GGP: Canadian Citizenship test is going online

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hi there my name is katarina and i'm a program facilitator at the global gathering place since the government have new regulations as for online citizenship tests we would like to give you some instructions and help with that as a part of the response to the challenges posed by pandemic immigration refugee and citizenship canada has launched a new platform for online citizenship test during this time a limited number of clients those who tests were cancelled due to the pandemic and those who are on the waiting list will be invited to take the online citizenship test if they prefer clients may also wait until the in-person tests resume date to be determined once rcc has confirmed the stability of the online testing platform they'll begin to invite more clients to take the test online testing allows clients to complete the test at a time convenient to them within 21 days it will also help prevent the spread of covenanting by limited gatherings of individuals and protect the clients and rcc staff as the department strives to limit in-person interaction to pass your citizenship test online you must have a laptop or pc with google chrome internet browser and a camera a valid pr card access to your email that you included in your application for citizenship letter from the government with the online citizenship test invitation application number and uci number that you can find in the invitation letter here is the procedure you must follow once you receive the letter of invitation for your online citizenship test you have 21 days to pass the test online do not wait until the last day since some technical issues may arise and the link may expire read the instructions carefully in the letter access the link and turn on your camera the website will ask you to read the instructions and accept the requirements and conditions of the test the system will ask you to enter the application number and uci number which can be found in the letter of invitation in the upper part of the letter take your pr card hold it in front of your camera and take a photo placing the pr within a green square on the screen next take a photo of yourself press next and the system will direct you to your test with multiple choice questions you will have a limited time to answer each question once you answered all the questions you'll receive your results right away the system will let you know if you have passed and what to do next if you did not pass from the first attempt you would need to wait for another letter of invitation from the government before you take the test keep in mind you have to stay in well-lit room in front of your computer by yourself and without any noise during the test check your email all the time you'll be recorded during the test so you have to follow all the instructions otherwise your test results will not be accepted you have to be physically present in canada when you are taking the test so be ready and good luck with it
Channel: Global Gathering Place
Views: 137,956
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: EBIf0YuXzyA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 24sec (204 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 22 2021
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