're working on you want at least a five hundred dollar budget if you can't figure out how to make that money for the website to have that budget then you are obviously gonna have to try to figure out how you can write the content yourself or that kind of thing but if you're working with clients I don't I don't bill them unless I can build content with it so anything that I'm going to be charging let's say I charge a $1,500 month retainer I'm always going to add five hundred dollars to it at least for content so I can work with writers and I work with writers on a website called writers access a lot you guys are familiar with this site now you can just log in you can hire writers you can interview them works really well it's about a 30 month $30 month subscription but it's totally worth it because you get pretty pretty good writers that have the ability to write articles that rank really well and they're obviously unique content so now that we have a little bit of a setup for our template we're gonna just go into our keywords and we can start pulling these so we're gonna take just the keyword itself what I'll do is I'll take the keywords just just plug them in like this and then what I'll end up doing is at the very end I'll grab all of them at once I'll throw them into the keyword Explorer and then I'm just a pump out all the data for them that's going to show the keyword difficulty the search volume the CPC the clicks and the only reason I kind of like some of this information like for instance the CPC if there's a high CPC that means there's a high commercial value which means the page is actually worth a decent amount means that it can be usually monetized a little bit better because people are willing to spend money on it for a certain reason maybe they're doing affiliates but it's something that's good to look at and the clicks is just an estimated amount of clicks that first page position gets for that keyword and then this other stuff doesn't really matter as much search features is kind of cool because it shows you if there's like a knowledge panel and you know any other sort of things that might be going on in the SERPs right there so anyways if we go back to our keywords again we could start taking all these different keywords so we got like rust sheet metal door damage and we're gonna take all these keywords and to start putting them in here and this is what I did originally with this site know what's gonna happen is once you have this list of keywords you're not going to want to just straight-up send these to an artist somebody just write them say hey I need an article on rust sheet metal door damage what you want to do is you want to go to google and you want to see what's showing up for this so like if we go look at this and we see it's just like this output and this is all it really is and like there's nothing really on here for this it might not really make sense to make an article for it looks like this might be a good example of what we could put here but you can see this is actually a article that actually looks pretty good so yeah so this would be a perfect example of what you could do to kind of just like what I'll do is I'll take I'll usually have writers copy all this content I'll just send them the article and then I'll have them rewrite it and what I always try to do is I try to figure out how can I make what's already on here better in some way so like let's say for instance you know the article is complete like they've pretty much mentioned everything that they can mention with this article but let's say we could maybe add some more flair to it maybe the design could be better maybe there could be a checklist download maybe there could be some videos in here so you always want to try to figure out what can I do beyond just the content that's on Google to make it a little bit better than where it's currently out you can see there's actually little jump to points which is kind of cool you just want to figure out what's working well replicate it and then add like 10 to 20% optimizations on top of that in your own sort of way now the way you can tell if the pages are performing well or not is you can just go to analytics like so and you can just start looking at the pages and if the pages have high bounce rates low conversion rates if they have low page speed all these metrics are warning signs to kind of go and back and optimize these pages because just because you're replicating what's already working for somebody else doesn't mean that you made it better and the best way to tell whether you made something better or not is just to go into your analytics and start looking at how people are actually interacting with your content so you can go to behavior site content and then landing pages and you can get a comprehensive overview of you can see like this SEO audit checklist template that people download off my site we got 287 sessions in the last six days we got 59% new sessions 171 new users bounce rates 71% so I could actually probably figure out how to make this less of a bounce rate and usually bounce rates have to do with either design or page speed so one thing I would check and this is just to give you guys an example head over to GT metrics or something and just test the page speed if it's really slow then that would be like the first thing I would optimize to reduce the bounce rate pages per session this is how many other pages people viewed while they're on this website after they visit that page this is the conversion rate the conversion rate is actually very high it's a five point nine percent anything above a three percent conversion rate is usually pretty good and then this is the amount of opt-ins I got in the last six days so yeah you can see it's at a three point eight second load time so if I could bring this down to about a two second load time it would probably do a lot better so going back to the website again we always start with targeting low key DS and we start getting our content written around this these things so I'll show you some of the things I'm actually ranking again and I'll show you what the pages look like so we're gonna go back to dashboard head into the website I'm gonna go into organic keywords and let's look at rust admin command so you can see we're number seven for a three thousand four hundred monthly search rate keyword and here's the current things ranking we actually were like number one at one point when we were really working on this site so here we go now one thing that you can notice right off the bat is that we did well with the title in the sense that we have the main keywords pulled the left but the qualifier on the right which is what two is into it ties people that click into is actually truncated meaning it's too long so we might actually be seeing a low click-through rate the way we can see this is if we go to search console and well of course you wanna have search console setup on your website and then you head to your property let's actually go to the other account man my internet slow today so if we open our report we can click into this page and we can actually see how it's performing so Russ console commands three thousand two hundred clicks go into queries and we're gonna turn on click-through rate now here we can see the most the keywords have actually about a twelve percent click-through rate so if we were to actually change that title tag these would probably go up even higher and if you want to compare optimizations because this is something smart to do let's say you could you optimize your website about a monthly every month you want to press date last 28 days and then compared to the previous date range what's going to happen is it's going to show you if the click-through rate did improve after you optimize the title tag or not so I can just go like this turn only in title tags are only click-through rates on and you can see that the click-through rate in the last 28 days went down by 4% and went down by 3% here down by 3% now one of the reasons your clicks rate could go down is because you're just getting a lower position but one of the other reasons is because your title tags are truncated and maybe it's just not enticing people to click on them so that would be one thing that we'd want to optimize right off the bat if we click into the article itself we can see that one thing is that our competition is no longer here which is this is how we were actually getting opt-ins and this is very important as well one of the biggest ranking factors is getting user engagement meaning that you want people opting in to whatever competition whatever free checklists whatever you're giving away and then you want to give them new articles to go to or new videos to watch or something new to engage with anytime somebody goes to a new article and you promote it and you get a bunch of comments or people are searching your brand or they're spending time on your site you are becoming more of an authority website in Google's eyes and the users eyes so you want to make sure that no matter what that you're capturing your traffic somehow one of the reasons why I'm able to get about 65 people right now on this live stream is because I make sure to to try to get people into some sort of free offer and then I bring them into mini chat and then every time I try I go live or some of the times I go live I will actually send them messages and say hey look come interact with this that's how I can get more views on my videos so if I go to my channel you can see a lot of my videos I've been getting a lot more views one thousand two one two point one to point three one point seven two point six you know I used to only get about 200 views per video and this is just in one day it's about a thousand views and that's because when you are continually promoting your brand and capturing your traffic people are going to be more likely to engage with you and when they engage with you you reach more people so it's kind of like a interesting way of doing marketing because you're not really just focused on the keywords anymore you're actually focused on retaining your users and getting them to promote your brand so if you combine these two strategies this is exactly what I did I combined the KDS strategy with targeting topical relevancy so again we target locate ease we work our way up from there we target niche down topics and longer tail topics when we start and then we combine that with capturing and remarketing to our traffic and this is exactly how this site is able to grow and what I'm going to be continuing to do to grow it is pretty much again just taking the topic contents or content topics continue to expand on it and creating opt-ins and building a following and now I can actually use this stuff to build you know followers on a YouTube channel on a twitch channel tons of cool stuff that I can do by just simply taking located content niching down working my way up from there capturing traffic and remarketing and this is the secret to growing pretty much any site without doing any sort of links this is how I did it with a 0dr site so hopefully you guys you enjoyed that um is there any questions before I go don't everybody jump at once if the questions alright well either way what I'm gonna do is I'm going to I'm gonna pull this video I'm gonna edit it and then I'm going to do a edited version on YouTube so if you're coming in late you didn't watch it make sure you head back to the YouTube channel later and you'll be able to find it who does that for the client sites who does what join late will have to rewatch was making cornbread nice
Channel: Chase Reiner
Views: 14,159
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 20sec (1160 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 31 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.