How I Patch A Tire

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Nice to see your doing it properly... I get people who have been to other shops with the old school tire plugs in them. I can only shake my head and inform them that itโ€™s now illegal to repair tires like that.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/FACESS ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Nov 21 2017 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Yea itโ€™s hard to tell a customer is going to be 20-30 dollars to fix your hole but itโ€™s the right thing to do

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/FACESS ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Nov 22 2017 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
hey there viewers Eriko here at self main auto and a quick video for us today today we're going to fix a tire first we got to find a leak though it's got a Ford Taurus really kind of redundant what kind of car it is so this is a slow leak well I mean that's I was going to show you some magic spray that I have but I can see the nail in it so I guess that was easy I'll show you anyways see if this works lissa product we use here it's called tech check it's made by night tech I don't know if you guys have night tech dealers in your area or a product that contains this I don't even I can't even pretend how to say that word it's about 37 syllables so but at any rate it comes in this container and it's a concentrated formula I think it tells you it's very concentrated and let's see yeah so to mix up a pint use one and a half capfuls of this stuff to one pint of water so our 1 gallon use 12 cap fulls so you know and it just comes with a little tiny cap on it I just have you know a new bottle of it that I replenish this one with that I just put a you know spray bottle on but it works really great at finding tiny leaks and I'll show you so there is the nail head and if you know if we just typically I go around I just I just you know will spray down the entire tired with this stuff come back a couple minutes later and it will just be this huge foamy clump of foam how's that for terminology so I don't know what it is with this stuff if it has just a really high surface tension or what the what the story is why it works so well but it works phenomenal of finding leaks absolutely phenomenal more more so on pinhole leaks and anything if you have a really big leak it just tends to just you know kind of blow the liquid right out of the way it doesn't really foam up but if you had these little pinholes that this stuff is amazing it's pretty easy a lot of times too before I spray down a tire I'll just go let's give it a visual visual look around because quite often you know you can see something just sticking out of them that's a nice one quite a ways pull this tire to pull the core out of it going to let it sit there and sweep down will break it down and get it fixed up you have a careful the tire pressure monitor you don't want to break that off the reason I spun that backwards is because when you start to take these off you always got to start at the third pressure sensor that way the beat of the tire doesn't come down and bust it on all right there's our hole and see where it came through great low light here so you can see what we're doing you do this for everybody can see you guys see all right yeah good I'm going to install what they call a unit seal and basically what that's going to do that's going to patch you know the inside entire here plus it's going to fill the injury New York tried to pass a law and not too long ago that that was the only way we're going to build a patch tires but it's my preferred method so I want to kind of see what angle that went in on you don't want to accident you know because we got to drill bits on I don't want to drill a hole wrong way so that was about the angle when it on I feel it on the back side of the tire here with my hand poking through so so I make sure when you come through the drill here will drill just my name where you push it good you'll end up here now I feel that poking right through we've got the inside of that hole buffed out good patch I'm going to use it's just about the size of one of these caps so let's go on stick that on there straight up crane drawers and draw around it that way we've got a it's always a tendency to kind of over bluff an area so I usually try to I've got a little templates made up of all my patches so if we buff that area there that would be perfect for the patch that we're going to use I'm just going to buff out that area you you scuffed up good nice why use a cleaner scrape some of em loose rubber rotting away it's gonna use some more cleaner when they're just better it's going to be good to clean the thick blue and I apply a glue or I guess a chemical vulcanizer put it on there got it in the cracks pretty good and then we just sit and wait and let that dry it takes a couple minutes or waiting for the glue to dry these are the patches that I use here on this style injury really depends on what you know what happened you know what patch we use doing these things out so probably make these things a little difficult get up out of there so this is like I say it's uh you know kind of like I would some people call patch plugs like tech they call them unit seals come in all different sizes got different you know courts finding drill bits that go with each one to you know draw the correct diameter of the stem there so we'll pull off the blue material we'll put a little vulcanizing fluid on the plug portion it's got a wire where there on the end of it that we'll use to actually pull through the hole and then we'll chop it off all right now that the glue is dry remove that blue coating from the patch and get that metal stem to start through there without touching the patch hopefully okay that's a little tricky on these tiny ones you get it lined up grab it from the back side pull it through let me just come in and they just press down the edges make sure it's got a good adhesion and then we use this is called a patch stitcher let's go around the pageant next part of the process I use this product called security co-creator now but it's another product put out by night tech kind of like liquid bandage the tires he said its way I look at it it just puts that puts a protective coating over top of the patch it doesn't really ain't in the ceiling of it but you can see on the can here the stuff that's gotten on the outside it turns to eccentric turns alike this black rubber and I think it just stuff puts off kind of like a you know like it set the security coat overtop of the patch that way there if there's any kind of foreign material in the tire rolling around it doesn't you know have any abrasion against the patch and start to you know compromise the seal takes a few minutes bad stuff to dry but we just mount the tire back up slick incredi ought to be better thing to beat up Sierra so this is a product we use here it's called fry loop I don't know if they use it in the non Rust Belt but it's a rust and corrosion inhibitor for aluminum and steel wheels pilot stuff by the phi genome pals and go through lots of it if I just go both beads with it and it'll keep that wheel from getting all corroded white and crusty because be so it's pretty popular price you should use it a lot work on two big trucks and you know anytime you did like the split rims like on a ten hundred 20s you'd always you know coat the flap down good with that you know before you stuck the tire tube on and keep it from sticking to the rim same thing when you're going back together you got to watch that sensor make sure that's the last part of retina flyby the market bells come before we took it apart put it back where it was check the balance on it sometimes put them back they're going to run out of money without making you in that torque stick now for Nelson cut the tail off our patch double check our work before we spin it a little spray there see that's good snot foaming up on us just pull it up a little bit snip it off and good job because Sheen setup will give it a spin here see how it turns out like I said we mounted it back where it was so the balance before which on this case there do a little minor change here it's my habit if a wheel needs any adjustment at all we just peel the weights and you know start from fresh one out here let's use a stick on weight line up excuse me um everything stick on weights nowadays well they certainly stick well seem to work good let's coach 1250s a great machine for plants stick-on weighs very accurate you can see how if you can see it or not we came up with near perfect balance at static you know point zero six is this phenomenal in our our dual plane balance is right on the money so let's car train you to go left the my way over here you just stick the wheel nuts on the left alright viewers I got to wrap it up got people out there waiting got to bring in another car so gonna let this one down and pull it outside so hopefully you learned a little something from this maybe what it takes to patch a tire maybe some different techniques if you already know how to patch tires and if you know something that I miss you know beside the fact I don't use a low speed buffer maybe I'll leave it in the comment box how you guys do it at your shop or you know what it's your tendency to to do and how to fix them so let us know let's get a discussion going so thanks for watching
Channel: South Main Auto Repair LLC
Views: 277,537
Rating: 4.9204292 out of 5
Keywords: Tire (Industry), Patch (Website Category), tire, tire plug, plug, patch, patch plug, nail in my tire, how do i fix my leaking tire, leak in tire, leak in beed, bead leak, beed leak, leak, leek, Wheel, rusty rim, rim leak, tire tread, nytech, uni-seal, Tire Repair, Tire Tech Information, rma, Tire Repair Supplies
Id: BKwBSzikVrY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 26sec (1226 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 03 2015
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