How I Prepared and Passed My Citizenship Test in Canada | 2024

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the day has come two weeks ago I received an email inviting me to take the citizenship test so in this video I will share my experience preparing for the test and by the end of this video you will know whether I've passed it or not let's go I've already made a video about my experience applying for the citizenship back in March 2022. today we are in the beginning of December so it took me about nine months to receive my invitation for the citizenship test about three weeks before the test invite there was an update to my file saying that background check is complete so it seems like the background check is the most time consuming step I was checking my email one morning and didn't even understand it first what the heck this strange email address and subject line even mean then morning coffee kicked in and I got super excited so this email has a PDF document attached to it that says that I have 21 days to take the exam it may means that starting from tomorrow I have three weeks to prepare and take the exam it's time to start preparing seriously as a YouTuber I've already watched some YouTube videos about Canada is history and government that's all great and helpful but I want to make sure to read the official citizenship study guide discover Canada the rights and responsibilities of citizenship so that I can have a clear picture and the scope of knowledge that Canada wants me to know in order to deem me worthy of the Canadian citizenship the invitation letter specifically said that all the questions in the test will be based on the study guide and they provided the link which is very convenient what impressed me is that the study guide is available in all kinds of different formats you can listen to it you can watch it you can read it you can even download it to your ebook and read it whenever you want the test will contain 20 questions and I will have 30 minutes to answer them and I have to answer 15 questions correctly in order to pass the test otherwise actually I'm not sure what happens otherwise it wasn't specified in the email but from what I've heard you will be given an opportunity to study and take the test again actually if you've ever failed the test please let me know in the comments below what happens next alright let's dig into this guide and learn everything I need to know to be eligible to become a Canadian citizen [Music] no no no no no [Music] no no no no honestly so far the static guide is more like a pamphlet advertised in Canada but I already know how great this country is no need to reassure me but thank you three years living and working in this country is pretty much enough to build an adequate vision and understanding of how everything works in Canada regardless of that there are some interesting facts that I've learned here and I'd like to share them with you for example did you know that Canada got its flag 100 years after it became a country in 1965. prior to that Union Flag or Union Jack and Canadian Red Anson were used as Flags actually Union Jack is still used as an official flag in Canada but it's used for the purpose of symbolizing Canada's allegiance to the Monarch another interesting fact is that America tried to invade Canada twice in 1775 and in 1812. in 1812 Americans were defeated thanks to Canadian volunteers and First Nations who helped British soldiers in Canada's defense one of the most important drugs of the 20th century insulin was discovered in Canada in 1922 thanks to Dr McLeod Dr Charles and Dr benting prior to that diabetes was considered a deadly disease Manitoba was the first province in Canada to Grant voting rights to women in 1916. Quebec was the last Province to do that in 1940. not fair you might think well how about that Aboriginal people were granted the right to vote as late as 1960. how many of those facts did you already know let me know in the comments below or maybe you know some other interesting and nerdy facts about Canada Bring It On I've also noticed that there are many dates in the study guide and something tells me that many of those dates will come up during the test for example the year when Canada was founded or when Remembrance Day is celebrated in Canada or when constitution of Canada was amended to include Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms overall I would say that this study guide is focused on four major parts history of Canada political system of Canada its economy and geography okay I think I'm done preparing there are just too many names and places and dates and I hope my memory won't fail me and I'll remember those places dates and names when they come up during the test but what's the best way to test my knowledge mock tests nowadays there are so many mock tests online and actually you can download some apps on your phone and go through those mock tests anytime you want [Music] foreign [Music] so all the political parties do is sit in the office and share ideas who does the actual work I've taken more than 20 mock tests and my result is usually about 90 percent so I think I'm ready [Music] as for the actual test I forgot to mention it's an online test in the past you had to be present in a room with other 30 or 50 citizens to be and take the test but then we all know kovitz started and since then they've decided to keep the test online after all it's more convenient and cheaper for everybody to take the test from the comfort of their home so here I am sitting in this well-lit environment with my camera on my face clearly visible no noises no disruptions and I use my laptop to take the test no iPads or cell phones are allowed I'm not allowed to consult with anyone during the test or use any sources of external information so please be quiet and don't whisper your answers to me I need to concentrate as for the questions in the test I'm actually not allowed to disclose this information as the contents of the test are confidential but it's true all the questions in the test are based on the study guide they're very clear and understand accountable there are no double or hidden meanings and that's it I got 19 out of 20 questions correct I wish they would tell me which one was incorrect because this will keep me sleepless at night important note is that this is not the official test result next the officials will need to review both my test result and the video recording of me taking the test to confirm that I didn't cheat or anything like that and once everything is cleared the next step should be the citizenship ceremony and yes unfortunately these days is also held online otherwise it would have been an amazing experience to be there in person well it is what it is the new post comment reality you believe in so I will see you in the next video and now is the perfect time for you to click the like button below and subscribe to this channel if you haven't already and head down to comment section and share your experience taking the citizenship test or ask any questions you have about the process in the meantime I will go buy my Canadian flag and get ready for my citizenship ceremony we'll see you in part three take care
Channel: Make That Change
Views: 121,672
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Keywords: immigration canada, newcomer, canada, new to canada, first year in canada, life in canada, expat life, career growth, personal growth, русские в канаде, иммиграция в канаду, переезд в канаду, moving to canada, canada refugee, canada pr, skilled worker canada, express entry canada, citizenship application canada, citizenship test 2022 canada, canada immigration, citizenship canada, citizenship ceremony, work in canada, citizenship test canada 2023
Id: MK3ol27vxnI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 11sec (491 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 12 2022
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